Men’s Health: How BPC 157 Could Supercharge Your Body’s Healing and Health

How BPC-157 could supercharge your body's healing and health
BPC-157 helps repair tissues and helps your body recover.

I’m getting really excited about peptides.

It’s not just me: the general medical community is coming to understand—if slowly— what a small group of dedicated researchers have known for decades: peptides may be the key to aging gracefully. 

They’re promising for a few reasons. 

The first—and most important—is that they actually seem to work. Unlike many fads in the men’s health and precision medicine space, peptides are walking the talk.

The second is that they work by using your body’s own biology. Rather than introducing a harsh chemical to your system and hoping for the best, peptides are already used by your body to regulate itself. So they fit well in our body’s complex machinery.

And the third reason is that there are so many. There are thousands of peptides known to science, and only a handful have been truly and properly studied. Different peptides have very different effects. There’s a ton of promise. 

This article is about one peptide in particular that is widely used in athletics and by biohackers. It’s called “gastric pentadecapeptide body protection compound” but is more commonly known as BPC-157—“body protection compound”. 

While we’re still learning more about it, the evidence indicates it could be used to greatly boost recovery from injuries, help heal stomach ulcers, and have a number of other protective effects. 

What is BPC-157?

BPC is a peptide, which means it’s a short chain of amino acids—the substances that make up proteins. It’s a pentadecapeptide, which means that it’s made up of 15 amino acids held together by peptide bonds.

BPC is considered a “synthetic” peptide because this particular substance is created synthetically in a lab. But it was derived from a protein that is found in the human body. BPC, chemically, looks like a smaller part of that natural protein.

Peptides are often used by our bodies as chemical messengers. They help regulate a number of different functions and get the body performing at its best. 

Because they’re naturally used by our body, supplementing peptides has become an effective therapeutic technique. The peptide therapies that exist can be used for a number of beneficial uses including to boost the immune system, to help with weight loss and burning fat, and even to reduce inflammation.

What does BPC-157 do?

Well, it appears that it has a number of potential benefits, especially when it comes to helping your body heal and repair after an injury.

BPC-157 speeds up tissue repair

BPC-157 has been found to speed up the healing of lean body tissues like muscle, ligaments, and tendons.

Some of the promising studies on BPC-157 have found that they may be effective in speeding up the repair of ligaments, tendons, muscle tissue, and even the skin. 

For example, in one study, BPC-157 consistently healed damaged ligaments in rats much quicker than if it was not present. The healing was effective, too: it preserved the function and biomechanics of the joint. In another study, BPC-157 was found to kickstart the production of collagen. Collagen helps skin look elastic, and is also essential to joint health, as well as hair and nails. In a further study, BPC sped up bone repair. 

Those results seem to hold across studies. In a 2019 review, researchers found that BPC-157 was consistently able to repair soft tissue injuries across all the research that they reviewed. They noted,

“All of the studies to date that have tested BPC 157 as a treatment therapy have demonstrated extremely positive healing effects for various injury types in a number of soft tissues.”

I should note an important caveat to this research: most of the studies that have been done on this peptide have been done on animals—usually rats. That’s normal:  animal studies are used to get a sense of what a compound does and to get a sense of its safety. That’s partly so that humans are not put at risk, but it’s also because research on animals is much less expensive to do. Then researchers move to humans so they are confident that it could work and when they are willing to invest in much more expensive research.

Since rats have a lot in common with humans, including how our muscles and lean tissues work, the research results for BPC-157 are quite promising. 

But of course, since most of the research hasn’t been conducted on humans, we need to be cautious about making too much of these findings.

BPC-157 helps heal your gut

One of the focuses of BPC-157 research is on its role in contributing to gut health. This is the focus mostly because BPC-157 was originally derived from a protein that is found in the gut. 

Research now suggests that it can have a powerful effect on protecting and healing damaged digestive tissue: it’s been found to inhibit the formation of lesions in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. This is especially true of the oral form of BPC-157, which is especially good for the gut. 

