Why You Should Never Eat A High-Protein Diet If You Want To Build Muscle

Protein gives you (muscle) gains… right?


The myth has finally been debunked. Loading up on protein does not make you gain more muscle.

In fact, too much protein can actually hurt your muscle-building efforts! You’ll be better off if you Buy sarms and other supplements which provide targeted assistance to the areas of your body that need it.

If you’re serious about gaining muscle, keep reading to learn about the relationship between protein, testosterone, and muscle gain.

It’s not what you expect!

Testosterone Boosts Muscle Gain

Muscle Growth

Let’s start by understanding how we build muscle. Although the process is complex, in essence, you build muscles when the muscle “tears.”

When you lift weights, you actually damage the muscle fibers. After you’ve finished lifting weights, the muscle starts to rebuild itself to fix the damage caused during the lifting session. Your body uses protein synthesis to rebuild the muscles; the muscles start to heal with protein chains. With repetitive damage (like consistent workouts), the muscle continues to grow with additional protein synthesis.

That’s right—muscles grow after you lift while you’re resting.

Hormones play an important role in this, especially testosterone which contributes to muscle growth. Your hormones regulate the cell activity that tells your muscles to start repairing.


Testosterone is the “male” sex hormone that, during puberty, gives a man his deep voice, hair growth, and adult-sized penis. It’s also the hormone that increases libido (sex drive) for both men and women.

It plays a crucial role in keeping bones solid and healthy. Men naturally have greater muscle mass than women because of their testosterone levels. (Women with high muscle mass may have higher testosterone levels as well.)

Testosterone is necessary for muscle mass growth.

Studies have proven that testosterone helps increase muscle mass by encouraging the body’s natural synthesis of muscle protein. The muscle-building process uses the T hormone to function.

This T hormone actually boosts protein synthesis and activates the satellite cells that tell your body to start “building” muscle. It also helps stimulate the growth hormone—which is the hormone that activates tissue growth.

Moreover, testosterone can help increase the efficacy of workouts, especially resistance exercise (weight lifting). This means that high levels of testosterone can make your workouts more effective because T improves the “repair” process.

Overall, research has shown that strength training with high levels of testosterone results in a greater increase in muscle size than strength training alone.

Testosterone is a critical contributor to gaining and retaining muscle mass.

Low Testosterone

Low T levels can cause the opposite effect because low testosterone can lead to lowered libido, weight gain, brittle bones, and a loss of muscle mass.

Although testosterone declines naturally with age, low testosterone levels are never normal. There is often some underlying factor that contributes to low testosterone. In many cases, testosterone is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body as a result of diet and lifestyle.

Learn more about low testosterone and the natural ways to increase T levels here.

If you have low testosterone levels, you’re likely finding it hard to increase your muscle mass. No matter how much you workout, you don’t have the T hormone needed to signal your muscles to start repairing.

Protein Reduces Testosterone

So we know that testosterone enhances muscle…

Now, how are protein and testosterone related?


“Protein” is a macromolecule that the body uses to function properly. It’s naturally found in animal products, nuts, legumes, beans, and some dairy. Often, when we think of a high-protein diet, we think of eggs, nuts, and lots of meat like chicken and beef.

Protein is actually composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle mass. You may have noticed that when talking about muscle gains, I said “muscle protein synthesis.” This is because are muscles are made up of proteins—or amino acid chains—in our body.

But the protein that makes up our muscles is different than the protein that we consume.

Edible protein, like meats and protein powder, are actually hard for our stomachs to break down into nutrients. That’s why you may get a bloated stomach or gas rumblings after a meaty meal; your body is attempting to break down that protein.

In fact, if you have too much protein, your body actually goes into overdrive to try to digest that protein. Your overworked body actually releases cortisol in response to this “stressful” state of digestion.


Cortisol is the “stress hormone” that the body releases when we’re feeling anxious or stressed. This can be a conscious stressor, like a hard project at work, or an unconscious one, like your body trying to fight off a disease (or break down protein).

Cortisol can have a lot of negative effects on our bodies in the long-term. But the most relevant effect here is that cortisol inhibits the production of testosterone.

Research shows that when the body is in a “stressed” state with high levels of cortisol, the sex hormones shut down. Basically, your body is too busy thinking about survival to think about sex (even though testosterone provides a lot more than just sexual benefits).

One study found that not only does cortisol reduce total testosterone… it especially reduces testosterone during exercise recovery especially. If you have high levels of cortisol while working out, your testosterone levels will be low. If your testosterone levels are low during and after your workout, you won’t be able to build new muscle.

Basically, your workout would end up with no new gains.


Along with cortisol, excessive protein also raises the level of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is the protein in the blood that binds with over 60% of your body’s free-floating testosterone, rendering that testosterone unusable.

The more SHBG you have, the lower your testosterone levels.

If protein increases SHBG, it increases the protein that “steals” free-floating testosterone.

With cortisol and SHBG, protein creates a hormonal double whammy against testosterone levels in the body.

The Relationship of Protein and Muscle Gain

If a = b and b = c, then a = c.

If you need testosterone to gain muscle…

But excessive protein lowers testosterone levels…

Then excessive protein inhibits muscle gain.

I know what you’re thinking.

“But muscle is made from protein. So if I eat protein, I’ll have more muscle.”

However, the protein in your muscles is slightly different than the protein you digest. Yes, you need the amino acids in edible protein in order for your body to make its own protein.

However, the amount of protein you consume does not correlate with the amount of muscle you gain or have.

In fact, once you hit a threshold of protein amino acids and nutrients, your body doesn’t want any more.

Overeating protein will not help muscle gain or improve your overall health. This is true of food-based protein as well as protein powder.

How Much Protein You Need

This means you still need protein—but in moderate amounts.

Protein is one of the three key macronutrients that the body needs to function. However, you should balance this out with the other two macronutrients—carbs and fats.

Having a high-protein diet will not give you bigger muscles. Having a balanced diet of proteins, carbs, and fats will help you gain muscle fast.

So how much protein should you be consuming?

A study at Kent State University looked at protein oxidation, which is the process of synthesizing protein and building muscle. They found an unhealthy increase in oxidation in participants who ate more than 0.8g per pound of body mass daily. Higher levels of oxidation actually have a negative effect on muscle synthesis. Basically, your body tries to synthesize too much protein—that it stops making muscle altogether.

These researchers concluded that the optimal protein intake daily is 0.8g of protein per pound of body weight.

When to Consume Protein

There’s also an optimal time to consume protein if you want to focus on your muscle growth. Studies show that you should consume protein right after a workout, not before it.

If you consume protein before a workout, it will spike your cortisol levels. This spike in cortisol decreases testosterone and growth hormone, which will result in a less effective workout and recovery. Protein also raises insulin levels, which further lowers T count.

Carbs For Muscle Growth

So you’re getting the optimal 0.8g/lb of protein.

What can you eat to actually boost your muscle mass if it’s not protein?


Building muscle takes high levels of energy. Energy comes from calories. Calories are most concentrated in healthy carbohydrates.

This is why you’ll hear of professional athletes or marathon runners “carb loading” the night before a big event or race. Carbohydrates provide energy needed to perform in a peak state.

Carbohydrates are also necessary after exercise. Physical exertion depletes muscle glycogen, which is an important part of the recovery and rebuilding process. The fastest and strongest way to boost muscle glycogen after a hard workout is through high-caloric carbohydrates.

Interestingly, studies have shown that a combination of both protein and carbohydrates is the most efficient at restoring muscle glycogen storage for the fastest recovery process.

Not all carbs are created equal, but each can have an impact on your gains. There are three types of carbohydrates: starch, sugar, and fiber.

Starchy carbs are most beneficial for building muscle. These include:

  • Potatoes
  • Yams (sweet potatoes)
  • Steel cut oats
  • Rice
  • Peas
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Whole wheat grains

Still, sugar and fiber carbohydrates are important too. Sugars give you energy. You need this energy to have a strong workout and push yourself to the maximum. However, you want to focus on natural sugars, like the fructose and sucrose found in fruits and vegetables. This will give your body the energy it needs without unhealthy spikes in blood sugar.

Fiber is also useful for an overall healthy body. It is what helps you go to the bathroom, which is important for maintaining a healthy gut and detoxed system. Fiber can actually normalize hormones by helping to stabilize blood sugar, reduce cortisol levels, and get rid of excess estrogen (the “female” sex hormone). Fiber can help rebalance your hormones to a more natural, testosterone-happy state. And we know testosterone is critical to muscle growth!

Basically, if you want to build muscle, you need to have a healthy and balanced diet. This generally means a diet that is:

  • 50% carbohydrates (starch, sugar, fiber)
  • 20% protein (animal products, powders)
  • 30% good fats (eggs, avocados, olive oil)

The Bottom Line

Let’s sum it all up.

  • Testosterone is needed for healthy muscle growth.
  • High-protein diets reduce free-floating testosterone levels.
  • Thus, protein, in excessive amounts, can inhibit muscle growth.
  • Consumption of 0.8g of protein per pound of body weight (or 1.8g per kilogram) is optimal for post-workout recovery.
  • A combination of protein and healthy carbohydrates is necessary for muscle reparation and growth.

