How To Conquer Metabolic Syndrome

If you’re a man with a waistline circumference over 40 inches and you’re struggling to get your weight and health under control, you may be dealing with metabolic syndrome. If you’ve visited a doctor and found elevated blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and prediabetes, you might be feeling helpless and vulnerable to your increased risk of health complications. You’re probably wondering what you can do to lower your risk and get your health back under control.

Placing the term “metabolic syndrome” on your health concerns can be validating. And if you are one of the 32% of the U.S. population with metabolic syndrome, you can find solace in understanding how metabolic syndrome works… and how you can treat it naturally and easily.

What is metabolic syndrome?

“Metabolic” refers to the biochemical processes that allow for your body’s healthy, normal functioning. This includes your metabolism, which is the process that turns your food nutrients into energy that the body uses to stay operating at optimal capacity.

Metabolic syndrome, often also called syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome, is itself not a disease. It’s the term given to a collection of conditions that together increase your risk for serious diseases, like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

General conditions of metabolic syndrome include:

  • Insulin resistance (pre-diabetes)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood sugar
  • Obesity

Together, these conditions increase your risk of clotting, such as stroke and heart attack. They also put you at severe risk for heart disease and diabetes (especially type 2).

Metabolic disease is found in 82% of diabetic patients because it’s linked to insulin resistance. If you have metabolic disease, your cells aren’t able to respond to insulin—the hormone that helps your cells use sugar as fuel and energy. In this way, you start to have more free-floating sugar in your blood. Your body starts to respond to this increase in glucose levels by churning out more insulin. Suddenly, you’re overloaded with sugar in your blood, useless insulin floating around… and your body is unregulated, unhappy, and unable to function.

Moreover, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes all have one key thing in common (aside from being horrible for your wellbeing):

They are known causes of erectile dysfunction and low testosterone.

Yes, that means that metabolic syndrome is hurting your sex life!

(Also, metabolic syndrome may cause kidney disease, sleep apnea, fatty liver syndrome, increased risk of dementia, and cognitive decline.)

This means that metabolic syndrome has a direct effect on your heart health, blood health, organ health, and sexual health—all of which are vital parts of life and wellness (especially the sexual health, if you ask me).

Metabolic syndrome negatively influences your overall health and way of life. Most likely, you are not in the physical shape you used to be, which can damage your everyday life. You may have lowered energy, be more tired, lose concentration, and feel unsatisfied with your health. You can’t play with your kids like you used to and your dog misses going on long walks in the park.

Moreover, this increased risk of serious diseases can take a toll on your emotional wellbeing. You aren’t living the healthy, fruitful life you want, and you’re constantly weighed down with the pressing thought that you are a ticking time bomb of diseases.

But you don’t need to suffer anymore.

What are the symptoms of metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome usually does not have any visible symptoms. The number one symptom is a large waist circumference, over 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women. If you are overweight or obese, your doctor will likely test your levels to see if you have metabolic syndrome.

If you have at least three of the following traits, your doctor will likely diagnose you with metabolic syndrome:

  • Waist circumference 40” or more
  • Reduced HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) lower than 40mg/dl
  • High triglyceride level above 150 mg/dl
  • Increased blood pressure above 135/85
  • Elevated fasting blood sugar over 100 mg/dl

What are the causes of metabolic syndrome?

There is really only one cause of metabolic syndrome: fat. The more fat you have stored on your body, the more likely you will have problems with your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

Those who are overweight or obese are significantly more likely to have metabolic syndrome. In fact, metabolic syndrome is found in 22% of people who are clinically overweight, 60% of those who are obese, and only 5% of those with a normal body weight. The risks of metabolic syndrome increase the faster you gain weight as well; your risk increases by 45% for every 5 pounds you gain per year.

There are a few other risk factors for metabolic syndrome, but they almost all relate back to your weight.