BPC-157 route of administration

BPC-157 can be taken orally or it can be injected subcutaneously (just beneath the skin).  It appears to have the most powerful effect on gut health when taken orally, whereas subcutaneous injections are better for reducing systemic inflammation and aiding with tissue repair. BPC-157 can be injected subcutaneously in the lower abdomen, or for better effect in specific joints or muscles, can be injected near the site of concern (for example, you might inject it near the elbow if you wanted to heal an elbow injury). 

BPC-157 reduces harmful side effects of other medications

It can also help protect the gut from other chemicals.

The magic of modern medicine has given us a number of important pharmacological interventions (medications) for a wide range of diseases and medical issues. These are often essential.

But they also may have some harmful side effects. 

For example, haloperidol is a commonly used medication for treating the symptoms of some psychological illnesses like mania and schizophrenia. It’s a very useful drug, but it can also be quite rough on the body. One side effect of haloperidol is that it causes stomach lesions. Stomach lesions are also a side effect of some chemotherapy medications that are used to treat cancer.  

BPC-157 seems to be able to counteract these in many cases, preventing these lesions. That suggests it could be useful as a complementary therapy when these other medications are prescribed.

BCP-157 enhances blood flow

Doctors and scientists suspect that one of the ways BPC works to repair tissue is by increasing blood flow to injuries. After all, blood brings the body what it needs to repair itself: oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and so on. 

And BPC-157 seems to increase blood flow. There appear to be two ways that it does so. 

The first is by upregulating the expression of growth factor early growth response gene-1 (also called EGR-1). This gene is involved in increasing the amount of blood that flows to wounds.

The second way it does this is by actually increasing the number of blood vessels. The fancy medical terms are angiogenesis (the creation of arteries) and vasculogenesis (the creation of veins). BPC-157 seems to activate vascular endothelial growth factor receptors, which are involved in increasing the number of blood vessels and repairing them. 

This insight comes from in vitro studies, which means studies done on cells isolated outside of the body (imagine scientists looking under a microscope at a petri dish). So, again, we have to be careful not to make too much of these results, since we’re investigating the effects of BPC-157 outside the body.

Still, these results are exciting because they provide a possible explanation for why we consistently see BPC-157 improving the healing and repair of tissues. 

BPC-157 has anti-inflammatory properties

Some studies have found the BPC-157 is an anti-inflammatory. It was found to significantly decrease inflammation in patients with ulcerative colitis, which is a kind of bowel disease. 

Researchers were especially optimistic about the use of BPC-157 as a treatment for inflammation because it didn’t show the same kind of side effects that other commonly prescribed anti-inflammatories have. 

What’s more, BPC-157 seems to be useful in treating both acute and chronic inflammation

BPC-157 seems to be neuroprotective

plastic brain and central nervous system model
BPC may help fight against diseases of the central nervous system and brain.

If that’s not enough, BPC could be a salve for various kinds of traumatic brain injuries. Researchers found that it has neuroprotective effects: it protects somatosensory neurons, it appears to promote peripheral nerve regeneration, and it seems to slow or even reverse the course of traumatic brain injuries from progressing. 

All those effects have led researchers to conclude that BPC 157 could serve as a new soldier in the battle against disorders of the nervous system. 

What about BPC side effects?

It’s important to make it clear that the research on BPC in humans is limited. 

BPC has been found to be safe in clinical trials conducted in several countries, with no toxicity reported. Those results are consistent with the results from the animal studies conducted to date: there haven’t been any instances of toxicity reported. 

But because of the lack of research on side effects, there is still much that we don’t know. That’s why all peptides should be carefully administered under the guidance of a clinical research trial or a qualified physician. Ideally, you’ll want to ensure that you have a doctor who understands the promise and any risks associated with peptide therapy so that you can get well-informed advice. 

Peptides can be part of a systems health approach

Our bodies are complex and massively interrelated. 

How you eat, how you sleep, whether you’re stressed, and your sexual health all are influenced by, and in turn influence, each other. You need all those things to be in place to thrive. You can’t just take a peptide and suddenly feel young and energetic again. 

But peptides can be a part of a systems-based approach to health, just like hormone therapy, a weight loss program, and other forms of lifestyle medicine. BPC-157, in particular, is promising as a way to help repair injured tissues, reduce inflammation, and generally help your body heal itself. It may be a form of peptide therapy that’s appropriate for you.