You need a balanced diet of carbs, proteins, and fats to balance your hormones, gain muscle, and have healthy overall wellness.

Not sure what a balanced diet looks like?

Not sure what you should be eating to gain muscle and reinvigorate your body?

Check out The G1 Performance Health program!
With this genetic-based report and private consultation, I’ll give you practical tools and recipes to balance your diet and make healthy lifestyle choices.

In just one month, you’ll start feeling and looking better than you have in YEARS!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up right now to start boosting your muscle mass, sexual vigor, and ultimate health!

11 Ways To Conquer Performance Anxiety TODAY

Performance anxiety is one of the biggest opponents against a healthy and happy sex life. It can become a physical and emotional obstacle that can drastically impact your quality of life—both inside and outside the bedroom.

What is performance anxiety and how can you overcome it to achieve an exciting sex life once again?

What is performance anxiety?

Performance anxiety is literally anxiety about being able to perform sexually.

It can manifest in a number of ways:

  • Premature ejaculation (PE): ejaculating before or immediately after penetration
  • Delayed ejaculation (DE): a prolonged period and/or overstimulation is necessary in order to ejaculate
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED): inability to get or maintain an erection long enough for intercourse
  • Psychological stress in and out of the bathroom
  • Low libido or lack of interest in sex
  • Obsessive negative thoughts

Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Even cheating on a partner or having multiple partners can be a sign of performance anxiety. In some cases, men may seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere if they find they are having performance anxiety with their partner. This is generally the cause of some sort of previous negative sexual experience with that particular partner, often exacerbated by a lack of communication.

Note: Experiencing one of the above instances once or twice doesn’t necessarily mean you have performance anxiety. However, as we’ll discuss below, even one instance of the above can actually make you talk yourself into having performance anxiety in the long-term!  

What happens to your body with performance anxiety?

Performance anxiety isn’t all in your head—although it usually stems from the head. Anxiety is not only an emotional or psychological problem but also a physical concern with serious associated health implications. Anxiety is part of the body’s natural fight or flight response. It’s actually a warning sign meant to help protect us from danger.

Performance anxiety can actually make you feel like you’re in a hostile situation when you’re about to sex. That’s not very sexy.

When you feel anxious or stressed, your body releases cortisol. Cortisol, the “stress hormone,” actually stops the production of testosterone. You need a high level of testosterone in order to feel sexy. Testosterone is the libido-boosting hormone in both men and women. Lowered testosterone can cause a decreased sex drive, depressed mood, weight gain, and erectile dysfunction—all of which worsen or cause performance anxiety.

Learn more about how to naturally raise your testosterone levels and reduce cortisol levels.

Moreover, anxiety can actually cause your blood pressure to rise. This can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular concerns, which inhibit blood flow throughout the body. This means that blood can’t flow to the penis for an erection. In fact, anxiety is often a major contributor and cause of erectile dysfunction because the penis literally isn’t getting the blood it needs to get hard.

These physical manifestations of stress can worsen your ability to perform sexually, causing a negative feedback cycle of performance anxiety.

Where does performance anxiety come from?

Sexual Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Performance anxiety often starts small and grows. It’s generally psychological, where you start to overthink your sexual experiences.

Did I last long enough?

Did I make my partner happy?

What did my partner think about that one thing that I did?

Was I good?

The more you ask yourself these questions, the more anxiety you’ll get. These constant thoughts can affect your ability to have enjoyable sex in the future. You’re too busy thinking about what could go wrong or your partner’s “judgment” than focusing on the fun and pleasure of the moment.

But these thoughts are coming from somewhere… so what can spur these anxieties?

Society’s views of sex

Consider the term “performance anxiety.” Even the wording of that is stressful!

Socially, we’ve started to think of sex as a “performance.” This puts a lot of pressure on the act. It reminds us of public speaking or playing in the Super Bowl; we feel like we’re expected to have grand performances in the bedroom.

Moreover, masculinity standards can put a lot of pressure on sex. When boys start entering “adulthood,” they’re quickly taught that having sex makes them cool. We continue to watch movies and TV where the “cool” guys get the girls and have amazing sex. This starts to condition the brain that sex equates to masculinity.

As a society, we’ve transformed sex from something intimate and pleasurable to something competitive and goal-oriented. Thus, if something “goes wrong,” we can start to feel emasculated or anxious about ourselves.


Porn adds another layer to this idea of “performance.” Pornstars are literally putting on a sexual performance. Everything has to look perfect in porn. That can make us normal folks—without special lighting and editing equipment—feel a little anxious.

Watching a lot of porn can actually even cause erectile dysfunction due to insufficient real-life sexual arousal, issues of low self-esteem and confidence, and less visual and auditory stimulation. Learn more about porn-induced erectile dysfunction here.

Past negative experience

Negative Experience Performance Anxiety
Like any sort of “trauma,” our minds can build negative associations. If something happened in a previous sexual experience, you might consciously or subconsciously take this event with you into your other experiences.

For example, you had one instance of premature ejaculation with your partner for some reason. Or you had a week where you couldn’t seem to get an erection. You might be embarrassed by your “inability to perform.” You can then start convincing yourself that you have a “problem” and that you’ll never be able to please your partner again.

This is especially exacerbated if a negative experience happens and the partners don’t communicate about it. This can cause men to start overthinking the experience, often undermining their own masculinity and confidence in tandem.

Confidence or self-esteem issues

Specific sexual instances can cause men to lose confidence in the bedroom. Other confidence or self-esteem issues can make a man feel anxious to get naked or please his partner. For example, a man may have body issues because he’s slightly overweight or he’s insecure because he has a large mole near his penis.

Again, these confidence concerns often stem from a lack of communication with the partner. More often than not, these are perceived self-esteem issues not based in reality.

Medical concerns

While performance anxiety is often psychological, these psych concerns can stem from physical problems as well. There are some unrelated medical problems that inhibit your ability to have sex. For example, a man may have diabetes, which shows a secondary symptom of erectile dysfunction.

When a man has these physical concerns, he might start thinking something is “wrong” with him—rather than thinking of his ED as a medical concern. This can then lead to negative self-talk and confidence concerns, ultimately lending itself to performance anxiety.

Desire to please

Sometimes performance anxiety can come from a positive place but have a negative impact. You might worry about pleasing your partner so much that it actually becomes debilitating. You start overthinking about how to “perform” in a way that will excite them, and you end up not having any fun or pleasure yourself. If you don’t feel that excitement yourself, your brain won’t signal your body to physically prepare to have sex. If you aren’t feeling sexy, your body won’t be able to have sex.

Negative feedback loop

All of these physical and psychological concerns can mix to create a negative feedback loop, potentially causing a man to spiral down into severe performance anxiety.

The cycle looks something like this:

  1. Something happens that causes you to feel you didn’t perform “at your peak” during a sexual experience.
  2. You start thinking about that sexual experience and wondering what happened.
  3. This overthinking begins to cause you to wonder if you have some sort of “problem.” This can make you feel emasculated and unconfident.
  4. Thinking about this “problem” causes the problem to manifest itself. You can literally talk yourself into not being able to perform.
  5. This causes further problematic sexual encounters.
  6. This causes even more anxiety, which can push your body into a physically unhealthy state of high stress, low testosterone, and high blood pressure.
  7. In turn, these concerns create a physical performance issue.
  8. So you can’t perform again because of a physical problem.
  9. And then the negative self-talk starts again.

It causes a vicious cycle of psychological and physical concerns.

This cycle can be hard to break when you’re in it.

But you can break it…

And you can start breaking it right now!


How do you overcome performance anxiety?

Stop thinking of sex as goal-oriented

Sex performance anxiety
Sex is not about putting on a performance. Sex is not even about having an orgasm. It’s about pleasure and intimacy. It’s about connecting with your partner in an intimate—and very enjoyable—way.

Try having sex without worrying about an orgasm. Tell your partner that you want to focus solely on foreplay. This can relieve some of the pressure and give you time to better explore one another. This can help overcome some mental hurdles moving forward.

Stop judging yourself.

Masculinity does not mean you are perfect at sex. Sex is an important part of life—but it’s not an important part of your identity.

If something happens, don’t start telling yourself you have a “problem.” Realize the event for what it is. Maybe you’d had too much to drink. Perhaps you were stressed from work. Maybe you have an underlying medical concern to chat with your doctor about. Stop overthinking or misplacing meaning to a sexual event.

Remind yourself how awesome you are.

Stay positive performance anxiety
There is power in positive thinking. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself you’re amazing in bed. Tell yourself that you’re a sex god. Whatever phrases work to get you excited, happy, and goofy. Just like you can talk yourself into having performance anxiety, you can talk yourself into having sexy confidence!

Moreover, think of all the sensual moments in your life. These moments can be during sexual or romantic. They should remind you of your sexual prowess and the amazing feelings you had during those exciting moments. This reminder can instantly renew your sexuality and help remind you of your abilities.

Eliminate external stressors.

