Epigenetics Series: How does stress affect your genes?

Could your genes and stress be related? Is stress passed down from generation to generation?

Recent research shows that stress may alter our genes in a way that’s linked to mental and physical illnesses. These stress-induced illnesses may even be hereditary, meaning the trauma of our ancestors impacts our contemporary genetic expression. 

How is stress related to your genes? Why is stress such a problem for health?

And what can you do about it to take control of your health?   

What is stress?

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of “stress?”

Maybe you instantly think of a project you’re working on at your job or a loan you’re trying to pay off. You may even think of public speaking or skydiving.

Interestingly, when we think of “stress,” we automatically think of situations. We think of instances where our bodies are stressed. These are uncomfortable or challenging situations that push our bodies and brains to new places.

These situations cause us “stress.”

In reality, though, stress itself is a response to these situations.

When these situations occur, our bodies release stress hormones called glucocorticoids. The principal glucocorticoid is cortisol, otherwise called “the stress hormone.”

There are two types of stress: acute and chronic.

Acute stress

Acute stress occurs in the short-term. This is when you’re met with a challenging situation that you have to respond to in some way. To overcome this stressor, your body releases a burst of glucocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids prepare your body to tackle the stressor. For example, your heart might start pumping blood faster to give your body more oxygen; your eyes might dilate to see more around you, and your hands and feet might tingle because they’re receiving more blood (in case you need to fight or flee).  

These stress responses are often dubbed as symptoms of “anxiety.” But in the short-term, these hormones can actually give us a biological advantage. For example, they would allow us to fight or flee a bear we come in contact with. In more practical terms today, this response could also make us more alert and energized to give a speech or take a test.

In short spurts, glucocorticoids are manageable and healthy. They can help you tackle a situation with confidence and determination.

It’s when glucocorticoids flood our bloodstream for an extended period of time that they become an issue.

Chronic stress

Chronic stress is long-term. This is caused generally by ongoing stressful situations, like a career you hate, a debt you can’t pay, or an ongoing divorce. Chronic stress can also be the result of PTSD. Even if you aren’t currently going through the stressor, memories of that trauma can continue releasing glucocorticoids for months or years.

Chronic stress causes high levels of stress hormones for an extended period of time. This damages the endocrine system by unbalancing hormones, tiring the body, and fatiguing organ function.

In fact, chronic stress can even negatively impact your genetic expression.

Moreover, this altered gene expression can be passed down from generation-to-generation.

Before we get into how chronic stress alters epigenetic expression, let’s first take a look at why stress is bad for us.

Why is stress harmful?

Stress kills. Stress has been linked to:

Chronic stress can literally burn out your body. Your adrenal glands, which produce cortisol, get fatigued and don’t function properly. The oxidative stress caused by these stressors creates harmful free radicals that severely damage your cells. This accelerates the aging process, damages the immune system, and impacts cognitive function.

Stress is linked to just about every disease—big or small. You’re even more likely to catch a common cold if you’re stressed.

Cortisol and testosterone

Stress also has a direct impact on your sexual health.

If you’re suffering from low libido and low testosterone, it may be because you’re stressed.

Numerous studies have shown that high levels of cortisol are directly linked to low levels of testosterone. There is especially a link between stress and severe trauma with PTSD. Higher cortisol in stressful situations drastically lowers testosterone.

When your cortisol goes up, your testosterone goes down.

Why does higher cortisol mean lower testosterone?

There are likely a number of hormonal pathways that create this hormonal relationship. To simplify it, we can look at the building blocks of cortisol and testosterone synthesis.

The body uses cholesterol to produce cortisol. Cholesterol is also a necessary part of testosterone synthesis. When stress levels increase, all of your body’s cholesterol goes to produce cortisol. This leaves no cholesterol left to produce testosterone.

Testosterone is a critical hormone in healthy adult males. Low testosterone is associated with decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety, weight gain, reduced muscle mass, cognitive impairment, arthritis, increased risk of heart disease, and more.

Low levels of testosterone kill your energy, productivity, enjoyment, and health. And low levels of T are a direct result of high cortisol and high stress.

Chronic stress not only impacts our hormones but also our genes. High levels of cortisol and low levels of testosterone can alter the way our DNA is expressed, putting us at risk for disease and illness.

How does stress alter your epigenetic expression?

