11 Ways To Increase Your Energy After Age 50

Are you ready to feel ultimate vitality? Are you ready to increase energy and become a productive, lively, youthful man once again?

As age starts to rise, everything else seems to decrease (except for maybe the number on the scale). Energy drops, testosterone levels decline, muscle mass is lost, metabolism slows, and even sexual drive lowers. In fact, these health issues are all related in a vicious cycle of sluggish living.

For example, low testosterone is linked to chronic fatigue, weight gain, muscle loss, and diminished libido. The reverse is also true as well’ a low level of energy can create low T levels, a bigger belly, and a decreased interest in living vigorously. When one part of health starts to decline with age, often the others do as well.

Energy is at the core of wellness. If you feel more energetic and vivacious, you’re more likely to make the necessary changes to get the rest of your health back in shape.

But how can you boost your vitality after age 50, when energy levels start to naturally and rapidly decline?

1. Sleep more

It sounds obvious, but inadequate sleep is the number one cause for low energy and low hormone production (like testosterone). With age, insomnia and restless nights become more common. This is especially true as other age-related health issues pop up, like arthritis pain or urinary incontinence from poor prostate health. These pains and symptoms can keep us up all night, forcing us to watch the sunrise despite our baggy eyes.

You should try to sleep six to seven hours per night. If you have trouble falling asleep, try one of the following options:

  • Magnesium pills (a natural insomniac)
  • Meditation and relaxation
  • No electronics 30 minutes prior to bed
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol after 2pm
  • Ensure your sleeping environment is dark and cool

Napping has also been shown to boost brainpower and prevent energy burnout. This is especially true if you find your nights aren’t restful.

Furthermore, a study by the University of Chicago found that “obtaining adequate sleep may enhance the beneficial effects of a diet. Not getting enough sleep could defeat the desired effects.” Not sleeping enough can limit fat loss and make you gain weight. Your body needs more energy to stay awake, so you have to eat more to make up for it. Long periods of poor sleep will also put your body into a state of shock, which could cause it to preserve fat cells in order to protect itself.

2. Lose weight, get lean

Excess belly fat can foster the production of estrogen, and more floating estrogen causes a decline in testosterone, libido, and energy levels. Estrogen can also make you gain weight, pushing you into an endless cycle of fat-estrogen-fat.

In addition, muscle mass starts to decline after age 30. Lean muscle keeps testosterone and metabolism high.

Losing weight and instead gaining muscle has been shown to decrease estrogen and increase testosterone. More testosterone means higher libido and more energy.

The best way to quickly lose weight, gain muscle, and boost your T levels is with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or PRIME (Peak Repetition Intervals at Maximum Effort). This uses repeated intervals of high-intensity followed by periods of rest to burn more calories and grow your muscles quickly.

3. Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol can reduce testosterone production by inhibiting your body’s natural metabolic processes. Beer is especially estrogenic, which reduces T levels and can cause weight gain (aka the beer belly). This weight gain in turn reduces testosterone, which causes even more weight gain—the same cycle we saw above.

Reducing your alcohol intake will cut the number of calories contributing to your belly, and it will also help lower the amount of estrogen your body produces. If you’re going out for a social drink with friends, stick to vodka, which has the least effect on testosterone levels.

4. Eat healthy fats

Healthy fats support strong testosterone and energy levels (and they have a lot of other healthy benefits as well). These fats are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids, and they can be found primarily in avocados, nuts, olive oil, and coconut oil.

They can also be found in certain types of fish and green leafy vegetables. Healthy fat nuts like almonds are another great healthy-fat snack!

Supplement your diet with at least two servings of healthy fats each day. This can help you maintain a healthy weight while also bringing your energy up.

Healthy fats can be high in calories, though, so it’s important to not overdo it. Instead, balance healthy fats with proteins to best increase muscle and shed pounds—and boost your overall energy levels.

5. Have berries as a snack

Your body produces energy directly from food fuel. Keep your energy up throughout the day with occasional healthy snacks. Berries are an ideal snack because they deliciously quench sweet cravings and they’re high in anthocyanins, which power-up energy and weight loss. A handful of blueberries is packed with energy, antioxidants, and hormone-regulating goodness!

If you don’t like berries, try high-fibrous veggies like broccoli, artichokes, or black beans. Some studies have found that a diet in high-fiber causes less fatigue than low-fiber diets. This is likely because fiber can help regulate the gut and detox the colon, removing pollutants that slow down the body.

6. Try intermittent fasting

Abstain from food for 24 hours a few times per week. An alternative approach to intermittent fasting is to fast for 16 hours and limit yourself to 3 meals over the remaining 8 hours. If a workout is planned, it should be just prior to your first meal of the day.  This process helps your body reset, and it will confuse your body into shedding extra pounds and detoxing energy-killing toxins. It can also boost your testosterone levels, regulate hormones, and reduce inflammation. While scientific evidence of intermittent fasting varies, overall it seems to help with regulating the body’s natural processes.

Fasting can initially make you feel tired and irritable, but this generally only lasts in the short-term. After you’ve finished fasting, you’ll likely feel more energized and “clean.” This can help put you on a good track of living a healthy, energy-filled lifestyle.

