8 Fun Ways To Naturally Increase Your Libido

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were fun to naturally increase your libido? Guess what? It can be!

Having a low sex drive and libido can be incredibly frustrating. No matter how much you want to have sex, your body still doesn’t want to have sex. A low libido can make you feel tired, anxious, stressed, and even emasculated. You need sex for a happy and healthy life.

But you don’t have to deal with a low libido. There are a number of ways to naturally increase your libido that will have you as horny as a teenager once again! (Well, maybe not that much.)

In this article, I’m focusing specifically on the easiest and most fun lifestyle changes that will help increase your libido. The conventional method of testosterone replacement therapy can work… but it’s not the ideal first solution for most men. There are other ways to start regaining your sexual vigor without costly, time-consuming, cumbersome therapies.

But first—what’s libido?

Libido 101

“Libido” is a fancy (medical) word for sex drive. Your libido is simply your desire to have sex. If your libido is high, you’re incredibly interested in sex. If it’s low, sex isn’t a priority or it may seem like a nuisance. Libido generally relates to a consistent pattern of sexual desire. Not wanting to have sex for one week does not mean you necessarily have a low libido; not wanting sex for two months may signal a concern.

If you’ve never suffered from low libido, you might be thinking, “There are people who don’t want to have sex?” But anyone who has experienced low libido will tell you just how frustrating and challenging it is. Men with low libido still usually want to have sex in theory, but their body doesn’t have the energy or physical desire for the act.

Despite the fact that libido is linked with the mental idea of “desire,” libido is actually not solely psychological. It’s also highly physiological, biological, emotional, and even social. And it’s important to note—for yourself and your partner—that libido often isn’t even linked to sexual arousal. You can be highly aroused by your partner and still not have the physical desire to have sex. This is because libido can be caused by stress, illness, anxiety, relationship concerns, low testosterone, and other unrelated concerns.

Low libido and ED

Before we discuss the causes of low libido, let’s get one thing straight: low libido is not the same as impotence or ED. You can have low sexual desire and still be able to get an erection, and you can have high libido and not be able to get an erection. Although research has shown there is a correlation between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction, the two do not seem to be causal. You can have one without the other.

This is important to keep in mind when treating your concerns. If you have low libido, erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra won’t help raise your libido. They won’t make you want to have sex more, and they won’t influence your testosterone levels. Even worse, these ED meds can actually have unpleasant side effects that might harm your sexual and psychological health, which can potentially reduce your libido further.

The reverse is also true. If you have erectile dysfunction, boosting your libido won’t necessarily solve those concerns. You could do all of the fun activities on this list, but you still won’t be able to attain an erection with ED. In that case, you’ll want to look for natural ways to address your ED.

Causes of low libido

Where does low libido come from? You should understand the basic causes to help treat your low libido appropriately.

1. Low testosterone

If your testosterone levels are below 350 ng/dL, you are likely feeling the symptoms of “low testosterone.” Testosterone is the key hormonal driver of libido. Testosterone is that “manly” hormone that makes you want to work out, have sex, eat hamburgers, and watch football. Well, that’s not true, but testosterone is the number one driver of sexual interest. In fact, even women need an appropriate amount of manly testosterone in order to be turned on for sex. That’s actually one of the reasons men and women kiss—the male’s saliva actually transfers testosterone to the female to get her ready for sex!

If your testosterone is low, you won’t feel that natural hormonal horniness. Instead, you’ll feel lethargic, anxious, depressed, and stressed. You may notice weight gain, brain fog, and a loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy. Low testosterone can influence your entire wellbeing—including your sexual prowess. Learn more about how to naturally increase your testosterone here

2. Psychological concerns

Anxiety and depression are key contributors to low libido. Depression causes you to lose interest in all of your normal activities, including the sex you once enjoyed. Moreover, medications for anxiety and depression often have side effects that can lower testosterone and libido levels.

Stress is also a key contributor in sexual desire. Stress creates cortisol, which kills testosterone levels. Cortisol both blocks the production of testosterone and binds to free-floating T, creating significantly reduced testosterone levels. This increase in cortisol and decrease in testosterone has been shown to directly influence sexual vigor, desire, and ability.

3. Weight 

If you’re holding extra weight, you’re also holding extra estrogen and cortisol. Excess estrogen stores fat and stops the production of testosterone. This leads to lowered testosterone levels, which, in turn, leads to more weight gain. This creates a vicious cycle of low T, low libido, and overweight unhappiness. If you’ve been racking on the pounds recently, you’ve likely also been met with a lowered sex drive.

4. Age

Testosterone levels naturally decrease as you age. Hormonal imbalances become more common as the number of candles on the birthday cake increases. Although low T levels are (sort of) a natural part of life, it doesn’t mean it’s not conquerable with the right lifestyle changes.

5.  Medications

Certain medications have side effects that can lower libido and testosterone. These include:

  •      Anti-depressants (SSRIs)
  •      Antipsychotics
  •      Beta-blockers
  •      Opioids
  •      Blood pressure medications
  •      Heart disease medications
  •      Diabetic treatments (insulin)

6. Prostate cancer treatments

Prostate cancer itself often doesn’t cause low libido, but its associated treatments and concerns can. Chemo and radiation for prostate cancer infiltrate the pelvis, which can often upset T levels. Surgery for prostate cancer can damage nearby nerves, which may have an influence on libido and impotence. Moreover, prostate cancer can create anxiety and depression in many patients, which can further lead to reduced sex drive and low libido.

7. Sleep problems

Studies have shown that sleep and testosterone are directly linked. One study found that sleep deficiencies influence low libido, and another found that sleep apnea may be a cause of lowered testosterone.

8. Unhealthy living

Other causes of low libido include:

  •      Smoking
  •      Alcohol abuse
  •      Drug abuse
  •      Inactivity or sedentary lifestyle

Now that you can better pinpoint where your low libido may be coming from, let’s get into my 8 favorite ways to boost libido in just a few days!

Naturally increase your libido

1. Have sex.

If you have a low libido but still have some desire to have sex, this is the best solution to bringing back your sex drive. Sex works wonders to address all of the causes of low libido and work to naturally increase your libido:

  •      Increases testosterone levels
  •      Boosts self-confidence
  •      Lowers stress
  •      Burns calories (sheds pounds)
  •      Helps you sleep
  •      Increases endorphins and dopamine
  •      Makes you feel 10 years younger

Sex is especially proven at boosting testosterone levels. A 1992 study found that both men and women had higher testosterone levels on nights of sexual activity than on nights of no sexual activity. Another study found that older men who have sex have higher testosterone and better health overall than those who don’t have sex.

Try having sex first thing in the morning. Testosterone levels and male libido are usually highest just after waking up. If you’re suffering from low libido, you may still be interested in having sex after waking up from a restful night’s sleep. Having sex in the morning will also put you on a good path for the rest of the day. You’ll have increased testosterone levels and lower stress that will boost your libido for the remainder of the day. Plus, you’ll walk into work with a glowing smile plastered across your face!

P.S. Don’t forget the foreplay. Foreplay before sex (or throughout the day) can help increase your (and your partner’s) libido. The more you talk about and think about having sex together, the higher your testosterone levels will rise. One study found that even the anticipation of sexual activity boosts testosterone production.

2. Sleep more.

Sex makes you sleepy, and it’s okay to revel in that rest! You need to sleep in order for your body to balance your hormones and produce testosterone. During sleep, your body also replenishes its energy, which contributes to a strong and lively libido. 

Studies have found that sleep deficiencies lead to low testosterone and diminished sex drive. Another study found that men who slept for at least 8 hours had T levels around 500-800 ng/dL, while those who slept only 4 had 200-300 ng/dL of testosterone. There is a direct correlation between hours slept and testosterone levels (and raising those testosterone levels works to naturally increase your libido).

So sleep more. How should you increase your sleep quantity and quality?

  •      Sleep in a cool, dark room.
  •      Turn off your phone and electronics 1 hour prior to sleep.
  •      Exercise and have sex. (Physical activity improves sleep quality.)
  •      Supplement with melatonin, the “sleep hormone.”
  •      Take power naps to increase your energy levels throughout the day.

3. Do something exciting with your partner.

Get your heart rate up with your partner outside of the bedroom as well. Studies show that people tend to feel more romantic and sexual after doing adrenaline-pumping experiences together. This is often deemed “misattribution of arousal,” but I like to call it “sexy fear.”

Basically, people tend to misplace the physiological response to fear as physiological sexual arousal. The two are very similar: shortness of breath, boost in blood pressure, inexplicable energy, high levels of adrenaline, etc.

This has been proven in a number of studies, like the suspension bridge study by Dutton and Aron. This study found that men who walked across a suspension bridge and were met with an attractive female researcher on the other side were more likely to call the woman after the study than those men who did not walk across the suspension bridge. Basically, the male participants attributed their fear from the suspension bridge as sexual arousal for the female on the safe side of the bridge.

Another study by Schachter and Singer found that if a person was physiologically aroused with epinephrine, they attributed that arousal to a recent memory. This demonstrates that people tend to misattribute their physiological feelings. That’s why so many heroes seem to fall in love at the end of an action-packed film, even though they know nothing about each other (well, and also because it’s Hollywood).