Epigenetics involves two key genetic alterations: DNA methylation and histone acetylation. DNA methylation adds a methyl group to the end of a DNA structure, and histone acetylation adds an acetyl to the end of the histone binding. These additions can either activate or deactivate certain genes.

Research has shown that stress causes both methylation and acetylation on a variety of genes, especially neurological genes (those in the brain).  

DNA methylation and stress

One study found that certain psychological stressors can cause DNA methylation of certain genes. For example, war trauma and physical abuse caused DNA methylation to occur on genes that activate damaging psychiatric disorders.

A study of Cushing’s Syndrome, which is caused by excess cortisol production, found genome-wide changes with regards to DNA methylation. They discovered that individuals with high cortisol levels had less DNA methylation compared to healthy individuals.

DNA methylation suppresses the expression of genes. In this way, certain harmful genetic expressions need DNA methylation in order to be suppressed. For example, in the study, the gene for psychiatric issues remained active because stress kept those genes “turned on;” this caused a number of CS patients to suffer from mental illness at a higher rate.

Research at Johns Hopkins found that mice given corticosterone appeared more anxious during a maze test. When testing their gene methylation levels, they found altered expressions in three of the five HPA axis genes.

They especially found higher levels of Fkbp5, which is the molecular complex that interacts with the glucocorticoid receptor. Genetic variations in Fkbp5 have previously been associated with PTSD and mood disorders.


Overall stress and genes

Basically, stress boosts cortisol and other glucocorticoids. These hormones impact histone coding and DNA methylation, activating genes of illness while deactivating healthy-suppressive genes.

Stress also plays an important role in those genes that control memory and cognitive function. Too much cortisol and these genes “turn off,” causing serious psychological and behavioral concerns.

Glucocorticoids, like the stress hormone cortisol, alter the genetic expression in the brain. Thus, any cortisol-boosting situation—like anxiety, PTSD, depression, and stress—can impact epigenetic chemical tags.

Thus, prolonged stress causes significant epigenetic changes that can drastically impact mental and physical wellbeing.

Stress doesn’t just alter your own genes. These epigenetic expressions and psychological concerns can be passed on for generations as well…

How does stress impact your children’s genes?

That’s right. You can pass your stress on to your children.

Studies have shown that environmental conditions of previous generations impact the expression of our current genes as well.

For example, one study found that daughters of women who experienced the Dutch famine were twice as likely to develop schizophrenia. The daughters did not go through the famine themselves, but their mother’s trauma was genetically passed down, increasing the offspring’s risk of mental illness.

Other studies have shown that extreme stress during pregnancy, like living through the 9/11 attacks, can pass the experience on to the child. These children report depression, anxiety, and poor coping mechanisms at a much higher rate than parents who did not live through extreme stress.

This is true even when the children are well cared for. A study of rats found that parents who experienced epigenetic-altering stress passed this genetic structure on to their pups and grand pups—even if they’re pups were cared for and loved in early life.

Although these altered genetic expressions are hereditary, they’re not permanent.

In fact, you can reverse stress-related DNA changes with environmental and lifestyle factors.  

A study of identical twins looked at how environment and trauma impacted epigenetic flags. Although the siblings were genetically identical, their epigenetics changed over time. One twin had depression, anxiety, and obesity while the other did not. This is likely because the latter twin was able to change his epigenetics in a way that suppressed the genes for those diseases.

We have power over our epigenetics.

You can deactivate the stress-related genetic expression that you may have inherited from your family.

And you can prevent the activation of your own stress-induced DNA methylation.

How can you reverse stress-induced genetic risk factors?

  1. Meditate.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to combat high stress is through meditation. Relaxation practices have been shown to reduce cortisol and increase testosterone. In fact, even just four months of meditation practice can help reset hormone levels and improve stress response.

I recommend taking a yoga class and learning deep breathing exercises. You should also get outside to meditate and relax. Studies show that taking a walk in nature is linked to lower cortisol levels. Fresh air helps calm the mind and body—and gets you to exercise as well.  

  1. Workout.

Working out has a direct impact on mood and cortisol. Working out releases endorphins, which makes you happier and less stressed.

High-intensity interval training boosts testosterone and decreases cortisol. Learn more about using HIIT to lower cortisol and increase T here.

This decrease in cortisol has actually been shown to boost cognitive function and improve behavior and mood.  