Please note that fasting (and bingeing) should not be used for extreme weight loss or health goals. It should only be used occasionally as a detox. You should also not fast from all food—your body still needs fuel! Instead, stick to small meals of steamed vegetables, green vegetables, fresh fruits, and brown rice. During the fast, drink only water and avoid sugar, salt, and processed foods.

7. Get in the sun

Sun exposure has been shown to increase mood and energy, and it may even help with anxiety and depression. Sunlight can help increase the production of serotonin, otherwise known as the “happy chemical.” It also regulates the nocturnal melatonin production, so individuals fall asleep and stay asleep easier (see number 1 on this list). Additionally, the vitamin D in sunlight is crucial for immune health, bone density, and hormone regulation.

8. Drink more water

Water is needed to keep your body running at its peak. Dehydration can cause poor physical and cognitive performance, diminished GI and kidney function, poor heart function, headaches, and even delirium.

Water and energy are directly and complexly linked. If you don’t drink enough water, your energy levels will diminish—as will other functions in your body.

Drink at least 8 cups of water per day. This will feed your blood and organs with the necessary oxygen to keep them running properly. If your body is working efficiently, you’ll feel more energetic and healthy overall.

9. Stop using fragranced cosmetics

Shaving creams, soaps, body lotions, deodorants, and even laundry detergents can all have chemicals that rapidly and drastically decline T levels. If “fragrance” is an ingredient on the bottle, this means that the product is filled with chemicals that could be linked to allergic reactions, carcinogens, and hormone disruption (like stopping testosterone production). Even non-fragranced products that have certain chemicals could decline testosterone and unbalance hormones.

Additionally, these toxins can make you even more tired. The chemicals seep into the pores of your skin and get into your bloodstream, making you feel sluggish and fatigued. This is especially true after age 50, when your body is not as capable of fighting off toxins on its own.

Use natural products instead. Look for fragrance-free or naturally scented products to stay fresh and clean while also keeping your energy and testosterone high.

10. Let the guys roam free

Your testicles like to be free. Confining them in tight briefs can cause them to hamper testosterone production. This tight confinement against your body also raises the temperature of testicles. Testicles prefer to be cold; so if they’re warm against your body, it can actually lower testosterone production further.

Because it also likes the freeing feeling of the cold, you should also treat your little man to a cold shower or ice bath once per week. This “treatment” will help reduce inflammation, boost the human growth hormone levels, and support testosterone production.

Cold water has also been shown to increase energy levels; a cold shower in the morning gets you ready to take on the day! Plus, cold water has a ton of other benefits for your health, like pain management and improved immunity.

11. Have sex

This is always my favorite recommendation. Get in bed! Having sex releases endorphins and serotonin, which make you happier, less anxious, and more energized. Sex also helps burn calories and increase oxygenation, which helps to shed those extra pounds and regain your vigor. Plus, if you have sex before bedtime, it can help you have a more restful sleep—and we know sleep is good for energy.

If you’re struggling to get in the mood, you may have low testosterone levels. (See how it’s all linked?) Visit a doctor to check your T levels while you use the above 12 ways to naturally boost T and energy!

Bottom Line

Energy and testosterone levels are intricately linked after age 50. Low T means low energy, and low energy often means falling T levels. But there are natural ways to healthily regain the youth and vitality inside you!

Want to regain your vigor now? Check out The Male 90X Consult to revive energy, boost health, and give you the tools to be the best man possible!

Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: How To Overcome It

If you think you might have porn-induced erectile dysfunction, you’re not alone.

If you feel depressed because you’re pretending to be interested in dating or not fully enjoying your marriage, you’re not alone.

And if you would rather not talk or think about it, you’re not alone.

According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated 30 million American men suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). It also affects about 12 percent of men younger than 60, 22 percent of men age 60 to 69, and 30 percent of men age 70 or older.
These numbers suggest a silent crisis among American men.

Common causes of erectile dysfunction

A Johns Hopkins study attributes erectile dysfunction to health-related problems like cardiovascular risk factors and a history of cardiovascular diseases. They also attribute it to hypertension, diabetes, and lack of physical activity.

Meanwhile, UWHealth, a website that focuses on urology health, has listed the following extensive psychological and physical reasons:

A rise in porn

So far, I have merely summarized conventional medical knowledge about ED. However, a study in Italy explains something that has puzzled the medical profession for a long time—why otherwise-healthy young men also experience sexual problems.

“A survey of 28,000 users found that many Italian males started an “excessive consumption” of porn sites as early as 14 and after daily use in their early to mid-20s became inured to “even the most violent” images, said Carlo Foresta, head of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS).”

Excessive use of masturbating over pornographic material may in fact be an explanation for the epidemic levels of low testosterone and its associated symptoms. A rise in porn seems to have a direct correlation to a rise in erectile dysfunction in young men.

Is porn an addiction?

Although many think of porn as an addiction, it often does not meet the criteria of addiction as outlined by the American Psychiatric Association. This is true if it’s not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

Nicole Prause, who heads the brain research company Liberos and who used to be a researcher at the University of California Los Angeles, explains why it can’t be considered an addiction like drug and alcohol.

