Inflammation Makes You Gain Weight. Peptide Therapy Can Help You Lose Weight.

Weight loss is one of the most common health concerns among my clients.

Men struggle with weight loss even though they do all the right things: they go to the gym regularly, they eat a clean diet, they take what they think are the right supplements… but something just isn’t right. 

Losing weight seems like it should be easy if you’ve straightened out your diet and exercise… So, why is it so hard to lose that stubborn fat?

First off, the body is complex.There are a ton of factors beyond diet and exercise that matter for losing weight. Of course, sleep is really important, your hormones and testosterone matter, and stress plays a huge factor. Your microbiome and gut health almost certainly play a role, too. 

And, of course, your genes matter. Not just your actual genetic makeup, but also epigeneticswhich genes are turned on or off at a given time. 

In order to understand weight loss, and men’s health in general, we have to think about the body as a sophisticated system. If you want to lose weight, get more energy, and feel younger, there’s a constellation of factors that matter.

And here’s a big one that people often miss: inflammation. 

In this article, I want to explain the connection between your body’s inflammatory response and the difficulty you may have shedding those extra pounds. And then I’ll tell you how you can address your inflammation with targeted peptides to help you finally lose weight. 

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body’s general immune response. There are two main types that we’re concerned with:

  • Acute inflammation is a localized response. It’s what you get when you sprain your ankle and it swells up, gets red, and gets warm. Or when you get an infected cut. Acute inflammation is your body sending in the “good guys” to repair tissue or get rid of toxins. 
  • Chronic inflammation is a longer term, generalized response. It happens when your body’s own white blood cells stick around longer than they need to and start attacking your own body. It’s a deep-rooted, systemic problem. 

Chronic inflammation can have serious health consequences, including increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, Alzheimer’s, prostate disorders, and more.

But in addition to all those severe health issues, inflammation can also just affect how we feel day to day. It could be what’s sapping your energy and making you feel lethargic.

And, most central to this article, chronic inflammation can make it hard for you to lose weight. 

What are the signs and symptoms of chronic inflammation?

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation? It can be difficult to know, but some of the symptoms include:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Heartburn, nausea, gas, and other gut problems
  • Fatigue and chronic feelings of being tired
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Prostate problems
  • Stress
  • Mental fog or emotional instability
  • High cholesterol or blood pressure
  • Pains or weakness in the muscles that don’t have a clear cause

Chronic inflammation often simply looks like a general feeling of being unwell without a clear cause. 

What causes inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is caused by the regular suspects that are related to poor health: a poor diet that’s high in sugars, saturated fats, and trans fats; obesity; stress; and smoking. It can also be caused by periodontal disease, an imbalance of hormones, and inadequate sleep. 

How does inflammation contribute to weight gain?

Inflammation and weight gain go together. 

First, the research suggests that fatty tissue can trigger inflammation. One study found that adipose tissue actually stimulates your body to release inflammatory mediators like interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α. Other research has suggested that overeating can lead to inflammation. So being overweight can contribute to inflammation.

But it works the other way, too: inflammation can cause you to gain weight—and keep it. One way inflammation does that is by changing how we absorb and use the food we eat. Inflammation can actually affect our gut health: it can influence the bacteria that make up our microbiome and even affect how nutrients and energy are extracted from the food we eat. 

For another thing, inflammation may cause us to feel more hungry and to choose to eat foods that are worse for us. And to make matters worse, it also may be one cause of insulin resistance, which makes it more difficult to turn blood glucose into energy.

So being overweight can contribute to chronic inflammation. And inflammation contributes to weight gain. It can turn into a vicious cycle. 

The good news is that you can reverse it: losing weight helps reduce inflammation… and reducing inflammation will help you lose weight. 

How to reduce inflammation

Adopting a generally healthy lifestyle can help reduce inflammation. That means eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet; avoiding processed foods, sugary, and fried foods; exercising enough; managing your stress; sleeping enough; and quitting smoking. Those are the basics. 

But even after doing all those things, you may find that you need a bit of a boost to lower your inflammation. 