Performance anxiety can stem from other anxieties and stresses as well. If you’re feeling stressed, your cortisol levels will rise, which increases blood pressure and inhibits testosterone production. You may not even feel stressed, but it could manifest itself in the bedroom and impact your sexual health.

Consider what stresses you have in your life. Find ways to manage the anxiety and environment around you. Take proactive steps to reduce stressful triggers around you.

Take time to relax.

relax performance anxiety | Gapin Institute
Sometimes you can’t avoid stress. But you can mitigate or reduce it. Take time to calm your overall body, and your sexual health will calm in tandem. Try yoga and meditation. Try mindfulness techniques. Do breathing exercises, which help regulate heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and decrease muscle tension—which all put your body in a better state for sex.

Working out is a great way to relax and release nervous energy. It also increases your testosterone levels and lowers your cortisol, which can help overcome erectile dysfunction. Exercise can also make you happier and healthier overall, so you’re less likely to fall into stressful situations like sex-related anxiety.

Check out: 9 Exercises To Beat ED And Have Better Sex

Communicate with your partner.

Communication is key to overcoming performance anxiety. No matter the cause of your anxiety, talking about it with your partner can release some of the tension. Often, your partner can help reduce some of your concerns by telling you how they view the situation. Honesty allows you to work together to manage and overcome the situation.

Plus, opening the lines of communication can allow you to try new things with your partner. For example, you might want to tell your partner that you’re feeling anxious about performing, so you want to try having sex without orgasm. There will be no expectations for you to finish because you talked about it ahead of time.

Get a little kinky.

Get Kinky, Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Now that you’ve opened the lines of communication, try new things. If you don’t have erectile dysfunction and can still ejaculate in other situations, it likely means you’re in some sort of anxiety-ridden “rut” with your partner. Share your fantasies or try out new moves.

Breaking a routine with new experiences can help overcome anxiety. You’re not “repeating patterns” so there is less pressure.

And remember- if you tried something new and it didn’t work, that’s okay! At least you tried it. You’ll have less stress moving forward with other experiences.

I recommend trying tantric sex. Tantric sex focuses on breathing and mindfulness rather than on the actual physical act of sex. In fact, it’s not uncommon for men and women to orgasm without penetration! This is a great way to get intimate with your partner without worrying about the “performance” aspect.

P.S. Practice makes perfect. The more you have sex, the more confident you’ll be in your abilities.

Avoid drugs and alcohol.

Drugs and alcohol can actually worsen anxiety and lower sexual desire and arousal. Moreover, drugs and alcohol actually unbalance your hormones, which can lower libido and make it harder to obtain an erection.

Reduce your porn watching.

Porn sets unrealistic expectations about sex, which can lead to severe anxiety and performance concerns. It can even cause erectile dysfunction in high doses.

Remember: Porn is edited. You can’t compare yourself to the special effects used in porn filmmaking.

Seek professional help.

Talking to a sex therapist is a discreet and effective way to help you understand where your performance anxiety stems from. They will look at your relationship and sexual history to get at the root of your sexual stressors.

It is not embarrassing to seek professional help. You deserve to have an exciting and vivacious sex life, and a professional will help get you to that point.

You can find quality sex therapists through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.

Change your lifestyle.

Performance anxiety and general anxiety often stems from lifestyle. Diet, exercise, supplements, and health choices all impact your stress levels inside and outside the bedroom.

If you want to overcome anxiety, you need to change your lifestyle.

You can kiss performance anxiety goodbye…

And say hello to the best sex of your life!

7 Supplements Every Man Should Take For Optimal Health

Supplements have gained popularity in recent years. People have started adding lineups of vitamins to their daily routine as a way to become the best versions of themselves. And popularity is right (this time); Supplements are the best way to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs in addition to your diet and lifestyle.

But you don’t want to ingest every supplement that comes your way. Taking too many supplements can actually hurt your body.

Taking the right supplements—and the right amount of supplements—is what will ensure that your body functions in a natural, healthy way. That’s why I’ve come up with a comprehensive (but concise) list of the 7 supplements you should take to optimize every area of your health.

Why Take Supplements? 

Supplements can help:

  • Support the immune system
  • Boost energy
  • Maintain a healthy sex life
  • Protect from disease
  • Promote a healthy heart and brain
  • Stimulate organ function
  • Fight health concerns
  • Improve overall well-being

Think of supplements like your daily preventative (natural) medications.

Supplements are especially important as you age because your body stops absorbing nutrients like it used to. Adding supplements to your day can help encourage your body to start functioning at peak capacity again.

So what supplements do you need to take to promote your health, wellness, and vitality?  

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics are the “good bacteria” in your gut. Your intestines are naturally filled with both good and bad bacteria. But when bad bacteria take over, disease follows suit. Poor diet, stress, pollution, toxins, and antibiotics can all reduce good bacteria, allowing the bad to run rampant.

Probiotics introduce more good bacteria into your gut to ensure a healthy balance.

What does this good bacteria do?

Probiotics help your body digest food and reduce intestinal issues, but they’re more than just stomach vitamins. A healthy gut is the key to a healthy immune system overall. In fact, research has proven that having a high ratio of good gut bacteria can actually improve your health, prevent common diseases, and strengthen your immune system.

Some proven benefits of probiotics include:

There’s also a strong connection between the brain and gut, which is often referred to as the brain-gut axis. Basically, your brain affects your intestines and vice versa.

Think about when you get butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous—like when public speaking or going on a first date. Your brain is signaling your digestive tract, which then manifests this discomfort as an upset stomach. The same works in reverse as well since a bad gut can actually impact your head health, often leading to headaches, fatigue, inability to reason, and mood disturbances.

Learn more about probiotics with my article: 10 Reasons Men Over 40 Should Take Probiotics.

You can get probiotics from fermented foods like yogurt, tempeh, sauerkraut, kefir, and kimchee. But you might get tired of sauerkraut every day, so I usually recommend a probiotic supplement. Find a probiotic pill that offers somewhere between 10 and 30 billion live bacteria. The most common types of probiotics are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria—so search for these in the health food supplement aisle.

Dosage: Daily supplement with 10-30 billion “live” bacteria.

  1. Holy Basil

Holy basil, aka tulsi, has been used for thousands of years in Indian medicine due to its ability to soothe the mind, body, and spirit. It contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and iron, which all contribute to key aspects of health and wellness.

Holy basil leaves are adaptogens, meaning that they’re recognized anti-stress agents. Holy basil reduces cortisol level, improves testosterone levels, and balances out hormone levels. Balanced hormones are crucial to overall health and wellbeing.

Read: 5 Simple Ways To Normalize Your Hormones This Week

Holy basil can also have positive impacts on serious health concerns. Some studies suggest that holy basil can assist treatment for mild to moderate non-insulin dependent diabetes. Furthermore, because of its strong antioxidant power, it may help prevent chemical-induced lung, liver, oral, and skin cancers. Studies have even found that holy basil may alter healthy gene expressions, induce cancer cell death, and stop cell growth!

Moreover, holy basil is antibacterial, which means it helps to fight off infections both internally and externally. Holy basil’s antimicrobial properties make it a natural treatment for acne. Other studies have shown these properties make it a viable treatment for bronchitis and respiratory disorders as well. Holy basil also has slightly sedative properties, which helps naturally remedy headaches and head tension.

Dosage: Daily 600 to 1800mg.

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone, immune, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, and brain health.

A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to inability to fight infection, fatigue and malaise, depression, diabetes, heart disease, and erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, a majority of Americans have a deficiency in vitamin D. Nearly three-quarters of all U.S. teens and adults are deficient in this crucial “sunshine vitamin.”

So you need to supplement vitamin D to start seeing its effects.

Vitamin D is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. That means it can help:

Vitamin D isn’t like other vitamins that you can get easily through your food. The highest absorption of vitamin D is actually through sunlight. Your body turns sunlight into vitamin D that it can use for healthy energy function. If you’re not getting enough sunlight or you don’t want to risk burns and skin cancer (good call!), then daily vitamin D supplements are the way to go.

Dosage: Daily 2,000 to 4,000 IUs vitamin D3

  1. Vitamin C

This super antioxidant is used to create healthy connective tissue in the body. Vitamin C is a key component in collagen formation, which keeps your skin, tendons, and blood vessels young and vital. That’s right, vitamin C can also help prevent damage to the blood vessels—which can also help prevent erectile dysfunction!

Vitamin C is most commonly known for its immune-boosting benefits. This is especially true for those who have a weakened immune system due to stress or poor diet. Boosting your vitamin C intake is a great way to build your body’s natural defense against colds, flus, and other diseases.

You can find vitamin C in a lot of delicious food sources, like guava, red and green peppers, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, papaya, kale, broccoli, pineapple, grapefruit, brussels sprouts, and mangos. But if you’re not getting your full servings of fruit and vegetables daily, vitamin C supplementation is a must.  

Taking a daily vitamin C supplement will improve your immunity and help your body naturally detox. If you feel like you’re about to get hit with a cold or flu, start taking 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C to zap the bacteria fast.