However, if you have high levels of stress, an intense workout might worsen the problem by boosting cortisol in the short-term. This cortisol increase isn’t harmful to your genes, but it can increase levels of anxiety and tension in individuals already experiencing high levels of stress.

Plus, losing weight and fat can help reduce stress. Moreover, body fat increases estrogen, which decreases T levels. This causes lower testosterone, and low T, in turn, leads to increased body fat and reduced muscle mass—which further impacts stress. It becomes an unhealthy cycle of weight gain, low T, and stress!

  1. Eat more carbs.

People tend to shy away from carbs because they “make you gain weight.” However, a diet that’s too low in carbs can actually make you gain weight by increasing cortisol levels.

Carbohydrates actually help reduce cortisol levels, especially post-workout.

However, don’t go guzzling carbs when you’re stressed, as too many carbs will cause weight gain and this can further increase cortisol and lower testosterone.

It simply means you want to maintain a balance of macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbs. Studies have shown that higher protein diets lead to high cortisol levels, while a strong ratio of protein to carbs creates the most balanced hormones.

Click to learn more about the dangers of an all-protein diet—and why you need carbs.

  1. Get more vitamin C.

Vitamin C has been linked to reduced cortisol production, especially after an intense workout. Vitamin C is also a great testosterone booster.

One study found that vitamin C actually regenerated 58% of damaged testosterone molecules. It also helps with sperm quality, motility, and volume for improved sexual health. Boost your testosterone and you can help reduce your cortisol and stress.  

You can find vitamin C in a number of healthy foods, like citrus, guava, red peppers, strawberries, and papaya.

  1. Sleep more.

Sleep helps reset your hormone levels, reducing cortisol and increasing testosterone.

In fact, if you don’t sleep enough, your cortisol levels rise astronomically.

Cortisol levels naturally rise slightly in the morning to help us wake up and prepare for the day. In reverse, cortisol drops at night to help us sleep.

However, if your body doesn’t drop cortisol at night, you’ll deal with insomnia and late-night anxiety. You’ll also have increased levels of cortisol in the morning that can cause severe, chronic stress whenever you’re awake.  

Sleep is critical to balance hormones, reduce stress, and restore your body’s natural health.

Learn more about how sleep impacts your epigenetics here.

  1. Stand in power poses.

Studies have shown that you can increase testosterone by 20% and reduce cortisol by 25% simply by standing in a “power pose” for two minutes. The researchers concluded that you can change your brain and hormonal chemistry through body language and behavior.

Simply pretending to be powerful and stress-free will make you powerful and stress-free!  


Stress impacts our behavioral epigenetics. Traumatic experiences in our past—and in our ancestors’ past—can scar our DNA. Although we can inherit stress-induced genetic expressions, we can also reverse this process as well. With certain lifestyle and environmental changes, you can reduce your stress and reset your genetics for a healthier expression.

Are you ready to change your genes?

Work With Me

You’ll learn how to change your environment and lifestyle to reduce your risk of major diseases… and finally, have the energy and health you crave!

Upgrade to Male™ 2.0 – Schedule a Consult!

You’ll get access to a genetic-based report and analysis, along with a private consultation that will put you on track to your ultimate health.

With the Male 2.0 Method, I test your DNA, interpret the results, and create a customized strategy just for you. This plan is specific to YOUR individual genes and lifestyle.  It will improve every area of your life, from your health and professional productivity to your overall longevity and total wellbeing. Male 2.0 gives you the actionable tools you need right now.  It reveals what you need to customize and design your future limitless self.

Click here to learn more about the lifelong benefits of a personalized genetics consultation and epigenetic coaching program.

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE 

I look forward to working with you to take your health goals to the next level.


In Male 2.0, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death. A man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either. A man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.SmartMensHealth.com 

7 Supplements Every Man Should Take For Optimal Health

Supplements have gained popularity in recent years. People have started adding lineups of vitamins to their daily routine as a way to become the best versions of themselves. And popularity is right (this time); Supplements are the best way to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs in addition to your diet and lifestyle.

But you don’t want to ingest every supplement that comes your way. Taking too many supplements can actually hurt your body.

Taking the right supplements—and the right amount of supplements—is what will ensure that your body functions in a natural, healthy way. That’s why I’ve come up with a comprehensive (but concise) list of the 7 supplements you should take to optimize every area of your health.