What does this mean for you? It simply means that if you and your partner do something exciting and heart-racing, it can help you two connect with a new form of arousal.

Get sweaty together outside of the bedroom to get your adrenaline and energy flowing—and you’ll start to redirect that energy back into the bedroom. You don’t have to jump out of a plane to see the same effects. Go for a walk, go to the gym, dance together, have a pillow fight, or watch a scary movie. If you’re short of breath and a little sweaty, you’re producing adrenaline that can raise your libido in tandem.

4. Do yoga.

Not sure what you should do together? Take a yoga class! Ancient tantric teachings used yoga as a way to heal sexual dysfunction and raise sexual energy. Yoga is a proven way to boost libido in a variety of ways. Firstly, yoga helps relieve stress. This lowers your cortisol levels—and we know that cortisol kills testosterone. This means that a stress-free yogi can have more free-floating testosterone and higher energy levels.

Yoga also helps increase self-esteem. It helps you overcome psychological and mental roadblocks that could be contributing to your low testosterone and libido. Plus, yoga can help burn calories and shed extra weight!

Yoga also increases flexibility and boosts circulation to the pelvis. Basically, yoga “enlivens” your pelvic area. It helps to align your pelvis and head along your spine, so your brain is better connected with your sexual organs. This helps wake up your penis and testes to produce more testosterone and have better blood flow. Some studies even suggest that yoga can treat premature ejaculation.

Oh, and by the way, yoga also helps enhance the female libido. Some women have even reported “orgasmic experiences” during yoga. So do yoga with your significant other as well! You’ll satisfy the #3 “do something exciting together” prescription while also boosting your sexual prowess.

5. Rub on some essential oils.

Massage each other with some libido-boosting essential oils. Sandalwood is often used in perfumes and colognes because it’s a natural aphrodisiac, known for attracting the sexual interest of anyone who smells it. It’s also used to balance and regulate hormone production. Cinnamon oil is another libido booster(use caution with this one – its a hot oil, so remember to dilute and don’t put it in sensitive areas), and it has also been considered a natural remedy for impotence because of its ability to open up the nitric oxide pathway that increases blood flow to the genitals. Other libido-happy essential oils include rose, jasmine, and ylang ylang.

Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into your deodorant or lotion to improve your hormones and increase your libido throughout the day. You can also dilute these essences in your favorite massage oil for an added boost of sexiness. Even taking a whiff of the essential oil from the bottle can get you going!

6. Eat natural aphrodisiacs.

Diet plays an important role in your hormone levels; what you put in is what you get out. Aphrodisiacs are foods that boost sexual desire and horniness. These include figs, bananas, avocados, and oysters. You’ll also want to consume more vitamin C like oranges, red peppers, and guava; these help boost circulation and increase energy levels.

My favorite aphrodisiac is dark chocolate. There’s a good reason that chocolate is often considered a symbol of desire. Dark chocolate releases phenylethylamine and serotonin, which lift mood, regulate blood sugar, and boost libido. Plus, some studies show that even thinking dark chocolate is sexy can help increase sexual desire!

You should also try adding nutmeg and clove to your foods and drinks. (I love nutmeg in my coffee or tea.) Both have been proven to enhance sexual behavior and arousal in male animals. Just a bit of warming spices and you could be on your way to the bedroom!

And don’t forget to drink water. Dehydration can cause fatigue and lower energy, which dulls your sexual desire instantly. If your body isn’t getting the water it needs, it will start to shut off extraneous processes to focus on those organ functions that are most vital. The more water you drink, the better your sexual function.

7. Take supplements.

Taking supplements may not seem like a “fun” libido booster—but it’s an easy way to start having more fun in the bedroom ASAP. With just a few choice supplements, you can get your libido up and running in no time.

Ginkgo biloba helps improve blood flow to the genitals and can actually help overcome different sorts of sexual dysfunctions. In fact, ginkgo biloba has been shown to treat sexual dysfunction and low libido as caused by antidepressants especially. So, if your low libido or ED is a result of antidepressant medication side effects, a supplementation of ginkgo biloba may be able to get you back on the right track without changing your prescription lineup. Be sure to discuss with your doctor before beginning any new supplement treatment, though.

Furthermore, tribulus is a supplement used in traditional Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac, and maca root has been shown to increase sexual desire in both the short-term and the long-term.

Talk to your doctor about adding a supplemental plan to your libido-boosting regimen!

  1. Send each other pictures.

Hey, they don’t have to be dirty pictures! A study by Helen Fisher found that when a person looks at a photo of their loved one for 30 seconds or longer, their brain begins to produce dopamine. That dopamine then boosts libido. That’s right, staring at a picture of your significant other can get you going—even if it’s a picture of them in a parka!

Take more time to look at your partner (both in person and in pictures) and you’ll be able to re-ignite new, fiery passion for one another.

Bottom Line

Low libido is a biological, psychological, and social concern. It’s not easily treated, even with conventional testosterone replacement therapies. But you can boost your libido and your energy with a few fun and easy lifestyle changes. By taking the time to focus on your health and your relationship with your partner, you can start living the life you want. You can go back to that “can’t take our hands off of each other” feeling from the start of the relationship. Your libido just needs a little push.

If you want to get your health and your libido back in shape, there’s no better time to start than NOW! Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program to get a comprehensive plan for bettering your sexual and overall wellbeing for a total body transformation.

If you’ve read this article, you want to increase your libido. Now is the time. Sign up for G1 Performance Health!

7 Testosterone Boosting Myths No One Will Tell You About

If you’re one of the 25% of U.S. men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone-or one of the millions of men following testosterone boosting myths-you’ve probably tried anything and everything to raise your testosterone levels. But nothing seems to be working.

If you suffer from low testosterone, you may be experiencing:

  • Low libido and sex drive
  • Low sperm count
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle loss
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Diminished mood
  • Insomnia
  • Brain fog
  • Loss of vitality
  • Erectile dysfunction

Are you sick and tired of these symptoms making you sick and tired?

Of course, you are! So you visit your doctor, who prescribes some testosterone replacement therapy or medications or pumps or doodads… and yet you still feel the same crappy way.

That’s because most therapies for testosterone don’t get to the root of the issue. They raise T-levels in the short-term without attacking the underlying root cause.

So maybe you’ve even decided to make lifestyle changes to address these root-cause concerns. That’s the first step towards overall health and increased testosterone.

But months later and you’re still not seeing results.


Because there are a number of testosterone boosting myths floating around out in the “world wide web” that just don’t work.

I’m here to debunk those myths to ensure that every lifestyle choice you make is optimizing your health with increased testosterone, regulated hormone levels, and a vibrant sex life!

So what are these testosterone boosting myths? And what can you do instead to exponentially boost your testosterone levels for real?

Myth 1: “Working out boosts your testosterone.”

No, working out doesn’t boost your testosterone. This is a common testosterone boosting myth. Working out the right way boosts your testosterone. Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to raising your testosterone levels.

Endurance exercise, like running and cycling, may actually reduce your free-floating testosterone levels. A number of studies have shown that prolonged endurance training can interrupt hormone production and damage the male reproductive system—aka lower testosterone.

Moreover, low testosterone generally means increased estrogen; increased estrogen can lead to low bone density and osteoporosis. This means that men with low testosterone are more susceptible to injuries during endurance exercise. It becomes a double whammy of problematic low T!

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be working out. In fact, you need physical exercise in order to lose weight and boost your testosterone. Instead, focus your exercise efforts on HIIT, lifting weights, and yoga.

High-intensity interval training has been shown to have a higher testosterone response than steady endurance exercise. It also burns more calories and boosts fat loss in both the short- and long-term. One study of overweight men found that 12 weeks of HIIT reduced their fat mass by 17%. Losing weight thus helps to increase the level of free-floating testosterone, regulate hormones, and reduce the risks of metabolic syndrome.

Combining HIIT with weightlifting has been shown to help burn fat at a higher rate. Lifting weights helps to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your testosterone levels. Plus, body muscle helps your body use up more energy and burn more fat. You’ll burn fat at a faster rate, helping to quench weight-related low T.

Yoga has also been studied as a strong testosterone booster. Yoga can help lower stress and anxiety, which in turn lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol kills testosterone production and destabilizes hormones. Yoga is able to minimize cortisol to improve T levels and overall reproductive health. Yoga has also been shown to boost libido, improve erection quality, improve orgasms, stimulate genital blood flow, and enhance sexual pleasure. It’s time for downward dog if you ask me!

Myth 2: Eating fats hurts your testosterone levels.

Having fat on your body can lower your T levels, but eating fats will now lower your testosterone. In fact, you need fats in your diet because testosterone is fat-soluble. If you cut out fats, your free-floating testosterone has no where to run… so your T lowers in tandem.

In fact, low-fat diets are proven to kill your T. One study found that a diet with less than 40% fat drastically decreased testosterone levels. Another study found that increasing the percentage of calories from fat from 20% to 40% increased testosterone levels drastically. This study also found that a low-fat, high-fiber diet reduced testosterone by 12%. Moreover, fats are necessary to regulate the endocrine (hormone) system, including the production of testosterone.