“In the case of porn addictions, the brain looks similar to other addictions but only up to a point, and then it diverges. When you look at porn, you get increases in learning and reward… but you don’t see some of the other hallmarks of addiction.”

“In other addictions such as gambling, when you see a cue, for people who have a problem, the brain is more responsive. In the case of porn, with people who say they have problems, their responsiveness is decreased.”

Basically, porn does not have the same physical brain response as other forms of addiction.

Despite this clinical point-of-view, people who watch porn can’t seem to control their fascination with it.

Actor Terry Crews recounted, “Pornography really messed up my life in a lot of ways. If day turns into nights, and you are still watching, you’ve probably got a problem. And that was me.”

In an interview with BBC Trending, Tom (a pseudonym), a US Midwest teacher, said that he started watching porn at a young age, and it affected his interest in sex when he got married.

“You’ve probably heard a saying that porn is great but it doesn’t compare to the real thing,” he said. “When you’re addicted to porn, you’ll feel the opposite. Sex is great, but it doesn’t compare to porn…I had trouble getting aroused with my wife, just because it wasn’t enough anymore.”

What happens?

What are some of the possible reasons why excessive masturbation from porn can dampen sexual ardor?

1. Insufficient real life sexual arousal

Pornography makes money because of its intense ability to arouse—in an almost fantastical way. Due to this overly high arousal factor of pornography, it can be difficult for a man to be aroused by a real life partner. Even if the man feels aroused by his partner, he may find himself struggling to get an erection and experience an orgasm. In turn, the partner feels rejected and less attractive. This can create an unhappy cycle, pushing men to further turn to pornography for arousal.

2. Issues of low self-esteem

Porn affects men’s self-esteem and expectations. Porn can create an unrealistic perspective about what a man believes he and his partner should look like. What’s more, men often compare themselves to the porn male actors. They feel inferior because they can’t arouse a woman as much or perform sexually as well than the male actors in the films. It becomes psychologically impossible to separate the fantasy from the reality.

3. Reality appears boring

Porn allows men to choose and watch any fantasy that turns them on—fantasies that they may even find too embarrassing to share with their real-life partners. This can become a secretive release that starts to separate the couple’s bond and trust, further leading to sexual troubles.

4. Reality offers less visual and auditory stimulation

Sex films often have numerous graphic scenes, and they switching quickly between scenes. This creates a heightened sense of excitement. In real life intimacy, everything is much slower. While there is an increase in tactile stimulation, it’s impossible to experience as much visual and auditory stimulation. This can create a mental correlation of arousal by watching sex as opposed to having sex.

Does abstinence work?

While it is not certain whether or not porn is an addiction, it certainly has a compulsive quality that detracts from sexual arousal with a real-life partner. Is porn-induced ED real, then? Even if it is not clinically diagnosable, it is still a problem for many men. The aforementioned Italian study suggests that a strong link between watching sex films, excessive masturbation, and sexual anorexia.

One solution that appears to be helping men overcome porn-induced erectile dysfunction is abstinence from porn and masturbation for a period of 90 days or more. During this time, the brain appears to switch from getting aroused by 2-dimensional visual-auditory cues to adjusting to 3-dimensional sensual cues. It gives the mind and body time to reboot and reset to normal sexual cues. This method can help restore robust real-life sensuality, and if males need help in achieving these 90 days to “reset” using products from sites like Lock the Cock and many others can allow the male to do so, even if they’re lacking in willpower for the first few days, a penis cage will stop any masturbation taking place.

Withdrawal from porn can be intense at first. Men lose all sense of libido, often referred to as flat lining, but then a slow recovery initiates. After a few months, not only do people recover normal sexual arousal, but also they feel better overall with less depression, anxiety, and general fatigue.

Below are some first-person accounts of this “porn-induced ED”:

Nick: After a few days of brain tantrums (cravings), I went into a flatline for weeks. Basically, I felt totally indifferent about girls, sex, everything. A little voice from the porn beast nagged at me in the back of my mind, but mostly, I just didn’t care. And my penis was very lifeless and small. It was like somebody just pulled the plug on whatever machine provides my sex drive. No libido at all.

Aaron: Even at age 22, I’ve noticed the ‘dead penis’ syndrome whenever I try to quit porn or masturbation. After about 4-5 days my libido is absolutely shot and my penis shrivels up to nothing. It’s terrifying actually.

One participant reported the following improvement in the moods:

Rob: I would go through 56 days of no porn or masturbation and, then, after I masturbated, I would feel off: empty, anxious, numbed out. But guess what? After these 6 months of no porn, I can finally say I don’t have to worry about mild depression anymore. A little brain fog is my only symptom now.

Another reported the following improvement in the return of sexual satisfaction when having real sex after following an abstinence “cure”:

Ahmed: Yesterday we were on the couch watching a movie, and she started kissing me. I was hard, and I knew it was a different erection, an old erection, a healthy, awake one, and guess what? We made love, without any ED, without any fantasies, and it felt like she was a new person I was discovering. Even I felt like a new person. Sex was not foggy anymore, and even after orgasm, I didn’t feel any sadness, just plain healthy satisfaction.