Dosage: Daily 500 to 1,000mg

  1. CoQ10

CoQ10 is crucial for transforming food into energy, and it provides key energy to nearly every cell in the body. Thus, energy-dependent tissues like the heart and brain have especially high requirements for coenzyme Q10. A deficiency, then, could be detrimental to the longevity of your life.

CoQ10 is proven to help improve heart function—and even help the heart heal after valve surgeries. It can also reduce the frequency of migraines and improve Parkinson’s symptoms. Plus, CoQ10 has been linked to an increase in male fertility!

Overall, a high level of CoQ10 has been shown to help slow the progression of aging signs in the body.

Your body naturally produces coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), but this production tends to decline with age. Some fish, meats, and grains have CoQ10, but not enough to help your body produce more. A small supplement can have tremendous effects.

Dosage: Daily 30-90mg

  1. Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA have proven results for overall health and wellbeing. Some studies have “disproven” the benefits of fish oil, while others have concluded that fish oil is the ultimate in health. The results are still a bit up in the air.  

However, I believe in the power of fish oil (as much as I believe in the Mediterranean diet). If you want to be healthy, you need the benefits that come from clarifying and detoxifying fish.  

Fish oil has been shown to:  

Some research even suggests that fish oil can help prevent certain types of cancer.  

Fish oil can also promote metabolic function. This means it can help your metabolism break down food and turn it into energy. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and balancing hormones. In fact, fish oil has been shown to decrease body mass index and improve cardiovascular function along with aerobic exercise. Reduced weight leads to a reduced risk of disease.  

Learn more about metabolic syndrome and the role of metabolism in your health here.  

You can get omega-3s from cold-water fatty fish, like salmon and mackerel. However, this is often not enough to get the full benefits your body craves. Taking a daily fish oil supplement can get your body looking and feeling amazing again!  

Dosage: Daily 2-3g of combined EPA and DHA

  1. Multivitamin

You should also be taking a multivitamin daily. The right multivitamin can fill in any nutrient gaps to ensure your body has all the goodness it needs to function properly. 

Your multivitamin should include any and all of the above supplements—as well as other nutrients like vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, magnesium, and potassium. Beyond that, your multivitamin should include a blend of amino acids, which are essential to daily functioning. I recommend looking for amino acids glutamine and BCAAs, which help build muscle and improve testosterone levels.

What should you look for in your multivitamin?

You want only vitamins—no extra “stuff.” I look for products that contain no soy, dairy, gluten, sugar, sodium, or artificial additives. Any inactive ingredients can have side effects that can actually hurt your body, rather than help it.

Some of my favorite men’s multivitamins include:

  1. Nature Made Multi For Him

This has vitamins E, C, A, and D along with selenium and manganese. This vitamin even gives you over 100% of vitamins C, D, and E—which can help cut down on the number of pills you’ll have to take per day to stay healthy.  

  1. GNC Mega Men Sport

This supplement has high levels of vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamin, zinc, and a branched chain amino acid blend. When taken with the other six supplements on this list, your body will feel more active and alive than ever. Plus, it helps raise your iron levels—which is necessary for energy and blood health.

  1. Centrum Silver Men 50+

This is a great formula for anyone, whether or not you’re over 50. It has vitamins D, B12, A, and E along with manganese and lycopene. It promotes heart, health, eye, and muscle health—in just one pill!

I’m not endorsing these vitamins above. I just find they cover a lot of ground. Talk to a doctor (psst… I’m a doctor you can talk to) to come up with the perfect multivitamin blend for you!

The Bottom Line

Eating a balanced, healthy diet of protein, vegetables, fats, fruits, and carbs helps your body get the nutrients it needs to thrive. However, augmenting with additional supplements will ensure that your body always has the appropriate amount of energy and nutrients to work with optimal function.

But how do you know which supplements are right for you?

You’ve read through this article because you want to feel the best you possibly can, right?

In fact, I bet you want to feel the best you’ve felt in years… or maybe EVER.

You want to have a healthy lifestyle—without giving up the things you love.

Thankfully, you can.

And you will…


It’s time to get empowered to take control of your health. Unlock the code to peak performance with the Male Method™ to regain your energy, focus and confidence to feel like a man again. 

We take a whole-body, epigenetic approach to health, focusing on all inputs and how they affect the human system. With the Male 2.0 Method, we utilize science-based precision medicine, personalizing your health based on your unique genetic blueprint. No more guessing!

We utilize cutting-edge age management protocols to reverse the aging process and expand longevity. And we track and leverage your biometric data using state-of-the-art wearable technology to truly optimize your health.

Ready to take the next steps?

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE

Disclaimer: Always consult a doctor before starting a supplemental regimen. Some supplements can interact with diet or medications (especially blood thinners), so you should first ensure that your combination of meds would not put you at risk.

Does My Husband Have Prostate Cancer?

1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in his lifetime. As a concerned partner, you worry that your husband or companion could be that one. Maybe your partner doesn’t go to the doctor enough or maybe he has a mindset of invincibility. Maybe you’ve noticed a shift in his health and behavior.

You ask him to go to the doctor, but in true husband fashion, he won’t go.

So what should you be on the lookout for to know if your husband is at risk of prostate cancer? What do you need to know about prostate cancer to be alert for your partner’s health?

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland in the man’s pelvis. It sits between the penis and bladder, wrapped around the urethra (the urine tube). There’s one main purpose of the prostate: to make thick white fluid that mixes with sperm to create semen. The fluid is important so that the sperm can “swim” and ultimately impregnate a partner.

Prostate cancer happens when the cells in the prostate grow at an uncontrollable rate. When localized, it usually only affects the prostate and the bladder. In fact, prostate cancer wouldn’t even be that dangerous—if it stayed in the prostate. Some men have prostate cancer and never know because it remains localized to the prostate.

But for other men, prostate cancer can quickly and aggressively spread to other parts of the body. When this spreading happens, it can impact glands, organs, the bones, and the blood.

Thankfully, you can take simple steps to detect prostate cancer before it spreads.

What Are The Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer?

As a concerned partner, you’re likely trying to look for signs or symptoms that your husband is developing prostate cancer. I hate to say it, but most men with prostate cancer have no symptoms. Most of the time, you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him or talking to him.

Moreover, the typical symptoms of prostate cancer tend to be “personal.” The symptoms usually appear when the tumor has grown so big that it causes blockage in the bladder. So usually most of his symptoms will appear when he’s in the bathroom—and you’re often not there with him.

These symptoms include:

  • Difficulty stopping or starting urine stream
  • Pain while urinating
  • Increase in urination frequency
  • Diminished urinary stream
  • Sensation of incomplete emptying
  • Blood in urine
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Blood in semen

The most common symptom is waking up often in the middle of the night to urinate. A man (and his partner) will often reflect back and realize that he was going more often more in the middle of the night than he had in the past. If he’s constantly waking you up all night taking trips to the bathroom, send him to the doc—for both of your health!

These symptoms may not be a sign of prostate cancer, though. Often these are also related to BPH, which is prostate enlargement. BPH is less serious than prostate cancer—although a doctor can help your husband treat this naturally as well. Thus, if you know your husband is suffering from bathroom problems, it’s time for him to visit a doctor.

If the prostate cancer has spread, there may be other types of symptoms to be on the lookout for:

  • Fatigue
  • Bone pain
  • Malaise (general feeling of illness)
  • Weight loss
  • Deep pain or stiffness in hips, lower back, pelvis
  • Easy fracture of bones
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling of legs (tumor obstructing lymph tissue)

If symptoms of prostate cancer are inconsistent and often absent, how can you better understand if your husband is at risk for prostate cancer?

What Are The Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer?

  1. Age

The most common risk factor for prostate cancer is age. Most men who develop prostate cancer are over age 50—and more often, age 65. About 6 of 10 prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men over age 65, with the average age around 66. In fact, the number of men over 65 affected by prostate cancer is on the rise.

  1. Family History

A man is at higher risk for prostate cancer if other men in his family have had the disease. Men with one affected relative are twice as likely to develop the disease; men with two or more affected relatives are 4x as likely to be diagnosed. The risk increases with the number of relatives affected. Moreover, the younger the family member is when diagnosed, the higher the risk his male relatives will develop prostate cancer as well. If your husband has had a brother, uncle, or father with a history of prostate cancer, he should be screened early and often.

Some researchers suggest there is also a higher risk of prostate cancer if there is a family history of other cancers as well. If your partner has a number of relatives with cancer, it could indicate a genetic mutation somewhere in the family line. Genetic mutations are a key cause of different types of cancer in the body.

Individual genetic factors may also play a role. If there is a known mutation in his genes, he should be more aware of his risk for cancer and other diseases.

  1. Race

African-American men have 60% higher incidence of prostate cancer than Caucasians. They also have a prostate cancer mortality rate that is two to three times higher than the average. The reason for this difference isn’t fully understood yet, but the proof is there. African-American men should be screened twice as often to ensure they do not develop an aggressive form of the cancer.

Asian and Hispanic men are the least likely to develop prostate cancer, likely due to their nationality (see below). Note: this doesn’t mean they’re immune from the disease!