Why Take Supplements? 

Supplements can help:

  • Support the immune system
  • Boost energy
  • Maintain a healthy sex life
  • Protect from disease
  • Promote a healthy heart and brain
  • Stimulate organ function
  • Fight health concerns
  • Improve overall well-being

Think of supplements like your daily preventative (natural) medications.

Supplements are especially important as you age because your body stops absorbing nutrients like it used to. Adding supplements to your day can help encourage your body to start functioning at peak capacity again.

So what supplements do you need to take to promote your health, wellness, and vitality?  

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics are the “good bacteria” in your gut. Your intestines are naturally filled with both good and bad bacteria. But when bad bacteria take over, disease follows suit. Poor diet, stress, pollution, toxins, and antibiotics can all reduce good bacteria, allowing the bad to run rampant.

Probiotics introduce more good bacteria into your gut to ensure a healthy balance.

What does this good bacteria do?

Probiotics help your body digest food and reduce intestinal issues, but they’re more than just stomach vitamins. A healthy gut is the key to a healthy immune system overall. In fact, research has proven that having a high ratio of good gut bacteria can actually improve your health, prevent common diseases, and strengthen your immune system.

Some proven benefits of probiotics include:

There’s also a strong connection between the brain and gut, which is often referred to as the brain-gut axis. Basically, your brain affects your intestines and vice versa.

Think about when you get butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous—like when public speaking or going on a first date. Your brain is signaling your digestive tract, which then manifests this discomfort as an upset stomach. The same works in reverse as well since a bad gut can actually impact your head health, often leading to headaches, fatigue, inability to reason, and mood disturbances.

Learn more about probiotics with my article: 10 Reasons Men Over 40 Should Take Probiotics.

You can get probiotics from fermented foods like yogurt, tempeh, sauerkraut, kefir, and kimchee. But you might get tired of sauerkraut every day, so I usually recommend a probiotic supplement. Find a probiotic pill that offers somewhere between 10 and 30 billion live bacteria. The most common types of probiotics are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria—so search for these in the health food supplement aisle.

Dosage: Daily supplement with 10-30 billion “live” bacteria.

  1. Holy Basil

Holy basil, aka tulsi, has been used for thousands of years in Indian medicine due to its ability to soothe the mind, body, and spirit. It contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and iron, which all contribute to key aspects of health and wellness.

Holy basil leaves are adaptogens, meaning that they’re recognized anti-stress agents. Holy basil reduces cortisol level, improves testosterone levels, and balances out hormone levels. Balanced hormones are crucial to overall health and wellbeing.

Read: 5 Simple Ways To Normalize Your Hormones This Week

Holy basil can also have positive impacts on serious health concerns. Some studies suggest that holy basil can assist treatment for mild to moderate non-insulin dependent diabetes. Furthermore, because of its strong antioxidant power, it may help prevent chemical-induced lung, liver, oral, and skin cancers. Studies have even found that holy basil may alter healthy gene expressions, induce cancer cell death, and stop cell growth!

Moreover, holy basil is antibacterial, which means it helps to fight off infections both internally and externally. Holy basil’s antimicrobial properties make it a natural treatment for acne. Other studies have shown these properties make it a viable treatment for bronchitis and respiratory disorders as well. Holy basil also has slightly sedative properties, which helps naturally remedy headaches and head tension.

Dosage: Daily 600 to 1800mg.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone, immune, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, and brain health.

A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to inability to fight infection, fatigue and malaise, depression, diabetes, heart disease, and erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, a majority of Americans have a deficiency in vitamin D. Nearly three-quarters of all U.S. teens and adults are deficient in this crucial “sunshine vitamin.”

So you need to supplement vitamin D to start seeing its effects.

Vitamin D is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. That means it can help:

Vitamin D isn’t like other vitamins that you can get easily through your food. The highest absorption of vitamin D is actually through sunlight. Your body turns sunlight into vitamin D that it can use for healthy energy function. If you’re not getting enough sunlight or you don’t want to risk burns and skin cancer (good call!), then daily vitamin D supplements are the way to go.

Dosage: Daily 2,000 to 4,000 IUs vitamin D3

  1. Vitamin C

This super antioxidant is used to create healthy connective tissue in the body. Vitamin C is a key component in collagen formation, which keeps your skin, tendons, and blood vessels young and vital. That’s right, vitamin C can also help prevent damage to the blood vessels—which can also help prevent erectile dysfunction!