Age is considered a risk factor, but this is likely because most of us tend to gain weight as we age. In fact, about 40% of Americans over age 60 are affected. As you get older, it gets harder and harder to shed pounds like you used to. Your metabolism (key word here) isn’t as fast or forceful as it used to be. Gone are the days where you could down a cheeseburger and feel nothing. Now, it seems that 3-pound cheeseburger makes you gain 8 pounds on the spot.

Moreover, as men age, our testosterone levels naturally begin to decline. Low testosterone is linked to increased weight gain and loss of muscle mass. If your hormones are out of whack due to age, diet, or lack of exercise—you’ll start to gain weight and diminish your body’s natural functioning. Learn how to normalize your hormones in 5 easy steps here.

Additionally, those with diabetes and other diseases are more likely to have metabolic syndrome. This is likely because their metabolic syndrome caused their diabetes or diseases.

Smoking is another risk factor for metabolic syndrome. Although not studied, it’s highly probable that those 5% of people with average body weight who have metabolic syndrome are regular smokers.

P.S, Race is not a factor in metabolic syndrome. However, some studies suggest that Mexican-Americans have the highest prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the U.S. The reason is still unclear, though it may have to do with a fattier and heartier diet.

How do you treat metabolic syndrome?

But I have good news to share. Metabolic syndrome is completely curable. You don’t need expensive medications with harsh side effects. You don’t need surgery. And you don’t need secret medicines from secret places.

Metabolic syndrome is completely treatable with lifestyle changes.

And I know this, because I’ve been there.

I went to my doctor for a routine physical exam and found out I was 25 pounds overweight with a cholesterol of 245. When my doctor reviewed life expectancy charts based on my medical history and current health levels… I suddenly realized my own imminent mortality.

I decided to make a change in my lifestyle. In 6 months, I went for a follow-up visit to my doc. I had lost over 20 pounds and reduced my cholesterol to 195. Better yet, I was feeling the best I’d felt since my 20s!

So before you start scoffing at “lifestyle changes”… I’m living proof that it works. These changes in your sedentary lifestyle can help attack the underlying cause of metabolic disease: your weight and your hormones.

So what can you do to get rid of metabolic syndrome and lower your risk for the associated problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and *gulp* erectile dysfunction?

By the way, do you know what the second definition of metabolic is?

metabolic (adj): undergoing metamorphosis

It’s time to metamorphose and change your body RIGHT NOW to start lowering your health risks.

1. Boost your metabolism.

If you want to overcome metabolic syndrome, you want to start by boosting your metabolism. Makes sense, right? The metabolism is the natural function that uses food to create energy. The higher your metabolism, the faster you burn calories and fat storage. The slower your metabolism, the more likely you’ll store fat and calories.

Metabolism naturally declines as we age. This decline often makes us gain weight. Moreover, people who are overweight tend to have a lower metabolism generally, because the added fat stress on the body slows down the metabolic processes (hence metabolic syndrome). This causes us to gain even more weight.

It’s a vicious cycle!

It’s time to break it. Who’s with me?

Below are the ways you can boost your metabolism and lose weight—the two keys to unlocking the cure to metabolic disease.

2. Get active.

Metabolic syndrome is directly linked to an inactive lifestyle. You need to get up and move around if you want to burn calories, lose weight, and keep your body’s functioning in shape. Sitting down is proven to be horrible for your health and can lead to weight gain, bone problems, mental concerns, and more. Even just standing up during the workday has been shown to burn an extra 174 calories per day!

Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day. Even making small changes can help you reach this goal. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Bike to work instead of drive. Play with your kids outside instead of on the Xbox.

The best way to burn fat and boost your testosterone (which helps you burn fat) is HIIT. High-intensity interval training is when you perform quick bursts of high-intensity movement with longer periods of rest and slow movement.

HIIT has been shown to burn more calories and boost fat loss in the short- and long-term. One study of overweight men found that 12 weeks of HIIT reduced their fat mass by 17%.

HIIT also increases your metabolic rate, even hours after your workout has finished. In fact, one study found that just two minutes of sprint exercises elicited the same oxygen and energy consumption as 30 minutes of continuous endurance exercise. That means that HIIT can help you get stronger results for your active 30 minutes every day over traditional forms of exercise.