  1. Nationality

Prostate cancer is more common in North America, Europe (northwestern especially), the Caribbean, and Australia. It’s less prevalent in Asia, Africa, and South and Central America. Researchers believe this has to do with diet and lifestyle; the “Western diet” tends to be a higher risk factor for prostate cancer, as discussed further below.

  1. Sedentary Lifestyle

If your husband tends to sit a lot with low activity, he’s at a higher risk for prostate cancer. A review of studies found a significant decrease in the risk and incident of prostate cancer in active men. This is likely because physical exercise balances hormone levels, prevents obesity, enhances immune function, and reduces oxidative stress—all of which are cancer-fighting benefits.

  1. Diet

Diets high in red meats, dairy, and fatty foods with a low intake of fruits and vegetables are linked to an increase in prostate cancer incidence and mortality. Some studies suggest that a lack of veggies in the diet can actually cause a more aggressive form of prostate cancer as well.

  1. Calcium

Although not completely proven, some researchers suggest that a high calcium intake could be a risk factor for prostate cancer. Dairy is a primary source in Western diets, while the Asian diet has no dairy—and Asians are at the lowest risk for prostate cancer.

Just some “food” for thought…

  1. Obesity

Moreover, being overweight or obese has significant effects on prostate cancer. Although studies haven’t proven that obesity causes prostate cancer, “what is clear is that obese men are at significantly greater risk for dying of prostate cancer.” Obese men have a higher prostate cancer mortality rate than healthy and fit men.

Thus, a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet can further contribute to aggressive prostate cancer. Click here to learn about the link between obesity and metabolic syndrome—which can also cause a number of diseases.

It’s important to note that some research has shown that PSA test results in obese men can appear low… even if they have prostate cancer. Often this can lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment, in which time the cancer can spread and worsen. If your husband is overweight, it’s time to sign him up for my 4-week Transformation Vitality Course to bring back his health and reduce his risk of prostate cancer.

  1. Beer

Research in Australia found that two pints of beer daily increased a man’s risk for prostate cancer by nearly 23%. They also found that the risk of mortality increased with even low alcohol consumption levels. We need more studies to prove this, but the findings were nevertheless significant.

This is likely because beer is highly estrogenic, which can unbalance hormone levels. Moreover, alcohol can damage the cells in the body, creating a toxic overload when consumed in excess.

  1. Smoking

Although smoking isn’t linked to prostate cancer (yet), studies show that smoking is associated with more aggressive forms of prostate cancer. Plus, the chemicals in cigarettes are highly toxic and can damage your cells—which can ultimately cause a variety of cancers and diseases.

  1. Height

There may be some link between taller height and prostate cancer incidence. But just because your husband is tall doesn’t mean he has prostate cancer.

  1. Agent Orange

Agent Orange was an herbicide sprayed during the Vietnam War. Research is inconclusive about whether Agent Orange is fully cancer-causing, but ultimately studies have found that AO exposure is linked to more aggressive prostate cancer.

Okay. So you think your husband may be at risk because he’s overweight and his brother and dad both had prostate cancer.

What’s next?

What can you do as his partner?

How Can You Talk To Your Partner About Prostate Cancer Risk?

There’s really only one thing you can do: equip your husband with the knowledge you now know about risk factors. Hopefully, this can help convince him to see the doctor.

You can start by telling him some of these prostate cancer statistics:

That’s the scare tactic.

But what if now he’s too scared to go to the doctor and “face the facts.” It’s not uncommon for men to avoid going to the doctor if they think something is wrong, because they don’t want to deal with the negative consequences of it.

Your husband doesn’t want to hear he has cancer.

So you could also try the encouraging tactic:

  • Between 2007 and 2013, the average survival rate of prostate cancer was 98.6%.
  • Even though there’s a 12.9% probability of developing prostate cancer, there’s only a 2.5% chance of dying from it.

Maybe he’s more willing to go now. He won’t die! But he’s still a little fearful of the tests. (“You know I don’t like needles, honey!”)

The preliminary tests for prostate cancer are easy peasy.

First, the doctor will start with a digital rectal exam. Yes, the doc will put a lubricated finger in your husband’s rectum to feel for the prostate. Your husband may not love the idea of this, but it lasts only a few seconds and it’s a great indicator of any lumps or hard areas in the prostate.

The doctor may also run a PSA (prostate specific antigen blood) test. This measures the blood level of the protein produced by the prostate gland. If elevated, it can indicate prostate cancer. However, some people with prostate cancer come back with low PSA levels in some cases.

It’s important to track PSA over time. Consistent tests can track how fast the level is increasing or changing. The change in PSA is often more important than the number.

Yearly visits are crucial to keep an eye on these changing PSA levels. Doctors recommend testing once or twice per year after age 50. If your husband hasn’t been tested, now’s the time to get him to the doctor.

If the doctor suspects prostate cancer based on the rectal exam and PSA test, he’ll take a biopsy. This is a sample of prostate tissue to see what the prostate cancer cells look like.

How Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer?

You can prevent prostate cancer before it strikes. Check out some of my other resources about prostate cancer prevention to learn more:

Can We Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk Through Lifestyle Change?

Prostate Healthy Foods For Men: Add These 3 To Your Diet

Can You Prevent Prostate Cancer Through Diet?

The Bottom Line

You’re a caring partner, concerned for the wellbeing of your loved one. But it’s important that you not stress yourself out worrying. Most men don’t die from the disease, and the survival rate is one of the highest of all cancers.

But it’s important to catch prostate cancer early before it spreads or becomes more aggressive. That’s why it’s crucial that you and your partner know the risk factors of prostate cancer and the cadence at which you should be visiting the doctor.

Want to help your husband regain his health (without harassing him too much)?

Sign him up for our Male 90X program!

This is a genetic-based report and consultation that will give him the tips, tricks, and resources to lower his risk for prostate cancer and minimize any other sexual health concerns. He’ll also learn how to make a few lifestyle changes that will drastically impact his entire wellbeing.

Reduce the risk, make the change and get Male 90X now!

Are Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To ED?

Studies have concluded that vitamin D deficiency and erectile dysfunction are strongly correlated. In fact, a study published in Dermato-endocrinology found that men with a vitamin D deficiency have a 30% greater prevalence of ED and an 80% greater prevalence of severe ED compared to men with optimal levels of vitamin D.

But why is this? What’s the link between vitamin D and the ability to have an erection?

More importantly, what can you do to ensure that a vitamin D deficiency isn’t killing your sex life?

What Is ED?

Erectile dysfunction, also called “impotence,” is when a man has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection long enough to have satisfactory sexual intercourse. This could mean that the erection quickly fades or that he can’t have an erection at all.

Erectile dysfunction has a lot of moving parts. The causes of ED can be varied, which can make it difficult to treat in the long-term. ED can be neurological (brain), vascular (blood vessels), muscular, hormonal, and even psychological. Oftentimes, ED is a vascular problem caused by endothelial damage or inhibition of vasodilation. Basically, this means that the blood vessels are damaged and can’t properly transport blood to the penis (which is what gets the penis hard).  

ED is often a symptom of another underlying disease or concern, like cardiovascular disease or diabetes. In fact, erectile dysfunction is often one of the first and primary indicators of heart disease.

What Is A Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD)?

A “deficiency” of a vitamin means that your body doesn’t have the amount of that nutrient in the body for proper function. A vitamin D deficiency is usually classified as anything below 20 or 30 ng/mL. The Vitamin D Council recommends optimal vitamin D levels between 40 and 80 ng/mL.

Nearly three-quarters of all U.S. teens and adults are deficient in vitamin D. Often called the “sunshine vitamin,” scientists are realizing more and more just how important vitamin D is to overall health. In fact, research has shown that a deficit in vitamin D can be linked to a number of health concerns, from cancer to diabetes to bone loss to heart disease… to erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin D plays a role in the health of:

  • Bone
  • Immune system
  • Muscle function
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Brain development

Did you know: Vitamin D is the only vitamin that your body produces. Your body can’t make other vitamins; it receives those vitamins from foods. But your body can make vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight.

Because of this unique aspect of vitamin D, it’s not always the easiest vitamin to give to our bodies. Eating more of a food won’t necessarily increase our vitamin D levels that much. The process of making vitamin D is a little more complex than other nutrients.

And that’s one reason why so many Americans are deficient in vitamin D.

Most people don’t show signs of vitamin D deficiency… though most people have it. Interestingly, a 2015 study found that 67% of 160 physicians studied had vitamin D deficiencies. Even doctors—who should be the best at watching their health—are deficient in vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) has become an epidemic.

How Are ED And VDD Linked?

A number of recent studies have proven that vitamin D deficiency and erectile dysfunction have some sort of correlation, independent of other risk factors. Researchers have concluded that “a significant proportion of ED patients have a vitamin D deficiency.” Ultimately, as researchers Sorenson and Grant wrote in their 2012 study: “We conclude that VDD contributes to ED.”

This study also found that low levels of vitamin D promoted endothelial dysfunction. Vitamin D has been shown to help improve endothelial function, while a deficiency in vitamin D contributes to endothelial dysfunction.