Vitamin C is most commonly known for its immune-boosting benefits. This is especially true for those who have a weakened immune system due to stress or poor diet. Boosting your vitamin C intake is a great way to build your body’s natural defense against colds, flus, and other diseases.

You can find vitamin C in a lot of delicious food sources, like guava, red and green peppers, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, papaya, kale, broccoli, pineapple, grapefruit, brussels sprouts, and mangos. But if you’re not getting your full servings of fruit and vegetables daily, vitamin C supplementation is a must.  

Taking a daily vitamin C supplement will improve your immunity and help your body naturally detox. If you feel like you’re about to get hit with a cold or flu, start taking 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C to zap the bacteria fast.

Dosage: Daily 500 to 1,000mg

  1. CoQ10

CoQ10 is crucial for transforming food into energy, and it provides key energy to nearly every cell in the body. Thus, energy-dependent tissues like the heart and brain have especially high requirements for coenzyme Q10. A deficiency, then, could be detrimental to the longevity of your life.

CoQ10 is proven to help improve heart function—and even help the heart heal after valve surgeries. It can also reduce the frequency of migraines and improve Parkinson’s symptoms. Plus, CoQ10 has been linked to an increase in male fertility!

Overall, a high level of CoQ10 has been shown to help slow the progression of aging signs in the body.

Your body naturally produces coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), but this production tends to decline with age. Some fish, meats, and grains have CoQ10, but not enough to help your body produce more. A small supplement can have tremendous effects.

Dosage: Daily 30-90mg

  1. Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA have proven results for overall health and wellbeing. Some studies have “disproven” the benefits of fish oil, while others have concluded that fish oil is the ultimate in health. The results are still a bit up in the air.  

However, I believe in the power of fish oil (as much as I believe in the Mediterranean diet). If you want to be healthy, you need the benefits that come from clarifying and detoxifying fish.  

Fish oil has been shown to:  

Some research even suggests that fish oil can help prevent certain types of cancer.  

Fish oil can also promote metabolic function. This means it can help your metabolism break down food and turn it into energy. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and balancing hormones. In fact, fish oil has been shown to decrease body mass index and improve cardiovascular function along with aerobic exercise. Reduced weight leads to a reduced risk of disease.  

Learn more about metabolic syndrome and the role of metabolism in your health here.  

You can get omega-3s from cold-water fatty fish, like salmon and mackerel. However, this is often not enough to get the full benefits your body craves. Taking a daily fish oil supplement can get your body looking and feeling amazing again!  

Dosage: Daily 2-3g of combined EPA and DHA

  1. Multivitamin

You should also be taking a multivitamin daily. The right multivitamin can fill in any nutrient gaps to ensure your body has all the goodness it needs to function properly. 

Your multivitamin should include any and all of the above supplements—as well as other nutrients like vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, magnesium, and potassium. Beyond that, your multivitamin should include a blend of amino acids, which are essential to daily functioning. I recommend looking for amino acids glutamine and BCAAs, which help build muscle and improve testosterone levels.

What should you look for in your multivitamin?

You want only vitamins—no extra “stuff.” I look for products that contain no soy, dairy, gluten, sugar, sodium, or artificial additives. Any inactive ingredients can have side effects that can actually hurt your body, rather than help it.

Some of my favorite men’s multivitamins include:

  1. Nature Made Multi For Him

This has vitamins E, C, A, and D along with selenium and manganese. This vitamin even gives you over 100% of vitamins C, D, and E—which can help cut down on the number of pills you’ll have to take per day to stay healthy.  

  1. GNC Mega Men Sport

This supplement has high levels of vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamin, zinc, and a branched chain amino acid blend. When taken with the other six supplements on this list, your body will feel more active and alive than ever. Plus, it helps raise your iron levels—which is necessary for energy and blood health.

  1. Centrum Silver Men 50+

This is a great formula for anyone, whether or not you’re over 50. It has vitamins D, B12, A, and E along with manganese and lycopene. It promotes heart, health, eye, and muscle health—in just one pill!

I’m not endorsing these vitamins above. I just find they cover a lot of ground. Talk to a doctor (psst… I’m a doctor you can talk to) to come up with the perfect multivitamin blend for you!