That’s where the strategic use of peptide therapies comes in. 

Peptides can help disrupt chronic inflammation and help you lose weight

The scientific and medical community is only really just becoming aware of how important peptides can be in helping people age well.

Peptides are small chains of amino acids—like proteins, but shorter. 

What do peptides do? Well, there are now thousands of different peptides known to scientists, and there’s a huge variety in the effect that they have. But they often work as chemical signals, helping our body to regulate itself. 

For instance, some boost your immune system; others, like BPC-157, help your body repair tissues; others, like tesamorelin, stimulate growth hormone and help you put on muscle; and yet others, like amlexanox, can reduce inflammation and help burn fat. 

If peptides are made naturally, how does peptide therapy help?

Our body naturally makes peptides, but production of these essential chemical regulators tend to decrease with age. That’s one of the reasons that our body stops functioning properly as we get older.

Peptide therapies and supplements help restore key peptides back to the level you had in your early 20s. And they can bring back the benefits of a younger body: faster healing, faster metabolism, and improved weight loss, among others. 

Amlexanox and weight loss

Amlexanox is one peptide that plays a role in reducing inflammation. That’s why it’s one of the best peptides for weight loss and fat loss

Amlexanox has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Traditionally, it’s actually been used to treat stomach ulcers because it reduces healing time and pain. It works in several ways, including by inhibiting the release of histamine and leukotrienes.

But it also has been found to promote weight loss. 

Some research has found that Amlexanox inhibits the TBK1 enzyme, which may enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. It also seems to inhibit IKK-ε, which is an inflammatory mediator. By inhibiting it, Amlexanox improves the metabolism of glucose and improves energy. 

Finally—and this brings us back to epigenetics—Amlexanox seems to “turn off” the expression of “fat genes”

While the research on Amlexanox is still in its infancy, the existing literature does suggest that Amlexanox can have some powerful effects: fighting weight loss and reducing inflammation so you feel your best.

Amlexanox plus TTA give fat a one-two punch

When Amlexanox is used to combat weight gain, it’s usually combined with Tetradecylthioacetic Acid, or TTA. 

TTA is a fatty acid that’s given as a nutritional supplement. When you hear “fatty acid”, you might think that’s a bad thing. But don’t worry—it doesn’t get used by the body for fuel. Instead, it actually helps regulate how the body stores fat.

TTA helps decrease hunger and upregulate metabolism of fat. That means it helps you burn through fat quicker. 

Together, Amlexanox and TTA are an effective fat-fighting duo. 

The men’s health takeaway: Target inflammation to lose weight

The body works together in one big system. That’s why it’s not enough for many people to use a simple equation like, “calories in, calories out”. If it were, weight-loss diets would work and it would be easier to slim down.

To really lose weight and feel healthy, you need a systems approach.

It turns out that a very significant contributor to gaining weight from fat is inflammation. That means that if you’re trying to lose weight, you want to do what you can to minimize inflammation. Some things you can do yourself, like eating well and getting enough sleep. 


But you might also want to power-up your own efforts with a tailor-made plan from an expert in peptide therapies. A personalized medicine plan that includes the strategic use of peptides like Amlexanox may be exactly what you need to get your body working at its best.  

Schedule a consultation to learn how  peptides can help you lose weight. 

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance.

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE

Testosterone Myths Busted: What Men REALLY Need According to Men’s Health Expert Dr. Tracy Gapin

Debunking Testosterone Myths with Dr. Tracy Gapin: Unleashing Your Inner Beast Mode

Are you tired of the same old health advice? Dr. Tracy Gapin revolutionizes your approach to men’s health with a blend of science, humor, and a testosterone toolkit. Subsequently blowing your mind as well as busting testosterone myths. Say goodbye to conventional wisdom because Dr. Gapin is about to shake up your beliefs with his groundbreaking strategies.