I recommend mixing HIIT with lifting. Lifting weights has also been shown to increase your resting metabolism by helping to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more your body burns fat. Also, the more muscle you have, the higher your testosterone levels. And increased testosterone can help you lose weight—oh, and have a stronger libido and better erections.

Lift weights with high resistance for short periods. This means lifting heavier weights for fewer reps. This will get you the benefits of both HIIT and lifting, so you’ll see fast fat loss and increased metabolism!

3. Eat well.

Cut out processed carbs and sugar. These go right to your gut and increase your waistline and risk for metabolic disease.

The best diet for metabolic disease, losing weight, and overall health is the Mediterranean diet. Studies have shown that men on the Mediterranean diet usually have a decrease in body weight and improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart disease. There are also proven links between the Mediterranean diet and a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction. This diet consists highly of fruits, veggies, fish, and whole grains. Oh, and hummus, olive oil, and wine! Yes, I said wine!

(That reminds me. Avoid beer. Beer is high in calories and low in nutrients, which will quickly cause you to gain weight. It’s also highly estrogenic. Estrogen stores fat and kills your testosterone levels. Learn more about the relationship between estrogen, testosterone, and beer here.)

You should also make sure you’re eating enough protein. Normal protein intake is necessary for weight maintenance. I’ll note here that I do not believe in an all-protein diet. You need all three macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) to be healthy. However, you also shouldn’t have an all-carb or all-fat diet, as many Americans us do.

Proteins help you burn more calories, feel more satiated after eating, and suppress your appetite to avoid overeating. This, in turn, leads to weight loss and a boost in metabolism. In fact, protein has been shown to increase resting metabolic rate by 15-30%. Protein can also help you lose fat without losing muscle, which is a common concern when on strict diets.

You should also add more spices to your diet! Spicy food contains capsaicin, which is a healthy antioxidant for the body. Some studies suggest that capsaicin in spicy foods helps to raise your metabolism and aid in weight loss efforts.

Read 13 Natural, Edible Vasodilators To Treat Your ED to find more specific foods that can help reduce your waistline and improve your sex life!

4. Sleep more.

Lack of sleep is directly linked to obesity. This is because lack of sleep lowers your metabolism, forces you to eat more, and unbalances your hormones.

First, sleep deprivation lowers your metabolism drastically. In fact, a lack of sleep may be the leading cause of today’s obesity problem among America’s stressed, overworked population. Sleep deprivation also elevates blood sugar levels and increases the body’s insulin resistance, which both lead to type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, a lack of sleep causes your body to require more food to make up for the lost energy. This means you’ll eat need to eat more calories in order to stay awake. This will up your caloric intake and cause you to gain weight. In addition, your tired body will be trying to conserve energy (aka fat) rather than burn it. So no matter how much you workout or how little you eat, your body will be holding on to its fat stores as a way to make up for the sleepless lack of energy.

So get some sleep… 

5. Manage your stress.

Stress often leads to emotional and physical disaster. Over-eating and a sedentary lifestyle caused by stress can quickly rack up the pounds. Stress can also cause a loss of sleep, as discussed above.

Stress also increases your cortisol levels, which contributes to weight gain, lowered testosterone, an anxious mental state, and increased blood pressure. Learn more about how cortisol and other hormones affect your weight and health here.

So how do you manage stress? There are a number of methods, and you need to find the one that’s best for you. Some great places to start include:

  • Talking to a professional about your stress
  • Yoga and exercise (Yup, getting active will also help manage your stress and lower cortisol levels.)
  • Meditation
  • Green tea
  • Spending more time with family and friends

6. Drink more water.

Drinking water can help boost metabolism and increase weight loss. Drinking water has been shown to increase short-term resting metabolism by 10-30% for an hour. Moreover, consuming cold water burns calories, because your body has to use energy to heat up the liquid to body temperature (water-induced thermogenesis). Plus, water can fill you up so you’ll eat less. In fact, one study found that overweight adults who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% more weight than those who didn’t.