The Bottom Line

Eating a balanced, healthy diet of protein, vegetables, fats, fruits, and carbs helps your body get the nutrients it needs to thrive. However, augmenting with additional supplements will ensure that your body always has the appropriate amount of energy and nutrients to work with optimal function.

But how do you know which supplements are right for you?

You’ve read through this article because you want to feel the best you possibly can, right?

In fact, I bet you want to feel the best you’ve felt in years… or maybe EVER.

You want to have a healthy lifestyle—without giving up the things you love.

Thankfully, you can.

And you will…


It’s time to get empowered to take control of your health. Unlock the code to peak performance with the Male Method™ to regain your energy, focus and confidence to feel like a man again. 

We take a whole-body, epigenetic approach to health, focusing on all inputs and how they affect the human system. With the Male 2.0 Method, we utilize science-based precision medicine, personalizing your health based on your unique genetic blueprint. No more guessing!

We utilize cutting-edge age management protocols to reverse the aging process and expand longevity. And we track and leverage your biometric data using state-of-the-art wearable technology to truly optimize your health.

Ready to take the next steps?

Schedule a Call


In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE

Disclaimer: Always consult a doctor before starting a supplemental regimen. Some supplements can interact with diet or medications (especially blood thinners), so you should first ensure that your combination of meds would not put you at risk.

11 Supplement Vasodilators To Ease Your ED

You’ve read my article about the 13 top vasodilators in foods to help bring back your sexual vigor. Now, it’s time to supplement those foods with additional nutrients for a double-packed punch to fight your erectile dysfunction symptoms. You need to add vasodilation supplements to your toiletry cabinet right now.

Are you struggling to overcome your erectile dysfunction? Do you feel like your ED is only worsening with the medications you’ve been prescribed?

You’re not alone. Many men with ED find that the traditional “cures” are anything but a beneficial treatment. In fact, these prescriptions can often exacerbate dysfunction in the long-term. These medications only mask the symptoms of ED without getting at the root of the problem.

So it’s time to get to the root—don’t you agree?

Vasodilators 101

Let’s first understand how erections work, so we can understand how vasodilators supplements help improve ED.

There are three key steps to getting an erection. First, sexual arousal tells the brain to send signals to the penis, preparing your little man for sex. Second, the endocrine system releases hormones that help the penis get relaxed and ready for sex. Then, blood vessels in the penis open to allow blood to flow into the penis. This blood flow into the penis causes an erection. That erectile stiffness is actually just strong blood flow in your penis!

With that in mind, there are also three key areas that can cause erectile dysfunction (aka when the penis can’t get erect) when they aren’t functioning properly: the brain, the endocrine system (hormones), and the blood vessels.

In this article, we’ll focus on the last area: the blood flow into the penis. If your brain is sending signals and your hormones are regulated, then your ED is likely due to a problem with your blood vessels. This can be due to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or other vessel disorders.

That’s where vasodilation supplements come in.

Supplements as vasodilators

Vasodilators create vasodilation. Vasodilation is the process of the blood vessels dilating or enlarging. This can occur throughout the body or in a specific area, like the penis. This opening of the vessels helps to lower blood pressure (since more blood can pass through at once), clear clogged veins, boost blood flow, and increase oxygen distribution throughout the body. Proper blood flow is necessary throughout the body to bring nutrients and oxygen to all of your organs, muscles, and tissues.

And of course, vasodilation opens up the vessels in the penis, so your mini-me can take in blood for an erection. Blood flow, as discussed earlier, is crucial to achieving an erection. Not only does blood flow create that necessary stiffness, but it also nourishes the reproductive organs, improves energy and libido, and maintains regular testosterone levels. In this way, a healthy vasodilation system is advantageous for overall sexual health.

A key chemical in your body’s natural process of vasodilation is nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide helps to dilate and relax the blood vessels throughout the body, especially in and around the penis. Thus, you’ll want to keep an eye out for nitric oxide influencers in your vasodilation supplements.

Vasodilation supplements work twofold: they trigger the production of nitric oxide and relax the blood vessels. This two-step process boosts blood flow throughout the body, especially in the penis when it’s time to get sexy.

So what supplements have the strongest vasodilation effects?