But what is endothelial dysfunction?

The endothelium is the inner lining of the blood vessels. This basically keeps your blood flowing smoothly and healthily. If there is endothelial dysfunction, there is an imbalance in the vessels, which restricts blood flow. This dysfunction can come from high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, plaque build-up, smoking, or other environmental factors.

In order for you to have an erection, your penis needs to fill up with blood to get “hard.” If your blood vessels aren’t working properly, blood can’t get down to your penis to fill it up. This can cause a vascular-related erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin D has been shown to promote endothelial function. In the opposite way, vitamin D deficiency can actually damage our endothelial system and injure our blood vessels. If your blood vessels are injured, they can’t do their job and get blood flowing to your penis to have an erection.

Moreover, damaged blood vessels can also lead to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, which we’ll discuss below.

Vitamin D also plays a role in nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric oxide is needed to relax the smooth muscles of the penis and open up the blood vessels to allow blood to flow into the penis. NO functions as a natural vasodilator that’s essential to gaining an erection.

Some studies suggest that vitamin D may regulate the synthase or production of nitric oxide. This means that vitamin D could play an integral role in boosting blood flow to the penis. In reverse, a deficiency in vitamin D could mean an inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis. Without NO, there’s no erection. If VDD prevents NO, then an erection is impossible.

How Are VDD And CVD Linked?

Moreover, as discussed, erectile dysfunction is often a symptom of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Risk factors that are associated with CVD are also associated with a high ED risk, like smoking and being overweight. If vitamin D deficiency contributes to erectile dysfunction, scientists have concluded that VDD may also be linked to cardiovascular disease.

Ultimately, vitamin D deficiency is closely associated to both erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

And you don’t want either of those health issues.

So it’s time to get rid of your vitamin D deficiency (because, like most people, you’re probably not getting the vitamin D you need).

How Do You Get The Vitamin D You Need?

As discussed earlier, vitamin D is a unique nutrient. Your body chemically creates vitamin D when it receives sunlight. (Yes, you’re like a plant going through photosynthesis!) In this way, obtaining a healthy amount of vitamin D means committing to lifestyle changes for the long haul.

But these changes are fun, if you ask me!

  1. Sunlight

The best way to increase your vitamin D is to get more sunlight. Exposing your skin to the sun is the fastest and most efficient method of vitamin D consumption.

This doesn’t mean you need to tan or burn in order to be healthy. In fact, you shouldn’t be tanning or burning, which can end up chemically altering your cells and causing long-term problems (like wrinkles and cancer). Rather, you only need a few minutes of unprotected sunlight in order to get your full daily dose of vitamin D. You should then apply sunscreen liberally to ensure you don’t do any long-term damage with the UV rays.

Yes, the doctor is telling you to get out and go surfing, go for a bike ride, or take a walk around the park in the middle of the workday!

A few variables will affect the amount of vitamin D you get from the sunlight:

  • Time of day: your skin can produce more vitamin D if you get sunlight exposure during the middle of the day
  • Location: the closer you are to the equator, the more UV rays you’ll receive, and the easier it will be for your body to produce vitamin D
  • Altitude: the closer you are to the sun, the more vitamin D you’ll make (sun is more intense on a mountain than on a beach, even if the temperature disagrees)
  • Exposure: the amount of skin you expose to the sun affects the amount of vitamin D you’ll produce
  • Skin color: pale skin can make vitamin D quicker than darker skin tones
  • Age: your body’s production of vitamin D naturally slows down as you age
  • Sunscreen: wearing sunscreen can block the UV rays that are transformed into vitamin D
  • Pollution: polluted or cloudy air will soak up more UV rays than non-polluted air, stealing some of your vitamin D potential
  • Glass: glass blocks UVB rays, which are the rays needed for vitamin D production

Generally, I don’t recommend tanning beds to get the vitamin D you need. Often, you need only a few minutes of exposure to get your daily dose of vitamin D. Most indoor tanning bed sessions can cause severe burns and tans with long-lasting consequences.

  1. Supplements

The second best way to get vitamin D is through supplementation. If you don’t live in a sunny area or you don’t want to expose yourself to UV rays, vitamin D supplements are usually a good option.

Different organizations and doctors have different ideas about the correct dosage of vitamin D supplements. The Vitamin D Council recommends about 5,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D daily; the Endocrine Society recommends about 1,500-2,000 IU per day; and the Food and Nutrition Board recommends 600 IU per day and 800 for seniors. The Food and Nutrition Board is the official recommendation by the U.S. government.

Ultimately, there isn’t a “right” answer just yet on how much you should be taking. But you should definitely not be taking more than 10,000 IU per day. The Food and Nutrition Board even says the maximum dosage should be 4,000 IU per day.

Generally, you should take vitamin D3 as opposed to vitamin D2. Vitamin D3 is not vegetarian, so talk to your doctor if you do not want to take an animal-based product.

You can also take cod liver oil, which contains vitamin D. However, cod liver oil has higher amounts of vitamin A than D. Taking too much vitamin A can be dangerous, so it’s important to maintain a healthy balance when supplementing with cod liver oil.

Vitamin D is fat-soluble. If you take too much, your body can’t easily get rid of it. You don’t want to be swimming in vitamin D, as high doses may cause diseases like MS or prostate cancer. Learn more about the link between vitamin D and prostate cancer here.

Talk to your doctor before adding any supplements to your regimen.

  1. Diet

Although our bodies produce most of our vitamin D, you can still get small amounts of vitamin D with your diet. However, most scientists believe that eating vitamin D won’t provide enough of the vitamin to stay healthy.

Nevertheless, adding vitamin D foods to your diet can help supplement your anti-VDD efforts.

  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Raw milk
  • Caviar
  • Oysters
  • Shrimp
  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified cereal and oatmeal
  • Nutrient-Additive milk (cow and soy)
  • Fortified orange juice

  1. Workout

Working out won’t necessarily give you more vitamin D, but it can help you absorb more of the vitamin D you do get. Vitamin D is extracted from the blood by fat cells. This means that the more fat you have on your body, the more vitamin D will be pulled out of use. Thus, people with a high body mass index (over 30) often have lower blood levels of vitamin D.

If you are carrying some extra pounds, you could be sabotaging any vitamin D regimen you try to implement. Moreover, being overweight is also strongly linked to erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

If you want to lower your vitamin D deficiency and minimize your risk of ED and other serious diseases, it’s time to lose some of the weight.

Struggling to lose weight and feeling overwhelmed by health concerns? Learn about metabolic syndrome here.

The Bottom Line

Vitamin D deficiency is a common concern throughout the U.S. This deficiency can cause a number of serious health concerns, including erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

But thankfully, a deficiency is easily solvable—by adding more of that vitamin into your body! By getting more sunlight, adding vitamin D supplements, and changing your diet and exercise, you can lower your risk of vascular problems and ED in no time.

Are you ready to finally balance your health?

Are you ready to get back to that energetic vigor of your youth?

Of course, you are!

Sign up for the Male 90X program right now!

This genetic-based report and private consultation will get you started on the steps of total body transformation to realign every aspect of your health and wellness.

What are you waiting for? Get Male 90X now to start living the life you deserve!

What Are The Risks Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

If you’re suffering from symptoms of low T, you’ll try anything to overcome low testosterone and get back to feeling vibrant, young, and sexy once again. So you visit your doctor, and your doctor mentions testosterone replacement therapy.

But what is TRT? What are the risks of testosterone replacement therapy for men looking to raise their T levels and revitalize their energetic wellness?

What is low testosterone?

Low testosterone levels can occur with age or as a cause of poor diet, stress, hormonal imbalance, and other irregularities in the body. “Low testosterone” is usually defined as a testosterone level below 300 ng/dL.

Some doctors will also look at the free-floating levels of testosterone, which may be a better indicator of the severity of symptoms for a man suffering from low T. Free-floating testosterone is the testosterone hanging out in the bloodstream that’s not currently being used for another hormonal process.

Low T can lead to a number of severe symptoms that drastically impact quality of life:

  • Lowered libido/sex drive
  • Reduced performance in bed
  • Increased anxiety and depression
  • Brain fog and difficulty concentrating
  • Diminished motivation and energy
  • Disturbed or not restful sleep
  • Increased body fat
  • Muscle loss
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen or tender breasts
  • Hot flashes
  • Fewer erections and/or difficulty sustaining erections

Low T creates a general sense of un-wellness that is often so severe it impacts the man’s ability to have a “normal” life. Moreover, low T is linked to a number of serious health issues including diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and ED. There is even a link between low testosterone and shorter life expectancy.

The only way to overcome low testosterone symptoms is to hit it at the source: raise your testosterone levels. There are two ways you can boost your T levels: artificial therapies and natural lifestyle changes. This article is talking about the artificial way. If you’d like natural ways, click here for a great article: https://fitnessvolt.com/boost-testosterone-naturally/

Want our Peptide Guide? Email us at [email protected]

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

TRT is an artificial form of testosterone that is applied or injected into the body to raise testosterone levels. There are a number of forms of testosterone replacement therapy: gels, injections, skin patches, mouth patches, and implants.