Plus, eating fats can actually help you burn body fat. Research found that participants eating a low-fat diet only burned 18.8% of their energy from fat, while the high-fat diet group burned 41% of their energy from fat. Furthermore, the high-fat group had 13% higher testosterone levels.

Nevertheless, eating a diet too rich in fats can make you gain weight. And being overweight or obese will lower your testosterone levels. In this way, you’ll want to eat healthy fats like omega 3s (fish), avocados, and coconut oil. You should also evenly balance all three of your macronutrients: carbs, fats, and protein. 

Myth 3: Eating carbs hurts your testosterone levels.

In the same vein, people tend to demonize carbs. Nope, this is another testosterone boosting myth. In reality, carbs are absolutely necessary for hormone production. Sure, processed carbs are bad for you, but they give all carbs an unnecessarily bad rep. Whole-wheat products and grains are vital to ensure your body stays healthy and functioning.
A study by the University of North Carolina found that participants on a low-carb diet had reduced testosterone and raised cortisol (which kills the production of T). On the other hand, a Life Sciences Journal Study found that men on a high-carb diet for 10 days had higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol.

In this way, scientists have concluded that carbs help keep cortisol levels low. Cortisol not only stops the production of testosterone but also binds to free-floating testosterone for a double whammy of low T. Carbs can help fight off these T-killing effects of cortisol. If you want to boost your testosterone, stick to a moderate amount of whole-wheat, full-grain carbs.

Myth 4: Soy will increase testosterone levels.

Soy is commonly considered a healthy protein alternative to “fatty” meats. Not in the testosterone boosting myth busters house! Soy can be found in a number of protein powders, as people assume soy can help build muscle. The real reason “soy protein isolate” is used in so many protein powders? It’s cheap and easy to come by.

Researchers have found that soy can actually lower testosterone and raise cortisol. This is likely because soy is highly estrogenic, so much so that one study even found male subjects had enlarged breast and nipple discharge when eating high amounts of soy. This is obviously not what any guy wants who is trying to raise their testosterone levels. Perhaps they will have better luck with a testosterone booster taken as a dietary supplement.

Moreover, men who eat a lot of soy were found to have high levels of equol in their bloodstream. Equol is an anti-androgen that shuts down hormone production, making the manufacture of testosterone impossible. This soy-related diminishment of hormone production can also lead to infertility and low sperm count.

Steer clear of soy if you’re working on boosting your testosterone levels. Watch out for “soy protein isolate” in your protein powders. Be aware of the soy content in your sushi platters.

If you’re lactose intolerant and use soy as an alternative, try almond milk or cashew milk instead. These nut milks are lower in calories and higher in testosterone-boosting goodness. 

Myth 5: Drinking alcohol gives you a “man’s” boost.

The image of sipping a cold beer or scotch seems “manly,” and so many people naturally associate alcohol with testosterone. However, booze actually lowers your testosterone levels, reduces fertility, and promotes weight gain. One study found that alcohol, even in the short-term, can severely suppress the synthesis of testosterone. Some studies even show that two drinks per day can cause these testosterone-minimalizing effects. Alcohol has also been linked to erectile dysfunction, depression, and anxiety—all of which are related to low T.

Plus, alcohol makes you gain weight. Drinking your calories without any nutritious value is a sure-fire way to quickly increase the number on the scale. And the higher the number on the scale, the lower your testosterone.

Alcohol also influences the liver. The liver is responsible for metabolizing testosterone and ridding the body of excess estrogen. While you’re drinking, the liver has to instead work to metabolize the alcohol rather than rid the body of estrogen. Estrogen then builds up in the body, which suppresses T production and stores more fat.

Beer is especially a testosterone killer. The hops in beer are highly estrogenic, so much so that beer is being studied as a treatment for hot flashes in menopausal women. The estrogenic properties in beer slow down testosterone production and pack on the pounds towards a double whammy of low T.

Alcohol of any type is the enemy of your testosterone by stopping testosterone production, increasing estrogen, raising cortisol, damaging the liver, and increasing fat storage. The more you drink, the lower your testosterone.

It’s okay to drink in moderation, though. Have one glass per day or keep your drinking to once per week.

Myth 6: ED medications help with boosting testosterone.

The relationship between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction is complex and not fully understood. But we know that treating ED doesn’t solve low testosterone, and raising testosterone doesn’t necessarily treat ED. Although the two are linked, they’re not interdependent. A man could have low testosterone and diminished libido but still have the ability to have an erection. Another man may be incredibly horny with a high sex drive, but he can’t seem to have an erection when the time comes. ED and low T both affect sex, but they’re not the same.

In this way, erectile dysfunction medications are not a solution for low T.

Moreover, ED medications could actually affect your testosterone levels in some way. Because ED medications like Viagra and Cialis only mask the symptoms of an underlying problem, they can actually create more psychological concerns. These can influence your brain’s ability to send signals to the endocrine system to make testosterone.

If you have erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor to see if you have low testosterone as well. The two are not the same, but they can often be treated with similar lifestyle changes.

Myth 7: Masturbation boosts your testosterone.

Some men have the belief that the more you masturbate, the higher your testosterone levels. The thought process goes that every time you get aroused, your testosterone levels go up. So masturbating and getting aroused often is good for T levels… right? Negative, this is another one of those crazy testosterone boosting myths.

Well, that’s not exactly how it works. While it’s true that arousal boosts testosterone in the short-term, masturbating too often can create hormonal imbalances and erectile dysfunction. Frequent masturbation over-stimulates the levels of dopamine (which is the hormone that triggers sexual pleasure).

If dopamine is released too often, your body stops responding to it. This means that when you masturbate, you won’t feel the same sort of satisfaction that you do in the past. This not only destabilizes your hormones and forces testosterone to take a back seat… it also creates a masturbation addiction.

You’re constantly looking for that sexual pleasure, but you can’t achieve it because your brain has become desensitized to the related dopamine.

Moreover, multiple ejaculations increase the level of estrogen in the body. The more you ejaculate, the lower your androgen receptor activity (aka lower free-floating testosterone). Higher estrogen and lower testosterone can throw your body out of whack for days. If this happens often, like with a masturbation addiction, this imbalance can severely damage your T levels long-term.

Still, some studies suggest that a short-term sexual abstinence of 7 days can result in a 145% spike in testosterone. Nevertheless, too much abstinence can lower your testosterone.

So what’s the solution? Have sex. Find a partner, though some prefer the use of a sex doll, and revel in that intimacy. Unlike masturbation, sex is proven to increase testosterone levels because of the sexual arousal and personal intimacy needed for the act. Older men who have sex have higher testosterone levels than those who don’t, and a study of couples found they had higher T levels on nights where they had sex over nights they didn’t.

Having sex 1-2 times a day will keep your testosterone strong and your health and wellness vivacious. Doctor’s orders!

Bottom Line

Don’t believe everything you read or hear about testosterone. It is possible to boost your testosterone with natural and healthy lifestyle changes. But those changes shouldn’t necessarily include endurance exercise, depriving yourself of fats and carbs, eating too much soy, over-drinking, and over-stimulating your mini-me.

If you want to increase your testosterone levels with healthy lifestyle changes, learn more with my article 13 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally. Ready to take the ultimate step? Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program, a genetic-based report and private consultation that will get you started on a total body transformation.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for G1 Performance Health now!

10 Reasons Men Over 40 Should Take Probiotics

Hippocrates said, “all disease begins in the gut”—and he wasn’t wrong! Today I’m here to tell you how you can regulate your overall health by consuming tiny, living organisms: probiotics.

You’ve hit age 40, 50, or 60… and are noticing that your health isn’t what it used to be. Your belly is growing, you have new aches and pains, and you get sick easier than you used to. You take over-the-counter meds, prescription meds, supplements, this and that… and still nothing seems to be helping your health.

That’s because those medications simply mask your specific symptoms without getting to root of the problem.

For example, you may notice that after age 40 you’ve started getting sick more often. You take cold medication and amoxicillin when it strikes, and you might even take Airborne or vitamin C to help prevent it. But still, your immune system is down. Without a major system overload, you will continue to get sick time and time again because your immune system isn’t functioning properly.

So how do you know what the real problem is? And how do you fix it?

It may not be as complicated as we think. Recent research shows that overall well-being is linked to the gut. That means that oftentimes those inexplicable ailments in your body relate back to your intestinal system (stomach and colon).

In fact, many scientists and researchers even call the gut “the body’s second brain.” The gut sends signals and nutrients to the rest of your body, telling your brain, organs, and even blood how to work.

What does a healthy gut look like?

85% of good bacteria and 15% of bad bacteria make up a healthy gut. This good bacteria helps keep the rest of your body functioning by helping to absorb nutrients, support the immune system, balance hormones, and keep your organs clear of disease. The good bacteria also help fight off bad bacteria, like disease and infection. Research with Harvard Health discovered that good bacteria can actually prevent and treat common diseases.

Every day, we encounter environmental stressors that can deplete the good bacteria and allow bad bacteria to take over. Unhealthy or processed foods, pollution, antibiotics, pesticides, and even simple aging processes can create a disharmonious relationship between good and bad bacteria. Sickness seeps in as the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria becomes unbalanced.

In fact, a study in Neurogastroenterology & Motility found that mice who had higher levels of bad gut bacteria were more likely to engage in high-risk behavior. They also found that their gut bacteria neurochemically altered brain gene activity and organ functioning.