7. Stop smoking.

Seriously. Stop. Smoking is a leading cause for metabolic syndrome, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, and cancers. If you need help quitting, talk to a professional who can help get you on the right track.

Bottom Line

Metabolic syndrome and its linked risks can be frightening. If you’ve seen your mortality flash before your eyes, it’s time to put away your fears. With the above 7 lifestyle changes, you can and WILL overcome metabolic syndrome. You’ll lose weight, reduce your insulin resistance and blood pressure, and decrease your risk of associated diseases.

And guess what? You don’t have to do it alone. I’ve been there. I’ve seen my life expectancy chart, and I’ve made the changes myself.

I did it in 6 months. And I’ve continued making changes and studying men’s wellness ever since.

Why? So that you don’t have to.

Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program and get years of expertise… today! With this genetic-based report and private consultation, you can lose weight, reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome, and be on the road to overall health and wellness.

What will YOU look like next month?

Sign up for G1 Performance Health right now, find your vitality and achieve your maximum potential.

10 Reasons Men Over 40 Should Take Probiotics

Hippocrates said, “all disease begins in the gut”—and he wasn’t wrong! Today I’m here to tell you how you can regulate your overall health by consuming tiny, living organisms: probiotics.

You’ve hit age 40, 50, or 60… and are noticing that your health isn’t what it used to be. Your belly is growing, you have new aches and pains, and you get sick easier than you used to. You take over-the-counter meds, prescription meds, supplements, this and that… and still nothing seems to be helping your health.

That’s because those medications simply mask your specific symptoms without getting to root of the problem.

For example, you may notice that after age 40 you’ve started getting sick more often. You take cold medication and amoxicillin when it strikes, and you might even take Airborne or vitamin C to help prevent it. But still, your immune system is down. Without a major system overload, you will continue to get sick time and time again because your immune system isn’t functioning properly.

So how do you know what the real problem is? And how do you fix it?

It may not be as complicated as we think. Recent research shows that overall well-being is linked to the gut. That means that oftentimes those inexplicable ailments in your body relate back to your intestinal system (stomach and colon).

In fact, many scientists and researchers even call the gut “the body’s second brain.” The gut sends signals and nutrients to the rest of your body, telling your brain, organs, and even blood how to work.

What does a healthy gut look like?

85% of good bacteria and 15% of bad bacteria make up a healthy gut. This good bacteria helps keep the rest of your body functioning by helping to absorb nutrients, support the immune system, balance hormones, and keep your organs clear of disease. The good bacteria also help fight off bad bacteria, like disease and infection. Research with Harvard Health discovered that good bacteria can actually prevent and treat common diseases.

Every day, we encounter environmental stressors that can deplete the good bacteria and allow bad bacteria to take over. Unhealthy or processed foods, pollution, antibiotics, pesticides, and even simple aging processes can create a disharmonious relationship between good and bad bacteria. Sickness seeps in as the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria becomes unbalanced.

In fact, a study in Neurogastroenterology & Motility found that mice who had higher levels of bad gut bacteria were more likely to engage in high-risk behavior. They also found that their gut bacteria neurochemically altered brain gene activity and organ functioning.

Gut health directly relates to mental and physical health. So how do we keep the gut healthy and the good bacteria at an advantage?


What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live organisms that add good bacteria to your gut. “Pro” means both “an advantage of something” and “before”; and “biotic” relates to living things and the relation to their ecosystem. Together, this gives us an understanding of probiotics:

Probiotics are living microbes that give our gut an advantage before bad bacteria strikes.