Most experts won’t administer oral testosterone because it can have negative effects on the liver. The other methods bypass the liver and deliver testosterone directly into the bloodstream to quickly raise free-floating T level.

Note that TRT is not the same thing as steroids. Although some athletes and gym goers will inappropriately use testosterone injections and implants to “boost their gains,” TRT isn’t worthy of that same “roid rage” reputation. When administered safely by a professional, TRT will not have these same hulk-like effects.

What are the benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

For some men, TRT is the right solution. For those men with severely low T levels, TRT can help bring them to a normal level quickly and effectively.

Moreover, studies have shown some significant improvements with TRT, including:

  • Increased bone strength and density
  • Improved muscle strength
  • Fiercer sexual function and libido
  • Enhanced endurance and ability to gain muscle
  • Heightened mood and energy
  • Improved hemoglobin levels in participants with anemia
  • Potential boost in cognitive function

What are the risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

TRT is used to pull testosterone levels back to a healthy range. However, TRT has two serious restrictions.

The first is that TRT is artificial. When applying or taking this type of testosterone, you’re introducing unnatural hormones into the body. The body usually responds negatively to “foreign” entities, even though this artificial testosterone is constructed to mimic natural testosterone.

The second key restriction is that testosterone replacement therapy only works in the short term. It will alleviate your symptoms for a given time period… but then it wears off. You then have to go back for another treatment or go through another application.

Aside from these restrictions, TRT also has some other severe risks that are important to consider before beginning a therapy process.

1. Infertility

When your body doesn’t have enough free-floating testosterone (low T), your pituitary gland sends out a hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH). This LH signals the testicles to start producing more testosterone naturally in order to restore your levels. The pituitary gland also sends out a hormone called follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which signals sperm production. When you have low T, it could be because your pituitary gland has stopped sending out these signals as it used to.

When you start introducing artificial testosterone through TRT, the pituitary gland doesn’t detect that the testosterone levels are naturally low. It says, “Okay, that’s enough,” so it stops sending out the LH and FSH at all. This, in essence, tells your testicles to stop producing testosterone and sperm—which are the two primary functions of the prostate.

In essence, one of the greatest risks of testosterone replacement therapy is that it tells your body to stop naturally creating sperm and testosterone.

When your testicles aren’t working, they start to shrink. In the long term, this can severely hurt your fertility. Your testicles will shrink and stop producing sperm, which will make it harder for you to get your partner pregnant.

Moreover, it tells your body to stop producing testosterone. This means that your body has “forgotten” how to naturally produce testosterone on its own, so you become dependent on TRT.

One of the risks of testosterone replacement therapy is the very thing that keeps TRT in business… once you’re on TRT, you’re on it for life.

Worse yet, this testicle shrinkage and infertility is often irreversible.

2. Breast Enlargement

Even with the natural production of testosterone, some T is converted into the hormone estradiol. Estradiol is a form of estrogen that can stimulate breast tissue to grow. When you add more testosterone quickly, as with TRT, your body senses an influx of T. It will the convert a higher percentage of the free testosterone to estradiol. This estradiol can cause gynecomastia, which is a fancy term for “man boobs.” It’s also important to note that gynecomastia is linked to a 10x higher risk for breast cancer in men.

If you spur testosterone production naturally, though, you have a slower release of testosterone into the bloodstream. The body won’t detect high levels of T to convert, so a smaller percentage of the testosterone will be converted to estradiol.

3. Swelling

TRT can make your body hang on to excess fluid. For many men. this can cause swelling in the feet and ankles. It’s similar to how pregnant women’s feet swell due to hormonal changes in their bodies!

4. Acne

Artificial testosterone introduces new hormones into the system, which can change the type of skin you have. You might go from a dry face to an oily one, a clear complexion to one filled with cystic acne. How your body responds to these foreign hormones can be unpredictable.

5. Spreading

One of the major concerns with at-home TRT is the proximity to women and children. For example, a man uses testosterone gel, applied to his arm once per day. After application, he bumps against his wife while reaching for the keys, and some of the gel wipes off on her without their knowledge. He then reaches down and picks up his eight-year-old son to give him a hug goodbye. He pets the family dog and leaves the house.

This has now spread testosterone to other members of the family. For women, this can throw off their estrogen balance and cause concerns with fertility, hair growth, and even ineffective birth control. Spreading testosterone to children frequently can even cause children to go through premature puberty. Testosterone spread to pets can actually make them more aggressive and volatile.

If you don’t properly wash your hands, dispose of the gel, and protect the application area every single time, you could do damage to your loved ones.

6. Other side effects

Other side effects include sleep apnea, moodiness, pain, soreness, rash, itching, and allergic reaction. Read the Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management review for the benefits and risks of testosterone replacement therapy to learn about more side effects.

7. Cardiovascular problems

There has been debate whether or not TRT is linked to cardiovascular problems. Early studies found that testosterone therapy was linked to coronary artery plaque buildup, but recent studies have overwhelmingly disproven these results. Most reviews conclude that there is “no compelling evidence to indicate that T therapy increases cardiovascular risk.”

However, there are still some potential clotting concerns with TRT. Testosterone therapy increases hematocrit, which is the percentage of red blood cells in the bloodstream. If this percentage gets too high, the blood thickens and can start causing clots. This should not be a concern when a doctor safely administers TRT in a regulated way.

Is prostate cancer a risk of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Early studies demonstrated a positive association between TRT and long-term growth of prostate cancer. However, experts are beginning to realize the relationship is much more complex than that. There are two key theories with regards to the link between TRT and prostate cancer.

Some believe the saturation theory, which says that the prostate becomes more sensitive to androgens when at lower testosterone levels. Then, when TRT introduces artificial androgens into the system—which already has low testosterone— it stimulates the prostate cells to grow more rapidly.

The second hypothesis is the dependence theory. This says that the duration of exposure to androgen levels is the primary driver for risk of cancer. Basically, the longer you introduce artificial testosterone androgens into the body, the more likely you’ll increase your risk for mutated cells.

However, neither theory has been proven or disproven. Rather, it’s been concluded that TRT does not necessarily cause prostate cancer, but it may worsen it. Most doctors will not give TRT to anyone with active prostate cancer, as it can progress the disease at a faster rate. When administering TRT to patients with a low-risk for prostate cancer, most doctors will check the patient’s PSA levels yearly.

The reason TRT may worsen prostate cancer? Because artificial testosterone converts to estradiol, which is a form of estrogen. And estrogen may be linked to prostate cancer! Learn more about the link between testosterone, estrogen, and prostate cancer here.

Although TRT does not necessarily cause prostate cancer, it still has some effect on the prostate. Testosterone replacement therapy has been linked to BPH and testicle shrinkage, as discussed above under “infertility.”

What is the alternative to TRT?

I believe that the natural solution is always the best solution first and foremost. It is possible to naturally increase your testosterone levels in the long-term without damaging your body.

Learn more about natural, effective methods to boost testosterone here:

Bottom line

TRT can have some benefits to improving quality of life right away—but ultimately, the long-term risks are not worth the short-term reward. TRT stops the natural production of testosterone and sperm, making you dependent upon TRT if you want to live a normal and healthy life. But there’s no need to worry about the serious, long-term risks of testosterone replacement therapy. Natural lifestyle changes can and will stimulate your body’s natural production of testosterone once again.

The best place to start if you want a hormonal optimization or peptide program is by seeing a physician first.  Have a doctor draw your blood and evaluate whether you are a candidate for therapy.

Smart Men’s Health with Dr. Tracy Gapin is currently accepting new clients and offers a comprehensive evaluation, blood test and state-of-the-art screening. If you are tired of being tired… or you have tried everything to lose that unwanted weight but nothing seems to be working, our Peptide therapy might be the piece to the puzzle that you are missing. Call us today to schedule your consultation. (941) 444-1441.

Upgrade to Male 2.0– Schedule a Consult!

You’ll get access to a genetic-based report and analysis, along with a private consultation that will put you on track to your ultimate health.

With the Male 2.0 Method, I test your DNA, interpret the results, and create a customized strategy just for you. This plan is specific to YOUR individual genes and lifestyle.  It will improve every area of your life, from your health and professional productivity to your overall longevity and total wellbeing. Male 2.0 gives you the actionable tools you need right now.  It reveals what you need to customize and design your future limitless self.

Click here to learn more about the lifelong benefits of a personalized genetics consultation and epigenetic coaching program.

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE 

I look forward to working with you to take your health goals to the next level.


In Male 2.0, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death. A man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either. A man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on Epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.SmartMensHealth.com 

Chronic Inflammation Is The Silent Killer Of Men

What if I told you there is one common link between almost all deadly diseases, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease? And what if I told you that same link is also a key contributor to prostate problems, anxiety, depression, brain fog, moodiness, arthritis, allergies, and even gas?

That link exists, and it’s called chronic inflammation. Scientists are discovering with increasing certainty that most major illnesses and diseases are caused in some part by chronic inflammation in the body.