Gut health directly relates to mental and physical health. So how do we keep the gut healthy and the good bacteria at an advantage?


What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live organisms that add good bacteria to your gut. “Pro” means both “an advantage of something” and “before”; and “biotic” relates to living things and the relation to their ecosystem. Together, this gives us an understanding of probiotics:

Probiotics are living microbes that give our gut an advantage before bad bacteria strikes.

There are multiple strains of probiotics, but the most common are Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Probiotics are well known for their influence on digestion, IBS, lactose intolerance, and other intestinal-related issues. But recent research has found that probiotics may also have a lot of other benefits for overall health outside of the gut as well:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce bloating/gas
  • Improve digestion and constipation
  • Balance hormones
  • Regulate blood sugar levels
  • Promote nutrient absorption
  • Boost immune system
  • Fight off disease, infection, and the common cold

In fact, probiotics help stave off signs of aging in your body by promoting healthy, youthful organ processes. Many people may struggle with a lot of the factors listed above and below and it may prove to be damaging to their confidence as well as their health. That’s why Probiotics such as these probaclac probiotics can help with some of these issues and can help give you a better quality of life. Probiotics may also be beneficial in fighting off age-related concerns like:

  1. Weight gain
  2. Cholesterol and cardiovascular illnesses
  3. Mood disorders and stress
  4. Lowered immunity (more susceptible to illness)
  5. New or worsened allergies
  6. Sagging, wrinkled, uneven skin
  7. Diminished bone mass
  8. Harsher medication side effects
  9. Worsened colon diseases
  10. More stomach acid and ulcers

Let’s take a look at the research to back up these pro-probiotic claims:

1. Promotes weight loss

Everyone naturally gains weight as they age. After age 40, your metabolism drops and it feels like every fry goes right to the gut. In addition, your testosterone levels drop with age—and low T is linked to increased weight gain.

A slow metabolism, low testosterone levels, and low energy all contribute to that growing number on the scale. You may also feel as though no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shed those increasing pounds. Probiotics may be the solution to kick-start your weight loss program.

Probiotics have been shown to reduce body weight and BMI, according to a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. They found that ingesting at least two types of probiotics for 8 weeks had the greatest weight loss results. The weight loss was not drastic, so probiotics are not the same as a “weight loss pill.”

Nevertheless, the researchers concluded that probiotics can be a useful addition to a healthy diet and exercise plan as a way to boost weight loss results and encourage a healthful lifestyle. Another study found that the probiotics rhamnosus and bifidobacterium lactis proved especially beneficial in preventing obesity and boosting weight loss.

Even a small reduction in weight due to probiotics can encourage you to pursue a weight loss plan that will lead to overall health and wellness.

One form of probiotics, lactobacillus gasseri, was found to result in a loss of 8.5% belly fat mass over a 3-month period on average. While these results from the British Journal of Nutrition were strong, there was also a strongly opposing caveat. The moment the participants stopped taking the supplement, they gained back all of that weight.

This shows that certain strains of probiotics may help you shed those pounds—but they are not a solution in it of themselves.

Additionally, probiotics have been proven time and time again to help regulate blood sugar. After you eat, your blood sugar spikes. When those spikes are strong enough, your body takes the extra sugar and turns it into fat. Probiotics regulate those spikes, so your body won’t have a lot of free-floating sugar to convert to fat cells.

This means that probiotics may also help individuals with type 2 diabetes.

2. Lowers cholesterol

Probiotics have been linked to cholesterol regulation and heart health. The 2010 Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research found three ways that probiotics lower cholesterol levels:

a.) Probiotics produce propionic acid.

This acid sends signals to the liver and tells it to produce less cholesterol.

b.) Probiotics break down liver bile acids.

Bile is a byproduct of the liver’s consumption of cholesterol. As probiotics break down bile acids, the liver is forced to produce more bile. This means that the liver needs to use up more cholesterol in order to make that additional bile. This helps naturally lower the cholesterol because your liver is using up cholesterol for its natural processes.

c.) Probiotics actually eat cholesterol and use it as nourishment. Nice!

A 2012 study in Experimental Diabetes Research furthered this theory with proof of certain probiotic strains’ effect on cholesterol. For example, L. reuteri lowered triglycerides, L. acidophilus ate cholesterol, and L. plantarum used cholesterol assimilation to rid of unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Basically, probiotics eat cholesterol, force your liver to produce less cholesterol, and cause your liver to consume its own cholesterol. A triple threat.

3. Improves mood disorders

One of the most surprising and exciting benefits of probiotics is the impact on the brain and nervous system, again reiterating the strong link between gut and overall wellbeing.

After age 40, life hits harder than in the past. External stresses and anxieties pop up, and our body loses energy and strength to deal with these stressors. Probiotics may help keep up our energy and fight off mood disorders, making probiotic users happier and healthier overall.

A Gastroenterology study of mice found that gut flora (aka the amount of good or bad bacteria in the tummy) directly influenced mice behavior and brain chemistry—aside from any external factors. The researchers believe that the bacteria produces some sort of chemical that can influence the brain…meaning that probiotics can help correct mood changes.

This may prove especially true for those who have gastrointestinal diseases or an unhealthy amount of bad gut flora already.

A small Brain, Behavior, and Immunity study found that “multispecies probiotic supplementation reduced cognitive reactivity to sad mood.” Those participants who took a probiotic supplement daily felt happier than those who were taking a placebo. They found the strongest effects with regards to reduced rumination (thinking about sad things) and reduced aggressiveness.

This suggests that probiotics can be a potential preventative strategy for depression, stress, and anxiety.

The Gut Microbes study discovered that two strains of probiotics, L. helveticus and B. longum, had especially strong psychological effects and were best able to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Additional research has found that bacteria can signal the brain to better deal with “stressors,” so stress doesn’t negatively influence the rest of the body.

But here’s my favorite study on the link between gut bacteria and psychological health:

Research published in Psychopharmacology found that participants taking prebiotics (similar to probiotics) paid less attention to negative stimuli and more attention to positive ones. Those individuals also had less anxiety with regards to negative or threatening stimuli.

But more importantly, those with prebiotics and high levels of good bacteria also had lower levels of cortisol when they woke in the morning (compared to participants taking a placebo). High levels of cortisol has a direct impact on depression.

High cortisol is also related to low testosterone. Cortisol suppresses testosterone production. This means that if you’re depressed or stressed, you get a spike in cortisol and a drop in testosterone. This can lead to low T levels and all the symptoms that come with it, like weight gain (see #1), loss of energy, and low sex drive.

This creates a vicious cycle of depression, anxiety, low testosterone, weight gain, and more. Probiotics may be able to help intervene and reduce cortisol, giving you better control over your moods, your testosterone, your weight, and your energy.

4. Boosts immune health

In the same way that the gut can influence the nervous system, it also influences the immune system. Immunity naturally decreases with age, and it can be hard to re-boost it unless you drown yourself in vitamin C.

A study in Nutrients found that athletes showed less incidence of upper respiratory infection when using probiotics. Another study by Yan and Polk found that probiotics may regulate the functions of immune cells, showing “therapeutic potential for diseases.” In essence, these studies suggest that probiotics are linked to the body’s overall immune-response system when faced with disease and infection.

Antibiotics go in to fight disease and bad bacteria after it’s hit. Probiotics fight off the bad bacteria before disease gets the chance to hit. Having a healthy level of good bacteria and probiotics in the gut can help ward off illness before it strikes. (Hence the prefix “pro”.)

If you keep your gut healthy, you’ll keep your entire body healthy.

5. Minimizes allergies

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the probiotic B. lactis was able to boost the immune system and lower levels of pro-inflammatory markers. This helped those individuals suffering from seasonal allergies, concluding that B. lactis and other forms of probiotics may be useful for managing respiratory allergies.

If you are struggling with allergies and over-the-counter meds aren’t doing the trick, probiotics are a healthy potential alternative.

6. Improves skin conditions

Probiotics have anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body—including minimizing inflammation in your largest organ, your skin. Studies suggest that there is a link between probiotics and the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and even stubborn adult acne.

Additionally, long-term inflammation is a major cause of wrinkles. Minimize this inflammation with probiotics and restore your face with lots of water… and you’ll be able to fight off signs of aging. Some researchers believe that probiotics also help build collagen; collagen is what keeps your skin youthful and wickedly handsome.

These results aren’t totally proven yet, but we know probiotics won’t make you look older—so give it a shot!

7. Maintains bone density

Age brings with it a loss of bone mass and density. Bone breaks and cracks become easier and more frequent—and also more life-threatening. This is especially true for men with low testosterone levels, as high estrogen levels can take over and deteriorate bones.

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1 in 4 men over age 50 will break a bone because of bone density loss.

You can protect your bone density with probiotics! Studies have confirmed that “probiotics can increase bone mass density and bone mineral content and help reduce osteoporosis.”

P.S. Did you know that milk doesn’t actually make your bones stronger? “Got Milk” is one of the largest fibs of our modern media! Probiotics are the most natural way to maintain your bone’ strength and durability.