These testimonies, as well as hundreds of others, show that porn and masturbation abstinence can help end porn-induced erectile dysfunction to revitalize sexual vigor.

5 stages of recovery

The recovery process from varies from one person to another, and it is far from linear. However, below is a general outline of the average stages that occur when men abstain from porn and masturbation. While 90 days is an average time, recovery may take more or less time.

Stage 1: A person experiences symptoms of withdrawal and intense cravings for pornographic stimulation.

Stage 2: After one or two weeks of abstinence, there is a slight increase in libido and positive feelings of well-being.

Stage 3: There is a complete loss of interest in sex, libido declines, and there are no more erections, even in the morning upon waking up.

Stage 4: There is a return of morning erections, some return of libido, and a returning interest in sex. These are followed by days where there are no erections or interest.

Stage 5: There are no clear signs of recovery. There is a return of erections, an interest in sex with a partner, and an experience of pleasurable sex.

It is important to understand these stages before entering into an abstinence cure. Remind yourself that these withdrawal symptoms and intensely low libido will not last. You will go through various stages and struggles, but it will help you overcome porn-induced erectile dysfunction and result in an improved sexual life overall. Over time, participants also experience distinct signs of progressive improvement in feelings of well being and self-esteem as well.

How long does it take to reboot?

The rate of recovery from porn-induced erectile dysfunction appears to vary a great deal.

Those who recover within a matter of weeks seem to share one characteristic in common: they have not developed a long-term fascination for porn. Usually these are older men, who only got exposed to porn later on in life. Other men could take from 3 to 6 months to regain healthy erections. Some young men who started porn at an early age took as long as 9 months.

It is interesting to note that today’s young men now have easier access to porn (due to the Internet), and often it takes these adolescents longer to recover. Relapse is often more common because of such high accessibility.

Factors affecting recovery may include:

  • The consistency of abstinence influences
  • The age one began watching porn
  • How frequently a man masturbated with porn
  • The length of time one has been using porn (For many men, years of porn use made the recovery process much longer.)
  • The type of masturbation used
  • The type of porn used to get aroused (The more unusual, the harder it was to get accustomed to regular sex. The brain took longer time to adapt to less provocative stimulation.)

Working in tandem with a romantic partner often sped up the rewiring process, making it easier to get aroused by a real human being. Those men who were open and honest about their struggles with their partners often saw greater results.

Success rate

This doesn’t always work for everyone. There are two instances when abstinence fails.

The most common one is when the urge to view porn or masturbate is so strong that a person reverts to their old behavior. This relapse is common for men with access to porn on a daily basis. This is another reason why verbalizing the addiction and need for recovery to a partner or spouse is essential.

Abstinence will also not work if the ED is related to other health issues. You should always consult your doctor to get checked for any underlying sexual problems.

Recovering from porn-induced ED

If you believe that your ED may be due to porn-induced erectile dysfunction, the best way to resume a normal sexual relationship after a period of abstinence is to reduce anxiety.

Don’t be concerned about having an erection. Instead, focus on developing sensitivity to touch, kissing, and intimacy. Sensual touch creates a surge in oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, and gradually reduces inhibition about having sex. Use these sensual touches to work through the five stages of abstinence withdrawal.

Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is not an easy topic to discuss. It is not easy to identify. It is not easy to admit. But there is a solution. Schedule a COMPLIMENTARY DISCOVERY CALL.

How Fenugreek Benefits Your Testosterone Levels

Fenugreek is the unsung hero of anti-inflammation and sexual drive. Scientists have discovered significant fenugreek benefits with regards to testosterone levels and libido.

With new, promising findings, this little legume may be the missing link in our journey towards improved male sexual health.

What is fenugreek?

You may have seen fenugreek seeds or powder in botanical supplements, but it is only recently growing in popularity.

Fenugreek has been studied for its traditional health benefits, but it is only in recent years that it has been linked to testosterone levels as well.

Native from southern Europe to Western Asia, it has a strong history as a medicinal and culinary herb. Throughout the Mediterranean, fenugreek was a staple in ancient physician’s toolkits.

Have gas? Here’s some fenugreek.

Have a wound? Here’s a fenugreek tonic.

Backed up? Fenugreek is a bulk laxative.

The ancient Greeks and Romans even used it for cattle fodder, giving it the Latin name foenum graecum meaning “Greek hay.”

Fenugreek was also one of the first methods of creating yellow dyes in ancient societies. It is also a primary ingredient in Indian curries, contributing to their unique flavor.

It seems there wasn’t anything this little herb couldn’t do in ancient societies! So what about today?
Fenugreek benefits are primarily anti-inflammatory both internally and externally.

From minimizing ulcers, tuberculosis, and arthritis to reducing dandruff, gout, and muscle pains, it is one of the safest, natural solutions to problems that otherwise only have chemical or prescription drug medications.

There is such an endless list of fenugreek benefits for the body that we don’t have time to discuss them all here!

Fenugreek sexual health benefits

Aside from all of its anti-inflammatory magic, it has also been shown to raise testosterone levels, increase male libido, lengthen erection endurance, and improve reproductive function.