1. Quercetin

Quercetin is a natural flavonoid that fights off inflammatory-related conditions like heart disease, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, viral infections, circulation concerns, atherosclerosis, cancer, prostate infections, and prostate inflammation.

Several studies have proven quercetin’s effects on vasodilation. One found that it works as an acute vasodilator in healthy men, and another proved that it’s able to decrease blood pressure. One study also found that quercetin enhances the production of nitric oxide, thus promoting vasodilation.

Quercetin is organically found in garlic, grapes, chives, red wine, onions, and apples. It’s also one of my favorite natural vasodilation supplements because it’s safe and easy. It has incredibly potent effects in just one little ingredient. It also plays nicely with other vasodilation compounds like tannins, procanidins, catechins, and resveratrol.

2. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that helps the body naturally synthesize nitric oxide while also activating and relaxing channels in the smooth muscle of the penis. One study found that “acute administration of resveratrol elicits dose-dependent increases of FMD with greater potency than other vasoactive nutrients and that this benefit is sustained following regular consumption.” Basically, this study concluded that resveratrol can relax twisted blood vessels better than any other studied vasoactive nutrient. This proves significant circulatory benefits for blood vessels, including those vessels in the penis.

Resveratrol also helps balance your hormones, lowering estrogen and increasing testosterone. This can improve low testosterone levels, which could be contributing to your ED.

Grapes, raisins, and red wine contain high levels of reservatrol. If you’re already a red wine drinker, a moderate amount will give you a strong reserve of resveratrol. However, if you’re not already a wine drinker, you shouldn’t start drinking just to see the ED-happy vasodilation effects.

This is especially true as red wine is known to cause migraines and have negative psychological effects, both of which play a role in ED. Furthermore, too much alcohol may cause long-term erectile dysfunction in men. Avoid these alcohol-related concerns with resveratrol supplements, which are easy to find and are fairly inexpensive.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of my favorite vasodilation supplements because it has so many powerful effects on the body. You need vitamin C to stay healthy and strong, and it’s almost never a bad idea to take a little extra vitamin C to boost your immune and nervous systems. ED-related vasodilation is just one more reason to add vitamin C to your daily supplement lineup.

Vitamin C naturally boosts the body’s nitric oxide production. It also protects NO molecules from degradation; this means that nitric oxide sticks around in the body for a longer duration before expellation. Together, vitamin C produces and maintains NO for longer, stronger erections.

Vitamin C has also been studied as a testosterone booster. Higher levels of T are linked to higher sexual function, which can help ease your ED symptoms. C vitamins also lower cortisol, so testosterone can flow freely and blood vessels can chill out.

Better yet, one study even discovered that combining vitamin C and garlic (aka the quercetin from #1) increased NO levels by 200%! This combo also lead to a drop in blood pressure of systolic 27mmHg and diastolic 15mmHg—that’s better than most blood pressure medications!

Vitamin C has a cocktail of properties of natural vasodilators and erection nourishment.

4. Icariin

Icariin, found in horny goat weed, helps support the body’s production of nitric oxide levels towards improved vasodilation and blood circulation. It also functions in a similar way to Viagra by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme, which is the enzyme that tells your penis when to stop having an erection. Icariin has been proven to be as beneficial as Viagra, but icariin actually has fewer side effects and more potent long-term influences.

Numerous studies have proven the strong benefits of icariin on vasodilation. A 2007 study found that icariin increased the production of NO in blood vessels. Another study in 2013 found that icariin was able to inhibit the thickening of arteries, thus decreasing cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack. In turn, this helped improve blood flow to the penis without any clogs or blockages. Icariin also widens the vessels of the heart, which helps boost healthy blood flow right at the source.

A 2008 study found that icariin can actually stimulate the formation of blood vessels. This is important because blood vessels tend to pop with age—and with exercise, which you should be doing if you want to keep your ED at bay.

Moreover, icariin may help those with depression and bipolar disorder. Research shows icariin may improve overall mood and even help stop alcohol abuse. Oftentimes, mood disorders and substance abuse can cause and exacerbate ED.

Icariin can boost mood and increase NO vasodilation, putting you on the fast track to an ED-free life.

P.S. Icariin is even being studied as an anti-cancer supplement. There is supporting evidence that icariin could be a strong herbal remedy for anti-cancer therapies, even overcoming the limitations of current therapies. One study even reported that icariin had a direct response on halting tumor cell invasion and migration.