8. Minimizes diarrhea side effects

Unfortunately, a lowered immune system also leads to other diseases and problems that call for medications. A 2012 study found that probiotics may improve symptoms of diarrhea associated with chemotherapy and antibiotic usage.

In addition, the British Journal of Cancer found that those participants who were treated with two strains of probiotics (5-fluorouracil and L. rhamnosus) experienced less severe diarrhea and shorter hospital stays than those patients not taking probiotics. This was especially true for participants who were undergoing chemo for colorectal cancer, likely because probiotics can have other positive effects on the large intestine.

9. Treats diverticular diseases

Probiotics are well known for their ability to aid in digestion and stomach disorders—but they may have even stronger effects on the intestines than previously considered.

Diverticulitis and diverticulosis are much more common after the age of 40, and diverticulosis is one of the most common medical conditions in the U.S. with nearly one-third of all Americans developing it by age 60—and two-thirds by age 85. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be taken seriously. In fact, the pain is so intense it often causes hospital stays, and serious cases can call for emergency surgery and long-term health concerns.

But diverticular disease is preventable and treatable. Multiple analyses and studies have shown that probiotics can help prevent diverticular disease by improving digestion and bowel movements. Less poop in your system, the less likely you’ll develop diverticular disease—and the more energy and vigor you’ll have! These studies also showed that probiotics can help treat symptomatic diverticular disease, prevent disease recurrence, and improve quality of life.

One study found that the probiotic L. casei was an especially effective treatment—as effective as the standard medication for diverticulosis. Plus, the probiotics had fewer side effects. A combination of probiotics with prescription medications showed the fastest and most complete recovery.

10. Eradicates ulcers

Similarly, ulcers become a common occurrence with age. Acid builds up over the years (especially when processed foods are consumed), and the stomach doesn’t have the youth and vigor to handle the imbalance of acid. This causes the stomach to eat itself, causing painful and dangerous ulcers and internal bleeding.

Probiotics have been shown to eradicate ulcers and restore the gut’s natural balance. Probiotics attack and eat Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria linked to the development of ulcers. This stops ulcers in their tracks before they even begin to form.

Probiotics thus can reduce peptic ulcers, gastritis, and other stomach atrophies.

Where can you find probiotics?

Have I convinced you of the importance of probiotics in your aging health? Great! So how can you get the probiotics your body so desperately craves?

You can naturally find probiotics in fermented foods such as:

  • Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Soft, fermented cheeses
  • Unpasteurized sauerkraut
  • Miso soup
  • Sourdough bread
  • Sour pickles (naturally fermented)
  • Kombucha
  • Kefir (fermented milk drink)

These delicious foods are an easy addition to your diet. I always recommend eating at least one cup of Greek yogurt per day. It’s a healthy snack that will give you your daily dose of probiotics while also helping to slim down your waistline, curb hunger cravings, improve mental clarity, and more.

The unfortunate paradox of probiotic-rich foods is that many of them are lactose-happy. If you are lactose intolerant or sensitive, you should not eat many of these foods. Nevertheless, you especially need probiotics to help overcome your IBS and lactose intolerance problems.

Thankfully, probiotic supplements are easy to come by. You can buy a variety of probiotic strains at your local health grocer, supplement store, or drug store. Taking the daily dose of these supplements will ensure you regulate your gut flora towards overall healthier wellbeing—no matter your age.

Always be sure to consult with your doctor before starting a new regimen. Your doc can help find the best natural probiotic solutions for your health concerns.

Do you want to learn more about ways to boost your health? Sign up for The Male 90X program now.

11 Supplement Vasodilators To Ease Your ED

You’ve read my article about the 13 top vasodilators in foods to help bring back your sexual vigor. Now, it’s time to supplement those foods with additional nutrients for a double-packed punch to fight your erectile dysfunction symptoms. You need to add vasodilation supplements to your toiletry cabinet right now.

Are you struggling to overcome your erectile dysfunction? Do you feel like your ED is only worsening with the medications you’ve been prescribed?

You’re not alone. Many men with ED find that the traditional “cures” are anything but a beneficial treatment. In fact, these prescriptions can often exacerbate dysfunction in the long-term. These medications only mask the symptoms of ED without getting at the root of the problem.

So it’s time to get to the root—don’t you agree?

Vasodilators 101

Let’s first understand how erections work, so we can understand how vasodilators supplements help improve ED.

There are three key steps to getting an erection. First, sexual arousal tells the brain to send signals to the penis, preparing your little man for sex. Second, the endocrine system releases hormones that help the penis get relaxed and ready for sex. Then, blood vessels in the penis open to allow blood to flow into the penis. This blood flow into the penis causes an erection. That erectile stiffness is actually just strong blood flow in your penis!

With that in mind, there are also three key areas that can cause erectile dysfunction (aka when the penis can’t get erect) when they aren’t functioning properly: the brain, the endocrine system (hormones), and the blood vessels.

In this article, we’ll focus on the last area: the blood flow into the penis. If your brain is sending signals and your hormones are regulated, then your ED is likely due to a problem with your blood vessels. This can be due to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or other vessel disorders.

That’s where vasodilation supplements come in.

Supplements as vasodilators

Vasodilators create vasodilation. Vasodilation is the process of the blood vessels dilating or enlarging. This can occur throughout the body or in a specific area, like the penis. This opening of the vessels helps to lower blood pressure (since more blood can pass through at once), clear clogged veins, boost blood flow, and increase oxygen distribution throughout the body. Proper blood flow is necessary throughout the body to bring nutrients and oxygen to all of your organs, muscles, and tissues.

And of course, vasodilation opens up the vessels in the penis, so your mini-me can take in blood for an erection. Blood flow, as discussed earlier, is crucial to achieving an erection. Not only does blood flow create that necessary stiffness, but it also nourishes the reproductive organs, improves energy and libido, and maintains regular testosterone levels. In this way, a healthy vasodilation system is advantageous for overall sexual health.

A key chemical in your body’s natural process of vasodilation is nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide helps to dilate and relax the blood vessels throughout the body, especially in and around the penis. Thus, you’ll want to keep an eye out for nitric oxide influencers in your vasodilation supplements.

Vasodilation supplements work twofold: they trigger the production of nitric oxide and relax the blood vessels. This two-step process boosts blood flow throughout the body, especially in the penis when it’s time to get sexy.

So what supplements have the strongest vasodilation effects?

1. Quercetin

Quercetin is a natural flavonoid that fights off inflammatory-related conditions like heart disease, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, viral infections, circulation concerns, atherosclerosis, cancer, prostate infections, and prostate inflammation.

Several studies have proven quercetin’s effects on vasodilation. One found that it works as an acute vasodilator in healthy men, and another proved that it’s able to decrease blood pressure. One study also found that quercetin enhances the production of nitric oxide, thus promoting vasodilation.

Quercetin is organically found in garlic, grapes, chives, red wine, onions, and apples. It’s also one of my favorite natural vasodilation supplements because it’s safe and easy. It has incredibly potent effects in just one little ingredient. It also plays nicely with other vasodilation compounds like tannins, procanidins, catechins, and resveratrol.

2. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that helps the body naturally synthesize nitric oxide while also activating and relaxing channels in the smooth muscle of the penis. One study found that “acute administration of resveratrol elicits dose-dependent increases of FMD with greater potency than other vasoactive nutrients and that this benefit is sustained following regular consumption.” Basically, this study concluded that resveratrol can relax twisted blood vessels better than any other studied vasoactive nutrient. This proves significant circulatory benefits for blood vessels, including those vessels in the penis.

Resveratrol also helps balance your hormones, lowering estrogen and increasing testosterone. This can improve low testosterone levels, which could be contributing to your ED.

Grapes, raisins, and red wine contain high levels of reservatrol. If you’re already a red wine drinker, a moderate amount will give you a strong reserve of resveratrol. However, if you’re not already a wine drinker, you shouldn’t start drinking just to see the ED-happy vasodilation effects.

This is especially true as red wine is known to cause migraines and have negative psychological effects, both of which play a role in ED. Furthermore, too much alcohol may cause long-term erectile dysfunction in men. Avoid these alcohol-related concerns with resveratrol supplements, which are easy to find and are fairly inexpensive.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of my favorite vasodilation supplements because it has so many powerful effects on the body. You need vitamin C to stay healthy and strong, and it’s almost never a bad idea to take a little extra vitamin C to boost your immune and nervous systems. ED-related vasodilation is just one more reason to add vitamin C to your daily supplement lineup.

Vitamin C naturally boosts the body’s nitric oxide production. It also protects NO molecules from degradation; this means that nitric oxide sticks around in the body for a longer duration before expellation. Together, vitamin C produces and maintains NO for longer, stronger erections.

Vitamin C has also been studied as a testosterone booster. Higher levels of T are linked to higher sexual function, which can help ease your ED symptoms. C vitamins also lower cortisol, so testosterone can flow freely and blood vessels can chill out.

Better yet, one study even discovered that combining vitamin C and garlic (aka the quercetin from #1) increased NO levels by 200%! This combo also lead to a drop in blood pressure of systolic 27mmHg and diastolic 15mmHg—that’s better than most blood pressure medications!

Vitamin C has a cocktail of properties of natural vasodilators and erection nourishment.

4. Icariin

Icariin, found in horny goat weed, helps support the body’s production of nitric oxide levels towards improved vasodilation and blood circulation. It also functions in a similar way to Viagra by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme, which is the enzyme that tells your penis when to stop having an erection. Icariin has been proven to be as beneficial as Viagra, but icariin actually has fewer side effects and more potent long-term influences.

Numerous studies have proven the strong benefits of icariin on vasodilation. A 2007 study found that icariin increased the production of NO in blood vessels. Another study in 2013 found that icariin was able to inhibit the thickening of arteries, thus decreasing cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack. In turn, this helped improve blood flow to the penis without any clogs or blockages. Icariin also widens the vessels of the heart, which helps boost healthy blood flow right at the source.

A 2008 study found that icariin can actually stimulate the formation of blood vessels. This is important because blood vessels tend to pop with age—and with exercise, which you should be doing if you want to keep your ED at bay.

Moreover, icariin may help those with depression and bipolar disorder. Research shows icariin may improve overall mood and even help stop alcohol abuse. Oftentimes, mood disorders and substance abuse can cause and exacerbate ED.

Icariin can boost mood and increase NO vasodilation, putting you on the fast track to an ED-free life.

P.S. Icariin is even being studied as an anti-cancer supplement. There is supporting evidence that icariin could be a strong herbal remedy for anti-cancer therapies, even overcoming the limitations of current therapies. One study even reported that icariin had a direct response on halting tumor cell invasion and migration.

5. Niacin

Niacin, aka vitamin B3, is an essential nutrient for gene expression, hormone synthesis, heart function, and energy production. It also plays a key role in maintaining nitric oxide levels and balancing good versus bad cholesterol. Niacin can acutely lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack in many individuals. One study even suggested that niacin, which is necessary for proper heart function, had a long-term benefit on lowering mortality rate.

Niacin is a strong vasodilation supplement that I highly recommend you add into your diet. Red meat has high levels of niacin… so yes, I’m telling you to eat red meat!

6. Grape seed extract (GSE)

Grape seed extract is a vasodilation supplement that will get your penis ready for sex in no time. It activates nitric oxide synthesis so strongly that one study even found a 138% increase in NO levels. Research also shows that GSE decreases blood pressure and lower heart rate levels.

GSE also supports healthy testosterone levels. It blocks the enzyme aromatase, which is what converts testosterone into estrogen. Too much aromatase causes estrogen dominance that can kill your sex drive and lead to low testosterone symptoms. GSE not only boosts blood flow into the penis, it also makes sure that your testosterone-related sex drive is strong and kicking.

7. Pycnogenol

Pycnogenol is a vasodilation supplement made from maritime pine bark extract. It has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic effects. It also enhances blood flow and improves vasodilation throughout the body.

I’m including pycnogenol on this list because it’s a strong and healthy vasodilator. However, you can get the same polyphenol effects at a cheaper price with grape seed extract.

8. L-citrulline and l-arginine

L-citrulline and l-arginine are amino acids that the body uses for a number of healthy functions. The kidneys convert l-citrulline into l-arginine, which then transforms into nitric oxide. A supplementation of l-arginine has been shown to improve oxidative stress for healthy blood flow, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Research suggests that l-citrulline supplementation is more efficient than l-arginine supplementation for the production of nitric oxide, creatinine, and other arginine-derived metabolites. L-citrulline actually converts into a higher concentration of NO than supplementing with l-arginine alone.

9. Ginseng

Panax ginseng, or Korean red ginseng, has a number of benefits for male sexual health. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac and to treat sexual dysfunctions.

You’ll hear a lot of talk about ginseng… and for a good reason! A summary review of studies concluded that ginseng stimulates NO production, improves blood circulation, and enhances vasomotor tone.

If you’re looking for a vasodilation supplement that will not only work for vasodilation but also treat other causes of your ED, ginseng is a strong choice.

10. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) is found in the mitochondria of our cells and it’s used to produce energy that our body needs to perform certain functions. Like some of the other vasodilators mentioned, the body naturally produces COQ10, but it’s not always enough to keep up with our cells’ needs. Low levels of COQ10 are linked to Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, male infertility, and low testosterone. COQ10 also regulates NO breakdown, meaning that it helps NO last longer in the body.

A meta-analysis of studies showed that COQ10 provides a significant improvement in endothelial function (the function of blood vessels vasodilating and vasoconstricting). Moreover, COQ10 has been proven to have positive effects on cardiovascular diseases as well as improving oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.

11. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s work like anti-inflammatory drugs and help lower the risk of heart disease, blood clot formation, and stroke. They also help increase NO levels and blood circulation for happier blood vessels.

A study found that the supplementation of omega-3s:

  • reduced arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction
  • minimized systemic inflammation
  • impacted arterial wall remodeling
  • reduced cardiovascular risk

Another study found that fish oils lower blood pressure and improve vasodilation. They discovered that omega-3s allow potassium ions to flow, which helps the smooth muscles relax (like the smooth muscles in the penis need to relax in order to have an erection).

Omega-3s are found naturally in cold-water fish like salmon. The Western diet typically doesn’t include enough of these fish, so it’s often recommended to take additional omega-3 supplements to reap the full benefits.

Bottom Line

These 11 supplements are natural, organic ways to add vasodilators, nitric oxide, and erection-healthy blood flow back into your life. Pair these supplements with vasodilating food and healthy living practices, and you’ll treat your ED in no time!

Best yet, you can buy all of these supplements at your local health food store. Talk to a doctor before adding any supplements to your regimen; your doc will help choose the one that will work best for your needs.

Vasodilation is just the tip of the iceberg…

Want more advice on overcoming your ED? Grab The Male 90X Consult, transform your body, and reach your maximum potential today!


13 Natural, Edible Vasodilators To Treat Your ED

If you’re suffering from ED, you’ll probably try anything and everything to get your penis back in the game. But the most natural, effective solution is often overlooked… and it’s right in your own fridge. If you’re looking to boost your blood circulation, look no further than these 13 delicious foods for ED-healthy vasodilation.

What is a vasodilator?

There are three parts to having an erection. First, you get sexually aroused and your brain sends a signal to the penis that it’s time to get moving and grooving. Your body then has to release hormones to prepare you for sex. Then the muscles and blood vessels in the pelvic area have to relax, so blood can flow easily into the penis. An erection is literally when your penis enlarges with blood.

But if your blood vessels are tight or clogged, blood can’t flow through the body properly. The blood can’t find its way to the penis and an erection can’t occur.

This clogging of blood vessels is one of the key causes of erectile dysfunction. The blood vessels aren’t wide enough or healthy enough to push blood into the penis to create a hard erection.

Beyond just the penis, blood flow is important for overall health as well. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to all of your organs, tissues, and cells. Poor blood flow leads to a buildup of toxicity, which can be incredibly dangerous for the functioning of your system.

Proper blood flow is vital to wellbeing, including sexual health. 

A vasodilator is a substance that relaxes and widens the blood vessels. This helps unclog the arteries and allows blood to flow more easily. Thus, blood can reach your penis so you can get an erection.

What is nitric oxide?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a necessary vasodilator for all erections. NO relaxes the blood vessels around the penis, so there are no blockages or tightness when the body tries to send blood there.

Because nitric oxide is vital to erection blood flow, you’ll want to keep an eye out for NO production in your foods and supplements.

You’ll often find NO boosters in pre-workout supplements because it’s so effective at boosting blood flow. NO relaxes vessels and increases blood flow, which means the muscles have more blood and oxygen during the workout (so in turn the muscles can work harder and longer). You can sometimes even tell which guys are taking NO supplements at the gym because their blood vessels could be popping out from their biceps or neck because blood flow is so strong.

Why do you need natural vasodilators?

I am a firm believer that natural is almost always better than prescription. If you can cure your illnesses with organic, natural substances, you’ll be treating your body the way it deserves to be treated. Trying to solve a problem with medicines often ends up with even more additional problems. I always recommend my patients first try natural lifestyle choices before adding more chemicals to their daily regimen. (Although I do understand that sometimes medicines and surgeries are necessary to live a full and fruitful life… and I’m all for that.)

ED can be treated naturally for most men. Poor circulation, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease—which can all cause ED—are directly linked to stress, unhealthy diet, and lowered physical activity. Choosing to rectify these areas of your life with healthy lifestyle choices can help treat related blood circulation concerns. For example, lowering stress and working out are critical to treating erectile dysfunction.

But in this post, we’ll be focusing on the healthy diet. Below you’ll find the 13 foods that can naturally dilate your blood vessels, increase blood flow to the penis, and help cure your ED.


1. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are my favorite antioxidant-rich food for treating ED. Not only do they have hypotensive properties (meaning they can lower blood pressure), but they’re also ergogenic vasodilators (meaning they enhance stamina and physical performance thanks to their ability to boost blood flow). Pomegranate extract can help reduce arterial plaque, so there are no blockages stopping blood flow. Pom has also been shown to boost nitric oxide and stimulate “sexy feelings.”

Plus, pomegranate may help boost testosterone, increase sperm quality, and block estrogen production—all of which contribute to healthy erectile function.