The Game-Changing Tactics of Dr. Tracy Gapin

“Success for the Athletic-Minded Man”  features, Dr. Gapin, a globally recognized men’s health and performance expert and board-certified urologist. Firstly, helping you optimize every facet of your well-being. For example, overhauling your nutrition to mastering the art of quality sleep and ramping up your fitness routine. Dr. Gapin provides tips guaranteed to revitalize your body and mind.

Unleash Your Inner Beast Mode

If you’re tired of feeling sluggish, uninspired, and trapped in a rut, Dr. Gapin is ready to take you on a transformative journey to peak performance. Additionally, it’s time to reclaim your vitality, redefine your limits, and become the unstoppable force you were always meant to be.

Bunking Testosterone Myths & Unlocking the Secrets to Peak Performance

Dr. Gapin’s episode is a treasure trove of wisdom, wit, and practical advice that will leave you wanting to hit the rewind button and listen to it over and over again. Hence, tune in now and prepare to be captivated by the game-changing insights that will revolutionize your approach to men’s health.

Contact Us Today!

In conclusion, Dr. Tracy Gapin’s unconventional approach to men’s health is a breath of fresh air in a world saturated with conventional wisdom. Specifically, by debunking testosterone myths and providing actionable strategies for peak performance. Thus, he is empowering men to unleash their inner beast mode and embrace a new paradigm of well-being. Tune in to discover the keys to revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit. Do you want more energy and focus? Looking for more drive? Ready to achieve high performance? Our expert health optimization team at the Gapin Institute is ready to help you! Contact Us Today!

The Connection Between Better Sleep and Overall Health


Welcome to The Sleep Experience podcast. Here, we learn about staying healthy and getting good rest with Dr. Tracy Gatman, an expert in men’s health and performance. Dr. Gatman helps people feel their best by using the latest research and practical tips.

Firstly, rest is an essential part of our overall well-being, yet many of us struggle to get a good night’s rest. If you find yourself tossing and turning, counting sheep, or waking up feeling groggy, it’s time to unlock the secrets to a restful night’s rest. In this comprehensive podcast we will provide you with all the information you need on how to rest better.

From creating a calming bedtime routine to optimizing your sleep environment, we will delve into the science of rest and uncover practical tips for achieving quality rest. Furthermore, discover the importance of rest hygiene and how it affects your sleep quality. Explore natural remedies and relaxation techniques that can help you drift off into dreamland. And learn about the role of nutrition, exercise, and technology in rest.

The Importance of Sleep

Whether you suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea, or simply want to improve your rest quality, listed to this podcast. Nonetheless, say goodbye to restless nights and hello to rejuvenating sleep. Get ready to unlock the secrets to a restful night’s rest and wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day.

In this episode, we talk about how important deep sleep is for our health and how we can improve. Dr. Gatman shares tips on supplements and technologies to help us rest better. We also learn about advanced ways to find and treat rest problems.

How do I learn more?

Join us as we unearth actionable insights to enrich your sleep quality and overall well-being. Uncover the secrets to unlocking your full potential through improved rest habits and personalized health strategies. Additionally, tune in to glean invaluable wisdom from Dr. Tracy Gatman and take a significant step towards attaining peak vitality. At Gapin Institute, about your health and safety and strive to do everything we can to help support you and your health! Schedule a FREE Consultation to talk about your sleep!


Build Testosterone Naturally with Dr. Tracy Gapin

Men’s testosterone levels have been a major concern for over two decades, with many experiencing a significant decline. Dr. Gapin is among a growing number of medical professionals advocating to build testosterone naturally to address this issue.

While he does prescribe synthetic testosterone when necessary, he also provides valuable insights into the reasons behind low testosterone in men and offers natural methods to boost testosterone levels. Additionally, we explore how to approach discussions with your doctor about how to build testosterone naturally.

During the show, I also highlight an excellent product called Alpha Energy to build testosterone naturally. This herbal formula was used by male and female athletes on the Russian Olympic team, contributing to their success in the 1960 Olympics. Our formulator has a close connection to the original developer, allowing us to offer this exceptional product. It’s important to note that Alpha Energy requires a 6-8 month ramp-up period, as it aids the body in building precursors to naturally increase testosterone production.