Remember, always consult a qualified physician before starting a peptide regimen. Most physicians aren’t well-versed in the promising effects of peptide therapies, but some are. Look for a doctor you can trust that understands the complexity of the body and can help you optimize your health and your life. 

BPS-157 might just be a crucial part of that.

 man looking at sunset on mountain, BPC-157 peptide therapy for health
Peptide therapy could be a useful addition to your health regimen. Ask about whether it’s right for you.

Schedule a consultation to learn how peptides can help YOU.

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance.

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE


Cerovecki, T., Bojanic, I., Brcic, L., Radic, B., Vukoja, I., Seiwerth, S., & Sikiric, P. (2010). Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736) improves ligament healing in the rat. Journal of orthopaedic research, 28(9), 1155-1161.

Gwyer, D., Wragg, N. M., & Wilson, S. L. (2019). Gastric pentadecapeptide body protection compound BPC 157 and its role in accelerating musculoskeletal soft tissue healing. Cell and tissue research, 377(2), 153-159.

Sikiric, P. S., Seiwerth, S., Rucman, R., Turkovic, B., Rokotov, D. S., Brcic, L., … & Sebecic, B. (2012). Effect of Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on Gastrointestinal Tract. In Filaretova L. P., &  Takeuchi, K. (Eds.), Cell/Tissue Injury and Cytoprotection/Organoprotection in the Gastrointestinal Tract (Vol. 30, pp. 191-201). Karger Publishers.

Inflammation Makes You Gain Weight. Peptide Therapy Can Help You Lose Weight.

Weight loss is one of the most common health concerns among my clients.

Men struggle with weight loss even though they do all the right things: they go to the gym regularly, they eat a clean diet, they take what they think are the right supplements… but something just isn’t right. 

Losing weight seems like it should be easy if you’ve straightened out your diet and exercise… So, why is it so hard to lose that stubborn fat?

First off, the body is complex.There are a ton of factors beyond diet and exercise that matter for losing weight. Of course, sleep is really important, your hormones and testosterone matter, and stress plays a huge factor. Your microbiome and gut health almost certainly play a role, too. 

And, of course, your genes matter. Not just your actual genetic makeup, but also epigeneticswhich genes are turned on or off at a given time. 

In order to understand weight loss, and men’s health in general, we have to think about the body as a sophisticated system. If you want to lose weight, get more energy, and feel younger, there’s a constellation of factors that matter.

And here’s a big one that people often miss: inflammation. 

In this article, I want to explain the connection between your body’s inflammatory response and the difficulty you may have shedding those extra pounds. And then I’ll tell you how you can address your inflammation with targeted peptides to help you finally lose weight. 

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body’s general immune response. There are two main types that we’re concerned with:

  • Acute inflammation is a localized response. It’s what you get when you sprain your ankle and it swells up, gets red, and gets warm. Or when you get an infected cut. Acute inflammation is your body sending in the “good guys” to repair tissue or get rid of toxins. 
  • Chronic inflammation is a longer term, generalized response. It happens when your body’s own white blood cells stick around longer than they need to and start attacking your own body. It’s a deep-rooted, systemic problem. 

Chronic inflammation can have serious health consequences, including increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, Alzheimer’s, prostate disorders, and more.

But in addition to all those severe health issues, inflammation can also just affect how we feel day to day. It could be what’s sapping your energy and making you feel lethargic.

And, most central to this article, chronic inflammation can make it hard for you to lose weight. 

What are the signs and symptoms of chronic inflammation?

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation? It can be difficult to know, but some of the symptoms include:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Heartburn, nausea, gas, and other gut problems
  • Fatigue and chronic feelings of being tired
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Prostate problems
  • Stress
  • Mental fog or emotional instability
  • High cholesterol or blood pressure
  • Pains or weakness in the muscles that don’t have a clear cause

Chronic inflammation often simply looks like a general feeling of being unwell without a clear cause. 

What causes inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is caused by the regular suspects that are related to poor health: a poor diet that’s high in sugars, saturated fats, and trans fats; obesity; stress; and smoking. It can also be caused by periodontal disease, an imbalance of hormones, and inadequate sleep. 