5. Niacin

Niacin, aka vitamin B3, is an essential nutrient for gene expression, hormone synthesis, heart function, and energy production. It also plays a key role in maintaining nitric oxide levels and balancing good versus bad cholesterol. Niacin can acutely lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack in many individuals. One study even suggested that niacin, which is necessary for proper heart function, had a long-term benefit on lowering mortality rate.

Niacin is a strong vasodilation supplement that I highly recommend you add into your diet. Red meat has high levels of niacin… so yes, I’m telling you to eat red meat!

6. Grape seed extract (GSE)

Grape seed extract is a vasodilation supplement that will get your penis ready for sex in no time. It activates nitric oxide synthesis so strongly that one study even found a 138% increase in NO levels. Research also shows that GSE decreases blood pressure and lower heart rate levels.

GSE also supports healthy testosterone levels. It blocks the enzyme aromatase, which is what converts testosterone into estrogen. Too much aromatase causes estrogen dominance that can kill your sex drive and lead to low testosterone symptoms. GSE not only boosts blood flow into the penis, it also makes sure that your testosterone-related sex drive is strong and kicking.

7. Pycnogenol

Pycnogenol is a vasodilation supplement made from maritime pine bark extract. It has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic effects. It also enhances blood flow and improves vasodilation throughout the body.

I’m including pycnogenol on this list because it’s a strong and healthy vasodilator. However, you can get the same polyphenol effects at a cheaper price with grape seed extract.

8. L-citrulline and l-arginine

L-citrulline and l-arginine are amino acids that the body uses for a number of healthy functions. The kidneys convert l-citrulline into l-arginine, which then transforms into nitric oxide. A supplementation of l-arginine has been shown to improve oxidative stress for healthy blood flow, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Research suggests that l-citrulline supplementation is more efficient than l-arginine supplementation for the production of nitric oxide, creatinine, and other arginine-derived metabolites. L-citrulline actually converts into a higher concentration of NO than supplementing with l-arginine alone.

9. Ginseng

Panax ginseng, or Korean red ginseng, has a number of benefits for male sexual health. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac and to treat sexual dysfunctions.

You’ll hear a lot of talk about ginseng… and for a good reason! A summary review of studies concluded that ginseng stimulates NO production, improves blood circulation, and enhances vasomotor tone.

If you’re looking for a vasodilation supplement that will not only work for vasodilation but also treat other causes of your ED, ginseng is a strong choice.

10. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) is found in the mitochondria of our cells and it’s used to produce energy that our body needs to perform certain functions. Like some of the other vasodilators mentioned, the body naturally produces COQ10, but it’s not always enough to keep up with our cells’ needs. Low levels of COQ10 are linked to Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, male infertility, and low testosterone. COQ10 also regulates NO breakdown, meaning that it helps NO last longer in the body.

A meta-analysis of studies showed that COQ10 provides a significant improvement in endothelial function (the function of blood vessels vasodilating and vasoconstricting). Moreover, COQ10 has been proven to have positive effects on cardiovascular diseases as well as improving oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.

11. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s work like anti-inflammatory drugs and help lower the risk of heart disease, blood clot formation, and stroke. They also help increase NO levels and blood circulation for happier blood vessels.

A study found that the supplementation of omega-3s:

  • reduced arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction
  • minimized systemic inflammation
  • impacted arterial wall remodeling
  • reduced cardiovascular risk

Another study found that fish oils lower blood pressure and improve vasodilation. They discovered that omega-3s allow potassium ions to flow, which helps the smooth muscles relax (like the smooth muscles in the penis need to relax in order to have an erection).

Omega-3s are found naturally in cold-water fish like salmon. The Western diet typically doesn’t include enough of these fish, so it’s often recommended to take additional omega-3 supplements to reap the full benefits.

Bottom Line

These 11 supplements are natural, organic ways to add vasodilators, nitric oxide, and erection-healthy blood flow back into your life. Pair these supplements with vasodilating food and healthy living practices, and you’ll treat your ED in no time!

Best yet, you can buy all of these supplements at your local health food store. Talk to a doctor before adding any supplements to your regimen; your doc will help choose the one that will work best for your needs.

Vasodilation is just the tip of the iceberg…

Want more advice on overcoming your ED? Grab The Male 90X Consult, transform your body, and reach your maximum potential today!