Dr. Gapin emphasizes the importance of taking care of one’s own health using natural solutions. He delves into the various factors contributing to the decline in building testosterone levels, including lifestyle, diet, and environmental influences. By addressing these factors, it’s possible to build testosterone naturally without solely relying on synthetic treatments.

Furthermore, we discuss how to navigate appointments with medical professionals when exploring how to build testosterone naturally. It’s crucial to have open and informed discussions with your doctor to find the best approach for your individual needs.

Moreover, for more valuable insights and education, please consider checking out G1 Health. If you know someone who could benefit learning how to build testosterone naturally, please share it with them to spread the knowledge. Love & Light, Coach Tim.

“The Genius Life Podcast: Dr. Tracy Gapin and Max Lugavere Discuss Natural Solutions for Low Testosterone in Men”

In the podcast “The Top Causes of Low Testosterone in Men and How to Boost It Naturally,” Max Lugavere and Dr. Tracy Gapin provide an in-depth exploration of the factors contributing to low testosterone levels in men and offer natural methods to address this issue. Dr. Gapin discusses the various causes of low testosterone, shedding light on the impact of modern lifestyles, stress, diet, and environmental factors on hormonal balance. This informative discussion is part of “The Genius Life” series hosted by Max Lugavere, where experts like Dr. Gapin share valuable insights on optimizing health and well-being.

Throughout the presentation, Max Lugavere and Dr. Tracy Gapin emphasize the importance of understanding the symptoms and implications of low testosterone, while also offering practical and holistic strategies to naturally boost testosterone levels. Their approach integrates scientific knowledge with actionable advice, making the information accessible and relevant to a wide audience.

Dr. Gapin’s expertise and engaging delivery captivate listeners, as he discusses the significance of optimizing sleep, managing stress, and adopting a nutrient-dense diet to support hormonal health. He also explores the role of exercise, supplementation, and mindfulness practices in promoting testosterone production and overall well-being.

What sets this podcast apart is Dr. Gapin’s ability to distill complex medical concepts into easily understandable information, empowering listeners to take charge of their health. By combining evidence-based insights with relatable examples, he effectively communicates the multifaceted nature of low testosterone and the potential for natural interventions.

Overall, “The Top Causes of Low Testosterone in Men and How to Boost It Naturally” offers a compelling blend of education and practical guidance, making it a valuable resource for individuals seeking to optimize their hormonal health. Dr. Gapin’s expertise and passion for empowering individuals to improve their well-being shine through in this enlightening presentation, leaving listeners with actionable steps to enhance their overall health and vitality.

Watch it on youtube:

“The Top Causes of Low Testosterone in Men and How to Boost It Naturally” with Max Lugavere & Dr. Tracy Gapin

In the podcast “The Top Causes of Low Testosterone in Men and How to Boost It Naturally,” Max Lugavere and Dr. Tracy Gapin provide an in-depth exploration of the factors contributing to low testosterone levels in men and offer natural methods to address this issue. Dr. Gapin discusses the various causes of low testosterone, shedding light on the impact of modern lifestyles, stress, diet, and environmental factors on hormonal balance. This informative discussion is part of “The Genius Life” series hosted by Max Lugavere, where experts like Dr. Gapin share valuable insights on optimizing health and well-being.

Throughout the presentation, Max Lugavere and Dr. Tracy Gapin emphasize the importance of understanding the symptoms and implications of low testosterone, while also offering practical and holistic strategies to naturally boost testosterone levels. Their approach integrates scientific knowledge with actionable advice, making the information accessible and relevant to a wide audience.

Dr. Gapin’s expertise and engaging delivery captivate listeners, as he discusses the significance of optimizing sleep, managing stress, and adopting a nutrient-dense diet to support hormonal health. He also explores the role of exercise, supplementation, and mindfulness practices in promoting testosterone production and overall well-being.

What sets this podcast apart is Dr. Gapin’s ability to distill complex medical concepts into easily understandable information, empowering listeners to take charge of their health. By combining evidence-based insights with relatable examples, he effectively communicates the multifaceted nature of low testosterone and the potential for natural interventions.