How does inflammation contribute to weight gain?

Inflammation and weight gain go together. 

First, the research suggests that fatty tissue can trigger inflammation. One study found that adipose tissue actually stimulates your body to release inflammatory mediators like interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α. Other research has suggested that overeating can lead to inflammation. So being overweight can contribute to inflammation.

But it works the other way, too: inflammation can cause you to gain weight—and keep it. One way inflammation does that is by changing how we absorb and use the food we eat. Inflammation can actually affect our gut health: it can influence the bacteria that make up our microbiome and even affect how nutrients and energy are extracted from the food we eat. 

For another thing, inflammation may cause us to feel more hungry and to choose to eat foods that are worse for us. And to make matters worse, it also may be one cause of insulin resistance, which makes it more difficult to turn blood glucose into energy.

So being overweight can contribute to chronic inflammation. And inflammation contributes to weight gain. It can turn into a vicious cycle. 

The good news is that you can reverse it: losing weight helps reduce inflammation… and reducing inflammation will help you lose weight. 

How to reduce inflammation

Adopting a generally healthy lifestyle can help reduce inflammation. That means eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet; avoiding processed foods, sugary, and fried foods; exercising enough; managing your stress; sleeping enough; and quitting smoking. Those are the basics. 

But even after doing all those things, you may find that you need a bit of a boost to lower your inflammation. 

That’s where the strategic use of peptide therapies comes in. 

Peptides can help disrupt chronic inflammation and help you lose weight

The scientific and medical community is only really just becoming aware of how important peptides can be in helping people age well.

Peptides are small chains of amino acids—like proteins, but shorter. 

What do peptides do? Well, there are now thousands of different peptides known to scientists, and there’s a huge variety in the effect that they have. But they often work as chemical signals, helping our body to regulate itself. 

For instance, some boost your immune system; others, like BPC-157, help your body repair tissues; others, like tesamorelin, stimulate growth hormone and help you put on muscle; and yet others, like amlexanox, can reduce inflammation and help burn fat. 

If peptides are made naturally, how does peptide therapy help?

Our body naturally makes peptides, but production of these essential chemical regulators tend to decrease with age. That’s one of the reasons that our body stops functioning properly as we get older.

Peptide therapies and supplements help restore key peptides back to the level you had in your early 20s. And they can bring back the benefits of a younger body: faster healing, faster metabolism, and improved weight loss, among others. 

Amlexanox and weight loss

Amlexanox is one peptide that plays a role in reducing inflammation. That’s why it’s one of the best peptides for weight loss and fat loss

Amlexanox has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Traditionally, it’s actually been used to treat stomach ulcers because it reduces healing time and pain. It works in several ways, including by inhibiting the release of histamine and leukotrienes.

But it also has been found to promote weight loss. 

Some research has found that Amlexanox inhibits the TBK1 enzyme, which may enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. It also seems to inhibit IKK-ε, which is an inflammatory mediator. By inhibiting it, Amlexanox improves the metabolism of glucose and improves energy. 

Finally—and this brings us back to epigenetics—Amlexanox seems to “turn off” the expression of “fat genes”

While the research on Amlexanox is still in its infancy, the existing literature does suggest that Amlexanox can have some powerful effects: fighting weight loss and reducing inflammation so you feel your best.

Amlexanox plus TTA give fat a one-two punch

When Amlexanox is used to combat weight gain, it’s usually combined with Tetradecylthioacetic Acid, or TTA. 

TTA is a fatty acid that’s given as a nutritional supplement. When you hear “fatty acid”, you might think that’s a bad thing. But don’t worry—it doesn’t get used by the body for fuel. Instead, it actually helps regulate how the body stores fat.

TTA helps decrease hunger and upregulate metabolism of fat. That means it helps you burn through fat quicker. 

Together, Amlexanox and TTA are an effective fat-fighting duo. 

The men’s health takeaway: Target inflammation to lose weight

The body works together in one big system. That’s why it’s not enough for many people to use a simple equation like, “calories in, calories out”. If it were, weight-loss diets would work and it would be easier to slim down.