2. Cayenne pepper and chili

Cayenne pepper and chili contain capsaicin, which is what gives these spices their hot kick. Studies have been shown that capsaicin is able to improve circulation and promote healthy erections. One study found that capsaicin could induce penile erection when inserted into the urethra, and another concluded that it could help treat hypertension.

One study also found that capsaicin and spicy foods are associated with a lower body weight and higher metabolism because they help burn fat, suppress appetite, and improve physical endurance. Plus these spices have no calories!

Overweight men have a higher risk of ED, so losing weight and maintaining a healthy body fat is crucial to treating erectile dysfunction. A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that losing even 5-10% of body weight in two months drastically improves erectile function and sexual libido. In this way, cayenne and chili could also help maintain a healthy body weight to combat ED.

So get spicy!

3. Dark, leafy greens

Dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale are filled with vitamin K. Vitamin K1 reduces oxidative stress and thins blood, which helps to improve overall blood vessel health and functioning. In fact, these leafy greens are so good at thinning your blood that many doctors will suggest you lay off them when taking a blood thinner like Warfarin or Aspirin.

Additionally, spinach is high in nitrates, which are known to boost nitric oxide levels. Remember nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels in the pelvis and pushes blood into the penis. Spinach also has high levels of iron, and iron is needed in order for blood molecules to transport oxygen throughout the body.

Kale also has circulation-boosting nitrates like coenzyme Q10, magnesium, and other antioxidants. Kale is a super-food that can help maintain weight, improve blood flow, boost brain function, and much more.

4. Citrus

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are filled with vitamin C. Studies have shown that vitamin C can stimulate the body’s natural production of nitric oxide, thus improving vasodilation and minimizing hypertension. Plus, vitamin C is the anti-aging vitamin that helps keep your organs, skin, and cells young and vital!

5. Ginger

Ginger has been used in Indian medicine for centuries in order to restore sexual vitality. Its antioxidant properties quickly boost nitric oxide, and it has been studied extensively as a treatment for cardiovascular disease. Ginger has been shown to open up the blood vessels so much, in fact, that you shouldn’t eat ginger before surgery because it could increase risk of bleeding post-surgery.

Ginger also has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with other inflammation-related diseases that can cause ED. It has been even bee n studied as an anti-diabetic treatment. This is important as men with diabetes are at a high risk of suffering ED symptoms.

6. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is filled with heart-healthy antioxidants and flavonoids. A meta-analysis of studies concluded that “flavonoid-rich cocoa consumption affects multiple cardiovascular risk factors.”

Another study found that cocoa has protective effects during acute hyperglycemia. This means that dark chocolate can help prevent blood sugar spikes and lows; these peaks and valleys of sugar can contribute to diabetes, weight gain, lowered testosterone, fatigue, and more.

Note that this is dark chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the better the effects. Milk chocolate is more sugar than cocoa so you won’t see the same effects.

6. Watermelon

Watermelon is high in lycopene, which has been shown to increase nitric oxide levels and reduce blood pressure. It also has high levels of the antioxidant l-citrulline, which has been studied as a treatment for high blood pressure.

7.  Nuts

Walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, and other nuts are rich in l-arginine, which boosts the production of nitric oxide. L-arginine also enhances blood flow by reducing oxidative stress, especially in young adults with type 1 diabetes.

8. Garlic

Garlic is one of the healthiest (and most potent) ways to treat ED. Countless studies have proven the efficacy of garlic on vasodilation. One study found that garlic supplementation can increase tissue blood flow; another showed that it lowers blood pressure and increases nitric oxide equivalent to standard blood pressure medication, and a meta-analysis showed an inverse correlation between garlic consumption and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

9. Tea

Black and green tea are filled with antioxidants that are great for overall wellbeing and health. Black tea can improve dilation and protect from cardiovascular concerns and green tea boosts metabolism and weight loss.

Furthermore, tea is a known stress-reliever. As discussed, stress is highly linked to erectile dysfunction, because the stress hormone cortisol blocks the signals from the brain to the penis. Cortisol can also tighten and clog your blood vessels. If you want a better sex life, you have to take some time to chill out and drink some tea.

10. Raw honey

Raw honey (not processed) is high in nitrates that elevate nitric oxide levels. Add a little bit of raw honey to your tea for flavor and an extra boost of vasodilation!

11.Red wine

Red wine has polyphenols and resveratrol, which both have benefits on the heart and blood vessels. Because of the polyphenols and tannic acid in red wine, it’s a potent vasodilator that can help clear the vessels from any buildup. One study even showed that red wine intake reduced plaque build up by 37%. Plus, red wine can decrease blood pressure, increase nitric oxide, and treat hypertension. Basically, “it has been concluded that red wine as a diet supplement might be beneficial for cardiovascular risk factors.”

Of course, wine is best in moderation. Too much alcohol can cause erectile dysfunction and other health problems. Stick to no more than 1-2 glasses of red wine per day to see cardiovascular benefits. If you’re not a regular wine drinker, consider resveratrol supplements to avoid taxing your system with alcohol.

12. Beets

Beetroot is filled with nitrates that boost NO production and improve stamina when working out and running. Beetroot juice has also been found to improve metabolism and reproductive performance.

13. Onion

Onions are high in vitamin C (which we discussed in #4 citrus) and quercetin. Quercetin boosts nitric oxide and improves cardiovascular health. A diet rich in onion has been shown to modulate vascular dysfunction and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Bottom Line

Supplementing your diet with vasodilator foods can help treat your erectile dysfunction naturally and effectively. Your penis—and taste buds—will thank you!

If you do those things, you’ll set yourself up for success.  If you need help with ED, reach out to me.

Schedule a consultation to discuss ED treatment.

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Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer thru Diet?

Spoiler Alert: You CAN help prevent prostate cancer thru diet.

What do you think of when you think of wanting to live a healthy life? Let’s be honest, most men think of fitness related to physique as the primary focus, maybe even fitness to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like high blood pressure or diabetes. Both physique and avoidance of chronic disease are a great to focus on, but it is also important for men to focus on prostate health as well.

The risk of prostate cancer…

Prostate cancer is the number one cancer among men in the United States. Shocking right? It’s not talked about nearly as much as some of the other cancers. If you are like most men, you want to avoid prostate cancer by whatever means possible. Luckily there are some really simple steps you can take to decrease your risk, one of the most important steps is changing your diet.

You can prevent prostate cancer thru diet.

Here are the key dietary factors known to affect the risk of developing prostate cancer:

Low-fat diet: Some studies have found men who had higher daily animal fat intake had an increased risk of prostate cancer. In studies that looked at fat consumption and prostate cancer risk, animal fats were more likely to be associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer than plant-based fats.

Fruits and vegetables: These are full of vitamins and nutrients that are thought to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, though research hasn’t proved that any particular nutrient is guaranteed to reduce your risk. Cruciferous vegetables have unique antioxidant properties that enable them to counteract some of the damage caused by carcinogens. Eating more fruits and vegetables also tends to make you have less room for other foods, such as high-fat foods.

Fat: Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fatty acid that has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Avoid trans fatty acids, though, which are known to promote cancer growth. These are commonly found in butter and many processed and fried foods.

Dairy: A number of studies have found that men who ate the most dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt on a daily basis had the highest risk of prostate cancer. The risk associated with dairy products is thought to be small.

Overcooking meat: Overcooking meat produces carcinogens called heterocyclic amines that have been shown to cause prostate cancer in animal studies. In addition, charbroiling red meat or chicken with its skin intact produces another set of carcinogens called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Research has suggested that intake of these charred meat carcinogens triggers mutations in prostate cell DNA, which leads to a chronic inflammatory response in the prostate. This combination of mutations and inflammation appear to be a key to the development of prostate cancer. Steaming or baking meats and avoiding overcooking meat can significantly reduce the amount of carcinogens produced.

Sugar: Several animal studies suggest that cutting simple sugar and carbohydrate intake may slow prostate cancer growth. Excess sugar intake is further linked to
prostate cancer growth through increased insulin levels. Insulin resistance has been found to reduce levels of important proteins that stimulate prostate cancer cell death.

Selenium and Vitamin E: The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) evaluated whether taking vitamin E and selenium prevented the development of prostate cancer. The study showed that taking selenium alone or with vitamin E did not decrease the risk of prostate cancer.

Lycopene: Several animal studies have demonstrated that lycopenes, found mostly in tomatoes, may reduce prostate tumor growth. Some human studies have shown that a diet high in lycopene may be linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer, but other studies have not. It has not been proven that taking lycopene supplements slows the development or progression of prostate cancer.

Gluten-free diet: This diet is typically recommended for patients with celiac disease, an inflammatory bowel condition. By reducing inflammation, this diet may have a role in cancer prevention as well. Foods with no gluten include all fruits, vegetable, meat, fish, and eggs.

Multivitamins: Regular use of multivitamins has not been proven to increase the risk of early or localized prostate cancer.

To reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer, men should focus on foods rich in antioxidants and low in pro-inflammatory and carcinogenic substances. Powerful anti-cancer nutrients are found in colorful fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, leafy green leafy vegetables, nuts, berries, and seeds. Choose green tea, soy, fish, and foods low in calories and fat. The Mediterranean diet, which is loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables, garlic, tomatoes, red wine, olive oil, and fish, is heart-healthy and may be very beneficial for prostate cancer prevention. If oil is needed, choose olive oil, which is very healthy and rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. Avocado oil is also good. Avoid oils high in polyunsaturated fats such as corn, canola, or soybean.