Overall, “The Top Causes of Low Testosterone in Men and How to Boost It Naturally” offers a compelling blend of education and practical guidance, making it a valuable resource for individuals seeking to optimize their hormonal health. Dr. Gapin’s expertise and passion for empowering individuals to improve their well-being shine through in this enlightening presentation, leaving listeners with actionable steps to enhance their overall health and vitality.

Watch it on youtube:

Is our Health Care System really broken? What is Preventative Medicine & High-Performance Health?

What is Preventative Medicine & High-Performance Health? Is our Health Care System really broken? Why are testosterone levels plummeting around the world? What should you be doing to ensure you’re living a healthy life?

In this compelling podcast episode, Dr. Tracy Gapin takes listeners on an insightful journey into the realm of preventative medicine and high-performance health. With his expertise and passion for wellness, Dr. Gapin tackles pressing questions about the state of our healthcare system, shedding light on its strengths and potential areas for improvement. As he discusses the concerning decline in testosterone levels around the world, he offers a thought-provoking perspective on the factors contributing to this trend and its implications for overall health.

Listeners are treated to valuable insights into maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with Dr. Gapin providing practical advice and evidence-based strategies for optimizing well-being. From the importance of nutrition and exercise to the role of stress management and quality sleep, this episode serves as a comprehensive guide to proactive health management. Dr. Gapin’s expertise and engaging delivery make this discussion both informative and empowering, offering a wealth of information to inspire positive lifestyle changes.

As the conversation unfolds, listeners are encouraged to take an active role in their own health journey, equipping themselves with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions. Dr. Gapin’s emphasis on personalized, high-performance health underscores the importance of tailored approaches that consider individual needs and goals. By the end of the episode, listeners will emerge with a deeper understanding of preventative medicine and a renewed sense of agency in pursuing better health.

With its wealth of valuable information and empowering insights, this podcast episode serves as a beacon of guidance for those seeking to enhance their well-being. Dr. Tracy Gapin’s expertise and genuine commitment to health advocacy shine through, making this discussion an invaluable resource for anyone looking to embark on a path to better health.

Dr. Tracy Gapin: How Toxins & Lifestyle Choices Lower Testosterone Levels

This week, Tee is thrilled to have Dr. Tracy Gapin back on the show for a comprehensive discussion about the current health crisis surrounding declining testosterone rates in men and its underlying causes. Dr. Gapin, a distinguished board-certified urologist, leading men’s health and performance expert, and founder of The Gapin Institute, has garnered national media attention for his groundbreaking work, which has not only transformed the lives of his patients but also attracted widespread acclaim from notable outlets such as CNN, Fox News, and The Wall Street Journal.

During the episode, Tee and Dr. Gapin delve into the critical issue of decreasing testosterone levels, emphasizing that it is not merely a personal or isolated concern but rather a burgeoning national dilemma. This often-overlooked health crisis is affecting an increasing number of men across the United States, profoundly impacting their overall quality of life, from physical well-being to emotional health. The gravity of this escalating epidemic cannot be overstated, as it holds far-reaching implications for men’s health on a national scale.

Dr. Gapin meticulously dissects the root cause of the testosterone crisis, providing professional advice on how men can proactively safeguard against this trend and take steps to reverse any damage that may have already impacted their testosterone levels and sperm count. Beyond the discussion of testosterone and men’s health, Tee and Dr. Gapin also explore the captivating realm of advanced anti-aging techniques and experimental treatments. Dr. Gapin shares some of the cutting-edge research conducted by himself and his colleagues at the Gapin Institute, aimed at enhancing the longevity, vitality, and overall quality of life of his patients from around the world. Their pioneering efforts in this field are poised to revolutionize the approach to men’s health and well-being, offering hope and transformative solutions to those grappling with declining testosterone levels and related health challenges.