To really lose weight and feel healthy, you need a systems approach.

It turns out that a very significant contributor to gaining weight from fat is inflammation. That means that if you’re trying to lose weight, you want to do what you can to minimize inflammation. Some things you can do yourself, like eating well and getting enough sleep. 


But you might also want to power-up your own efforts with a tailor-made plan from an expert in peptide therapies. A personalized medicine plan that includes the strategic use of peptides like Amlexanox may be exactly what you need to get your body working at its best.  

Schedule a consultation to learn how  peptides can help you lose weight. 

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance.

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE

Peptide Series: What are the Best Peptides for Weight Loss and Fat Loss? 

There’s a whole new way to add the icing on the cake when it comes to maximizing your fitness and nutrition, and it’s pretty exciting. What are we talking about? Peptides.  You might have even heard some buzz around Peptides for Weight loss.

If you’re looking to lose weight, burn fat, or upgrade your health to the next level, you’re probably starting to hear some discussion surrounding peptides, so let’s dive right in. 

We’re now developing a whole new understanding of exactly what peptides can do and how they can be used for strength, longevity and whole list of other benefits. In fact, it’s so recent that we are still on the frontier – and it’s worth learning even more. 

 Let’s take a look at what all the hype is about.

What are peptides?

Peptides are naturally occurring biological molecules, found in all living organisms. They play an essential role in all types of biological activity. Simply put, they’re a smaller version of protein. Peptides have different jobs within the cellular tissue, therefore we are able to pinpoint targeted uses for each type of peptide. 

There are 20 naturally-occurring amino acids which we can combine into an immense variety of different molecules – a lot like alphabet letters that then combine into various words. How many of these molecules create a particular chain determine whether it’s a peptide, a polypeptide, or a protein; all of which have their identifying properties. 

Peptides are molecules composed of 2-50 amino acids. Polypeptides are made of 50-100 amino acids and proteins are made of more than 100 amino acids. Peptides are signaling agents or hormones, and have very precise, specific functions. 

The way we apply those functions to supplement or amplify the body’s internal processes is what makes peptide therapy such an exciting new development throughout the course of optimizing health. 

Of the 7000 naturally occurring peptides, over 500 of them have therapeutic benefit. Scientist are identifying and developing more every month. Peptides have a wide range of functions, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Muscle building
  • Immune function
  • Wound healing
  • Cognitive function and memory
  • Gut health
  • Sexual performance and libido
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Hair growth
  • Bone and joint health
  • Cancer
  • Longevity

Today we’ll focus on peptides that have the greatest effect on weight loss.

Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormones

Here is a bit more needed information about Growth Hormone (GH). The pituitary gland secretes GH. The hypothalamus makes GH Releasing Hormone (GHRH) that controls release. 

GH has a profound effect on fat breakdown, muscle building, blood sugar regulation, sleep, and immune function. It works directly, but also works through stimulating production of IGF-1. 

What makes it even more complicated is that GHRH has an effect on weight loss directly as well. It works peripherally just like GH to improve lipolysis (fat breakdown) and muscle development.

People previously took GH itself to achieve these benefits, but this actually suppresses GHRH release, thereby reducing its effect. So the new generation of peptides overcome that to have a much better effect.

As we age, the hypothalamus produces a hormone called somatostatin, which blocks the pituitary from releasing GH. As somatostatin levels rise, GH levels decrease. Anything we can do to reduce somatostatin levels will help GH levels.

GH-releasing peptides (GHRPs for short); also called ghrelin mimetics, which stimulate weight loss by directly improving your body’s process for breaking down fat (lipolysis). They also increase GH release which helps build muscle and burn fat through 2 mechanisms – direct stimulation of GH release as well as inhibition of somatostatin, which again blocks GH release.   

Are peptides similar to steroids?

Peptides have become the frontier of biohacking, with peptide supplements offered via injection, sprays, creams, and pills by medical professionals.  Although 100% legal, authorities have banned the use of peptides in competitive athletic sports due to the possibility of unfair advantage.  

To be clear, peptides are not steroids or testosterone.  

If you are interested in the relationship between testosterone and weight, read my article “How To Lose Weight For Healthy T Levels”.