Fenugreek has these abilities because it both directly targets masculine sexuality while also working to lower body fat, increase lean muscle, and regulate blood sugar—all of which contribute to higher T levels

1. Raises testosterone levels

Testosterone is the crux of male sex drive and sexual health. Low testosterone means a low libido, low reproductive function, and sometimes even erectile dysfunction. Thus, higher T levels means a better sex life. Many studies show that fenugreek can stimulate testosterone production and increase T levels for two main reasons.

2. Stimulates sex hormones

Fenugreek seed extract contains a compound called “fenuside,” which is a type of glucoside. Glucosides are known to fuel androgens (aka male sex hormones). Thus, fenugreek helps excite the production of these male hormones in the testes.

One study recommends fenugreek seed extract at 600 mg per day as a primary option for hypogonadal men (men whose testes are not producing enough of the T hormone).

It is also interesting to note that fenugreek was historically used to enhance female beauty and sexuality. It has also been used to boost lactation in breast-feeding mothers. Thus, fenugreek boosts all sex hormones, acting as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.

3. Lowers insulin levels

Several studies show that fenugreek regulates insulin levels and manages type 2 diabetes.

Insulin actually influences testosterone production, acting as a barrier to sex hormone construction. One study by the Institute of Clinical Medicine in Bologna, Italy found that insulin levels played a significant factor in effective testosterone production.

Thus, lower insulin levels means higher T levels. In this way, fenugreek’s insulin regulating powers opens up the doorway for increased testosterone production in response.

4. Boosts libido

Higher testosterone levels means a higher libido. However, fenugreek has also been proven to have a more immediate effect on libido apart from simply its T-raising powers.

One study by Phytotherapy Research found that fenugreek extract not only helped maintain healthy T levels, but it also played a significant role in sexual arousal, energy, and even stamina and endurance.

The men given a daily dose of fenugreek self-reported much higher arousal than those given the placebo. This included how often they thought about sex, how often they were sexually aroused, how often they had sex, and how often they had an orgasm.

The participants and the researchers both concluded this increased libido was a direct result of the fenugreek extract.

5. Decreases body fat

Low testosterone is linked to obesity in a bi-directional relationship.

Being overweight can actually lower your testosterone levels, likely due to increased sugar in the bloodstream. In the opposite way, having low testosterone levels can play a major factor in creating a soft belly (since testosterone helps in the production of lean muscle).

Thus, men can often get stuck in an unhealthy cycle of being overweight and maintaining low testosterone levels. However, it’s not always that easy to break the cycle.

It can feel like your body is working against you because your T levels are already so low. Fenugreek is the boost that you need.

Not only does fenugreek raise your T levels as mentioned above, but it can also help kickstart weight loss. One study found that fenugreek seeds can inhibit fat accumulation while improving metabolism, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and increasing antioxidant defense—all of which can help your body combat the buildup of unwanted pounds.

Fenugreek also can decrease your appetite and support digestion. Paired with its blood sugar regulation properties, it ensures that your body is absorbing nutrition and burning off sugar (which turns into fat).

6. Increases lean muscle

In the same vein, increasing your lean muscle will also increase T levels—and vice versa. The more lean muscle you have, the more T you will produce; the higher T levels you have, the more lean muscle you’ll get.

It’s a beautiful cycle! But again, it’s not an easy cycle to enter into. That’s where fenugreek comes in.

A study by the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that creatine and fenugreek extract together showed significant increases in lean mass in overall body composition.

It also showed that the combination increased bench and leg press strength, which can help men create that necessary lean muscle.

Another study by the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor found that fenugreek had a significant impact on body composition when combined with a stringent resistance-training program. This means that fenugreek alone will not increase your lean muscle, but it can act as a booster to help your workouts be more productive and effective.

How do you consume fenugreek?

Uncooked fenugreek seeds are bitter and not very enjoyable. When cooked, though, the bitterness mellows into sweetness. They’re so sweet, in fact, that seed extract is often used in imitation flavorings like vanilla, butterscotch, rum, and maple syrup.

The seeds can even be roasted and used as a coffee or tea substitute due to its rich flavor. As mentioned earlier, fenugreek is also a main ingredient in Indian curries and chutneys.

Fenugreek is a natural source of soluble fiber, so it is often used as thickening agents in cereal bars, yogurts, and nutritional beverages. When crushed into a powder, it can be mixed into seasonings, juices, oatmeal, milkshakes, soups, smoothies, and other foods to increase their nutrition and sweetness.

Some fortified baked goods like bread, pizza, and muffins use fenugreek fiber powder in the dough as well. Here are a few of my favorite recipes with the highest fenugreek benefits to boost your testosterone levels.

1. Wet seeds snack

Soak a cup of fenugreek seeds in a container of water overnight. In the morning, filter out the seeds from the water. You can then chew on these wet, soaked seeds throughout the day whenever you’re feeling hungry. They will help curb your appetite and deliver quick spurts of nutrition.

2. All-purpose seed powder

Heat or roast fenugreek seeds in a pan. They should release a nice aroma. Then crush the warm seeds into a fine powder. They’re not easy to crush, so a mortar and pestle is often the best solution. If you don’t have this available, use a grinder and add a little bit of water.

This powder can be mixed into curries, seasonings, and other spices. You’ll be getting your fenugreek without even realizing it! I like to mix my fenugreek powder into my smoothies for an added flavor palette and nourishing boost.

3. Morning digestive tea

Take your fenugreek seed powder and mix it with water to make a thin paste. Add the paste to a pan of boiling water. Then, add your favorite tea-flavors like cinnamon, ginger, or even chai!

Cover the lid of the pan and let the tea simmer for 5 minutes. This will create a sweet tea that is perfect for weight loss and blood sugar regulation, especially when taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Generally, you’ll get the most fenugreek benefits with 500-600mg of extract per day. You can also find fenugreek in certain testosterone supplements, Learn more about fenugreek extract as an ingredient.

What are the possible side effects?

Although several studies have demonstrated the benefits and safety of fenugreek, a few studies found that fenugreek did not have an effect on T levels and sexual libido.

A possible reason for this is that isolating sexual drive variables is fairly difficult. Once men enter the healthy, T boosting cycle, they are more likely to workout, have a higher sex drive, and continue to produce more testosterone. This upward slope causes them to naturally make other healthy life changes, so it’s difficult to determine where exactly these positive benefits are coming from.

In this way, fenugreek is not a 100% true method, but it certainly seems to have some effect on helping men enter into this positive sexual circle.

As with all herbs and medicines, there are a few side effects to be aware of. Because it is so fibrous, it can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea. It may also thin blood or cause excessive bleeding and bruising for those taking blood thinners or anticoagulants. You can see other possible risks of fenugreek here.

Bottom Line

Fenugreek is a natural addition to your diet or supplements that can help increase testosterone production. It naturally influences T levels through its ability to regulate blood sugar and encourage a healthy weight.

Fenugreek benefits male libido as well by increasing sex hormone production and suppressing T-blocking insulin.

Fenugreek won’t solve low T on its own, but it’s a helpful and healthy addition to other lifestyle changes to help you enter into the cycle of healthy testosterone production. If you want to make a total body transformation and achieve your maximum potential today sign up for a Male 90X Consult. This genetic-based report and private consultation will give you the tools you need to live the life you’ve always dreamed.


13 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms like diminished sex drive, low energy, difficulty losing weight or erectile problems, it’s time to consider some ways you can increase testosterone naturally.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is widely known for its “manly” effects on boosting competitiveness and desire for power, but it plays a much bigger role in the body than that. It’s crucial to the health of male sexuality and reproduction by increasing libido, sperm count, and sexual pleasure.

Testosterone even improves the sex drive in females—it’s the ultimate libido-boosting hormone! But testosterone has a significant role in overall health and well being as well. It affects muscle mass, hair growth, bone density, and red blood cell development.

Normal levels are critical for normal cognitive function, mood stability, exercise endurance and energy. A low testosterone level can be associated with a variety of symptoms, including decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, weight gain, reduced lean muscle mass, difficulty with concentration, poor memory, diminished cognitive function, arthritis, and an increased risk of heart disease.

You can have your T level tested by your doctor if you have any of these symptoms to determine if they may be a result of lowered testosterone levels.

Why increase testosterone naturally?

Since testosterone (T) plays such an important role in your sexual health and overall well-being, you want to ensure you’re doing everything you can to naturally maximize your testosterone level.

There are hundreds of products, supplements, and beverages on the market claiming to boost testosterone and improve sex drive. Many (most) of these products don’t work, and studies show that many of these supplements can actually have long-term, negative side effects including liver and kidney damage, hormone imbalances, loss in bone density, and more.

What you consume to help your health shouldn’t harm it. So I’ve created a list of 13 easy, dependable, natural ways to increase testosterone and boost your sexual health and overall vitality.

1. Exercise.

The first thing that often comes to mind when most people think of increasing testosterone is exercise. They think of huge, muscular men lifting 400lb dumbbells at the gym. And this isn’t entirely wrong.

Studies show that high-intensity exercise boosts testosterone both in the short- and long-term. Short intervals of high-intensity training prove to be more beneficial in producing natural testosterone than prolonged exercise, aerobics, or running.

Strength training can have this high-intensity interval effect on testosterone if it’s intense enough. The way to do this is to increase the weight being lifted, and lower the number of reps. Push yourself harder, for a shorter period of time.

Also, focus on exercises that work a large number of muscles at once to further increase the intensity.

Who knew deadlifts and squats were actually natural ways to increase testosterone? Push yourself as hard as you can for 30 seconds, and then rest (without slowing down your heart rate). Even 20 minutes a day of high-intensity interval training will boost your testosterone and start to build healthy, lean muscle.

Interval training exercise can also help you lose weight, which further increases testosterone levels, according to the Endocrine Society.

2. Eat good fats.

The idea of a Ron Swanson “manly” burger may have some truth behind it. Healthy fats are a natural way to increase testosterone quickly and effectively.

However, not all fat is good fat. Studies suggest that saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are the best predictor of testosterone escalations, while poly-unsaturated fatty acids can actually lower testosterone.

A study by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that men who ate more than 100g of fat per day for 2 weeks had significantly higher levels of free testosterone. This is because fats reduce globulin, the hormone that binds to, and reduces T.

Ask your doctor about finding the right mix of fats in your diet.

Here are some natural ways to increase testosterone by consuming healthy, delicious fats:


Grass-fed beef is the number one source of testosterone-boosting protein with just the right amount of healthy fats. Make sure the beef is organic, because pesticides and insecticides can lower your testosterone.


Eggs are considered the perfect protein because they have all vitamins and amino acids for human needs (except vitamin C). They have mostly SFA and MUFA, and the yolk contains high levels of cholesterol, which is a precursor to testosterone creation.


One of the most comprehensive, natural ways to increase testosterone is consuming coconuts or coconut oil. Coconut is a saturated fat that generates healthy cholesterol while reducing body fat, boosting metabolic rate, and improving cognitive abilities—all of which can help ease symptoms of low testosterone.

Olive oil and argan oil

Cooking with and adding extra virgin olive oil to your food are natural ways to increase testosterone. Olive oil is an anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants, but it also contains elevated levels of oleuropein, a testosterone-loving bitter.

One study found that Moroccan men who added olive oil to their diets saw an increase in testosterone levels by 17%. This study also substituted Argan oil for olive oil, and the testosterone levels increased by about 20%.

Add either—or both—to your daily consumption for a quick (and tasty) boost of testosterone.

3. Consume zinc.

Supplementing your diet with zinc for as little as six weeks can have marked improvement in testosterone levels. Because zinc is a metal, concentrated supplements can have severe side effects on the body. Instead, opt for natural ways to increase testosterone by consuming zinc-rich foods:

  • Raw milk
  • Raw cheese
  • Beans
  • Kefir from raw milk
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Cashews
  • Wild Salmon
  • Yogurt
  • Oysters

Oysters are so rich in zinc they can actually boost your testosterone in minutes. No wonder oysters are a sultry (and salty) aphrodisiac!

4. Increase your vitamin D level.

Vitamin D is crucial for the development of the sperm cell and maintenance of high sperm count and quality. A lot of men who suffer from low testosterone symptoms discover that they are deficient in vitamin D as well.

The best way to get vitamin D is by getting some sun (make sure to use sunscreen so you’re not at risk for skin cancer, though). Yes, I am saying that going for a swim, playing basketball, and taking a vacation are amazingly natural ways to increase testosterone.

If it’s cold or you have a tendency to burn, though, there are other natural ways to increase testosterone with vitamin D, like consuming fatty fish (salmon, trout, tuna, and mackerel), fortified milk or juice, and egg yolks (back to those healthy fats).

5. Reduce stress.

When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol. A University of Texas Austin study found that cortisol blocks the production of testosterone. This can lead to long-term, low T levels, putting the body in a vicious cycle of stress and diminished testosterone.

Lower your cortisol by managing stress through relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation. Make time to have fun with your family and friends, and find the relaxing methods that work for you.

Consuming garlic can help lower cortisol, because it contains the stress-relieving allicin, which allows the body to effectively continue producing testosterone. Pure pomegranate juice can also lower cortisol levels and enhance testosterone by 24% on average.

6. Consume probiotics.

Probiotics are good bacteria that your gut needs to function properly, leading to digestive health and overall well-being. Recent studies have shown that probiotics may increase testosterone levels, testicular size and weight, and even prevent age-related testicular shrinkage. The reason for this may be that probiotic microbes convert stress-related cortisol into testosterone derivatives, as found by Phillip Hylemon at Virginia Commonwealth University. Fermented foods tend to have probiotics, like yogurt, sauerkraut, and blue cheese. A blue-cheese burger sounds good right about now.

7. Eat more ginger and onion.

Ginger and onion may be the hidden gems of these natural ways to increase testosterone. Ginger improves nitric oxide count and blood flow, which puts your body in the “mood.” In a University of Tikrik study, consuming ginger raised testosterone by 17%. Another study found that adding onion juice to rodent feed increased testosterone levels by almost 200%. There aren’t any studies of the effects of onions on human hormones, but with such significant effects in rodents, it’s worth adding to your diet.

8. Limit sugar intake.

Not feeling sexy after a big slice of cake? That may be more than just your belly talking. Sugar leads to higher insulin, and insulin leads to lower testosterone. The more you cut high-sugar items out of your diet, the higher your testosterone will be.

9. Limit alcohol intake.

Alcohol has been found to have a negative effect on testosterone levels as well as raising estrogen and cortisol levels. Drinking alcohol stimulates the transformation of testosterone into estrogen, which can further lower your bone density and libido. If you tend to drink heavily, this may be a hidden cause of your diminished sex drive. The hops in beer are highly estrogenic—so much so that it is being studied as a treatment for menopausal women. Limiting sugar and alcohol are natural ways to increase testosterone by making simple lifestyle changes that will also improve your overall health and quality of life.