Male Hormones and Thyroid Health with Dr. Tracy Gapin

“The single biggest factor when it comes to low testosterone is the toxins in our environment that are crushing our health.” – Dr. Tracy Gapin

From toxins in our food to toxins in our water and personal care products, studies have shown that these physiological stressors are crushing thyroid function and healthy testosterone production and function. Add to that the chronic stress of our modern lives, and it’s no wonder many men suffer from hormone imbalances.

Today, I’m joined by Dr. Tracy Gapin to explore the topic of men’s health in more detail. Dr. Gapin is a board-certified urologist, world-renowned men’s health and performance expert, and the founder of the Gapin Institute for High Performance Health. A thought leader, professional speaker, and the author of the best-selling books Male 2.0 and Codes of Longevity, Dr. Gapin has over 20 years of experience focused on men’s health, human performance, and longevity.

In this conversation, Dr. Gapin and I discuss the reasons behind low male hormones, the role of stress in hormone imbalances, why it’s critical to address multiple systems to correct the cycle, Dr. Gapin’s approach to hormone testing, natural ways to increase testosterone, the benefits of testosterone therapy, and more. Enjoy the episode!

The No-Excuse Approach to Sleep and Work Performance for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur magazine has recently published an article by Tracy Gapin, MD, titled “How to Improve Your Sleep and See Greater Success.” In this article, Dr. Gapin provides valuable insights into the importance of sleep and how it can impact your overall success.

Dr. Gapin is a board-certified urologist and men’s health expert who has spent years researching and studying the impact of sleep on overall health and wellness. In his article, he highlights the fact that sleep is often overlooked as a key factor in achieving success, both in business and personal life.

According to Dr. Gapin, lack of sleep can lead to a host of negative consequences, including decreased productivity, poor decision-making, and increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize sleep as a crucial aspect of our daily routine.

Dr. Gapin provides several tips for improving sleep quality, including establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a sleep-conducive environment, practicing relaxation techniques, and paying attention to diet and exercise habits. He emphasizes the importance of creating a relaxing bedtime routine, such as reading a book or taking a warm bath, to signal to the body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Dr. Gapin’s article is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality and overall health and wellness. By following his tips and prioritizing sleep, individuals can improve their productivity, decision-making abilities, and ultimately achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives.

Entrepreneur magazine is known for providing valuable insights and resources for entrepreneurs and business leaders. With Dr. Gapin’s expertise and insights, their readers can benefit from the latest research and advice on improving their sleep habits and achieving greater success in all areas of life. If you’re looking for more insight, check out Dr. Tracy Gapin’s G1 Program!

How Male Testosterone and Toxins Mess With You

Male Testosterone is often seen as the key to men’s health and performance. However, board-certified urologist Dr. Tracy Gapin is challenging this notion and offering new ways to improve men’s well-being beyond just testosterone. In this episode of The Human Upgrade™, he explains how a systems biology approach can provide a broader perspective on men’s health.

Dr. Tracy highlights the alarming decrease in testosterone levels over the last 30 years, with free testosterone down over 45%. He attributes this to endocrine disruptors, toxins, and chemicals in our environment that are crushing men’s health and testosterone. These toxins are found in food, water, and personal care products, and they are almost everywhere.

In his book, “The Testosterone Switch,” Dr. Tracy details how he went on a quest to find answers after experiencing his own health crash at 42. He founded a foundation and created a proprietary approach that goes beyond conventional options to address root causes of men’s issues and solve them.

Dr. Tracy emphasizes the impact of mindset, stress, and environment on energy and focus. He recommends a trifecta of prioritizing sleep, building resilience to stress, and creating consistent behaviors with intention for higher performance for male testosterone. He also explores various topics such as epigenetic coaching, hormones, peptide therapy, biometric monitoring, and unique nutrition and lifestyle interventions to improve health and performance.

This insightful conversation delves into epigenetic signals and gene expression, offering new ways for men to improve their health and well-being beyond just male testosterone. It is easy to read and understand, making it accessible for anyone interested in improving their health and performance. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from a board-certified urologist and discover new ways to upgrade your health.