Compared to steroids and testosterone, touted for their fast benefits (and potential side effects), peptides won’t turn you into the Hulk overnight. Peptides are more of a “slow burn” supplement to enhance your existing healthy lifestyle but not meant to replace time at the gym.  While peptides can help you burn fat while you eat, socialize and even sleep, you must combine them with other lifestyle factors over several months to see the best results. In other words, you still have to eat right and get proper exercise! 

Which Peptides for Weight Loss are the Best?

In the world of health and fitness, peptides have become a popular supplement for burning fat, building muscle, increasing energy and improving athletic ability.  The National Institute of Health is even recognizing peptides as a possible supplement therapy for obesity. 

Some peptide supplements (the ones considered performance-enhancing drugs, for example) are often more experimental than others.  Here are a few different peptide hormones that help with weight loss and enhance your performance. I’ve arranged them from most-studied to more experimental. 


CJC 1295 is a synthetic GHRH chain constructed with 30 amino acids. Through increased protein synthesis, science has shown this peptide chain to have benefits including increased fat loss, increased cellular repair, cellular regeneration, and increased muscle growth. Interestingly, researchers have also shown it to promote the type of deep, slow-wave sleep that facilitates muscle growth and memory retention.  

As with any GHRH-based peptide, careful calculation of dosage and timing cycles – along with cycle breaks – stave off the body’s natural tendency to adapt or “get used to” the therapy, thus reducing its overall effect. One dose of CJC-1295 raises GH levels for 6 days, but in a nice pulsatile fashion, which is what you want. 

Tesamorelin (GHRH peptide)

Tesamorelin is another GHRH (Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone) peptide, that stimulates the pituitary gland to increase growth hormone secretion.  Tesamorelin is much more potent than CJC-1295 and can raise IGF-1 levels by as much as 150 points. 

This peptide is FDA-approved for lipodystrophy (when the body is unable to produce and maintain healthy fat tissue) and for men who have HIV who get lipodystrophy from some of the medicines that they take and that increases their abdominal fat.  Tesamorelin is the most highly researched peptide for fat loss, however it is not normally prescribed as a weight loss medication.


Ipamorelin is a growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP) that works a little bit differently than the GHRH peptides.  Ipamorelin works by inhibiting somatostatin, thus taking the ‘breaks’ off GH production. Unlike other GHRPs, Ipamorelin will not increase your sense of hunger. Peptides such as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 do increase hunger, so they need to be administered at night right before bed otherwise you’d be raiding the fridge and have the opposite effect if you’re trying to lose weight!  

A lot of people have moved to Ipamorelin because it increases fat metabolism with less side effects and because it can be combined with other peptides as well.  Also known for its anti-aging properties and improvements in energy, this can be used long term, up to a year. In the past, many peptides required in-office or self-administered injections.  You can now take Ipamorelin as a sublingual tablet taken under the tongue, before bed to coincide with your body’s natural growth hormone spike. 

The combination of CJC-1295 + Ipamorelin (“CJC/IPA”) delivers a more powerful response than either one alone because Ipamorelin is blocking somatostatin.

The key is nighttime dosing to boost overnight GH release, and avoid carbs or fat intake within 2 hours of dosing to ensure max effect.


Amlexanox is an anti-inflammatory compound that has the benefit of appetite suppression. Combined with Tetradecylthioacetic Acid (a fatty acid, TTA for short) can help regulate how much fat the body stores by influencing the genes that control metabolism. TTA can help people feel full more quickly while the fatty acid decreases overall hunger and burns fat. In addition to regulating fat metabolism, this fatty acid has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunity-enhancing properties. 


First, a warning.  If you’re a competitive athlete, this compound is likely classed as a performance-enhancing drug, and you could get disqualified if you take it.

BPC stands for Body Protecting Compound, and it lives up to its name. 

It’s a newer peptide with less human research, but the studies using this on rats are pretty amazing.  Dubbed a ‘healing peptide’, the research has shown this peptide can heal Achilles tendons, torn knee ligaments and even repair leaky gut in our furry friends.  There were no discernible side effects in any of these studies, and anecdotal reports suggest that BPC-157 could help you heal like a Marvel mutant.  

