Hormone Hacks: Keys to Supercharging Your Weight Loss

Have you tried to lose weight and feel like you’re getting nowhere? If so, it may be that your hormones are at fault.

When men try to lose weight, they often focus on factors outside of their body, such as exercise and diet. But just as important are the factors inside your body. One such factor that is only now starting to get the attention it deserves is hormones.

Think of hormones as your body’s computer programming. Hormones act like chemical software codes that tell your body how to coordinate and control various physiological processes. Your hormonal system is complicated—over 60 different hormones work to regulate your body—and experts are only starting to understand how they impact health.

When it comes to weight loss, scientists have identified a few key hormones that play an integral role in this process. When these hormones are out of balance, even a good diet and exercise routine might not get you over your weight loss hurdle. But fear not—with just a few tweaks, you can hack your hormone code and supercharge your weight loss journey.

1. Ghrelin

hormone hunger ghrelin men's health

Do you constantly feel hungry? If so, you have the hormone ghrelin to thank for that. Ghrelin, often referred to as the “hunger hormone,” is produced by your gut and its job is to tell your brain its time to eat. When your stomach is empty, your ghrelin level goes up and rings the dinner bell. When you eat and your stomach is full, your ghrelin level goes down and so does your fork.

But here’s the rub: eating isn’t the only thing that impacts ghrelin, it also responds to stress. When you are deprived of food, your body experiences stress, ghrelin increases, and you seek out sustenance. However, this same process happens when you experience other types of stress that have nothing to do with skipping a meal. Chronic stress has been shown to increase ghrelin, causing people to eat more food and gain more weight.[1] No wonder why overeat after a particularly stressful day.

Hormone Hack: There are two simple ways to keep your ghrelin in check. First, eat smaller meals throughout the day, especially ones that include high-fiber and high-protein foods to keep your stomach feeling fuller longer. Second, you can decrease your ghrelin by engaging in stress-reduction techniques like meditation[2], getting a full night’s sleep[3], or exercise[4].

2. Leptin

Leptin is a hormone that works hand-in-hand with ghrelin to control your appetite. Leptin is produced by your fat cells and when it is released, it signals to your brain you have stored enough fat. As a result, you feel full and stop eating. So if ghrelin is your appetite’s go-signal, leptin is its stop-signal.

But as we gain weight, things get more complicated. As endocrinologist Dr. Scott Isaacs states, “as you start to develop obesity, you start to become resistant to leptin. So you may have high levels of leptin, but the brain isn’t registering that.”[5] As a result, you keep feeling hungry and keep eating far past the point that is necessary. As a result, your leptin resistance sets you up for weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Hormone Hack: Think protein. Whereas obesity makes you less sensitive to leptin, eating protein makes you more sensitive.[6] And while you are at it, cut down on the carbs as well, since triglycerides impair the transport of leptin.[7] Beyond diet, exercise[8] and sleep[3] are two healthy habits known to improve your body’s response to leptin

3. Cortisol

Did you know that when you are stressed, it is practically impossible to burn fat? That’s because when your body is stressed, it produces cortisol and cortisol tells your body to hold onto fat, especially that all-annoying fat around the belly.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that naturally peaks in the morning, levels out throughout the day, and drops at night. But when you are exposed to chronic stressors—say work stress, relationship stress, or a global pandemic—your cortisol stays high. This hormone change causes your body to redistribute body fat to your middle, break down muscle and bone, and raise blood sugar, all in an attempt to prepare you for fight or flight.

Hormone Hack: Stress management is key to keeping cortisol low.[9] Your body doesn’t care how you do it—meditation, a morning jog, a nature hike, a warm bath, herbal tea, socializing with friends—as long as you do it. Also consider taking “adaptogens” which are supplements known to calm your body and make it more resilient to stress.[10] These include ashwaganda, rhodiola and L-theanine, all which lower cortisol.

4. Insulin

If you frequently crave sugar and feel like a meal isn’t complete without dessert, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone that keeps your blood sugar in check. When you eat too much sugar or simple carbs (which your body easily converts into sugar), your blood sugar spikes. Your body then produces insulin, whose job it is to funnel the sugar out of your blood and into your cells.

Overtime, consuming too much sugar makes your cells insensitive to insulin, which in turn blocks sugar from entering your cells. That sounds like a good thing but it’s not. This tricks your body into thinking you aren’t getting enough sugar, even though your blood is flooded with it, and as a result you crave sugar even more. When that happens, you have become insulin resistant and it becomes harder to lose weight.

Hormone Hack: When it comes to consuming carbs, slow is the key word. Instead of fast-burning carbs that spike your insulin levels, you want nutrient-dense carbs that take a long time to digest, thereby stabilizing your body’s delicate balance between insulin and blood sugar. Steer clear of sugars and white carbs (i.e., white bread, white potatoes, white rice) and look for slow carb foods (i.e., foods low on the Glycemic Index) like quinoa, nuts, beans, and sweet potatoes.[11]

5. Testosterone

When you hear the word “testosterone” you probably think of sex, but this hormone has impacts that reach far beyond the bedroom. Testosterone helps your body burn fat and build muscle. So when testosterone is low, it becomes nearly impossible to lose weight.

Low testosterone in men is more common than you think. A recent study found that over the last three decades, testosterone levels declined by over 30 percent.[12] In fact, low testosterone has become such a common problem, 1 in 4 men over the age of 30 suffer from it.[13]

Hormone Hack: Stress has a major impact on your testosterone, so getting your stress under control is vital. You can also boost your testosterone naturally by improving diet and sleep, or via testosterone replacement therapy. But if you chose the latter approach, make sure you read my article on what to discuss with your doctor before starting testosterone first so that you are fully prepared for what’s in store.

6. Melatonin

Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone, but new research shows it also has an impact on weight gain. For example, one study found obese participants who took 5 mg of melatonin nightly for six months reduced their body mass index by 5 percent.[14]

Hormone Hack: Sleep is your body’s prime time for hormone regulation. If you aren’t getting enough of good-quality sleep (meaning 7-8 hours every night), you are depriving your endocrine system and setting yourself up for weight gain (as well as a whole host of other health issues). To help your body make its own melatonin, practice good sleep-hygiene by avoiding computer/cellphone screens an hour before bedtime and cranking your air conditioner to 66 degrees. If good sleep still eludes you, consider supplementing with 3-5 mg of melatonin per night.

7. Growth Hormones

During puberty, your pituitary gland floods your body with growth hormones. But most don’t realize that growth hormones continue to play an important role in your health long after your acne clears and your voice stops cracking.

As an adult, your pituitary gland is responsible for producing human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). These two growth hormones play a vital role in breaking down fat so that it can be used for energy and muscle building. When these hormones are in short supply, the scale begins to creep up.