Missing your Sunday steak night getting you down?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to change everything at once. Start with once or twice a week, switch out your regular lunch or dinner for a salad with lean healthy protein. This way you get a pile of veggies in one sitting. Bonus points if you nix the iceberg lettuce in favor of kale, spinach, or spring mix.

Additional swaps you can make…
  • Swap out processed foods for whole foods. A good example is eating a whole orange instead of drinking orange juice.
  • Use healthy oils, such as olive oil or coconut oil instead of margarine or butter.
  • Drink more water. Slowly begin to replace soda and other flavored drinks with good ‘ol fashioned water.

Want healthy swaps you can make to help prevent prostate cancer thru diet?

Sign up for an G1 Performance Program Discovery call! Sign up now and take the first step in achieving your maximum potential today.

5 Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Prostate

A healthy prostate is incredibly important for men, especially if you want to keep living your current lifestyle without having to spend a significant chunk of your day at a urinal.

Luckily, there are simple ways that you can support the health of your prostate. By making some simple changes to your lifestyle, including exercising and taking the right supplements, you can keep your prostate healthy.

Diet can play a big part, too. Some foods can have a greater impact than others. I’ve put together a list of the foods that you should avoid if you want to keep your prostate healthy.

1. Red meat and processed meat

Sorry, guys, but eating lots of red meat can have a big, detrimental effect on your prostate health. First and foremost, men who eat a lot of red meat are at a higher risk of developing cancer, including prostate cancer. Don’t worry, it’s possible to stop eating meat or eat a whole lot less and still be happy!

The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study showed that men who eat more red meat have a higher chance of developing metastatic prostate cancer.

It’s also thought that cooking red meat can produce compounds that may cause prostate cancer. Red meat looks red because it has a lot of hemoglobin and its close cousin found in muscle, myoglobin.

When you cook red meat, hemoglobin and myoglobin are broken down into compounds that can potentially cause oxidative damage. Those compounds can circulate throughout your body when you eat them, damaging your cells and tissues.

And, if you overcook or sear the meat, as in grilling or broiling it, you’re producing even more carcinogenic compounds.

Eating red meat can also alter the levels of certain growth factors in your body, increasing your cancer risk. Additionally, red meat tends to be very high in fat, and a high-fat diet has been shown to alter testosterone production, which has also been shown to increase your risk of developing prostate cancer. 

2. Sugar

Sugar tastes great, but it’s not great for your body.

Eating a lot of sugar creates inflammation in your body, including in your prostate. That inflammation can lead to prostatitis, which causes urinary symptoms like trouble going, as well as pelvic pain.

Inflammation can also cause prostate enlargement, leading to the constant feeling of “having to go” all the time, slow emptying of the bladder, and other BPH symptoms. There’s a strong connection between inflammation and BPH, so do what you can to reduce inflammation in your body.

High sugar intake also leads to high insulin levels and metabolic syndrome, which can increase your risk of cancer.

High insulin levels, caused by eating lots of sugar, causes the body and specifically the liver to produce more of a compound called IGF-1. It’s thought that excess IGF-1 contributes to the development of prostate cancer.

Other studies have shown that high insulin resistance (caused by a high-sugar diet) is strongly associated with prostate cancer risk. And, the general inflammation caused by eating lots of sugar can certainly contribute to prostate cancer as well.

So, to keep your entire body healthy, including your prostate, limit the amount of refined sugar and processed carbs you eat.

Don’t shy away from fruit because you think it has a lot of sugar. Fruit also contains many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and other compounds that can reduce your cancer risk and keep you healthy.

3. Dairy

Unfortunately for any dairy lovers out there, there’s a strong link between diets that are high in dairy and prostate cancer.

The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study found an association between dairy and metastatic prostate cancer; men who ate lots of dairy had a two-fold greater chance of developing aggressive prostate cancer relative to men who ate very little dairy.

Dairy products often contain a lot of steroid hormones, which can really up your prostate cancer risk. If you absolutely can’t bring yourself to give up all dairy, try to only eat organic dairy, and try to limit the dairy that you do eat.

There are no added hormones in organic milk.  Also try to make any dairy you eat nonfat or low-fat, which are also better for your prostate.

4. Eggs

Including more eggs in your diet may also increase your risk of getting prostate cancer.

A 2011 study out of Harvard and UCSF found that men who ate an average of 2.5 or more eggs were much more likely to develop lethal prostate cancer than men who ate half an egg or less a week.

A 2010 study by the same authors also found that when men ate more eggs, their prostate cancer was more likely to advance and become more aggressive.

Eggs are high in cholesterol and choline, which is why the study hypothesized that those compounds might be involved in increasing the aggressiveness of prostate cancer.

5. Alcohol

As much as you love your glass of wine with dinner, or a beer while watching sports, consider your health first. And consider giving it up if you really want to take care of your prostate.

For example, the Harvard Alumni Health Study found that men who drank moderate amounts of liquor had a 61-67% higher risk of developing prostate cancer. They didn’t see the same effect in beer or wine drinkers, though.

The Harvard Alumni Health Study is one of many studies that show similar results.

In fact, reviews of multiple studies show that the more you drink, the higher your prostate cancer risk. And, there’s a stronger association between liquor and prostate cancer than wine or beer. But, the results of some studies are mixed, and some even suggest that drinking more wine might actually help protect you from prostate cancer.

If you don’t want to give up alcohol completely, try keeping it to just a drink or two a week. This will help to lower your risk of many types of cancer, including prostate cancer. And, you might consider switching up what you drink if you’re a liquor drinker.

If you really want a drink, consider swapping out your bourbon or gin and tonic for a glass of wine. You may have a healthier prostate if you do.

Maintain a healthy prostate

Curious to learn more ways that you can support prostate health and reduce your prostate cancer risk?  Sign up for The Male 90X Consult now.

This genetic-based report and private consultation will help you make simple lifestyle changes to lower your risk of prostate cancer. 

Can We Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk Through Lifestyle Change?

Cancer prevention is an important aspect of our daily lives. For men, the most prevalent cancer diagnosed is prostate cancer. Finding ways to prevent or reduce one’s risk of developing prostate cancer is a high priority.


The evidence is mounting that inflammation and oxidation play key roles in the development of prostate cancer. Research suggests that regular exercise may be one of the best natural antioxidants.

Exercise causes many changes in the body that help reduce circulating levels of reactive oxygen inflammation. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology evaluated the effects of exercise in prostate cancer patients. Men with at least 3 hours per week of vigorous activity had 49% reduced overall mortality and 61% reduced prostate cancer mortality compared. This was compared to men with less than 1 hour per week of vigorous activity.

A recent Swedish study supported these findings, concluding that both aerobic exercise and resistance training clearly improve overall and prostate cancer-specific survival.


A 2004 study from the NIH initially suggested frequent sexual activity might reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.

This was further supported by a recent review of 32,000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study who were followed for 18 years. Prostate cancer risk was 20% lower in men with more frequent sexual activity. According to the study lead author, Jennifer Rider, “Safe sexual activity could be good for prostate health.”

Medications – Proscar and Avodart

Proscar and Avodart are prescriptions that are used to “shrink” the prostate by lowering the number of male sex hormones. The drugs block the enzyme that changes testosterone into dihydrotestosterone(DHT), a much more potent hormone.

Higher than normal levels of DHT may also play a part in developing prostate cancer.

The Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) studied whether finasteride (Proscar) reduced the incidence of prostate cancer. The trial found fewer prostate cancers in the men who took finasteride compared with the men who did not. However, the men who took finasteride and developed prostate cancer had more aggressive tumors. The number of deaths from prostate cancer was the same in both groups.

The Reduction by Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer Events Trial (REDUCE) studied whether the drug dutasteride (Avodart) reduced the risk of prostate cancer. This study again showed there were fewer prostate cancers in men who took dutasteride compared with the men who did not. Overall, the number of aggressive prostate cancers were not significantly reduced.


There has been tremendous interest in the effects cholesterol-reducing medications have on the development of prostate cancer. There have been at least 18 trials to date, several of which have found a reduced risk of cancer recurrence after both surgery and radiation therapy. This suggests that statins may slow the progression of prostate cancer.

Research is ongoing to determine if statins may actually reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.


Metformin is a prescription medication used primarily to manage diabetes. It is also known to have a protective effect on the progression of prostate cancer. A recent study of nearly 4,000 diabetic men found that those taking metformin, when diagnosed with prostate cancer, were less likely to die from cancer or other causes compared to men using other diabetes drugs.

Prior research focused on whether metformin might reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer has been negative. More studies are currently underway.


There has been extensive research looking at the relative effect of aspirin on the incidence of prostate cancer. While many of the studies demonstrated a protective effect, others did not. The jury is still out on aspirin.

Regardless of one’s diet or lifestyle, knowledge is one of the best ways to reduce prostate cancer risk. By staying informed on the latest research regarding prostate cancer prevention, men can make small changes that can lead to big improvements. Start today by signing up for a Male 90 X consult, a genetic-based report and private consultation that will give you the insight you need to achieve your maximum potential!