10. Caffeinate.

Although a highly debated fact, one cup of coffee a day has been proven to have health benefits. As far as raising testosterone levels, coffee stimulates the nervous system by boosting cAMP levels, which leads to increased testosterone production. One of the most deliciously natural ways to increase testosterone is to drink a cup of coffee before you workout. Caffeine brings your exercise routine up a notch, so you get better effects from your high-intensity interval training—for the same amount of work!

11. Try intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting has been found to have a profound impact on testosterone levels in non-obese men. There are a number of approaches to intermittent fasting, but all include fasting for 24 hours or less as a sort of ‘metabolic reset”. I’ll detail the physiologic effects about this in another article, but for now, consider skipping breakfast as a fairly simple approach to intermittent fasting and a quick way to boost your T level.

12. Sleep.

Sleep gives your body time to produce testosterone and other hormones. A lack of sleep, on the other hand, produces cortisol—the arch nemesis of testosterone. There is a direct correlation between hours slept and testosterone changes, so get to bed!

13. Have sex.

Now that you’re in bed… Sex can help increase testosterone naturally!

Testosterone gives you a higher sex drive, but the reverse is true too. A higher sex drive also helps to boost your testosterone. Sex is one of the best natural ways to increase testosterone, with so many other added benefits:

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased immunity
  • Reduced stress and pain
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Better sleep
  • Improved fitness

So, if you boost your testosterone levels and sex drive, your vibrant sex life will, in turn, boost your testosterone, relieve stress, and reduce symptoms of low testosterone.

It’s a win-win-win cycle of natural ways to increase testosterone!

Natural and smart nutrition and lifestyle adjustments can drastically raise your testosterone levels and optimize your sexual health. With these 13 natural ways to increase testosterone, you are sure to find healthy solutions that enhance your sexual drive and enrich your well-being.

Want to take control of your testosterone FAST?

Sign up for a G1 Performance Health consult to regain your life, vitality, and vigor right now!

Can We Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk Through Lifestyle Change?

Cancer prevention is an important aspect of our daily lives. For men, the most prevalent cancer diagnosed is prostate cancer. Finding ways to prevent or reduce one’s risk of developing prostate cancer is a high priority.


The evidence is mounting that inflammation and oxidation play key roles in the development of prostate cancer. Research suggests that regular exercise may be one of the best natural antioxidants.

Exercise causes many changes in the body that help reduce circulating levels of reactive oxygen inflammation. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology evaluated the effects of exercise in prostate cancer patients. Men with at least 3 hours per week of vigorous activity had 49% reduced overall mortality and 61% reduced prostate cancer mortality compared. This was compared to men with less than 1 hour per week of vigorous activity.

A recent Swedish study supported these findings, concluding that both aerobic exercise and resistance training clearly improve overall and prostate cancer-specific survival.


A 2004 study from the NIH initially suggested frequent sexual activity might reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.

This was further supported by a recent review of 32,000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study who were followed for 18 years. Prostate cancer risk was 20% lower in men with more frequent sexual activity. According to the study lead author, Jennifer Rider, “Safe sexual activity could be good for prostate health.”

Medications – Proscar and Avodart

Proscar and Avodart are prescriptions that are used to “shrink” the prostate by lowering the number of male sex hormones. The drugs block the enzyme that changes testosterone into dihydrotestosterone(DHT), a much more potent hormone.

Higher than normal levels of DHT may also play a part in developing prostate cancer.

The Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) studied whether finasteride (Proscar) reduced the incidence of prostate cancer. The trial found fewer prostate cancers in the men who took finasteride compared with the men who did not. However, the men who took finasteride and developed prostate cancer had more aggressive tumors. The number of deaths from prostate cancer was the same in both groups.

The Reduction by Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer Events Trial (REDUCE) studied whether the drug dutasteride (Avodart) reduced the risk of prostate cancer. This study again showed there were fewer prostate cancers in men who took dutasteride compared with the men who did not. Overall, the number of aggressive prostate cancers were not significantly reduced.


There has been tremendous interest in the effects cholesterol-reducing medications have on the development of prostate cancer. There have been at least 18 trials to date, several of which have found a reduced risk of cancer recurrence after both surgery and radiation therapy. This suggests that statins may slow the progression of prostate cancer.

Research is ongoing to determine if statins may actually reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.


Metformin is a prescription medication used primarily to manage diabetes. It is also known to have a protective effect on the progression of prostate cancer. A recent study of nearly 4,000 diabetic men found that those taking metformin, when diagnosed with prostate cancer, were less likely to die from cancer or other causes compared to men using other diabetes drugs.

Prior research focused on whether metformin might reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer has been negative. More studies are currently underway.


There has been extensive research looking at the relative effect of aspirin on the incidence of prostate cancer. While many of the studies demonstrated a protective effect, others did not. The jury is still out on aspirin.

Regardless of one’s diet or lifestyle, knowledge is one of the best ways to reduce prostate cancer risk. By staying informed on the latest research regarding prostate cancer prevention, men can make small changes that can lead to big improvements. Start today by signing up for a Male 90 X consult, a genetic-based report and private consultation that will give you the insight you need to achieve your maximum potential!