Hormone Hack: Boost your own growth hormones by supplementing with peptides. Peptides are short strains of amino acids found naturally in the body and they serve as building blocks for protein. To learn more about this topic, check out this article where I outline which peptides are most effective for weight loss. And in addition to peptides, consider adding HIIT and/or resistance training to your exercise routine since both have been shown to boost IGF-1.[15]

The Bottom Line

If you feel like you’ve tried every diet and exercise program in the book and are still struggling to lose weight, there may be a problem with your inner computer code. The good news is with a few simple hacks, you can get your hormones back in line and supercharge your weight loss journey.

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Want even more hacks? Check out this article on 5 simple things you can do TODAY to normalize your hormones.

Epigenetics Series: How does stress affect your genes?

Could your genes and stress be related? Is stress passed down from generation to generation?

Recent research shows that stress may alter our genes in a way that’s linked to mental and physical illnesses. These stress-induced illnesses may even be hereditary, meaning the trauma of our ancestors impacts our contemporary genetic expression. 

How is stress related to your genes? Why is stress such a problem for health?

And what can you do about it to take control of your health?   

What is stress?

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of “stress?”

Maybe you instantly think of a project you’re working on at your job or a loan you’re trying to pay off. You may even think of public speaking or skydiving.

Interestingly, when we think of “stress,” we automatically think of situations. We think of instances where our bodies are stressed. These are uncomfortable or challenging situations that push our bodies and brains to new places.

These situations cause us “stress.”

In reality, though, stress itself is a response to these situations.

When these situations occur, our bodies release stress hormones called glucocorticoids. The principal glucocorticoid is cortisol, otherwise called “the stress hormone.”

There are two types of stress: acute and chronic.

Acute stress

Acute stress occurs in the short-term. This is when you’re met with a challenging situation that you have to respond to in some way. To overcome this stressor, your body releases a burst of glucocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids prepare your body to tackle the stressor. For example, your heart might start pumping blood faster to give your body more oxygen; your eyes might dilate to see more around you, and your hands and feet might tingle because they’re receiving more blood (in case you need to fight or flee).  

These stress responses are often dubbed as symptoms of “anxiety.” But in the short-term, these hormones can actually give us a biological advantage. For example, they would allow us to fight or flee a bear we come in contact with. In more practical terms today, this response could also make us more alert and energized to give a speech or take a test.

In short spurts, glucocorticoids are manageable and healthy. They can help you tackle a situation with confidence and determination.

It’s when glucocorticoids flood our bloodstream for an extended period of time that they become an issue.

Chronic stress

Chronic stress is long-term. This is caused generally by ongoing stressful situations, like a career you hate, a debt you can’t pay, or an ongoing divorce. Chronic stress can also be the result of PTSD. Even if you aren’t currently going through the stressor, memories of that trauma can continue releasing glucocorticoids for months or years.

Chronic stress causes high levels of stress hormones for an extended period of time. This damages the endocrine system by unbalancing hormones, tiring the body, and fatiguing organ function.

In fact, chronic stress can even negatively impact your genetic expression.

Moreover, this altered gene expression can be passed down from generation-to-generation.

Before we get into how chronic stress alters epigenetic expression, let’s first take a look at why stress is bad for us.

Why is stress harmful?

Stress kills. Stress has been linked to:

Chronic stress can literally burn out your body. Your adrenal glands, which produce cortisol, get fatigued and don’t function properly. The oxidative stress caused by these stressors creates harmful free radicals that severely damage your cells. This accelerates the aging process, damages the immune system, and impacts cognitive function.

Stress is linked to just about every disease—big or small. You’re even more likely to catch a common cold if you’re stressed.

Cortisol and testosterone

Stress also has a direct impact on your sexual health.

If you’re suffering from low libido and low testosterone, it may be because you’re stressed.

Numerous studies have shown that high levels of cortisol are directly linked to low levels of testosterone. There is especially a link between stress and severe trauma with PTSD. Higher cortisol in stressful situations drastically lowers testosterone.

When your cortisol goes up, your testosterone goes down.

Why does higher cortisol mean lower testosterone?

There are likely a number of hormonal pathways that create this hormonal relationship. To simplify it, we can look at the building blocks of cortisol and testosterone synthesis.

The body uses cholesterol to produce cortisol. Cholesterol is also a necessary part of testosterone synthesis. When stress levels increase, all of your body’s cholesterol goes to produce cortisol. This leaves no cholesterol left to produce testosterone.

Testosterone is a critical hormone in healthy adult males. Low testosterone is associated with decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety, weight gain, reduced muscle mass, cognitive impairment, arthritis, increased risk of heart disease, and more.

Low levels of testosterone kill your energy, productivity, enjoyment, and health. And low levels of T are a direct result of high cortisol and high stress.

Chronic stress not only impacts our hormones but also our genes. High levels of cortisol and low levels of testosterone can alter the way our DNA is expressed, putting us at risk for disease and illness.

How does stress alter your epigenetic expression?

Epigenetics involves two key genetic alterations: DNA methylation and histone acetylation. DNA methylation adds a methyl group to the end of a DNA structure, and histone acetylation adds an acetyl to the end of the histone binding. These additions can either activate or deactivate certain genes.

Research has shown that stress causes both methylation and acetylation on a variety of genes, especially neurological genes (those in the brain).  

DNA methylation and stress

One study found that certain psychological stressors can cause DNA methylation of certain genes. For example, war trauma and physical abuse caused DNA methylation to occur on genes that activate damaging psychiatric disorders.

A study of Cushing’s Syndrome, which is caused by excess cortisol production, found genome-wide changes with regards to DNA methylation. They discovered that individuals with high cortisol levels had less DNA methylation compared to healthy individuals.

DNA methylation suppresses the expression of genes. In this way, certain harmful genetic expressions need DNA methylation in order to be suppressed. For example, in the study, the gene for psychiatric issues remained active because stress kept those genes “turned on;” this caused a number of CS patients to suffer from mental illness at a higher rate.

Research at Johns Hopkins found that mice given corticosterone appeared more anxious during a maze test. When testing their gene methylation levels, they found altered expressions in three of the five HPA axis genes.

They especially found higher levels of Fkbp5, which is the molecular complex that interacts with the glucocorticoid receptor. Genetic variations in Fkbp5 have previously been associated with PTSD and mood disorders.


Overall stress and genes

Basically, stress boosts cortisol and other glucocorticoids. These hormones impact histone coding and DNA methylation, activating genes of illness while deactivating healthy-suppressive genes.

Stress also plays an important role in those genes that control memory and cognitive function. Too much cortisol and these genes “turn off,” causing serious psychological and behavioral concerns.

Glucocorticoids, like the stress hormone cortisol, alter the genetic expression in the brain. Thus, any cortisol-boosting situation—like anxiety, PTSD, depression, and stress—can impact epigenetic chemical tags.

Thus, prolonged stress causes significant epigenetic changes that can drastically impact mental and physical wellbeing.

Stress doesn’t just alter your own genes. These epigenetic expressions and psychological concerns can be passed on for generations as well…

How does stress impact your children’s genes?

That’s right. You can pass your stress on to your children.

Studies have shown that environmental conditions of previous generations impact the expression of our current genes as well.

For example, one study found that daughters of women who experienced the Dutch famine were twice as likely to develop schizophrenia. The daughters did not go through the famine themselves, but their mother’s trauma was genetically passed down, increasing the offspring’s risk of mental illness.

Other studies have shown that extreme stress during pregnancy, like living through the 9/11 attacks, can pass the experience on to the child. These children report depression, anxiety, and poor coping mechanisms at a much higher rate than parents who did not live through extreme stress.

This is true even when the children are well cared for. A study of rats found that parents who experienced epigenetic-altering stress passed this genetic structure on to their pups and grand pups—even if they’re pups were cared for and loved in early life.

Although these altered genetic expressions are hereditary, they’re not permanent.

In fact, you can reverse stress-related DNA changes with environmental and lifestyle factors.  

A study of identical twins looked at how environment and trauma impacted epigenetic flags. Although the siblings were genetically identical, their epigenetics changed over time. One twin had depression, anxiety, and obesity while the other did not. This is likely because the latter twin was able to change his epigenetics in a way that suppressed the genes for those diseases.

We have power over our epigenetics.

You can deactivate the stress-related genetic expression that you may have inherited from your family.

And you can prevent the activation of your own stress-induced DNA methylation.

How can you reverse stress-induced genetic risk factors?

  1. Meditate.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to combat high stress is through meditation. Relaxation practices have been shown to reduce cortisol and increase testosterone. In fact, even just four months of meditation practice can help reset hormone levels and improve stress response.

I recommend taking a yoga class and learning deep breathing exercises. You should also get outside to meditate and relax. Studies show that taking a walk in nature is linked to lower cortisol levels. Fresh air helps calm the mind and body—and gets you to exercise as well.  

  1. Workout.

Working out has a direct impact on mood and cortisol. Working out releases endorphins, which makes you happier and less stressed.

High-intensity interval training boosts testosterone and decreases cortisol. Learn more about using HIIT to lower cortisol and increase T here.

This decrease in cortisol has actually been shown to boost cognitive function and improve behavior and mood.  

However, if you have high levels of stress, an intense workout might worsen the problem by boosting cortisol in the short-term. This cortisol increase isn’t harmful to your genes, but it can increase levels of anxiety and tension in individuals already experiencing high levels of stress.

Plus, losing weight and fat can help reduce stress. Moreover, body fat increases estrogen, which decreases T levels. This causes lower testosterone, and low T, in turn, leads to increased body fat and reduced muscle mass—which further impacts stress. It becomes an unhealthy cycle of weight gain, low T, and stress!

  1. Eat more carbs.

People tend to shy away from carbs because they “make you gain weight.” However, a diet that’s too low in carbs can actually make you gain weight by increasing cortisol levels.

Carbohydrates actually help reduce cortisol levels, especially post-workout.

However, don’t go guzzling carbs when you’re stressed, as too many carbs will cause weight gain and this can further increase cortisol and lower testosterone.

It simply means you want to maintain a balance of macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbs. Studies have shown that higher protein diets lead to high cortisol levels, while a strong ratio of protein to carbs creates the most balanced hormones.

Click to learn more about the dangers of an all-protein diet—and why you need carbs.

  1. Get more vitamin C.

Vitamin C has been linked to reduced cortisol production, especially after an intense workout. Vitamin C is also a great testosterone booster.

One study found that vitamin C actually regenerated 58% of damaged testosterone molecules. It also helps with sperm quality, motility, and volume for improved sexual health. Boost your testosterone and you can help reduce your cortisol and stress.  

You can find vitamin C in a number of healthy foods, like citrus, guava, red peppers, strawberries, and papaya.

  1. Sleep more.

Sleep helps reset your hormone levels, reducing cortisol and increasing testosterone.

In fact, if you don’t sleep enough, your cortisol levels rise astronomically.

Cortisol levels naturally rise slightly in the morning to help us wake up and prepare for the day. In reverse, cortisol drops at night to help us sleep.

However, if your body doesn’t drop cortisol at night, you’ll deal with insomnia and late-night anxiety. You’ll also have increased levels of cortisol in the morning that can cause severe, chronic stress whenever you’re awake.  

Sleep is critical to balance hormones, reduce stress, and restore your body’s natural health.

Learn more about how sleep impacts your epigenetics here.

  1. Stand in power poses.

Studies have shown that you can increase testosterone by 20% and reduce cortisol by 25% simply by standing in a “power pose” for two minutes. The researchers concluded that you can change your brain and hormonal chemistry through body language and behavior.

Simply pretending to be powerful and stress-free will make you powerful and stress-free!  


Stress impacts our behavioral epigenetics. Traumatic experiences in our past—and in our ancestors’ past—can scar our DNA. Although we can inherit stress-induced genetic expressions, we can also reverse this process as well. With certain lifestyle and environmental changes, you can reduce your stress and reset your genetics for a healthier expression.

Are you ready to change your genes?

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You’ll learn how to change your environment and lifestyle to reduce your risk of major diseases… and finally, have the energy and health you crave!

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You’ll get access to a genetic-based report and analysis, along with a private consultation that will put you on track to your ultimate health.

With the Male 2.0 Method, I test your DNA, interpret the results, and create a customized strategy just for you. This plan is specific to YOUR individual genes and lifestyle.  It will improve every area of your life, from your health and professional productivity to your overall longevity and total wellbeing. Male 2.0 gives you the actionable tools you need right now.  It reveals what you need to customize and design your future limitless self.

Click here to learn more about the lifelong benefits of a personalized genetics consultation and epigenetic coaching program.

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I look forward to working with you to take your health goals to the next level.


In Male 2.0, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death. A man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either. A man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.SmartMensHealth.com 

Why You Should Never Eat A High-Protein Diet If You Want To Build Muscle

Protein gives you (muscle) gains… right?


The myth has finally been debunked. Loading up on protein does not make you gain more muscle.

In fact, too much protein can actually hurt your muscle-building efforts! You’ll be better off if you Buy sarms and other supplements which provide targeted assistance to the areas of your body that need it.

If you’re serious about gaining muscle, keep reading to learn about the relationship between protein, testosterone, and muscle gain.

It’s not what you expect!

Testosterone Boosts Muscle Gain

Muscle Growth

Let’s start by understanding how we build muscle. Although the process is complex, in essence, you build muscles when the muscle “tears.”

When you lift weights, you actually damage the muscle fibers. After you’ve finished lifting weights, the muscle starts to rebuild itself to fix the damage caused during the lifting session. Your body uses protein synthesis to rebuild the muscles; the muscles start to heal with protein chains. With repetitive damage (like consistent workouts), the muscle continues to grow with additional protein synthesis.

That’s right—muscles grow after you lift while you’re resting.

Hormones play an important role in this, especially testosterone which contributes to muscle growth. Your hormones regulate the cell activity that tells your muscles to start repairing.


Testosterone is the “male” sex hormone that, during puberty, gives a man his deep voice, hair growth, and adult-sized penis. It’s also the hormone that increases libido (sex drive) for both men and women.

It plays a crucial role in keeping bones solid and healthy. Men naturally have greater muscle mass than women because of their testosterone levels. (Women with high muscle mass may have higher testosterone levels as well.)

Testosterone is necessary for muscle mass growth.

Studies have proven that testosterone helps increase muscle mass by encouraging the body’s natural synthesis of muscle protein. The muscle-building process uses the T hormone to function.

This T hormone actually boosts protein synthesis and activates the satellite cells that tell your body to start “building” muscle. It also helps stimulate the growth hormone—which is the hormone that activates tissue growth.

Moreover, testosterone can help increase the efficacy of workouts, especially resistance exercise (weight lifting). This means that high levels of testosterone can make your workouts more effective because T improves the “repair” process.

Overall, research has shown that strength training with high levels of testosterone results in a greater increase in muscle size than strength training alone.

Testosterone is a critical contributor to gaining and retaining muscle mass.

Low Testosterone

Low T levels can cause the opposite effect because low testosterone can lead to lowered libido, weight gain, brittle bones, and a loss of muscle mass.

Although testosterone declines naturally with age, low testosterone levels are never normal. There is often some underlying factor that contributes to low testosterone. In many cases, testosterone is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body as a result of diet and lifestyle.

Learn more about low testosterone and the natural ways to increase T levels here.

If you have low testosterone levels, you’re likely finding it hard to increase your muscle mass. No matter how much you workout, you don’t have the T hormone needed to signal your muscles to start repairing.

Protein Reduces Testosterone

So we know that testosterone enhances muscle…

Now, how are protein and testosterone related?


“Protein” is a macromolecule that the body uses to function properly. It’s naturally found in animal products, nuts, legumes, beans, and some dairy. Often, when we think of a high-protein diet, we think of eggs, nuts, and lots of meat like chicken and beef.

Protein is actually composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle mass. You may have noticed that when talking about muscle gains, I said “muscle protein synthesis.” This is because are muscles are made up of proteins—or amino acid chains—in our body.

But the protein that makes up our muscles is different than the protein that we consume.

Edible protein, like meats and protein powder, are actually hard for our stomachs to break down into nutrients. That’s why you may get a bloated stomach or gas rumblings after a meaty meal; your body is attempting to break down that protein.

In fact, if you have too much protein, your body actually goes into overdrive to try to digest that protein. Your overworked body actually releases cortisol in response to this “stressful” state of digestion.


Cortisol is the “stress hormone” that the body releases when we’re feeling anxious or stressed. This can be a conscious stressor, like a hard project at work, or an unconscious one, like your body trying to fight off a disease (or break down protein).

Cortisol can have a lot of negative effects on our bodies in the long-term. But the most relevant effect here is that cortisol inhibits the production of testosterone.

Research shows that when the body is in a “stressed” state with high levels of cortisol, the sex hormones shut down. Basically, your body is too busy thinking about survival to think about sex (even though testosterone provides a lot more than just sexual benefits).

One study found that not only does cortisol reduce total testosterone… it especially reduces testosterone during exercise recovery especially. If you have high levels of cortisol while working out, your testosterone levels will be low. If your testosterone levels are low during and after your workout, you won’t be able to build new muscle.

Basically, your workout would end up with no new gains.


Along with cortisol, excessive protein also raises the level of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is the protein in the blood that binds with over 60% of your body’s free-floating testosterone, rendering that testosterone unusable.

The more SHBG you have, the lower your testosterone levels.

If protein increases SHBG, it increases the protein that “steals” free-floating testosterone.

With cortisol and SHBG, protein creates a hormonal double whammy against testosterone levels in the body.

The Relationship of Protein and Muscle Gain

If a = b and b = c, then a = c.

If you need testosterone to gain muscle…

But excessive protein lowers testosterone levels…

Then excessive protein inhibits muscle gain.

I know what you’re thinking.

“But muscle is made from protein. So if I eat protein, I’ll have more muscle.”

However, the protein in your muscles is slightly different than the protein you digest. Yes, you need the amino acids in edible protein in order for your body to make its own protein.

However, the amount of protein you consume does not correlate with the amount of muscle you gain or have.

In fact, once you hit a threshold of protein amino acids and nutrients, your body doesn’t want any more.

Overeating protein will not help muscle gain or improve your overall health. This is true of food-based protein as well as protein powder.

How Much Protein You Need

This means you still need protein—but in moderate amounts.

Protein is one of the three key macronutrients that the body needs to function. However, you should balance this out with the other two macronutrients—carbs and fats.

Having a high-protein diet will not give you bigger muscles. Having a balanced diet of proteins, carbs, and fats will help you gain muscle fast.

So how much protein should you be consuming?

A study at Kent State University looked at protein oxidation, which is the process of synthesizing protein and building muscle. They found an unhealthy increase in oxidation in participants who ate more than 0.8g per pound of body mass daily. Higher levels of oxidation actually have a negative effect on muscle synthesis. Basically, your body tries to synthesize too much protein—that it stops making muscle altogether.

These researchers concluded that the optimal protein intake daily is 0.8g of protein per pound of body weight.

When to Consume Protein

There’s also an optimal time to consume protein if you want to focus on your muscle growth. Studies show that you should consume protein right after a workout, not before it.

If you consume protein before a workout, it will spike your cortisol levels. This spike in cortisol decreases testosterone and growth hormone, which will result in a less effective workout and recovery. Protein also raises insulin levels, which further lowers T count.

Carbs For Muscle Growth

So you’re getting the optimal 0.8g/lb of protein.

What can you eat to actually boost your muscle mass if it’s not protein?


Building muscle takes high levels of energy. Energy comes from calories. Calories are most concentrated in healthy carbohydrates.

This is why you’ll hear of professional athletes or marathon runners “carb loading” the night before a big event or race. Carbohydrates provide energy needed to perform in a peak state.

Carbohydrates are also necessary after exercise. Physical exertion depletes muscle glycogen, which is an important part of the recovery and rebuilding process. The fastest and strongest way to boost muscle glycogen after a hard workout is through high-caloric carbohydrates.

Interestingly, studies have shown that a combination of both protein and carbohydrates is the most efficient at restoring muscle glycogen storage for the fastest recovery process.

Not all carbs are created equal, but each can have an impact on your gains. There are three types of carbohydrates: starch, sugar, and fiber.

Starchy carbs are most beneficial for building muscle. These include:

  • Potatoes
  • Yams (sweet potatoes)
  • Steel cut oats
  • Rice
  • Peas
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Whole wheat grains

Still, sugar and fiber carbohydrates are important too. Sugars give you energy. You need this energy to have a strong workout and push yourself to the maximum. However, you want to focus on natural sugars, like the fructose and sucrose found in fruits and vegetables. This will give your body the energy it needs without unhealthy spikes in blood sugar.

Fiber is also useful for an overall healthy body. It is what helps you go to the bathroom, which is important for maintaining a healthy gut and detoxed system. Fiber can actually normalize hormones by helping to stabilize blood sugar, reduce cortisol levels, and get rid of excess estrogen (the “female” sex hormone). Fiber can help rebalance your hormones to a more natural, testosterone-happy state. And we know testosterone is critical to muscle growth!

Basically, if you want to build muscle, you need to have a healthy and balanced diet. This generally means a diet that is:

  • 50% carbohydrates (starch, sugar, fiber)
  • 20% protein (animal products, powders)
  • 30% good fats (eggs, avocados, olive oil)

The Bottom Line

Let’s sum it all up.

  • Testosterone is needed for healthy muscle growth.
  • High-protein diets reduce free-floating testosterone levels.
  • Thus, protein, in excessive amounts, can inhibit muscle growth.
  • Consumption of 0.8g of protein per pound of body weight (or 1.8g per kilogram) is optimal for post-workout recovery.
  • A combination of protein and healthy carbohydrates is necessary for muscle reparation and growth.

You need a balanced diet of carbs, proteins, and fats to balance your hormones, gain muscle, and have healthy overall wellness.

Not sure what a balanced diet looks like?

Not sure what you should be eating to gain muscle and reinvigorate your body?

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11 Ways To Conquer Performance Anxiety TODAY

Performance anxiety is one of the biggest opponents against a healthy and happy sex life. It can become a physical and emotional obstacle that can drastically impact your quality of life—both inside and outside the bedroom.

What is performance anxiety and how can you overcome it to achieve an exciting sex life once again?

What is performance anxiety?

Performance anxiety is literally anxiety about being able to perform sexually.

It can manifest in a number of ways:

  • Premature ejaculation (PE): ejaculating before or immediately after penetration
  • Delayed ejaculation (DE): a prolonged period and/or overstimulation is necessary in order to ejaculate
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED): inability to get or maintain an erection long enough for intercourse
  • Psychological stress in and out of the bathroom
  • Low libido or lack of interest in sex
  • Obsessive negative thoughts

Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Even cheating on a partner or having multiple partners can be a sign of performance anxiety. In some cases, men may seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere if they find they are having performance anxiety with their partner. This is generally the cause of some sort of previous negative sexual experience with that particular partner, often exacerbated by a lack of communication.

Note: Experiencing one of the above instances once or twice doesn’t necessarily mean you have performance anxiety. However, as we’ll discuss below, even one instance of the above can actually make you talk yourself into having performance anxiety in the long-term!  

What happens to your body with performance anxiety?

Performance anxiety isn’t all in your head—although it usually stems from the head. Anxiety is not only an emotional or psychological problem but also a physical concern with serious associated health implications. Anxiety is part of the body’s natural fight or flight response. It’s actually a warning sign meant to help protect us from danger.

Performance anxiety can actually make you feel like you’re in a hostile situation when you’re about to sex. That’s not very sexy.

When you feel anxious or stressed, your body releases cortisol. Cortisol, the “stress hormone,” actually stops the production of testosterone. You need a high level of testosterone in order to feel sexy. Testosterone is the libido-boosting hormone in both men and women. Lowered testosterone can cause a decreased sex drive, depressed mood, weight gain, and erectile dysfunction—all of which worsen or cause performance anxiety.

Learn more about how to naturally raise your testosterone levels and reduce cortisol levels.

Moreover, anxiety can actually cause your blood pressure to rise. This can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular concerns, which inhibit blood flow throughout the body. This means that blood can’t flow to the penis for an erection. In fact, anxiety is often a major contributor and cause of erectile dysfunction because the penis literally isn’t getting the blood it needs to get hard.

These physical manifestations of stress can worsen your ability to perform sexually, causing a negative feedback cycle of performance anxiety.

Where does performance anxiety come from?

Sexual Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Performance anxiety often starts small and grows. It’s generally psychological, where you start to overthink your sexual experiences.

Did I last long enough?

Did I make my partner happy?

What did my partner think about that one thing that I did?

Was I good?

The more you ask yourself these questions, the more anxiety you’ll get. These constant thoughts can affect your ability to have enjoyable sex in the future. You’re too busy thinking about what could go wrong or your partner’s “judgment” than focusing on the fun and pleasure of the moment.

But these thoughts are coming from somewhere… so what can spur these anxieties?

Society’s views of sex

Consider the term “performance anxiety.” Even the wording of that is stressful!

Socially, we’ve started to think of sex as a “performance.” This puts a lot of pressure on the act. It reminds us of public speaking or playing in the Super Bowl; we feel like we’re expected to have grand performances in the bedroom.

Moreover, masculinity standards can put a lot of pressure on sex. When boys start entering “adulthood,” they’re quickly taught that having sex makes them cool. We continue to watch movies and TV where the “cool” guys get the girls and have amazing sex. This starts to condition the brain that sex equates to masculinity.

As a society, we’ve transformed sex from something intimate and pleasurable to something competitive and goal-oriented. Thus, if something “goes wrong,” we can start to feel emasculated or anxious about ourselves.


Porn adds another layer to this idea of “performance.” Pornstars are literally putting on a sexual performance. Everything has to look perfect in porn. That can make us normal folks—without special lighting and editing equipment—feel a little anxious.

Watching a lot of porn can actually even cause erectile dysfunction due to insufficient real-life sexual arousal, issues of low self-esteem and confidence, and less visual and auditory stimulation. Learn more about porn-induced erectile dysfunction here.

Past negative experience

Negative Experience Performance Anxiety
Like any sort of “trauma,” our minds can build negative associations. If something happened in a previous sexual experience, you might consciously or subconsciously take this event with you into your other experiences.

For example, you had one instance of premature ejaculation with your partner for some reason. Or you had a week where you couldn’t seem to get an erection. You might be embarrassed by your “inability to perform.” You can then start convincing yourself that you have a “problem” and that you’ll never be able to please your partner again.

This is especially exacerbated if a negative experience happens and the partners don’t communicate about it. This can cause men to start overthinking the experience, often undermining their own masculinity and confidence in tandem.

Confidence or self-esteem issues

Specific sexual instances can cause men to lose confidence in the bedroom. Other confidence or self-esteem issues can make a man feel anxious to get naked or please his partner. For example, a man may have body issues because he’s slightly overweight or he’s insecure because he has a large mole near his penis.

Again, these confidence concerns often stem from a lack of communication with the partner. More often than not, these are perceived self-esteem issues not based in reality.

Medical concerns

While performance anxiety is often psychological, these psych concerns can stem from physical problems as well. There are some unrelated medical problems that inhibit your ability to have sex. For example, a man may have diabetes, which shows a secondary symptom of erectile dysfunction.

When a man has these physical concerns, he might start thinking something is “wrong” with him—rather than thinking of his ED as a medical concern. This can then lead to negative self-talk and confidence concerns, ultimately lending itself to performance anxiety.

Desire to please

Sometimes performance anxiety can come from a positive place but have a negative impact. You might worry about pleasing your partner so much that it actually becomes debilitating. You start overthinking about how to “perform” in a way that will excite them, and you end up not having any fun or pleasure yourself. If you don’t feel that excitement yourself, your brain won’t signal your body to physically prepare to have sex. If you aren’t feeling sexy, your body won’t be able to have sex.

Negative feedback loop

All of these physical and psychological concerns can mix to create a negative feedback loop, potentially causing a man to spiral down into severe performance anxiety.

The cycle looks something like this:

  1. Something happens that causes you to feel you didn’t perform “at your peak” during a sexual experience.
  2. You start thinking about that sexual experience and wondering what happened.
  3. This overthinking begins to cause you to wonder if you have some sort of “problem.” This can make you feel emasculated and unconfident.
  4. Thinking about this “problem” causes the problem to manifest itself. You can literally talk yourself into not being able to perform.
  5. This causes further problematic sexual encounters.
  6. This causes even more anxiety, which can push your body into a physically unhealthy state of high stress, low testosterone, and high blood pressure.
  7. In turn, these concerns create a physical performance issue.
  8. So you can’t perform again because of a physical problem.
  9. And then the negative self-talk starts again.

It causes a vicious cycle of psychological and physical concerns.

This cycle can be hard to break when you’re in it.

But you can break it…

And you can start breaking it right now!


How do you overcome performance anxiety?

Stop thinking of sex as goal-oriented

Sex performance anxiety
Sex is not about putting on a performance. Sex is not even about having an orgasm. It’s about pleasure and intimacy. It’s about connecting with your partner in an intimate—and very enjoyable—way.

Try having sex without worrying about an orgasm. Tell your partner that you want to focus solely on foreplay. This can relieve some of the pressure and give you time to better explore one another. This can help overcome some mental hurdles moving forward.

Stop judging yourself.

Masculinity does not mean you are perfect at sex. Sex is an important part of life—but it’s not an important part of your identity.

If something happens, don’t start telling yourself you have a “problem.” Realize the event for what it is. Maybe you’d had too much to drink. Perhaps you were stressed from work. Maybe you have an underlying medical concern to chat with your doctor about. Stop overthinking or misplacing meaning to a sexual event.

Remind yourself how awesome you are.

Stay positive performance anxiety
There is power in positive thinking. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself you’re amazing in bed. Tell yourself that you’re a sex god. Whatever phrases work to get you excited, happy, and goofy. Just like you can talk yourself into having performance anxiety, you can talk yourself into having sexy confidence!

Moreover, think of all the sensual moments in your life. These moments can be during sexual or romantic. They should remind you of your sexual prowess and the amazing feelings you had during those exciting moments. This reminder can instantly renew your sexuality and help remind you of your abilities.

Eliminate external stressors.

Performance anxiety can stem from other anxieties and stresses as well. If you’re feeling stressed, your cortisol levels will rise, which increases blood pressure and inhibits testosterone production. You may not even feel stressed, but it could manifest itself in the bedroom and impact your sexual health.

Consider what stresses you have in your life. Find ways to manage the anxiety and environment around you. Take proactive steps to reduce stressful triggers around you.

Take time to relax.

relax performance anxiety | Gapin Institute
Sometimes you can’t avoid stress. But you can mitigate or reduce it. Take time to calm your overall body, and your sexual health will calm in tandem. Try yoga and meditation. Try mindfulness techniques. Do breathing exercises, which help regulate heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and decrease muscle tension—which all put your body in a better state for sex.

Working out is a great way to relax and release nervous energy. It also increases your testosterone levels and lowers your cortisol, which can help overcome erectile dysfunction. Exercise can also make you happier and healthier overall, so you’re less likely to fall into stressful situations like sex-related anxiety.

Check out: 9 Exercises To Beat ED And Have Better Sex

Communicate with your partner.

Communication is key to overcoming performance anxiety. No matter the cause of your anxiety, talking about it with your partner can release some of the tension. Often, your partner can help reduce some of your concerns by telling you how they view the situation. Honesty allows you to work together to manage and overcome the situation.

Plus, opening the lines of communication can allow you to try new things with your partner. For example, you might want to tell your partner that you’re feeling anxious about performing, so you want to try having sex without orgasm. There will be no expectations for you to finish because you talked about it ahead of time.

Get a little kinky.

Get Kinky, Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Now that you’ve opened the lines of communication, try new things. If you don’t have erectile dysfunction and can still ejaculate in other situations, it likely means you’re in some sort of anxiety-ridden “rut” with your partner. Share your fantasies or try out new moves.

Breaking a routine with new experiences can help overcome anxiety. You’re not “repeating patterns” so there is less pressure.

And remember- if you tried something new and it didn’t work, that’s okay! At least you tried it. You’ll have less stress moving forward with other experiences.

I recommend trying tantric sex. Tantric sex focuses on breathing and mindfulness rather than on the actual physical act of sex. In fact, it’s not uncommon for men and women to orgasm without penetration! This is a great way to get intimate with your partner without worrying about the “performance” aspect.

P.S. Practice makes perfect. The more you have sex, the more confident you’ll be in your abilities.

Avoid drugs and alcohol.

Drugs and alcohol can actually worsen anxiety and lower sexual desire and arousal. Moreover, drugs and alcohol actually unbalance your hormones, which can lower libido and make it harder to obtain an erection.

Reduce your porn watching.

Porn sets unrealistic expectations about sex, which can lead to severe anxiety and performance concerns. It can even cause erectile dysfunction in high doses.

Remember: Porn is edited. You can’t compare yourself to the special effects used in porn filmmaking.

Seek professional help.

Talking to a sex therapist is a discreet and effective way to help you understand where your performance anxiety stems from. They will look at your relationship and sexual history to get at the root of your sexual stressors.

It is not embarrassing to seek professional help. You deserve to have an exciting and vivacious sex life, and a professional will help get you to that point.

You can find quality sex therapists through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.

Change your lifestyle.

Performance anxiety and general anxiety often stems from lifestyle. Diet, exercise, supplements, and health choices all impact your stress levels inside and outside the bedroom.

If you want to overcome anxiety, you need to change your lifestyle.

You can kiss performance anxiety goodbye…

And say hello to the best sex of your life!

5 Simple Ways To Normalize Your Hormones This Week

Hormones are involved in every function of your body. When your hormones are out of whack, you can start feeling severe symptoms that drastically minimize your quality of life.

If you want a happy, healthy life, you need a regulated hormonal system.

What is the endocrine system?

The endocrine system is your body’s regulator of hormones. A number of things can contribute to an unhealthy, poorly-functioning endocrine system.

I like to call hormones “social creatures.” They love to interact with cells, blood, and even one another. This means that high levels of one hormone can impact other hormonal and organ functions. Low levels of a hormone can also drastically throw the entire system off-balance.

Think of hormones like Tetris. Each colored block is a different hormone. When used correctly, they fit together harmoniously. But if even one block is out of place, the other blocks have to work twice as hard to try and fit together to function properly.

If you’ve never played Tetris, I’m basically saying that hormones are interdependent. They each need to be regulated and working together in order for the entire endocrine system to function at its optimal state.

Do you have a hormonal imbalance?

Imbalanced hormones can throw your entire body off: from side effects like growing hair in new places or a burst of cystic acne to feeling exhausted and depressed to diabetes and chronic inflammatory diseases. Hormonal imbalances are especially linked to risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.

Usually, if you go into your doctor with a symptom that doesn’t have an easy explanation (like a cold or a wart), they’ll usually consider a hormonal imbalance first. They’ll do blood, saliva, and urine tests to see how your hormone levels may be influencing the overall function of your body.

A majority of the time, those symptoms you’re experiencing are linked to some sort of hormonal imbalance.

What are the four key hormones?

There are a number of hormones that can be out of whack in your system. For the purpose of this article, we are going to focus on four key hormones that play a significant role in healthy living: cortisol, insulin, testosterone, and estrogen.


Cortisol is the “stress hormone.” Your adrenal glands produce cortisol in response to some internal or external stressor. This hormone also helps your body break down carbs, lipids, and proteins.

A little bit of cortisol in the body can actually be beneficial. Along with adrenaline, these hormones can actually spur your body into action. They give you that “fight or flight” response to get you out of negative situations (or to remind you that public speaking is terrifying). In fact, super-low levels of long-term cortisol can actually wreak havoc on your body as well.

But of course, too much cortisol, and you put your body into a constant state of stress that can severely damage your body’s health.


Insulin is made by the pancreas, and it helps the body convert carbs into sugar. This sugar is then used as energy or stored for future use. Basically, insulin keeps you moving. It also maintains your blood sugar level. It prevents your blood sugar levels from getting it too high, called hyperglycemia, or too low, hypoglycemia.

If your body doesn’t produce enough insulin or your cells are resistant to insulin, it can lead to high and low blood sugar. In the short term, this can cause symptoms of fatigue, energy loss, migraines, headaches, anxiety, depression, and more. In the long term, this can cause diabetes.


Testosterone is the “male” sex hormone, though women have it too. It’s the hormone that increases sex drive (in both men and women), and makes boys turn to muscled, hairy men during puberty. It also increases the penis and testes during puberty. Basically, testosterone is what generates a man biologically.

Symptoms of low testosterone can include loss of libido, weight gain, fatigue, depression, psychological concerns, erectile dysfunction, and more. Low T may even be linked to risk of prostate cancer.


Estrogen is the female sex hormone, but it’s also found in men. It’s the key hormone in female reproduction (and beauty). Men need estrogen to protect and maintain certain organ processes. But excess estrogen can cause weight gain, mood swings, psychological concerns, inflammation disorders, osteoporosis, and more.

The Link

All four of these interweave in unique ways. Estrogen and testosterone love each other… but also hate each other. High levels of T can lower estrogen (which is good for men); but high levels of estrogen can lower testosterone. High levels of cortisol and insulin both reduce sex hormones—which, in turn, means high levels of stress and weight gain.

Basically, you want to keep these four (and other) hormones balanced whenever possible. You want low to moderate levels of cortisol and insulin. As a man, you want higher levels of T and average levels of estrogen. (Women want higher levels of estrogen than T, but still shouldn’t have excessive levels of estrogen.)

So how do you keep these hormones regulated and balanced? What can you do to naturally normalize your endocrine system?

1. Get sleep.

Sleep more. Sleep is the prime time that your body regulates your hormones. When you have a long, deep sleep, your endocrine system is able to reset and normalize the hormones floating around in your system.

Sleep affects two major hormone pathways: the autonomic nervous system and the pituitary axes. When you fall into a deep sleep, your sympathetic system “turns off.” This is the system that creates cortisol and adrenaline. This allows your parasympathetic system to activate. This system helps lower cortisol and re-stabilize your body’s hormones.

The pituitary glands affect the growth hormone, which you need to stay healthy and functioning. If you don’t sleep enough, cortisol levels increase. Cortisol kills growth hormones and testosterone.

If you have chronic sleep loss, you’ll have an increase in cortisol levels. This can lower testosterone levels and promote insulin resistance (which is a risk factor for diabetes and obesity). Not sleeping enough is a key risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes in otherwise healthy adults.

For a healthy, hormone-happy rest, you should sleep at least 7 hours per night. You should also have a good bedtime routine, which will signal to your brain to start preparing for sleep. Moreover, you need to regulate your light and dark cycle and sleep in the cold, which I’ll further discuss below.

Regulate light and dark.

Studies show that hormones fluctuate daily according to circadian rhythms. Basically, your hormones change with the cycle of light and dark, awake and asleep. This is especially true for the hormones GH (growth hormone), cortisol, leptin, and melatonin. Any sort of sleep disturbances can negatively impact these rhythms and throw off hormonal imbalance.

In this way, you want to keep it dark at night and get light exposure during the day. In the evening, sleep in a dark room without any light disturbances. After 10pm, turn off all electronics and bright lights. Blue and green lights from electronic screens can especially confuse the endocrine system’s circadian rhythm. Darkness or only mild lighting can signal your body that it’s time to start drifting into rest and regulating your hormones. Some people decide to use Crystal lamps made of salt to have dim warm light to aid in their sleep, which might be an interesting option for those that are looking for a night light.

To avoid light at night:

  • Turn off your phone at 10pm. Read or spend time with your family. Or have sex… which is also great for boosting testosterone and lowering cortisol for more hormone regulation!
  • If you need to use your phone, turn it to Night Shift. This makes your phone yellowish rather than bluish.
  • You can also consider purchasing blue-light blocking goggles for nighttime use of the computer.

During the day, you should also get an appropriate amount of light. Sunlight tells your body it’s time to get up and start “using” your hormones. If you don’t get a lot of light because you’re in an office or live in a cloudy city, try purchasing a sun lamp (not a UV lamp). Some alarm clocks will even simulate the sunrise to help you and your endocrine system wake up refreshed. These can also simulate the sunset to help tell your body it’s time to drift to sleep.

Sleep in a cold room.

The University of South Australia found that a colder room leads to a more restorative sleep. Sleeping in a room warmer than 70 degrees can actually stop your body from releasing melatonin; melatonin is the hormone your body uses to help you sleep. Melatonin is also the perfect anti-aging hormone to keep you young and vibrant.

One study even found that rooms set to 66 degrees could help prevent certain metabolic diseases, like diabetes. Participants who slept in cold rooms were also more likely to burn fat while awake, and this fat burning can help further regulate hormones.

Crank the AC or sleep with a fan near your bed.

2. Eat the right diet.

What you put into your body becomes the building blocks for your hormones. For example, important micronutrients needed for hormone production are zinc, magnesium, calcium, and selenium.

Moreover, your hormones respond to the number of calories in your body. Overeating can raise insulin levels<span` style=”font-weight: 400;”>; under-eating puts the body into stress mode, increasing cortisol and triggering insulin resistance. In this way, it’s imperative that you get an appropriate amount of food and calories to maintain a healthy endocrine system.

What To Eat

This means that you need to get all three macronutrients: proteins, carbs, and fats. Experts recommend that you get 20-30g of protein per meal to keep you full and regulate your hormones. Carbs give your body the energy it needs to keep the organs and systems functioning.

Healthy fats can help reduce insulin resistance and improve hormone balance. MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) have been shown to boost weight loss and lower insulin sensitivity. These can be found in coconut oil and palm oil. Monounsaturated fats from olive oil and nuts can also improve insulin sensitivity.

The best balance of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats comes from the Mediterranean diet. Time and time again the Mediterranean way of eating has been proven beneficial for vigorous endocrine systems, weight loss, heart and blood vessel health, brain function, and more.

What Not To Eat

Avoid sugars and refined carbohydrates. Fructose, a common form of sugar, has been linked to higher insulin levels, increased body fat and insulin resistance, and worsened inflammation in the body.

Refined carbohydrates are also a factor for insulin resistance. However, healthy carbs can keep your endocrine system operational. In this way, a moderate carb diet is best when monitoring levels of insulin and other hormones.

3. Get moving.

A recent study in 2016 found that sitting is linked to lower levels of testosterone. In fact, researchers found that men who watch long hours of television had lower levels of testosterone than low TV-consuming counterparts. This study also found that physical activity had a positive association with sperm counts.

Staying active is also necessary to regulate insulin levels. One study proved that just simply getting up and walking around can help improve insulin sensitivity, and another found that physical activity helps ease insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes. Overall, a study in 2000 reported: “It is concluded that physical training can be considered to play an important, if not essential, role in the treatment and prevention of insulin insensitivity.”

The best kind of exercise? A mixture of resistance training and walking. Resistance training has been shown to increase male sex hormones, like testosterone and growth hormone. A combination of resistance training and aerobics was found to produce more growth hormone than aerobics alone. Studies have also found that the intensity of exercise impacts the growth hormone secretion.

Physical activity also helps lower total body fat, and a healthy body fat contributes to a healthy hormonal system.

Even getting up and moving can help. Daily movement like fidgeting, walking, cleaning, and playing with the kids can all help burn calories and regulate hormones.

Plus, exercise lowers cortisol levels. And lower cortisol means a better regulated endocrine system, reduced levels of stress, and higher levels of testosterone.

Speaking of cortisol…

4. Lower your stress levels.

Stress increases cortisol. Cortisol levels disrupt the endocrine system, lower testosterone and estrogen production, inhibit growth hormones, increase insulin resistance, and more. Stress also increases levels of adrenaline, which can cause anxiety, high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, and dehydration. Some people experiencing high levels of stress could think about taking edibles or other types of marijuana to relieve some of their symptoms and completely relax themselves. Medical cannabis can be purchased online, but contacting your doctor beforehand might be a good idea if you’re already on medication.

It has been shown that increased levels of cortisol is linked to stress-eating, which increases belly fat and further damages the endocrine function. Cortisol is undoubtedly correlated with weight gain.

Reduce your stress levels by getting a massage, meditating, doing yoga, or even just hanging out with friends who make you laugh. Take time for yourself. If you let stress build up, it will chronically and permanently damage your endocrine system

5. Stress your body.

Huh? Didn’t I just say to avoid stress?

Yes, avoid mental stress. But putting your body under physical stress, like extreme temperatures, has been proven to help regulate hormones.

This is because these situations put your body into a state of high, short-term oxidative stress. Built-up oxidative stress can have serious problems like diabetes, depression, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. You can fight off oxidative stress with diet, exercise, and sleep (hmmm… those are all discussed in this article too!).

When your body senses stress, it increases its antioxidant defense. This boost in antioxidants has been proven in response to both heat therapies as well as cold treatments. Cold exposure has also been shown to regulate metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce insulin levels.

Moreover, one study found that Finnish men who used a sauna 2-3 times per week had a 23% lower risk of having a fatal heart attack thanks to the antioxidant boost. Saunas have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and boost growth hormone secretion (by as much as 140%).

Plus, that saying “sweat it out” may actually be true. Research has shown that sweat contains bioaccumulated toxins. This means that your body uses sweat as a way to discharge bad gunk, just like urine or waste. (That’s another reason to sweat while you workout.)

So take a cold shower and hop in the sauna—your body will thank you!

Bottom Line

Sleep in accordance with your circadian rhythms. Eat a healthy diet filled with macronutrients. Increase your physical activity. Lower your stress. Submit your body to extreme temperatures.

… and you’ll be on the road to hormone regulation in no time! What will you do to normalize hormones?

But if you want to change your life and your health starting today… sign up for The Male 90X Consult. With this genetic-based report and private consultation, you’ll obtain all the practical tips and advice you’ll need to feel the happiest, healthiest, and sexiest you’ve ever felt.