There are multiple strains of probiotics, but the most common are Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Probiotics are well known for their influence on digestion, IBS, lactose intolerance, and other intestinal-related issues. But recent research has found that probiotics may also have a lot of other benefits for overall health outside of the gut as well:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce bloating/gas
  • Improve digestion and constipation
  • Balance hormones
  • Regulate blood sugar levels
  • Promote nutrient absorption
  • Boost immune system
  • Fight off disease, infection, and the common cold

In fact, probiotics help stave off signs of aging in your body by promoting healthy, youthful organ processes. Many people may struggle with a lot of the factors listed above and below and it may prove to be damaging to their confidence as well as their health. That’s why Probiotics such as these probaclac probiotics can help with some of these issues and can help give you a better quality of life. Probiotics may also be beneficial in fighting off age-related concerns like:

  1. Weight gain
  2. Cholesterol and cardiovascular illnesses
  3. Mood disorders and stress
  4. Lowered immunity (more susceptible to illness)
  5. New or worsened allergies
  6. Sagging, wrinkled, uneven skin
  7. Diminished bone mass
  8. Harsher medication side effects
  9. Worsened colon diseases
  10. More stomach acid and ulcers

Let’s take a look at the research to back up these pro-probiotic claims:

1. Promotes weight loss

Everyone naturally gains weight as they age. After age 40, your metabolism drops and it feels like every fry goes right to the gut. In addition, your testosterone levels drop with age—and low T is linked to increased weight gain.

A slow metabolism, low testosterone levels, and low energy all contribute to that growing number on the scale. You may also feel as though no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shed those increasing pounds. Probiotics may be the solution to kick-start your weight loss program.

Probiotics have been shown to reduce body weight and BMI, according to a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. They found that ingesting at least two types of probiotics for 8 weeks had the greatest weight loss results. The weight loss was not drastic, so probiotics are not the same as a “weight loss pill.”

Nevertheless, the researchers concluded that probiotics can be a useful addition to a healthy diet and exercise plan as a way to boost weight loss results and encourage a healthful lifestyle. Another study found that the probiotics rhamnosus and bifidobacterium lactis proved especially beneficial in preventing obesity and boosting weight loss.

Even a small reduction in weight due to probiotics can encourage you to pursue a weight loss plan that will lead to overall health and wellness.

One form of probiotics, lactobacillus gasseri, was found to result in a loss of 8.5% belly fat mass over a 3-month period on average. While these results from the British Journal of Nutrition were strong, there was also a strongly opposing caveat. The moment the participants stopped taking the supplement, they gained back all of that weight.

This shows that certain strains of probiotics may help you shed those pounds—but they are not a solution in it of themselves.

Additionally, probiotics have been proven time and time again to help regulate blood sugar. After you eat, your blood sugar spikes. When those spikes are strong enough, your body takes the extra sugar and turns it into fat. Probiotics regulate those spikes, so your body won’t have a lot of free-floating sugar to convert to fat cells.

This means that probiotics may also help individuals with type 2 diabetes.

2. Lowers cholesterol

Probiotics have been linked to cholesterol regulation and heart health. The 2010 Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research found three ways that probiotics lower cholesterol levels:

a.) Probiotics produce propionic acid.

This acid sends signals to the liver and tells it to produce less cholesterol.

b.) Probiotics break down liver bile acids.

Bile is a byproduct of the liver’s consumption of cholesterol. As probiotics break down bile acids, the liver is forced to produce more bile. This means that the liver needs to use up more cholesterol in order to make that additional bile. This helps naturally lower the cholesterol because your liver is using up cholesterol for its natural processes.

c.) Probiotics actually eat cholesterol and use it as nourishment. Nice!

A 2012 study in Experimental Diabetes Research furthered this theory with proof of certain probiotic strains’ effect on cholesterol. For example, L. reuteri lowered triglycerides, L. acidophilus ate cholesterol, and L. plantarum used cholesterol assimilation to rid of unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Basically, probiotics eat cholesterol, force your liver to produce less cholesterol, and cause your liver to consume its own cholesterol. A triple threat.

3. Improves mood disorders

One of the most surprising and exciting benefits of probiotics is the impact on the brain and nervous system, again reiterating the strong link between gut and overall wellbeing.

After age 40, life hits harder than in the past. External stresses and anxieties pop up, and our body loses energy and strength to deal with these stressors. Probiotics may help keep up our energy and fight off mood disorders, making probiotic users happier and healthier overall.