Although its benefits are more focused on healing, when it comes to the life of an athlete, fast healing from injuries means shorter recovery times and less time for the weight to creep back on!

How Fast Can I See Results from Peptides?


Your results are dependent on many factors.  First, you truly only want to take peptides under the supervision of a medical practitioner as a part of a larger weight management plan. The number one thing to do is to really manage your diet and cook your own food so you can control what you’re eating. It’s been said that great abs are made in the kitchen, and the same is true of our overall health: it all starts with what’s on your fork. As exciting and effective as peptide therapy can be, it’s no magic wand.  

Balancing your other hormone levels is important, too.   When you optimize your testosterone and thyroid levels, you will experience a lot of synergistic effects. If you have all that dialed in, you’re eating well and you’re sleeping eight hours per night, you could see results within a few weeks, especially with Tesamorelin. Ipamorelin is a more gentle peptide that may take 3-6 months to begin to show its effect. 

Speak to your doctor about specific dosing and the right peptide for your goals.

We’ve discussed some of the benefits of peptides and some of them seem miraculous.  Outside of weight loss and muscle gain, studies show faster healing, more energy, improved sleep and even increased libido.  The growth hormone levels we produce decreases as we age (30% by age 50, and 50% by age 70), so peptides may even help with neurological function, possibly preventing Alzheimers.  

Used incorrectly though, peptides have the potential to cause side effects of varying degrees. 

Side Effects of Peptides

For healthy individuals, peptide supplements are unlikely to cause serious side effects because they are similar to the peptides present in everyday foods. That said, as with any treatment it’s always wise to exercise caution in tandem with your doctor. 

No studies have shown peptides to have any carcinogenic effects, however if you have any pre-existing medical conditions you could be at risk of adverse effects or interactions with other medications. 

How to Purchase Peptides

You may be wondering if you can just purchase peptides from a store or the internet.  

You can, but it’s really important to remember that there can be some questionable manufacturers that make it tough to sort out which are good and which are not. 

The purity of products is a critical aspect to peptide therapy – and that means that without knowing for sure, you could run the risk of sub-par or ineffective compounds. 

Quality control can be an issue for the every day buyer, therefore you could potentially purchase contaminated or dangerous compounds manufacturers have created without regulation.   

In the United States, only a few compound pharmacies actually create these peptide supplements due to state restrictions.  The FDA does not currently regulate supplements in the same way as with traditional medications, so it’s important that you apply awareness to that and exercise caution by running it past your doctor in advance. 

At the Gapin Institute we  prescribe peptide therapy and can create a well-balanced treatment plan for you. Remember, peptides are not a fix-all. They don’t replace good nutrition, sleep, stress management, fitness, etc.. In a sense, peptides are the icing on the cake.

Want the Ultimate Peptide Guide? Click HERE.


Peptides and peptide therapy are cutting-edge tools. You can use them to optimize your health, slow the aging process, and reduce inflammation. Learning new ways to target and use peptides, polypeptides and proteins helps you move away from disease and towards better health. 

If you’re interested in radically upgrading your health, you’ll want to keep a close eye on the power of peptides and consider adding these therapies to your regimen. After all, when it comes to living a better life for a longer span of time, we’re looking at brand new ways to do just that – and the sky’s the limit. 

The best place to start if you want a hormonal optimization or peptide program is by seeing a physician first.  

Gapin Institute is currently accepting new clients. If you are tired of being tired… or you have tried everything to lose that unwanted weight but nothing seems to be working, our Peptide therapy might be the piece to the puzzle that you are missing. Call us today to schedule your consultation. (941) 263-0212.

Upgrade to Male 2.0– Schedule a Consult

You’ll get access to a genetic-based report and analysis, along with a private consultation that will put you on track to your ultimate health. 

With the Male 2.0 Method, I test your DNA, interpret the results, and create a customized strategy just for you. This plan is specific to YOUR individual genes and lifestyle.  It will improve every area of your life, from your health and professional productivity to your overall longevity and total wellbeing. 

Ready to take the next steps? 

Download the Blueprint

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In Male 2.0, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death. A man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either. A man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance.