5 Benefits Of Pomegranate For Your Sexual Health

Is pomegranate the ultimate solution to all of your “sex-drive” needs? What are the benefits of pomegranate?

What if I told you pomegranate could help all of your sexual health problems, from low testosterone and diminished libido to erectile dysfunction to even prostate cancer? This superfood is filled with antioxidants that have proven results to help both men and women have better sex lives. This fruit can increase testosterone levels, improve sperm quality, and increase sex drive and mood.

Pomegranate has three times more antioxidants than even red wine and green tea. Antioxidants are what improve blood circulation, decrease inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, and fight harmful free radicals that cause aging, illness, and cancer. Pomegranate antioxidants have even been known to help fight breast cancer.

If you’re looking to improve your sexual health, you need to add pomegranate to your daily lineup. From juice to seeds to supplement extracts, it’s easy to enhance your life with the wonders of pomegranate.

Let’s take a deep dive into the 5 benefits of pomegranates for your sexual and overall health.

1. Boosts testosterone

Testosterone is the “manly” hormone that controls your facial hair, deep voice, muscle growth, and even your sex drive. Low levels of testosterone can become a serious health problem leading to lowered energy, depression, diminished libido, weight gain, muscle loss, brain fog, and more. Women also need testosterone for their sex drive and regulation of estrogen levels.

By the way, low T means low libido… and low libido means a low desire for sex. If you have been losing your interest in sex recently, you may be suffering from low testosterone levels.

I always recommend increasing testosterone levels the natural way before resorting to costly (and often ineffective) testosterone replacement therapies. A daily intake of pomegranate is one of the easiest (and tastiest) ways to improve your testosterone.

Firstly, pomegranate is shown to block estrogen production. The Beckman Research Institute in California reported that pomegranate is rich in ellagittanins (ET). ETs convert into compounds that are used to stop your androgens from turning into estrogens. Basically, ET helps lower the production of estrogen.

This is critical to testosterone levels. Too much estrogen can interfere with libido, hurt erectile health, and damage bone strength. Plus, estrogen actually blocks testosterone production. High levels of estrogen actually further diminish T levels to create an unhealthy imbalance of hormones that are destructive to male sexual health.

A study at the Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland found that participants who were given one glass of pomegranate juice per day for two weeks had a 24% increase in testosterone on average. They also saw further results linked to improved testosterone, balanced hormones, and regulated mood:

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decline of stress levels
  • Increase in positive emotions, especially self-confidence
  • Heightened mood
  • Lowered feelings of shyness, fear, and sadness

2. Treats erectile dysfunction

It’s important to note that the Queen Margaret study found not only an increase in testosterone levels, but also an increase in positive emotions as well. Stress, anxiety, low self-confidence, and fear are all major causes of erectile dysfunction. This study demonstrated that pomegranate might be able to improve psychological concerns that could cause erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, pomegranates help address three major causes of erectile dysfunction: restricted blood flow/high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

Blood flow

You need proper blood flow in order for your penis to fill with blood and get “hard.” If you have high blood pressure, damaged arteries, or vascular problems, blood flow to the penis can be restricted, thus causing erectile dysfunction. Some studies show that pomegranate juice can reduce systolic blood pressure with “promising acute hypotensive properties.” This lowered blood pressure can help promote blood flow to the penis when it’s time for an erection.

Furthermore, a 2007 study found that drinking 100% pomegranate juice (POM Wonderful brand) actually helped manage erectile dysfunction. 50% of participants who drank the juice saw an improvement in their erections. They concluded that this was due to the high antioxidant content of pomegranates, which can stop free radicals from inhibiting blood flow to the penis.

Additionally, pomegranate is high in vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the production of nitric oxide (NO) by converting nitrites to nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is the chemical that relaxes blood vessels and flexes muscles near and in the penis. This NO process prepares your penis for an erection. A 2005 Italian study found an increase in levels of nitric oxide and a decrease in oxidant damage in all blood vessels after consumption of pomegranate juice.

Heart disease

In a similar “vein,” heart-healthy pomegranates (filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals) can open up your blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Heart disease is another cause of erectile dysfunction and lowered libido. Pomegranates can help lower cholesterol, remove arterial deposits (bad cholesterol), limit inflammation, and encourage blood flow—all lowering the risk of heart disease.

One study found that daily pomegranate seed oil for four weeks improved participants’ ratio of triglycerides to HDL, basically lowering bad deposits and raising good cholesterol. Researchers discovered that half a glass of pomegranate juice and three dates had enough antioxidants to help protect against heart attacks and strokes. A second study also showed that pomegranate juice could reduce bad cholesterol in those with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.


Being overweight can cause erectile dysfunction, lowered testosterone, imbalanced hormones, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Pomegranates also have been shown to help fight obesity by curbing hunger pains and improving satiation levels.

A 2016 study at Queen Margaret found that those participants who took a daily supplement of pomegranate had less desire to eat, were less hungry, and felt more satiated while eating than the placebo group. Researchers hypothesized that this was because of the fruit’s polyphenols (a specific type of antioxidant), which can act as an appetite suppressant.

Plus, pomegranates can help improve exercise performance, helping you lose weight and gain muscle at a faster rate. Pomegranate has a high amount of nitrates, which enhance blood flow throughout the body. This improved blood flow to the muscles can improve exercise performance, efficiency, and endurance. The better you workout, the more your body can burn off that extra flab. Regulated, healthy weight can reduce ED symptoms—and make you more energetic, happy, and productive!

3. Lowers risk of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer affects 11.6% of men at some point in their lives. What seems to be an inevitable disease is actually preventable—and maybe even with a delicious fruit like pomegranate! Recent research suggests, “pomegranate is likely to be valuable for treatment of some forms of human prostate cell life.”

One study looked at the reason why pomegranates may have this effect on prostate cancer. Data suggests that pomegranate extract down-regulates HR which sensitizes cells to DSBs, growth inhibition, and apoptosis.” Basically, pomegranate polyphenols help your cells kill themselves. “Apoptosis” is your body’s natural process where unhealthy cells self-destruct before spreading their “disease” to other cells. When damaged cells don’t self-destruct, they begin to breed and grow into tumors and cancers. Pomegranate extract helps keep this natural process of apoptosis functioning, so cancerous and damaged cells will continue to die off at an appropriate rate.

4. Improves sperm quality

A Turkish study found that rats that drank pomegranate juice had significant increases in healthy sperm. Generally, “healthy” sperm refers to the quantity, movement, structure, and fertility of the sperm. Healthy sperm is more likely to fertilize an egg and create a healthy embryo. If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, it’s time to start glugging the pomegranate juice.

Turkish researchers also found an increased amount of natural antioxidants in sperm and blood, further demonstrating that pomegranate extract helps to send nutrients directly into the bloodstream to fight against damaging oxidation.

5. Other benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate also has a number of health benefits that will make your overall wellness significantly better. For example, pomegranate’s ability to fight oxidative stress and minimize inflammation has been shown to fight rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and swelling. It has also been shown to aid brain health, improve memory, and fight off signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

As we age, our body’s natural processes start to slow down. If you want to stay functioning with optimal health, you need to take care of your sexual, physical, emotional, and mental wellness in tandem. Pomegranates have proven benefits in all of these wellness facets.

How to consume

There are a number of ways to get your daily dose of pomegranate. Pomegranate juice and pomegranate supplements are a popular way to get a shot of healthy goodness.

But be careful. Steer clear of most store-bought pomegranate juice, which tends to be filled with sugar—and sugar can actually make your sexual health worse. If you’re going to buy store-bought, stick to all-natural 100% juice like POM Wonderful.

I like making pomegranate juice right at home, so I can control the taste and consistency myself. Here’s how:

  • Cut open a fresh, organic pomegranate.
  • Scoop out the seeds and place in a bowl filled with water.
  • The seeds will sink to the bottom, and their white goopy membrane will float to the top.
  • Strain the water, which will clean the seeds and remove the membrane.
  • Place the seeds in a blender and blend to a pulp.
  • Strain the seed mixture into a pulp.
  • Add water and agave sweetener to taste.
  • Eat the rest of the pomegranate or use in your cooking!

And don’t neglect pomegranate seeds! They burst in your mouth for a hydrating and sweet snack. If you have a midnight sweet tooth like me, pomegranate seeds are a deliciously healthy way to curb those cravings.

Bottom line

Get back to the sex life you want with boosted T, high libido, diminished erectile dysfunction, lowered risk of prostate cancer, improved sperm quality, higher energy, regulated weight, improved memory, fewer aches and pains, and so much more… all with pomegranates!

Adding pomegranates to your morning routine or midnight snack is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to boost your sexual health and wellness. In fact, you’ll start seeing most of the benefits of pomegranates in as little as four weeks.

What else can you do to upgrade your health? 

Well, you can flip the page on your calendar.

And you can renew your vitality and vigor with a Male 2.0 Consult! Sign up to start living your best life in now!


Tracy Gapin, MD FACS is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.drtracygapin.com

BPH and Erectile Dysfunction: Are They Related?

Approximately 70% of men with BPH (enlarged prostate) have co-existing erectile dysfunction (ED), according to research presented in The World Journal Of Men’s Health. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that ED causes BPH or that BPH causes ED. It also doesn’t mean that if you have one problem, you must have the other as well. This statistic simply means there’s some sort of connection between the two. But what is the relationship? And what does this link mean for your wellness?

If you’re suffering from BPH and/or ED, you’re likely wondering how this will influence your sexual and urinary health. Wonder no more—the answers are here!

(Well, not all the answers. Still waiting on more research and science for some explanations. But a lot of the answers!)

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is when a man can’t get or keep an erection. ED affects nearly 52% of all men at some point in their lives. It can stem from psychological concerns like: anxiety, depression, stress, poor sleep, relationship concerns, or lowered confidence. It also has physical causes like: vascular problems (high blood pressure or poor blood flow), imbalanced hormones, lowered nitric oxide, damage to pelvic area, clogged arteries, and diabetes.

Basically, your brain, blood vessels, hormones, nerves, psyche, and muscles all need to work together to create an erection. If one part of the process isn’t functioning properly, an erection simply won’t happen.

But none of these have to do with the prostate. The prostate isn’t part of the erection process  (it’s part of the sperm-making process)… so why are BPH (enlarged prostate) and erectile dysfunction linked?

What is BPH?

The prostate is the walnut-shaped gland at the base of the bladder that surrounds the urethra. Its primary function is the production of fluid for the semen. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the noncancerous growth of cells in the prostate, creating an enlarged prostate gland.

Although the prostate function is sexual in nature, the enlargement of the prostate actually upsets the urinary tract due to the proximity to the urethra and bladder. When the prostate enlarges with a benign tumor, it tends to block off the urethra—aka the tube from which you urinate and ejaculate.

This is the first link between BPH and sexual dysfunction. Even though BPH primarily influences the urinary tract, this is the same tract that semen comes out of. This indicates there is also some sort of concern with sexual health and ejaculation as well. But read on for a deeper understanding of this connection…

What are the symptoms of BPH?

The symptoms of BPH tend to be urinary in nature. If you are struggling going “number one” in the bathroom, you may want to get checked for BPH. You’ll often see BPH referred to as LUTS, which stands for “lower urinary tract symptoms.”

Symptoms can include:

  • Feeling the urge to urinate frequently or urgently
  • Trouble starting or stopping urination
  • Weak stream of urine
  • Straining during urination
  • Incomplete emptying of bladder
  • Needing to go excessively at night

It’s interesting to note that there may be a correlation between the severity of BPH symptoms and the risk of other sexual dysfunctions. For example, men with severe trouble going to the bathroom often also find they have reduced sex drive, inability to keep an erection, and lowered sexual satisfaction. One review found that most men who sought treatment for either BPH or ED were actually diagnosed with both conditions.

What causes BPH?

BPH is a common concern for a number of men. In fact, autopsy studies around the world have found prevalence among all men regardless of race or location. The one link is age: 10% of men in their 30s, 20% in their 40s, 50-60% in their 60s, and 80-90% over age 70. The cause of BPH is poorly understood. Because of its prevalence worldwide, it’s concluded that the major cause of BPH is simply age. However, some research has suggested that genetics, insomnia, anxiety, heart disease, and diabetes also play a role in prostate enlargement.

The “causes” of BPH are also causes of ED. This is where the second link comes in. Age, anxiety, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and poor sleep are all proven causes of erectile dysfunction—as they are with prostate enlargement. In this way, the two may not be interdependent—but their root causes are the same.

What are the treatments for BPH?

Typical treatments for BPH include hormone blockers and surgeries. This is where the third link, and possibly the most potent connection, plays a role. The treatments for BPH are proven to impact and potentially cause erectile dysfunction.


Common medications that are often prescribed for the treatment of BPH are alpha blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors. Alpha blockers, such as Flomax, relax the urine channel that runs through the middle of the prostate to ease urination. The 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, such as Proscar and Avodart, influence your endocrine system (hormones) to slowly promote shrinkage of the prostate.

Although 5-alpha reductase inhibitors may improve symptoms BPH and reduce the likelihood of problems related to BPH, they have some potential serious side effects. A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that the most common side effect for 5-alpha reductase inhibitors was erectile dysfunction. They attributed this to a decrease in nitric oxide activity; nitric oxide is necessary for the blood flow to the penis that happens during an erection.

Another study in Hormones Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigations found that Avodart could worsen erectile dysfunction in men already experiencing some sexual dysfunction problems. Moreover, the study found that Avodart put men at an increased risk for diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Researchers at George Washington University found that finasteride (Proscar) caused a number of sexual side effects including ED, changes in genital sensation, and quality of ejaculate. These side effects could even persist for up to 14 months after discontinuation of use. Proscar has been linked to ED in 3.7% of men who use it, and 3.3% of men report a diminished libido.


One of the most common surgeries for BPH is TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate). The incidence of erectile dysfunction post-TURP surgery is approximately 14%, as reported in the World Journal of Urology.

Overall, it’s widely accepted that surgery on or around the pelvis/prostate can cause erectile dysfunction.

Research has shown that less invasive surgeries for BPH may have reduced risk of ED. For example, TUNA (transurethral needle ablation) has been shown to less likely to cause sexual dysfunction. TUIP (transurethral incision of the prostate) and TUMT (transurethral microwave thermotherapy) also have lower incidence of ED. Nevertheless, any prostate surgery has the chance to potentially cause ED.

What is the link between BPH and ED?

So what does all this mean? Let’s recap.

Enlarged prostate does not cause ED. ED does not cause BPH.

But they do often appear simultaneously. The Survey of the Aging Male found that 60% of men who had urinary symptoms also presented ED symptoms.

There are three major links between these two independent concerns:

  1. Enlarged prostate blocks the urinary tract, which is also where semen is released. This may thus influence the ability to maintain an erection and ejaculate quality semen. Though this is not related to erection quality, it demonstrates a sexual health concern as well.
  2. The accepted causes of BPH are also common causes of ED, such as age, poor sleep, stress, heart disease, and diabetes.
  3. Common treatments for BPH, including hormone blockers and invasive prostate surgeries, often hold erectile dysfunction as the most prevalent side effect.

So what can you do about this? How can you overcome your symptoms of BPH and ED easily, quickly, safely, and effectively?

Do ED medications work for BPH?

Some research has shown—though not definitively—that ED meds may also help BPH. It seems against logic, since ED meds tend to affect the vascular system and BPH is not a vascular problem. Despite logic, ED meds might work for BPH.

For example, tadalfil (Cialis), when taken daily, has been shown to improve erectile function, ejaculatory function, and sexual satisfaction in men showing both BPH and ED. Another study found that ED and BPH symptoms share common pathophysiological pathways that can be treated by tadalafil. This is likely because tadalfil increases cGMP, which is the chemical that both enhances blood flow to the penis and relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder. Nevertheless, tadalfil is not an approved treatment for BPH.


Image Source: www.healthdirect.gov.au/cialis

However, despite the research, there is still hesitancy to start prescribing tadalfil for all men with ED and BPH. ED pills don’t get to the root of the problem, instead just masking the symptoms indefinitely. This means you will be on pills the rest of your life in order to stay healthy. Moreover, medications often host a number of mild and serious side effects that aren’t worth the trouble, including blood pressure and heart concerns.

You want to get to the root of the problem of your BPH and erectile dysfunction. As we know, the causes of erectile dysfunction are also the shared causes of BPH. In this way, fixing the root cause can solve both problems in the long-term.

This means taking a look at your risk factors and making lifestyle changes accordingly. Common causes of BPH and ED that you should consider with your doctor include:

  • Weight (being overweight/obese)
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Medications

Treating symptoms of BPH and erectile dysfunction

If you’re dealing with BPH and ED, you might feel overwhelmed running to the bathroom and unable to enjoy the sexual pleasures of life. And lifestyle changes take time. Below are a few tips to reduce your suffering in the meantime, while you attack the root causes of your ED and BPH problems.

  • Reduce your intake of fluids, especially after dinner. This will help reduce the urge to urinate throughout the night.
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine. These are diuretics that increase urine flow.
  • Talk to your doctor about anticholinergic medications like antihistamines and antidepressants. These weaken bladder contractions, so it can be a challenge to control your symptoms.
  • Talk to your doctor about blood pressure or heart medications, which are usually diuretics.
  • Avoid medications that stimulate your muscles, like pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and other decongestants.
  • Clear the path from your bed to the bathroom so you don’t hurt yourself in the middle of the night.
  • Always use the bathroom when you feel the urge.
  • Eat an ED-fighting diet.
  • Exercise! Sweating can help reduce the urge to go to the bathroom. It can also help maintain a healthy body weight, reduce stress, and lower anxiety—all of which may be causing your BPH and ED.
  • Get more vitamin D, which is linked to prostate health.

Bottom line

Enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction are linked, often presenting signs at the same time. If you’re suffering from urinary and sexual symptoms, it’s time to talk to your doctor. Be sure to discuss how your treatment for BPH will influence your ED and vice versa.

You don’t need to run to the bathroom. You don’t need to shy away from sex. It’s time to take control of your health.

Take power over your health and vitality right now by checking our Male 90X program. With this genetic-based report and private consultation, your sexual and overall health will be completely renewed and revolutionized. 

7 Testosterone Boosting Myths No One Will Tell You About

If you’re one of the 25% of U.S. men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone-or one of the millions of men following testosterone boosting myths-you’ve probably tried anything and everything to raise your testosterone levels. But nothing seems to be working.

If you suffer from low testosterone, you may be experiencing:

  • Low libido and sex drive
  • Low sperm count
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle loss
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Diminished mood
  • Insomnia
  • Brain fog
  • Loss of vitality
  • Erectile dysfunction

Are you sick and tired of these symptoms making you sick and tired?

Of course, you are! So you visit your doctor, who prescribes some testosterone replacement therapy or medications or pumps or doodads… and yet you still feel the same crappy way.

That’s because most therapies for testosterone don’t get to the root of the issue. They raise T-levels in the short-term without attacking the underlying root cause.

So maybe you’ve even decided to make lifestyle changes to address these root-cause concerns. That’s the first step towards overall health and increased testosterone.

But months later and you’re still not seeing results.


Because there are a number of testosterone boosting myths floating around out in the “world wide web” that just don’t work.

I’m here to debunk those myths to ensure that every lifestyle choice you make is optimizing your health with increased testosterone, regulated hormone levels, and a vibrant sex life!

So what are these testosterone boosting myths? And what can you do instead to exponentially boost your testosterone levels for real?

Myth 1: “Working out boosts your testosterone.”

No, working out doesn’t boost your testosterone. This is a common testosterone boosting myth. Working out the right way boosts your testosterone. Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to raising your testosterone levels.

Endurance exercise, like running and cycling, may actually reduce your free-floating testosterone levels. A number of studies have shown that prolonged endurance training can interrupt hormone production and damage the male reproductive system—aka lower testosterone.

Moreover, low testosterone generally means increased estrogen; increased estrogen can lead to low bone density and osteoporosis. This means that men with low testosterone are more susceptible to injuries during endurance exercise. It becomes a double whammy of problematic low T!

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be working out. In fact, you need physical exercise in order to lose weight and boost your testosterone. Instead, focus your exercise efforts on HIIT, lifting weights, and yoga.

High-intensity interval training has been shown to have a higher testosterone response than steady endurance exercise. It also burns more calories and boosts fat loss in both the short- and long-term. One study of overweight men found that 12 weeks of HIIT reduced their fat mass by 17%. Losing weight thus helps to increase the level of free-floating testosterone, regulate hormones, and reduce the risks of metabolic syndrome.

Combining HIIT with weightlifting has been shown to help burn fat at a higher rate. Lifting weights helps to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your testosterone levels. Plus, body muscle helps your body use up more energy and burn more fat. You’ll burn fat at a faster rate, helping to quench weight-related low T.

Yoga has also been studied as a strong testosterone booster. Yoga can help lower stress and anxiety, which in turn lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol kills testosterone production and destabilizes hormones. Yoga is able to minimize cortisol to improve T levels and overall reproductive health. Yoga has also been shown to boost libido, improve erection quality, improve orgasms, stimulate genital blood flow, and enhance sexual pleasure. It’s time for downward dog if you ask me!

Myth 2: Eating fats hurts your testosterone levels.

Having fat on your body can lower your T levels, but eating fats will now lower your testosterone. In fact, you need fats in your diet because testosterone is fat-soluble. If you cut out fats, your free-floating testosterone has no where to run… so your T lowers in tandem.

In fact, low-fat diets are proven to kill your T. One study found that a diet with less than 40% fat drastically decreased testosterone levels. Another study found that increasing the percentage of calories from fat from 20% to 40% increased testosterone levels drastically. This study also found that a low-fat, high-fiber diet reduced testosterone by 12%. Moreover, fats are necessary to regulate the endocrine (hormone) system, including the production of testosterone.

Plus, eating fats can actually help you burn body fat. Research found that participants eating a low-fat diet only burned 18.8% of their energy from fat, while the high-fat diet group burned 41% of their energy from fat. Furthermore, the high-fat group had 13% higher testosterone levels.

Nevertheless, eating a diet too rich in fats can make you gain weight. And being overweight or obese will lower your testosterone levels. In this way, you’ll want to eat healthy fats like omega 3s (fish), avocados, and coconut oil. You should also evenly balance all three of your macronutrients: carbs, fats, and protein. 

Myth 3: Eating carbs hurts your testosterone levels.

In the same vein, people tend to demonize carbs. Nope, this is another testosterone boosting myth. In reality, carbs are absolutely necessary for hormone production. Sure, processed carbs are bad for you, but they give all carbs an unnecessarily bad rep. Whole-wheat products and grains are vital to ensure your body stays healthy and functioning.
A study by the University of North Carolina found that participants on a low-carb diet had reduced testosterone and raised cortisol (which kills the production of T). On the other hand, a Life Sciences Journal Study found that men on a high-carb diet for 10 days had higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol.

In this way, scientists have concluded that carbs help keep cortisol levels low. Cortisol not only stops the production of testosterone but also binds to free-floating testosterone for a double whammy of low T. Carbs can help fight off these T-killing effects of cortisol. If you want to boost your testosterone, stick to a moderate amount of whole-wheat, full-grain carbs.

Myth 4: Soy will increase testosterone levels.

Soy is commonly considered a healthy protein alternative to “fatty” meats. Not in the testosterone boosting myth busters house! Soy can be found in a number of protein powders, as people assume soy can help build muscle. The real reason “soy protein isolate” is used in so many protein powders? It’s cheap and easy to come by.

Researchers have found that soy can actually lower testosterone and raise cortisol. This is likely because soy is highly estrogenic, so much so that one study even found male subjects had enlarged breast and nipple discharge when eating high amounts of soy. This is obviously not what any guy wants who is trying to raise their testosterone levels. Perhaps they will have better luck with a testosterone booster taken as a dietary supplement.

Moreover, men who eat a lot of soy were found to have high levels of equol in their bloodstream. Equol is an anti-androgen that shuts down hormone production, making the manufacture of testosterone impossible. This soy-related diminishment of hormone production can also lead to infertility and low sperm count.

Steer clear of soy if you’re working on boosting your testosterone levels. Watch out for “soy protein isolate” in your protein powders. Be aware of the soy content in your sushi platters.

If you’re lactose intolerant and use soy as an alternative, try almond milk or cashew milk instead. These nut milks are lower in calories and higher in testosterone-boosting goodness. 

Myth 5: Drinking alcohol gives you a “man’s” boost.

The image of sipping a cold beer or scotch seems “manly,” and so many people naturally associate alcohol with testosterone. However, booze actually lowers your testosterone levels, reduces fertility, and promotes weight gain. One study found that alcohol, even in the short-term, can severely suppress the synthesis of testosterone. Some studies even show that two drinks per day can cause these testosterone-minimalizing effects. Alcohol has also been linked to erectile dysfunction, depression, and anxiety—all of which are related to low T.

Plus, alcohol makes you gain weight. Drinking your calories without any nutritious value is a sure-fire way to quickly increase the number on the scale. And the higher the number on the scale, the lower your testosterone.

Alcohol also influences the liver. The liver is responsible for metabolizing testosterone and ridding the body of excess estrogen. While you’re drinking, the liver has to instead work to metabolize the alcohol rather than rid the body of estrogen. Estrogen then builds up in the body, which suppresses T production and stores more fat.

Beer is especially a testosterone killer. The hops in beer are highly estrogenic, so much so that beer is being studied as a treatment for hot flashes in menopausal women. The estrogenic properties in beer slow down testosterone production and pack on the pounds towards a double whammy of low T.

Alcohol of any type is the enemy of your testosterone by stopping testosterone production, increasing estrogen, raising cortisol, damaging the liver, and increasing fat storage. The more you drink, the lower your testosterone.

It’s okay to drink in moderation, though. Have one glass per day or keep your drinking to once per week.

Myth 6: ED medications help with boosting testosterone.

The relationship between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction is complex and not fully understood. But we know that treating ED doesn’t solve low testosterone, and raising testosterone doesn’t necessarily treat ED. Although the two are linked, they’re not interdependent. A man could have low testosterone and diminished libido but still have the ability to have an erection. Another man may be incredibly horny with a high sex drive, but he can’t seem to have an erection when the time comes. ED and low T both affect sex, but they’re not the same.

In this way, erectile dysfunction medications are not a solution for low T.

Moreover, ED medications could actually affect your testosterone levels in some way. Because ED medications like Viagra and Cialis only mask the symptoms of an underlying problem, they can actually create more psychological concerns. These can influence your brain’s ability to send signals to the endocrine system to make testosterone.

If you have erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor to see if you have low testosterone as well. The two are not the same, but they can often be treated with similar lifestyle changes.

Myth 7: Masturbation boosts your testosterone.

Some men have the belief that the more you masturbate, the higher your testosterone levels. The thought process goes that every time you get aroused, your testosterone levels go up. So masturbating and getting aroused often is good for T levels… right? Negative, this is another one of those crazy testosterone boosting myths.

Well, that’s not exactly how it works. While it’s true that arousal boosts testosterone in the short-term, masturbating too often can create hormonal imbalances and erectile dysfunction. Frequent masturbation over-stimulates the levels of dopamine (which is the hormone that triggers sexual pleasure).

If dopamine is released too often, your body stops responding to it. This means that when you masturbate, you won’t feel the same sort of satisfaction that you do in the past. This not only destabilizes your hormones and forces testosterone to take a back seat… it also creates a masturbation addiction.

You’re constantly looking for that sexual pleasure, but you can’t achieve it because your brain has become desensitized to the related dopamine.

Moreover, multiple ejaculations increase the level of estrogen in the body. The more you ejaculate, the lower your androgen receptor activity (aka lower free-floating testosterone). Higher estrogen and lower testosterone can throw your body out of whack for days. If this happens often, like with a masturbation addiction, this imbalance can severely damage your T levels long-term.

Still, some studies suggest that a short-term sexual abstinence of 7 days can result in a 145% spike in testosterone. Nevertheless, too much abstinence can lower your testosterone.

So what’s the solution? Have sex. Find a partner, though some prefer the use of a sex doll, and revel in that intimacy. Unlike masturbation, sex is proven to increase testosterone levels because of the sexual arousal and personal intimacy needed for the act. Older men who have sex have higher testosterone levels than those who don’t, and a study of couples found they had higher T levels on nights where they had sex over nights they didn’t.

Having sex 1-2 times a day will keep your testosterone strong and your health and wellness vivacious. Doctor’s orders!

Bottom Line

Don’t believe everything you read or hear about testosterone. It is possible to boost your testosterone with natural and healthy lifestyle changes. But those changes shouldn’t necessarily include endurance exercise, depriving yourself of fats and carbs, eating too much soy, over-drinking, and over-stimulating your mini-me.

If you want to increase your testosterone levels with healthy lifestyle changes, learn more with my article 13 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally. Ready to take the ultimate step? Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program, a genetic-based report and private consultation that will get you started on a total body transformation.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for G1 Performance Health now!

7 Foods Causing Your Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is caused by a number of factors, from psychological concerns to diabetes to side effects from prostate cancer treatment. ED is a problem that’s all too common, affecting 52% of all men at some point in their lives. Because erectile dysfunction is so prevalent, the last thing you want is to submit yourself to certain foods that are known to contribute to poor sexual health.

Avoiding the below 7 foods can help you prevent and treat symptoms of ED. I’ll even present you with erection-happy alternatives!

But first what’s the link between what your food and your sexual health?

How do foods contribute to erectile dysfunction?

There are three major reasons that the food you consume has an influence on the function of your penis.

Hormones: A hormonal imbalance or unhealthy endocrine system is directly correlated to erectile dysfunction. The foods that you eat give your body the nutrients it uses to create hormones. Give your body the wrong foods, and it creates an imbalance of unhealthy hormones like cortisol and insulin. Give it the right foods, and you can have high levels of testosterone and growth hormone (which are great for your sex life). Learn more from my article “5 Simple Ways to Normalize Hormones This Week.”

Heart and vessels: The food that you consume directly hurts or helps your heart and vessel health. In “13 Natural, Edible Vasodilators To Treat Your ED,” I discuss how blood flow is crucial to sexual health. You need proper blood flow in order to fill your penis with blood and create a hard erection. This blood flow to the penis starts with a healthy heart and vessels.

Heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and clogged arteries all restrict blood flow and damage nerves. This means the blood can’t get to the penis and create an erection. In fact, ED is often considered the first sign of heart disease. To prevent this, you need to eat foods that promote a healthy heart and blood flow.

Moreover, medicines for heart disease and blood pressure can actually cause ED as well. This means that it’s best to avoid cardiovascular problems altogether by avoiding heart-clogging foods.

Weight: Fat mass is highly correlated with ED. Being overweight or obese is one of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction in men of all ages. Eating unhealthy foods can lead to a higher chance of fat gain, which can contribute to ED.

So what foods should you avoid to keep your hormones balanced, your cardiovascular system clear, and your weight regulated?

1. Packaged foods

Firstly, processed carbs found in packaged foods will make you gain weight at a higher rate than natural, organic foods. A higher number on the scale means a higher risk of ED.

More significantly, packaged foods tend to have high levels of BPA (Bisphenol-A). This is a chemical found in plastics and the linings of canned foods. Research has shown that BPA significantly inhibits the production of sex hormones and reduces sexual function. A 5-year study of Chinese workers exposed to BPA had erectile problems 4x greater than men not exposed. They also had a lower sex drive and lower satisfaction with their sex lives. A Slovenian study also found that there was a statistically significant association between BPA and decreased sperm concentration, count, vitality, and motility.

This is likely because chemicals, pesticides, and herbicides can disrupt the endocrine system. This hormonal imbalance can cause severe erectile dysfunction that’s hard to overcome.

Plus, BPA may even be linked to brain damage, heart disease, obesity, and prostate cancer—all of which can cause erectile dysfunction and other serious symptoms.


Avoid purchasing pre-packaged goods. Instead, buy whole foods and store them in glass or ceramic containers. Look for products labeled “BPA free.” Also be aware of plastic bottles—like water bottles—which have high levels of BPA. Stick to purified water from the tap.

Moreover, you should never microwave plastic containers or put them in the dishwasher, as the heat can release these BPA chemicals. The BPA can then transfer to your food and cause hormonal imbalances and ED.

2. Animal meats

Animal fat can clog your veins and lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. These problems, in turn, cause erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, eating too much protein such as red meat, has been shown to reduce testosterone production.

Lowered T and a hormonal imbalance further contribute to ED. In this way, it’s important to balance out your macronutrients: 50% carbs, 30% proteins, and 20% fats. You can learn more about balancing your foods for overall well-being and sexual health in my 4-week Vitality Transformation course.


You don’t need to cut out animal fat altogether. In fact, I’m an advocate for eating red meat sometimes! Red meat in small doses can actually help boost your testosterone and muscle-making processes. But, moderation is the key. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Try to minimize your red meat intake to once per week to see the T-boosting benefits without the heart concerns.

Choose grass-fed or organic beef and meats. This will help you avoid any chemicals and pesticides like we discussed above with the processed foods.

Try getting your proteins from plants and fatty fish that are rich in omega-3s as well. Olive oil, avocado, seeds, and nuts are all a great source of protein and are part of the traditional Mediterranean diet. Men who derive their protein from a Mediterranean diet have a lower incidence of ED.

3. Soy and Flaxseed

Your hormones hate soy. Soy is highly estrogenic—meaning it can mimic the female hormone estrogen. Excessive estrogen can inhibit testosterone production and lower sexual libido and function. You need the right balance of estrogen and testosterone for healthy functions—and soy throws off that balance. This, in turn, can cause low T symptoms and erectile dysfunction.

Research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved that soy drastically reduces testosterone levels. A Harvard study found that even half of a serving of soy per day cut sperm count by 40% in healthy males.

Flaxseed also has incredibly high levels of estrogen. Per 100g of soy, there are 103,920 mcg of estrogen. Per 100g of flaxseed, there are 379,380 mcg of estrogen. Compare that to watermelon—which can raise T levels and minimize ED symptoms—which has 2.9 mcg of estrogen per 100g.


Fermented soy is actually good for your digestive system. If you’re a lover of soy, stick to the fermented types like miso soup or tempeh.

If you tend to use soy because you are lactose intolerant, try almond or cashew milk instead. Almonds are a key part of the Mediterranean diet, which can help prevent ED (as discussed above). Almonds and other nuts have been shown to actually treat ED by clearing out the cardiovascular system for better blood flow. They’re also linked to a longer, healthier life.

4. Dairy

Dairy products tend to be high in saturated fat, which leads to blockages in the heart and vessels. These clogs then prevent blood from flowing to the penis.

Moreover, dairy products often come from cows that are fed with artificial hormones. These kinds of pesticides or hormones can disrupt the human endocrine system drastically. A study in the Human Reproduction journal found that men who consumed dairy products regularly had significantly less sperm motility and erectile function than those who avoided dairy.


You don’t need to cut out dairy entirely. Just lower your intake and focus on organic products (where cows are not fed hormones).

Like the soy alternative, try almond or cashew milk. This can help you get that same creamy flavor to add to your cereal or coffee. You can even find these nut milks fortified with vitamin D to make sure you are getting your “dairy” vitamins.

You can also replace cheese with veggie cheese, which you can find in most grocery stores. I’ll admit most veggie cheese doesn’t taste great right out of the bag, but melt it in your omelet or on a Panini and it tastes just like real cheese!

5. Fried foods

Fried foods severely clog up your heart and vessels, causing heart disease, high cholesterol, and even some cancers. These foods also lead to heavy amounts of weight gain, which directly generates severe ED.

Stop eating fried foods now. When you cut out these foods, you’ll start to feel more energetic and bright within days.


I know. Fried foods are delicious. But you don’t need to sacrifice taste. Check out this Buzzfeed article with healthy alternatives to fried foods. Definitely try number 4, the baked falafel and spicy feta yogurt dip. It’ll kick start you on that Mediterranean diet that’s great for preventing and treating erectile dysfunction.

6. Salt

Similarly, you need to put down the salt shaker. Salt contributes to cardiovascular disease, elevated blood pressure, and diminished blood flow—which all inhibit that hard erection you so long for.


Try low-sodium salt when cooking. This will bring out the flavor of your food without adding too much sodium to your diet.

You should also consider seasoning your food with garlic and olive oil, both of which can raise testosterone and lessen symptoms of erectile dysfunction!

7. Alcohol

Although technically not a food, high amounts of alcohol severely damage sexual performance. Drinking heavily and regularly can eliminate testosterone from the body and inhibit the production of testosterone. This creates a double whammy for low T symptoms and possible erectile dysfunction. Plus, chronic drinking can also cause liver damage, nerve damage, and heart damage.

Beer especially throws off the balance of sex hormones. The hops in beer are highly estrogenic, meaning that it can mimic estrogen and inhibit testosterone production in the body. This low testosterone hurts libido and erectile function. It will also contribute to fat storage and weight gain, further worsening or generating your ED.


Less than 2 drinks per day likely won’t have an effect on your erectile dysfunction. Keep it moderate.

If you’re going to drink, stick to wine. Wine is part of the Mediterranean diet we’ve been discussing, and it can help lessen symptoms of ED. Moreover, wine contains flavonoids and antioxidants that can lower cardiovascular risk and fight off oxidative stress (oxidative stress causes diseases and cancers).  One study even suggested, “a higher habitual intake of specific flavonoid-rich foods is associated with reduced ED incidence.”

Bottom Line

Keep your penis healthy by eating foods that keep your heart, hormones, and weight healthy. Avoid processed foods, animal meats, soy, flaxseed, dairy, fried foods, salt, and alcohol to lower your risk of developing low testosterone and erectile dysfunction.

So what should you be eating? Check out my article with the 13 Natural, Edible Vasodilators To Treat Your ED to keep your vessels and heart healthy… and to keep your ED symptoms at bay.

These 7 foods are just the tip of the iceberg to keeping your body (and penis) vigorous. If you want to feel the best you’ve ever felt in your life, sign up for our Male 90X program right now to get on the road to the happy, fulfilled, and vibrant life you’ve been craving.

11 Supplement Vasodilators To Ease Your ED

You’ve read my article about the 13 top vasodilators in foods to help bring back your sexual vigor. Now, it’s time to supplement those foods with additional nutrients for a double-packed punch to fight your erectile dysfunction symptoms. You need to add vasodilation supplements to your toiletry cabinet right now.

Are you struggling to overcome your erectile dysfunction? Do you feel like your ED is only worsening with the medications you’ve been prescribed?

You’re not alone. Many men with ED find that the traditional “cures” are anything but a beneficial treatment. In fact, these prescriptions can often exacerbate dysfunction in the long-term. These medications only mask the symptoms of ED without getting at the root of the problem.

So it’s time to get to the root—don’t you agree?

Vasodilators 101

Let’s first understand how erections work, so we can understand how vasodilators supplements help improve ED.

There are three key steps to getting an erection. First, sexual arousal tells the brain to send signals to the penis, preparing your little man for sex. Second, the endocrine system releases hormones that help the penis get relaxed and ready for sex. Then, blood vessels in the penis open to allow blood to flow into the penis. This blood flow into the penis causes an erection. That erectile stiffness is actually just strong blood flow in your penis!

With that in mind, there are also three key areas that can cause erectile dysfunction (aka when the penis can’t get erect) when they aren’t functioning properly: the brain, the endocrine system (hormones), and the blood vessels.

In this article, we’ll focus on the last area: the blood flow into the penis. If your brain is sending signals and your hormones are regulated, then your ED is likely due to a problem with your blood vessels. This can be due to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or other vessel disorders.

That’s where vasodilation supplements come in.

Supplements as vasodilators

Vasodilators create vasodilation. Vasodilation is the process of the blood vessels dilating or enlarging. This can occur throughout the body or in a specific area, like the penis. This opening of the vessels helps to lower blood pressure (since more blood can pass through at once), clear clogged veins, boost blood flow, and increase oxygen distribution throughout the body. Proper blood flow is necessary throughout the body to bring nutrients and oxygen to all of your organs, muscles, and tissues.

And of course, vasodilation opens up the vessels in the penis, so your mini-me can take in blood for an erection. Blood flow, as discussed earlier, is crucial to achieving an erection. Not only does blood flow create that necessary stiffness, but it also nourishes the reproductive organs, improves energy and libido, and maintains regular testosterone levels. In this way, a healthy vasodilation system is advantageous for overall sexual health.

A key chemical in your body’s natural process of vasodilation is nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide helps to dilate and relax the blood vessels throughout the body, especially in and around the penis. Thus, you’ll want to keep an eye out for nitric oxide influencers in your vasodilation supplements.

Vasodilation supplements work twofold: they trigger the production of nitric oxide and relax the blood vessels. This two-step process boosts blood flow throughout the body, especially in the penis when it’s time to get sexy.

So what supplements have the strongest vasodilation effects?

1. Quercetin

Quercetin is a natural flavonoid that fights off inflammatory-related conditions like heart disease, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, viral infections, circulation concerns, atherosclerosis, cancer, prostate infections, and prostate inflammation.

Several studies have proven quercetin’s effects on vasodilation. One found that it works as an acute vasodilator in healthy men, and another proved that it’s able to decrease blood pressure. One study also found that quercetin enhances the production of nitric oxide, thus promoting vasodilation.

Quercetin is organically found in garlic, grapes, chives, red wine, onions, and apples. It’s also one of my favorite natural vasodilation supplements because it’s safe and easy. It has incredibly potent effects in just one little ingredient. It also plays nicely with other vasodilation compounds like tannins, procanidins, catechins, and resveratrol.

2. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that helps the body naturally synthesize nitric oxide while also activating and relaxing channels in the smooth muscle of the penis. One study found that “acute administration of resveratrol elicits dose-dependent increases of FMD with greater potency than other vasoactive nutrients and that this benefit is sustained following regular consumption.” Basically, this study concluded that resveratrol can relax twisted blood vessels better than any other studied vasoactive nutrient. This proves significant circulatory benefits for blood vessels, including those vessels in the penis.

Resveratrol also helps balance your hormones, lowering estrogen and increasing testosterone. This can improve low testosterone levels, which could be contributing to your ED.

Grapes, raisins, and red wine contain high levels of reservatrol. If you’re already a red wine drinker, a moderate amount will give you a strong reserve of resveratrol. However, if you’re not already a wine drinker, you shouldn’t start drinking just to see the ED-happy vasodilation effects.

This is especially true as red wine is known to cause migraines and have negative psychological effects, both of which play a role in ED. Furthermore, too much alcohol may cause long-term erectile dysfunction in men. Avoid these alcohol-related concerns with resveratrol supplements, which are easy to find and are fairly inexpensive.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of my favorite vasodilation supplements because it has so many powerful effects on the body. You need vitamin C to stay healthy and strong, and it’s almost never a bad idea to take a little extra vitamin C to boost your immune and nervous systems. ED-related vasodilation is just one more reason to add vitamin C to your daily supplement lineup.

Vitamin C naturally boosts the body’s nitric oxide production. It also protects NO molecules from degradation; this means that nitric oxide sticks around in the body for a longer duration before expellation. Together, vitamin C produces and maintains NO for longer, stronger erections.

Vitamin C has also been studied as a testosterone booster. Higher levels of T are linked to higher sexual function, which can help ease your ED symptoms. C vitamins also lower cortisol, so testosterone can flow freely and blood vessels can chill out.

Better yet, one study even discovered that combining vitamin C and garlic (aka the quercetin from #1) increased NO levels by 200%! This combo also lead to a drop in blood pressure of systolic 27mmHg and diastolic 15mmHg—that’s better than most blood pressure medications!

Vitamin C has a cocktail of properties of natural vasodilators and erection nourishment.

4. Icariin

Icariin, found in horny goat weed, helps support the body’s production of nitric oxide levels towards improved vasodilation and blood circulation. It also functions in a similar way to Viagra by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme, which is the enzyme that tells your penis when to stop having an erection. Icariin has been proven to be as beneficial as Viagra, but icariin actually has fewer side effects and more potent long-term influences.

Numerous studies have proven the strong benefits of icariin on vasodilation. A 2007 study found that icariin increased the production of NO in blood vessels. Another study in 2013 found that icariin was able to inhibit the thickening of arteries, thus decreasing cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack. In turn, this helped improve blood flow to the penis without any clogs or blockages. Icariin also widens the vessels of the heart, which helps boost healthy blood flow right at the source.

A 2008 study found that icariin can actually stimulate the formation of blood vessels. This is important because blood vessels tend to pop with age—and with exercise, which you should be doing if you want to keep your ED at bay.

Moreover, icariin may help those with depression and bipolar disorder. Research shows icariin may improve overall mood and even help stop alcohol abuse. Oftentimes, mood disorders and substance abuse can cause and exacerbate ED.

Icariin can boost mood and increase NO vasodilation, putting you on the fast track to an ED-free life.

P.S. Icariin is even being studied as an anti-cancer supplement. There is supporting evidence that icariin could be a strong herbal remedy for anti-cancer therapies, even overcoming the limitations of current therapies. One study even reported that icariin had a direct response on halting tumor cell invasion and migration.

5. Niacin

Niacin, aka vitamin B3, is an essential nutrient for gene expression, hormone synthesis, heart function, and energy production. It also plays a key role in maintaining nitric oxide levels and balancing good versus bad cholesterol. Niacin can acutely lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack in many individuals. One study even suggested that niacin, which is necessary for proper heart function, had a long-term benefit on lowering mortality rate.

Niacin is a strong vasodilation supplement that I highly recommend you add into your diet. Red meat has high levels of niacin… so yes, I’m telling you to eat red meat!

6. Grape seed extract (GSE)

Grape seed extract is a vasodilation supplement that will get your penis ready for sex in no time. It activates nitric oxide synthesis so strongly that one study even found a 138% increase in NO levels. Research also shows that GSE decreases blood pressure and lower heart rate levels.

GSE also supports healthy testosterone levels. It blocks the enzyme aromatase, which is what converts testosterone into estrogen. Too much aromatase causes estrogen dominance that can kill your sex drive and lead to low testosterone symptoms. GSE not only boosts blood flow into the penis, it also makes sure that your testosterone-related sex drive is strong and kicking.

7. Pycnogenol

Pycnogenol is a vasodilation supplement made from maritime pine bark extract. It has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic effects. It also enhances blood flow and improves vasodilation throughout the body.

I’m including pycnogenol on this list because it’s a strong and healthy vasodilator. However, you can get the same polyphenol effects at a cheaper price with grape seed extract.

8. L-citrulline and l-arginine

L-citrulline and l-arginine are amino acids that the body uses for a number of healthy functions. The kidneys convert l-citrulline into l-arginine, which then transforms into nitric oxide. A supplementation of l-arginine has been shown to improve oxidative stress for healthy blood flow, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Research suggests that l-citrulline supplementation is more efficient than l-arginine supplementation for the production of nitric oxide, creatinine, and other arginine-derived metabolites. L-citrulline actually converts into a higher concentration of NO than supplementing with l-arginine alone.

9. Ginseng

Panax ginseng, or Korean red ginseng, has a number of benefits for male sexual health. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac and to treat sexual dysfunctions.

You’ll hear a lot of talk about ginseng… and for a good reason! A summary review of studies concluded that ginseng stimulates NO production, improves blood circulation, and enhances vasomotor tone.

If you’re looking for a vasodilation supplement that will not only work for vasodilation but also treat other causes of your ED, ginseng is a strong choice.

10. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) is found in the mitochondria of our cells and it’s used to produce energy that our body needs to perform certain functions. Like some of the other vasodilators mentioned, the body naturally produces COQ10, but it’s not always enough to keep up with our cells’ needs. Low levels of COQ10 are linked to Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, male infertility, and low testosterone. COQ10 also regulates NO breakdown, meaning that it helps NO last longer in the body.

A meta-analysis of studies showed that COQ10 provides a significant improvement in endothelial function (the function of blood vessels vasodilating and vasoconstricting). Moreover, COQ10 has been proven to have positive effects on cardiovascular diseases as well as improving oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.

11. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s work like anti-inflammatory drugs and help lower the risk of heart disease, blood clot formation, and stroke. They also help increase NO levels and blood circulation for happier blood vessels.

A study found that the supplementation of omega-3s:

  • reduced arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction
  • minimized systemic inflammation
  • impacted arterial wall remodeling
  • reduced cardiovascular risk

Another study found that fish oils lower blood pressure and improve vasodilation. They discovered that omega-3s allow potassium ions to flow, which helps the smooth muscles relax (like the smooth muscles in the penis need to relax in order to have an erection).

Omega-3s are found naturally in cold-water fish like salmon. The Western diet typically doesn’t include enough of these fish, so it’s often recommended to take additional omega-3 supplements to reap the full benefits.

Bottom Line

These 11 supplements are natural, organic ways to add vasodilators, nitric oxide, and erection-healthy blood flow back into your life. Pair these supplements with vasodilating food and healthy living practices, and you’ll treat your ED in no time!

Best yet, you can buy all of these supplements at your local health food store. Talk to a doctor before adding any supplements to your regimen; your doc will help choose the one that will work best for your needs.

Vasodilation is just the tip of the iceberg…

Want more advice on overcoming your ED? Grab The Male 90X Consult, transform your body, and reach your maximum potential today!


13 Natural, Edible Vasodilators To Treat Your ED

If you’re suffering from ED, you’ll probably try anything and everything to get your penis back in the game. But the most natural, effective solution is often overlooked… and it’s right in your own fridge. If you’re looking to boost your blood circulation, look no further than these 13 delicious foods for ED-healthy vasodilation.

What is a vasodilator?

There are three parts to having an erection. First, you get sexually aroused and your brain sends a signal to the penis that it’s time to get moving and grooving. Your body then has to release hormones to prepare you for sex. Then the muscles and blood vessels in the pelvic area have to relax, so blood can flow easily into the penis. An erection is literally when your penis enlarges with blood.

But if your blood vessels are tight or clogged, blood can’t flow through the body properly. The blood can’t find its way to the penis and an erection can’t occur.

This clogging of blood vessels is one of the key causes of erectile dysfunction. The blood vessels aren’t wide enough or healthy enough to push blood into the penis to create a hard erection.

Beyond just the penis, blood flow is important for overall health as well. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to all of your organs, tissues, and cells. Poor blood flow leads to a buildup of toxicity, which can be incredibly dangerous for the functioning of your system.

Proper blood flow is vital to wellbeing, including sexual health. 

A vasodilator is a substance that relaxes and widens the blood vessels. This helps unclog the arteries and allows blood to flow more easily. Thus, blood can reach your penis so you can get an erection.

What is nitric oxide?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a necessary vasodilator for all erections. NO relaxes the blood vessels around the penis, so there are no blockages or tightness when the body tries to send blood there.

Because nitric oxide is vital to erection blood flow, you’ll want to keep an eye out for NO production in your foods and supplements.

You’ll often find NO boosters in pre-workout supplements because it’s so effective at boosting blood flow. NO relaxes vessels and increases blood flow, which means the muscles have more blood and oxygen during the workout (so in turn the muscles can work harder and longer). You can sometimes even tell which guys are taking NO supplements at the gym because their blood vessels could be popping out from their biceps or neck because blood flow is so strong.

Why do you need natural vasodilators?

I am a firm believer that natural is almost always better than prescription. If you can cure your illnesses with organic, natural substances, you’ll be treating your body the way it deserves to be treated. Trying to solve a problem with medicines often ends up with even more additional problems. I always recommend my patients first try natural lifestyle choices before adding more chemicals to their daily regimen. (Although I do understand that sometimes medicines and surgeries are necessary to live a full and fruitful life… and I’m all for that.)

ED can be treated naturally for most men. Poor circulation, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease—which can all cause ED—are directly linked to stress, unhealthy diet, and lowered physical activity. Choosing to rectify these areas of your life with healthy lifestyle choices can help treat related blood circulation concerns. For example, lowering stress and working out are critical to treating erectile dysfunction.

But in this post, we’ll be focusing on the healthy diet. Below you’ll find the 13 foods that can naturally dilate your blood vessels, increase blood flow to the penis, and help cure your ED.


1. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are my favorite antioxidant-rich food for treating ED. Not only do they have hypotensive properties (meaning they can lower blood pressure), but they’re also ergogenic vasodilators (meaning they enhance stamina and physical performance thanks to their ability to boost blood flow). Pomegranate extract can help reduce arterial plaque, so there are no blockages stopping blood flow. Pom has also been shown to boost nitric oxide and stimulate “sexy feelings.”

Plus, pomegranate may help boost testosterone, increase sperm quality, and block estrogen production—all of which contribute to healthy erectile function.

2. Cayenne pepper and chili

Cayenne pepper and chili contain capsaicin, which is what gives these spices their hot kick. Studies have been shown that capsaicin is able to improve circulation and promote healthy erections. One study found that capsaicin could induce penile erection when inserted into the urethra, and another concluded that it could help treat hypertension.

One study also found that capsaicin and spicy foods are associated with a lower body weight and higher metabolism because they help burn fat, suppress appetite, and improve physical endurance. Plus these spices have no calories!

Overweight men have a higher risk of ED, so losing weight and maintaining a healthy body fat is crucial to treating erectile dysfunction. A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that losing even 5-10% of body weight in two months drastically improves erectile function and sexual libido. In this way, cayenne and chili could also help maintain a healthy body weight to combat ED.

So get spicy!

3. Dark, leafy greens

Dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale are filled with vitamin K. Vitamin K1 reduces oxidative stress and thins blood, which helps to improve overall blood vessel health and functioning. In fact, these leafy greens are so good at thinning your blood that many doctors will suggest you lay off them when taking a blood thinner like Warfarin or Aspirin.

Additionally, spinach is high in nitrates, which are known to boost nitric oxide levels. Remember nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels in the pelvis and pushes blood into the penis. Spinach also has high levels of iron, and iron is needed in order for blood molecules to transport oxygen throughout the body.

Kale also has circulation-boosting nitrates like coenzyme Q10, magnesium, and other antioxidants. Kale is a super-food that can help maintain weight, improve blood flow, boost brain function, and much more.

4. Citrus

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are filled with vitamin C. Studies have shown that vitamin C can stimulate the body’s natural production of nitric oxide, thus improving vasodilation and minimizing hypertension. Plus, vitamin C is the anti-aging vitamin that helps keep your organs, skin, and cells young and vital!

5. Ginger

Ginger has been used in Indian medicine for centuries in order to restore sexual vitality. Its antioxidant properties quickly boost nitric oxide, and it has been studied extensively as a treatment for cardiovascular disease. Ginger has been shown to open up the blood vessels so much, in fact, that you shouldn’t eat ginger before surgery because it could increase risk of bleeding post-surgery.

Ginger also has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with other inflammation-related diseases that can cause ED. It has been even bee n studied as an anti-diabetic treatment. This is important as men with diabetes are at a high risk of suffering ED symptoms.

6. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is filled with heart-healthy antioxidants and flavonoids. A meta-analysis of studies concluded that “flavonoid-rich cocoa consumption affects multiple cardiovascular risk factors.”

Another study found that cocoa has protective effects during acute hyperglycemia. This means that dark chocolate can help prevent blood sugar spikes and lows; these peaks and valleys of sugar can contribute to diabetes, weight gain, lowered testosterone, fatigue, and more.

Note that this is dark chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the better the effects. Milk chocolate is more sugar than cocoa so you won’t see the same effects.

6. Watermelon

Watermelon is high in lycopene, which has been shown to increase nitric oxide levels and reduce blood pressure. It also has high levels of the antioxidant l-citrulline, which has been studied as a treatment for high blood pressure.

7.  Nuts

Walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, and other nuts are rich in l-arginine, which boosts the production of nitric oxide. L-arginine also enhances blood flow by reducing oxidative stress, especially in young adults with type 1 diabetes.

8. Garlic

Garlic is one of the healthiest (and most potent) ways to treat ED. Countless studies have proven the efficacy of garlic on vasodilation. One study found that garlic supplementation can increase tissue blood flow; another showed that it lowers blood pressure and increases nitric oxide equivalent to standard blood pressure medication, and a meta-analysis showed an inverse correlation between garlic consumption and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

9. Tea

Black and green tea are filled with antioxidants that are great for overall wellbeing and health. Black tea can improve dilation and protect from cardiovascular concerns and green tea boosts metabolism and weight loss.

Furthermore, tea is a known stress-reliever. As discussed, stress is highly linked to erectile dysfunction, because the stress hormone cortisol blocks the signals from the brain to the penis. Cortisol can also tighten and clog your blood vessels. If you want a better sex life, you have to take some time to chill out and drink some tea.

10. Raw honey

Raw honey (not processed) is high in nitrates that elevate nitric oxide levels. Add a little bit of raw honey to your tea for flavor and an extra boost of vasodilation!

11.Red wine

Red wine has polyphenols and resveratrol, which both have benefits on the heart and blood vessels. Because of the polyphenols and tannic acid in red wine, it’s a potent vasodilator that can help clear the vessels from any buildup. One study even showed that red wine intake reduced plaque build up by 37%. Plus, red wine can decrease blood pressure, increase nitric oxide, and treat hypertension. Basically, “it has been concluded that red wine as a diet supplement might be beneficial for cardiovascular risk factors.”

Of course, wine is best in moderation. Too much alcohol can cause erectile dysfunction and other health problems. Stick to no more than 1-2 glasses of red wine per day to see cardiovascular benefits. If you’re not a regular wine drinker, consider resveratrol supplements to avoid taxing your system with alcohol.

12. Beets

Beetroot is filled with nitrates that boost NO production and improve stamina when working out and running. Beetroot juice has also been found to improve metabolism and reproductive performance.

13. Onion

Onions are high in vitamin C (which we discussed in #4 citrus) and quercetin. Quercetin boosts nitric oxide and improves cardiovascular health. A diet rich in onion has been shown to modulate vascular dysfunction and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Bottom Line

Supplementing your diet with vasodilator foods can help treat your erectile dysfunction naturally and effectively. Your penis—and taste buds—will thank you!

If you do those things, you’ll set yourself up for success.  If you need help with ED, reach out to me.

Schedule a consultation to discuss ED treatment.

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Overcoming Premature Ejaculation For Sexual Satisfaction

Do you ejaculate quicker than you’d like? Do you feel like you’re not satisfying your partner in bed? Are you not fully satisfied with your sexual experiences? Does it feel like sex ends before it even starts? You may have a form of premature ejaculation, otherwise known as PE.

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is when sperm is released too rapidly, often under a minute. It generally occurs before or immediately after penetration.

Premature ejaculation is diagnosable when it’s frequent and happens more often than not during sexual intercourse. Although PE is often considered under a minute, it can also be diagnosed as any amount of time that is significantly less than a man’s previous experience with ejaculation.

The most important thing to know about PE is that you are not alone. In fact, according to the Urology Care Foundation, 1 in 3 men ages 18-59 suffers with ejaculation issues at some point in his life.

It is the most common form of male sexual dysfunction… but it can also be one of the most frustrating.

There is a negative stigma around premature ejaculation. You may have seen movies or television shows where men are mocked—by both men and women— for ejaculating too quickly.

Often, this sort of stigma is associated with young men who are in the beginning stages of sexual development.

But trust me, this is not a funny adolescent problem.

In fact, there can be serious negative consequences in response to PE. It could lead you to feel frustration, embarrassment, anxiety, stress and guilt.

These feelings can in turn create communication problems with your partner, intense angst, and an avoidance of sex. It can even cause health problems because of intense stress—and because having regular sex is important for your health!

You can overcome premature ejaculation through a thorough understanding of the causes and possible treatments.

What causes premature ejaculation?

The causes of premature ejaculation are variable and scientifically unknown. Generally, PE is not caused by a serious medical condition, but your doctor may still want to first rule out diabetes, multiple sclerosis, prostate disease, and thyroid problems.

PE may be caused by injury to the prostate, penis, or testicles, or it could be a side effect of some medications (especially ED meds and PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra).

Hormones and brain chemicals may also play a role. An unbalance of testosterone has been shown to have an influence on the virility of sperm, which may in turn have an impact on ejaculation timing.

Additionally, low amounts of serotonin (the “happy” chemical) in the brain could have links to PE.

Oftentimes, premature ejaculation is caused by psychological factors. This can include unrelated anxiety, depression, stress, or body image issues that creep into the bedroom.

It can also be related to relationship problems, causing lacking communication or infrequent sex. Other psychological influencers can include:

  • Sexual inexperience
  • New relationship
  • Over-stimulation (visual or physical)
  • Intimacy issues or concerns
  • Early sexual trauma or conditioning
  • Worrying about performance or PE itself

Overs-stimulation can cause PE, this is still a concept that is being researched extensively, although in some cases, some people of varying ages can suffer from PE due to the overviewing of porn on sites like cartoonporno.xxx and masturbating, masturbating regularly is healthy, although too frequently can lead to other issues, such as PE and ED for example, this could be because the arousing stimulation one receives from watching their selected porn film, cannot be reporduced efficiently within the bedroom.

PE may be indirectly linked to erectile dysfunction in some cases. If you have ED and worry about maintaining an erection, it may cause you to hurry ejaculation before you lose the erection. This is often fixed with treatment for ED and the associated anxieties.

PE can be lifelong or acquired. Lifelong PE—only 2% of diagnosed PE—describes an issue that has been present since the man’s first few sexual encounters.

Some studies suggest lifelong PE is linked to issues in the nervous system. Acquired or secondary PE occurs later in life and commonly has a direct psychological cause.

What are the treatments for PE?

Solving your premature ejaculation first comes from understanding the cause. Treatments for PE are as varied as the causes. You will need different solutions if you are anxious about pleasing your partner versus if you are stressed from work.

By the way, if you’re feeling anxious, it might be helpful to know that women don’t care about your PE. A study of 152 men found that their heterosexual female partners did not have a negative perception of their partner with PE.

In this way, PE was only found to hurt a relationship if the man felt anxiety or frustration and shut off communication from his partner. Thus, it’s not the PE to worry about—it’s your reaction to it!

As Captain Jack Sparrow said in Pirates of the Caribbean, “The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem.”

Below are some PE treatments your doctor may recommend:

Psychological therapy

Psychological therapy can help put you in the right mindset for sex. Working with a sex therapist can help you understand your anxieties, frustrations, and stresses that could be inhibiting you both in and out of bed.

It can help make you less nervous about sexual performance while boosting your sexual confidence.

Some therapists ask to see couples together. This can help open the lines of communication about sex and other problems that may be hindering the relationship.

This can help you grow closer together, which can in turn help overcome some of the mental roadblocks that could be causing your PE.

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy helps put your penis in the right mindset for sex. This uses repeated behaviors to train your body to build sexual tolerance. This can include mental therapy as well as physical therapies like the start-and-stop technique or the squeeze method.

Start-and-stop: You are instructed to stop sexual stimulation right before having an orgasm. Let everything calm down. Resume sex once the feeling has subsided.

Do this three or four times before ejaculating. This can help build tolerance and ejaculation time.

Squeeze: Gently squeeze the tip of your penis for thirty seconds when you feel you are about to ejaculate. Then restart stimulation. This is a built-in delay method. Make it more fun and enroll your partner to help with the squeezing!

Pelvic floor exercises

Studies have shown that pelvic floor exercises can help rehabilitate the muscle that controls ejaculation. If you have weak pelvic muscles, you may not be able to regulate sperm release.

Kegel exercises can help strengthen these muscles so you can regain that control. These exercises can also help improve erections and orgasms. You can do Kegels anywhere at any time.

You contract those muscles that would stop a flow of urine. Often, this can feel like a “pulling up” sensation.

It’s important not to contract other muscles, though, like the butt, thighs, or abs. Focus on the muscles that would control your bladder.

Tighten these muscles for five seconds, and release slowly. Repeat 10 times. Do 9 more.

You can increase the time, reps, or frequency based on need. The more you do, the stronger your muscles will get.


Practice makes perfect! Some very nice doctors will write you a prescription… to spend more time under the sheets with your partner.

If you can overcome your sexual anxieties and view sex as a controlled, safe environment—then practicing sex can help you identify what is causing your PE. You’ll be able to better understand what your body is feeling right before ejaculation, and you can learn to control it with practice.

You can also try different positions with varying types of stimulation, which may help slow the rate of ejaculation.

Masturbation may also increase tolerance and help understand ejaculation feelings before release. However, masturbation is often not the best solution, as excessive masturbation can cause other forms of sexual dysfunction as well, like porn-induced ED or lowered sensitivity to penetration.

For these reasons, if you are someone who enjoys visiting websites such as https://www.twinki.xxx/ for your adult entertainment fix, it is recommended that you do so in moderation.

P.S. Using condoms may help reduce sensation in the short-term, so you can practice building your tolerance.

Healthy lifestyle

Stress and anxiety can cause ejaculation problems. Relaxation and meditation techniques can help reduce stress and delay ejaculation. Staying chill is the key to living a healthy, sexy life.

Cutting down on alcohol, tobacco, and drugs has also shown to have a positive effect on treating sexual dysfunctions.


Although medications are not the best long-term option for PE, many doctors will prescribe low dose SSRI – medications typically used to treat depression. Zoloft has been used off-label to treat PE for quite some time with varied results.

Bottom line

Don’t let a quick release ruin your good time. If your relationship is suffering, you’re feeling inadequate or anxious, or you want a more satisfactory sexual performance, it’s time to talk to your doc. No matter the cause or reason for your premature ejaculation, you are not alone. There are solutions and treatments—and in fact, many are quite fun!

Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: How To Overcome It

If you think you might have porn-induced erectile dysfunction, you’re not alone.

If you feel depressed because you’re pretending to be interested in dating or not fully enjoying your marriage, you’re not alone.

And if you would rather not talk or think about it, you’re not alone.

According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated 30 million American men suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). It also affects about 12 percent of men younger than 60, 22 percent of men age 60 to 69, and 30 percent of men age 70 or older.
These numbers suggest a silent crisis among American men.

Common causes of erectile dysfunction

A Johns Hopkins study attributes erectile dysfunction to health-related problems like cardiovascular risk factors and a history of cardiovascular diseases. They also attribute it to hypertension, diabetes, and lack of physical activity.

Meanwhile, UWHealth, a website that focuses on urology health, has listed the following extensive psychological and physical reasons:

A rise in porn

So far, I have merely summarized conventional medical knowledge about ED. However, a study in Italy explains something that has puzzled the medical profession for a long time—why otherwise-healthy young men also experience sexual problems.

“A survey of 28,000 users found that many Italian males started an “excessive consumption” of porn sites as early as 14 and after daily use in their early to mid-20s became inured to “even the most violent” images, said Carlo Foresta, head of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS).”

Excessive use of masturbating over pornographic material may in fact be an explanation for the epidemic levels of low testosterone and its associated symptoms. A rise in porn seems to have a direct correlation to a rise in erectile dysfunction in young men.

Is porn an addiction?

Although many think of porn as an addiction, it often does not meet the criteria of addiction as outlined by the American Psychiatric Association. This is true if it’s not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

Nicole Prause, who heads the brain research company Liberos and who used to be a researcher at the University of California Los Angeles, explains why it can’t be considered an addiction like drug and alcohol.

“In the case of porn addictions, the brain looks similar to other addictions but only up to a point, and then it diverges. When you look at porn, you get increases in learning and reward… but you don’t see some of the other hallmarks of addiction.”

“In other addictions such as gambling, when you see a cue, for people who have a problem, the brain is more responsive. In the case of porn, with people who say they have problems, their responsiveness is decreased.”

Basically, porn does not have the same physical brain response as other forms of addiction.

Despite this clinical point-of-view, people who watch porn can’t seem to control their fascination with it.

Actor Terry Crews recounted, “Pornography really messed up my life in a lot of ways. If day turns into nights, and you are still watching, you’ve probably got a problem. And that was me.”

In an interview with BBC Trending, Tom (a pseudonym), a US Midwest teacher, said that he started watching porn at a young age, and it affected his interest in sex when he got married.

“You’ve probably heard a saying that porn is great but it doesn’t compare to the real thing,” he said. “When you’re addicted to porn, you’ll feel the opposite. Sex is great, but it doesn’t compare to porn…I had trouble getting aroused with my wife, just because it wasn’t enough anymore.”

What happens?

What are some of the possible reasons why excessive masturbation from porn can dampen sexual ardor?

1. Insufficient real life sexual arousal

Pornography makes money because of its intense ability to arouse—in an almost fantastical way. Due to this overly high arousal factor of pornography, it can be difficult for a man to be aroused by a real life partner. Even if the man feels aroused by his partner, he may find himself struggling to get an erection and experience an orgasm. In turn, the partner feels rejected and less attractive. This can create an unhappy cycle, pushing men to further turn to pornography for arousal.

2. Issues of low self-esteem

Porn affects men’s self-esteem and expectations. Porn can create an unrealistic perspective about what a man believes he and his partner should look like. What’s more, men often compare themselves to the porn male actors. They feel inferior because they can’t arouse a woman as much or perform sexually as well than the male actors in the films. It becomes psychologically impossible to separate the fantasy from the reality.

3. Reality appears boring

Porn allows men to choose and watch any fantasy that turns them on—fantasies that they may even find too embarrassing to share with their real-life partners. This can become a secretive release that starts to separate the couple’s bond and trust, further leading to sexual troubles.

4. Reality offers less visual and auditory stimulation

Sex films often have numerous graphic scenes, and they switching quickly between scenes. This creates a heightened sense of excitement. In real life intimacy, everything is much slower. While there is an increase in tactile stimulation, it’s impossible to experience as much visual and auditory stimulation. This can create a mental correlation of arousal by watching sex as opposed to having sex.

Does abstinence work?

While it is not certain whether or not porn is an addiction, it certainly has a compulsive quality that detracts from sexual arousal with a real-life partner. Is porn-induced ED real, then? Even if it is not clinically diagnosable, it is still a problem for many men. The aforementioned Italian study suggests that a strong link between watching sex films, excessive masturbation, and sexual anorexia.

One solution that appears to be helping men overcome porn-induced erectile dysfunction is abstinence from porn and masturbation for a period of 90 days or more. During this time, the brain appears to switch from getting aroused by 2-dimensional visual-auditory cues to adjusting to 3-dimensional sensual cues. It gives the mind and body time to reboot and reset to normal sexual cues. This method can help restore robust real-life sensuality, and if males need help in achieving these 90 days to “reset” using products from sites like Lock the Cock and many others can allow the male to do so, even if they’re lacking in willpower for the first few days, a penis cage will stop any masturbation taking place.

Withdrawal from porn can be intense at first. Men lose all sense of libido, often referred to as flat lining, but then a slow recovery initiates. After a few months, not only do people recover normal sexual arousal, but also they feel better overall with less depression, anxiety, and general fatigue.

Below are some first-person accounts of this “porn-induced ED”:

Nick: After a few days of brain tantrums (cravings), I went into a flatline for weeks. Basically, I felt totally indifferent about girls, sex, everything. A little voice from the porn beast nagged at me in the back of my mind, but mostly, I just didn’t care. And my penis was very lifeless and small. It was like somebody just pulled the plug on whatever machine provides my sex drive. No libido at all.

Aaron: Even at age 22, I’ve noticed the ‘dead penis’ syndrome whenever I try to quit porn or masturbation. After about 4-5 days my libido is absolutely shot and my penis shrivels up to nothing. It’s terrifying actually.

One participant reported the following improvement in the moods:

Rob: I would go through 56 days of no porn or masturbation and, then, after I masturbated, I would feel off: empty, anxious, numbed out. But guess what? After these 6 months of no porn, I can finally say I don’t have to worry about mild depression anymore. A little brain fog is my only symptom now.

Another reported the following improvement in the return of sexual satisfaction when having real sex after following an abstinence “cure”:

Ahmed: Yesterday we were on the couch watching a movie, and she started kissing me. I was hard, and I knew it was a different erection, an old erection, a healthy, awake one, and guess what? We made love, without any ED, without any fantasies, and it felt like she was a new person I was discovering. Even I felt like a new person. Sex was not foggy anymore, and even after orgasm, I didn’t feel any sadness, just plain healthy satisfaction.

These testimonies, as well as hundreds of others, show that porn and masturbation abstinence can help end porn-induced erectile dysfunction to revitalize sexual vigor.

5 stages of recovery

The recovery process from varies from one person to another, and it is far from linear. However, below is a general outline of the average stages that occur when men abstain from porn and masturbation. While 90 days is an average time, recovery may take more or less time.

Stage 1: A person experiences symptoms of withdrawal and intense cravings for pornographic stimulation.

Stage 2: After one or two weeks of abstinence, there is a slight increase in libido and positive feelings of well-being.

Stage 3: There is a complete loss of interest in sex, libido declines, and there are no more erections, even in the morning upon waking up.

Stage 4: There is a return of morning erections, some return of libido, and a returning interest in sex. These are followed by days where there are no erections or interest.

Stage 5: There are no clear signs of recovery. There is a return of erections, an interest in sex with a partner, and an experience of pleasurable sex.

It is important to understand these stages before entering into an abstinence cure. Remind yourself that these withdrawal symptoms and intensely low libido will not last. You will go through various stages and struggles, but it will help you overcome porn-induced erectile dysfunction and result in an improved sexual life overall. Over time, participants also experience distinct signs of progressive improvement in feelings of well being and self-esteem as well.

How long does it take to reboot?

The rate of recovery from porn-induced erectile dysfunction appears to vary a great deal.

Those who recover within a matter of weeks seem to share one characteristic in common: they have not developed a long-term fascination for porn. Usually these are older men, who only got exposed to porn later on in life. Other men could take from 3 to 6 months to regain healthy erections. Some young men who started porn at an early age took as long as 9 months.

It is interesting to note that today’s young men now have easier access to porn (due to the Internet), and often it takes these adolescents longer to recover. Relapse is often more common because of such high accessibility.

Factors affecting recovery may include:

  • The consistency of abstinence influences
  • The age one began watching porn
  • How frequently a man masturbated with porn
  • The length of time one has been using porn (For many men, years of porn use made the recovery process much longer.)
  • The type of masturbation used
  • The type of porn used to get aroused (The more unusual, the harder it was to get accustomed to regular sex. The brain took longer time to adapt to less provocative stimulation.)

Working in tandem with a romantic partner often sped up the rewiring process, making it easier to get aroused by a real human being. Those men who were open and honest about their struggles with their partners often saw greater results.

Success rate

This doesn’t always work for everyone. There are two instances when abstinence fails.

The most common one is when the urge to view porn or masturbate is so strong that a person reverts to their old behavior. This relapse is common for men with access to porn on a daily basis. This is another reason why verbalizing the addiction and need for recovery to a partner or spouse is essential.

Abstinence will also not work if the ED is related to other health issues. You should always consult your doctor to get checked for any underlying sexual problems.

Recovering from porn-induced ED

If you believe that your ED may be due to porn-induced erectile dysfunction, the best way to resume a normal sexual relationship after a period of abstinence is to reduce anxiety.

Don’t be concerned about having an erection. Instead, focus on developing sensitivity to touch, kissing, and intimacy. Sensual touch creates a surge in oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, and gradually reduces inhibition about having sex. Use these sensual touches to work through the five stages of abstinence withdrawal.

Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is not an easy topic to discuss. It is not easy to identify. It is not easy to admit. But there is a solution. Schedule a COMPLIMENTARY DISCOVERY CALL.