A Gastroenterology study of mice found that gut flora (aka the amount of good or bad bacteria in the tummy) directly influenced mice behavior and brain chemistry—aside from any external factors. The researchers believe that the bacteria produces some sort of chemical that can influence the brain…meaning that probiotics can help correct mood changes.

This may prove especially true for those who have gastrointestinal diseases or an unhealthy amount of bad gut flora already.

A small Brain, Behavior, and Immunity study found that “multispecies probiotic supplementation reduced cognitive reactivity to sad mood.” Those participants who took a probiotic supplement daily felt happier than those who were taking a placebo. They found the strongest effects with regards to reduced rumination (thinking about sad things) and reduced aggressiveness.

This suggests that probiotics can be a potential preventative strategy for depression, stress, and anxiety.

The Gut Microbes study discovered that two strains of probiotics, L. helveticus and B. longum, had especially strong psychological effects and were best able to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Additional research has found that bacteria can signal the brain to better deal with “stressors,” so stress doesn’t negatively influence the rest of the body.

But here’s my favorite study on the link between gut bacteria and psychological health:

Research published in Psychopharmacology found that participants taking prebiotics (similar to probiotics) paid less attention to negative stimuli and more attention to positive ones. Those individuals also had less anxiety with regards to negative or threatening stimuli.

But more importantly, those with prebiotics and high levels of good bacteria also had lower levels of cortisol when they woke in the morning (compared to participants taking a placebo). High levels of cortisol has a direct impact on depression.

High cortisol is also related to low testosterone. Cortisol suppresses testosterone production. This means that if you’re depressed or stressed, you get a spike in cortisol and a drop in testosterone. This can lead to low T levels and all the symptoms that come with it, like weight gain (see #1), loss of energy, and low sex drive.

This creates a vicious cycle of depression, anxiety, low testosterone, weight gain, and more. Probiotics may be able to help intervene and reduce cortisol, giving you better control over your moods, your testosterone, your weight, and your energy.

4. Boosts immune health

In the same way that the gut can influence the nervous system, it also influences the immune system. Immunity naturally decreases with age, and it can be hard to re-boost it unless you drown yourself in vitamin C.

A study in Nutrients found that athletes showed less incidence of upper respiratory infection when using probiotics. Another study by Yan and Polk found that probiotics may regulate the functions of immune cells, showing “therapeutic potential for diseases.” In essence, these studies suggest that probiotics are linked to the body’s overall immune-response system when faced with disease and infection.

Antibiotics go in to fight disease and bad bacteria after it’s hit. Probiotics fight off the bad bacteria before disease gets the chance to hit. Having a healthy level of good bacteria and probiotics in the gut can help ward off illness before it strikes. (Hence the prefix “pro”.)

If you keep your gut healthy, you’ll keep your entire body healthy.

5. Minimizes allergies

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the probiotic B. lactis was able to boost the immune system and lower levels of pro-inflammatory markers. This helped those individuals suffering from seasonal allergies, concluding that B. lactis and other forms of probiotics may be useful for managing respiratory allergies.

If you are struggling with allergies and over-the-counter meds aren’t doing the trick, probiotics are a healthy potential alternative.

6. Improves skin conditions

Probiotics have anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body—including minimizing inflammation in your largest organ, your skin. Studies suggest that there is a link between probiotics and the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and even stubborn adult acne.

Additionally, long-term inflammation is a major cause of wrinkles. Minimize this inflammation with probiotics and restore your face with lots of water… and you’ll be able to fight off signs of aging. Some researchers believe that probiotics also help build collagen; collagen is what keeps your skin youthful and wickedly handsome.

These results aren’t totally proven yet, but we know probiotics won’t make you look older—so give it a shot!

7. Maintains bone density

Age brings with it a loss of bone mass and density. Bone breaks and cracks become easier and more frequent—and also more life-threatening. This is especially true for men with low testosterone levels, as high estrogen levels can take over and deteriorate bones.

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1 in 4 men over age 50 will break a bone because of bone density loss.

You can protect your bone density with probiotics! Studies have confirmed that “probiotics can increase bone mass density and bone mineral content and help reduce osteoporosis.”

P.S. Did you know that milk doesn’t actually make your bones stronger? “Got Milk” is one of the largest fibs of our modern media! Probiotics are the most natural way to maintain your bone’ strength and durability.

8. Minimizes diarrhea side effects

Unfortunately, a lowered immune system also leads to other diseases and problems that call for medications. A 2012 study found that probiotics may improve symptoms of diarrhea associated with chemotherapy and antibiotic usage.

In addition, the British Journal of Cancer found that those participants who were treated with two strains of probiotics (5-fluorouracil and L. rhamnosus) experienced less severe diarrhea and shorter hospital stays than those patients not taking probiotics. This was especially true for participants who were undergoing chemo for colorectal cancer, likely because probiotics can have other positive effects on the large intestine.

9. Treats diverticular diseases

Probiotics are well known for their ability to aid in digestion and stomach disorders—but they may have even stronger effects on the intestines than previously considered.

Diverticulitis and diverticulosis are much more common after the age of 40, and diverticulosis is one of the most common medical conditions in the U.S. with nearly one-third of all Americans developing it by age 60—and two-thirds by age 85. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be taken seriously. In fact, the pain is so intense it often causes hospital stays, and serious cases can call for emergency surgery and long-term health concerns.

But diverticular disease is preventable and treatable. Multiple analyses and studies have shown that probiotics can help prevent diverticular disease by improving digestion and bowel movements. Less poop in your system, the less likely you’ll develop diverticular disease—and the more energy and vigor you’ll have! These studies also showed that probiotics can help treat symptomatic diverticular disease, prevent disease recurrence, and improve quality of life.

One study found that the probiotic L. casei was an especially effective treatment—as effective as the standard medication for diverticulosis. Plus, the probiotics had fewer side effects. A combination of probiotics with prescription medications showed the fastest and most complete recovery.

10. Eradicates ulcers

Similarly, ulcers become a common occurrence with age. Acid builds up over the years (especially when processed foods are consumed), and the stomach doesn’t have the youth and vigor to handle the imbalance of acid. This causes the stomach to eat itself, causing painful and dangerous ulcers and internal bleeding.

Probiotics have been shown to eradicate ulcers and restore the gut’s natural balance. Probiotics attack and eat Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria linked to the development of ulcers. This stops ulcers in their tracks before they even begin to form.

Probiotics thus can reduce peptic ulcers, gastritis, and other stomach atrophies.

Where can you find probiotics?

Have I convinced you of the importance of probiotics in your aging health? Great! So how can you get the probiotics your body so desperately craves?

You can naturally find probiotics in fermented foods such as:

  • Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Soft, fermented cheeses
  • Unpasteurized sauerkraut
  • Miso soup
  • Sourdough bread
  • Sour pickles (naturally fermented)
  • Kombucha
  • Kefir (fermented milk drink)

These delicious foods are an easy addition to your diet. I always recommend eating at least one cup of Greek yogurt per day. It’s a healthy snack that will give you your daily dose of probiotics while also helping to slim down your waistline, curb hunger cravings, improve mental clarity, and more.

The unfortunate paradox of probiotic-rich foods is that many of them are lactose-happy. If you are lactose intolerant or sensitive, you should not eat many of these foods. Nevertheless, you especially need probiotics to help overcome your IBS and lactose intolerance problems.

Thankfully, probiotic supplements are easy to come by. You can buy a variety of probiotic strains at your local health grocer, supplement store, or drug store. Taking the daily dose of these supplements will ensure you regulate your gut flora towards overall healthier wellbeing—no matter your age.

Always be sure to consult with your doctor before starting a new regimen. Your doc can help find the best natural probiotic solutions for your health concerns.

Do you want to learn more about ways to boost your health? Sign up for The Male 90X program now.