What is chronic inflammation?

Acute inflammation

You’ve likely met acute inflammation before. You sprain your ankle, and it swells up, turns red, and lets off heat—that’s inflammation. Even when you get a red, angry pimple filled with pus, that is an inflamed, infected skin pore.

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to something that has gone wrong in your body. Your body sends out white blood cells and cytokines, which are the “good guys” used to fight off infection and virus. Inflammation is the reaction when white blood cells take over and start to do their job. The process of inflammation gets rid of toxins and starts to repair damaged tissue.

sprained ankle, inflammation, men's health
Think of it this way. You’ve got some bad stuff going on in your body—whether it’s the flu virus or a broken ankle or bacteria on your face. Your body sends good stuff to fight the bad stuff. That “battle” between good and bad causes inflammation. So, inflammation is actually a good thing. It’s just a sign that the good stuff—the white blood cells—are doing their job and fighting to rid the body of the bad stuff.

Basically, inflammation is there to protect your body against infection or disease. It’s also the start of the healing process.

Chronic inflammation

Though this process is useful in the short-term, chronic long-term inflammation can have serious consequences. In the case of chronic inflammation, the white blood cells end up attacking the bad and the good in the body. Your white blood cells are sent to fight off some infection or virus, but then they stick around and start to attack your healthy tissues and organs as well. It’s an unfortunate case of “friendly fire” in the battle of your body.

Your body’s defensive mechanisms go rogue and start attacking everything in the body, good and bad.

Cytokines are pro-inflammatory proteins released by immune cells when the body detects some sort of injury or invasion. But, in chronic inflammation, the cytokines build up and don’t go away. These pro-inflammatory proteins start to inflame everything around them, which can actually worsen damage and disease.

Until the cytokines are eradicated, chronic inflammation can last indefinitely. Over time, the inflammation only continues to aggravate. The cytokines are inflaming your organs and tissues, which releases even more cytokines to the area to fight against the damage and injury. The immune system just can’t keep up with the influx of inflammation, and the entire system starts to break down.

Chronic inflammation is a deep-rooted, systemic problem that attacks at some of the most vital inner-workings of your system.

One of the most dangerous parts of chronic inflammation is that you can’t see or feel it happening. It is the silent killer, spurring a number of serious diseases. Chronic inflammation is most likely to attack your heart, brain, joints, belly, and immune system—the five processes that do the most to keep you alive and healthy.

What are the consequences of chronic inflammation?

Chronic inflammation can go undetected for years. In this case, inflammation is constantly assaulting your brain, heart, and immune system, progressively worsening and worsening over time. This can lead to serious and even fatal problems.

Heart disease and stroke

The inflammation actually damages blood vessels and leads to a plaque buildup in the arteries and brain. This will, at first, cause high blood pressure, hypertension, and a weakened heart. Over time, these inflammatory-related blockages can be fatal. In fact, some researchers have suggested that anti-inflammatory medications may help treat cardiovascular risk before severe damage is done.


Inflammation can damage DNA and interrupt the body’s immune system processes. This, in turn, can cause tumors to form without any processes for self-destruction. Common inflammation-related cancers include lung, lymphoma, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancer—the organs that commonly inflame easily. Colorectal cancer is also common, as chronic inflammation is also the cause of a number of bowel diseases like IBD, ulcerative colitis, and Chron’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s and other cognitive impairment (like dementia) is one of the most common consequences of chronic inflammation. Although the direct connection is still being worked out, studies have concluded that there is an activation of immune and inflammatory processes in cognitive disease. One study noted that drugs for cognitive decline often don’t work to stop or reverse the disease, likely because they don’t attack the underlying chronic inflammation; in fact, drugs for cognitive impairment may even make the inflammation in the brain worse.


Studies show that depression is linked to systemic, chronic inflammation. Brain scans of people with depression show that their brains have increased neuroinflammation, which causes depression, fatigue, brain fog, and impaired concentration.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Inflammation in the joints is the number one cause for rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and macular degeneration. In fact, rheumatologists almost always look at the causes of inflammation first in order to find the appropriate ways to treat pain in their patients. This is usually the best cause of action for people who have suffered from this pain on a daily basis. For some people though, their pain may start out of nowwhere and may want to find a quick source of pain relief that can help relieve their symptoms. Some people could decide to turn to certain types of cannabis strains that are supposedly meant to help with a person’s pain. You can Visit website here for more information on this type of relief. However, there are many different types of options out there to help you, it’s all about finding the one that is effective for you and your pain.

Prostate disorders

Enlarged prostate and prostatitis are due to inflammation in the prostate gland. Studies have looked at the intimate link between inflammation and BPH as well as that of inflammation and prostate cancer.


Inflammation in the body will directly impact the kidneys, which are the body’s natural detoxifying organs. Any toxins in the body will be filtered through the kidneys; this causes nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) and chronic kidney disease.

The same is true for pancreatitis, and anything that ends in –itis (like arthritis). The suffix –itis is the term used to describe the inflammation of something like sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinus.

The list of concerns with chronic inflammation goes on and on. Studies suggest chronic inflammation is also linked to:

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic lower respiratory disease
  • Parkinson’s
  • ADD
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Migraines

As you can see, chronic inflammation can cause an umbrella of consequences. Interestingly, chronic inflammation tends to cause problems in those areas where you are genetically weakest or not taking care of yourself. So you may have full-body systemic inflammation, but it may only impact those areas where your body already has some sort of predisposed risk.

Chronic inflammation knocks you down at the knees and then hits you again while you’re down.

What are the symptoms of chronic inflammation?

Now you’re thinking, “do I have chronic inflammation?” And I’m glad you’re asking the question. Because understanding and acknowledging chronic inflammation is the first step in fighting against it and its associated diseases.

Unlike acute inflammation, you usually won’t be able to see the symptoms of chronic inflammation firsthand. It won’t cause your ankle to swell up or your infection to fill with pus. Chronic inflammation is a silent killer.

However, if you’re feeling symptoms of a weakened system, you may be dealing with chronic inflammation:

  • Gut problems like heartburn, gas, nausea (inflamed gut)
  • Overweight or obesity (fat fuels inflammation)
  • Constant fatigue and insufficient sleep (lowered immune system)
  • Prostate problems like BPH and prostatitis (inflamed sex organs)
  • Stress, especially in the morning (a sign the immune system is working in overdrive)
  • Mental fog or emotional instability (inflamed brain)
  • High cholesterol and blood pressure (inflamed heart)
  • Unexplained pains or weakness (inflamed joints and immune system)

If you feel generally unwell but can’t place why, you may have chronic inflammation.

What causes chronic inflammation?

So where does chronic inflammation come from? How do you know if you’re at risk?


Being overweight and/or having diabetes is a proven cause of chronic inflammation. Diabetes and obesity are both linked to insulin resistance, which is when the body’s cells become less responsive to insulin. This means that cells fill up with glucose and the pancreas has to go into overdrive producing more insulin. This creates an excess of free-floating insulin, which in turn unbalances hormones and increases the body’s storage of fat.

Extra visceral belly fat sits around the organs in the abdomen. These fat cells actually pump out chemicals and proteins, like cytokines, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor. These all provoke the inflammatory system, thus causing chronic inflammation. The more fat you have on your body, the more pro-inflammatory chemicals sent out.

2. Stress

One of the most prominent causes of chronic inflammation is stress. We’ve known for years that stress wreaks havoc on your system, but we weren’t always sure exactly how. Recent studies have shown that the body’s stress response actually impairs its ability to regulate inflammation. Participants who were stressed were unable to fight off infection as quickly and had a higher inflammatory response than non-stressed participants.

Moreover, stress causes high levels of cortisol. Cortisol lowers testosterone, diminishes the immune system, and negatively affects insulin levels (which we discussed under “obesity”). Basically, more stress leads to more inflammation.

3. Diet

The foods you are eating could be contributing to or causing your chronic inflammation as well. Some foods are actually pro-inflammatory, like sugars, saturated fats, trans fats, gluten, MSG, and processed or packaged foods. Alcohol in high amounts is also a cause of inflammation.

4. Toxins

Moreover, if you’re eating processed foods, you could be exposing yourself to pesticides and hormones. Chemicals negatively impact our immune system and cause inflammation. Toxins in the air or in your environment can also be stimulating this response. Toxins are found most prominently in glues, adhesives, plastics, air fresheners, cleaning products, pollution, and heavy metals.

5. Smoking

Cigarettes are filled with toxins that will cause inflammation. The chemicals in these cigarettes attack your immune system and release high amounts of cytokines that your body can’t regulate.

6. Periodontal Disease

Interestingly, periodontal disease is linked to systemic inflammation. When you have any sort of inflammatory disease, it can seep out into your other bodily systems. Since the mouth is so close to the brain, heart, and kidney, periodontal disease can do surprisingly severe damage to your crucial functions. Smoking often causes periodontal disease as well.

7. Hormones

If your hormones are unbalanced, your body gets thrown out of whack. Low testosterone levels specifically contribute to chronic inflammation, which is why men with low T often feel brain fog, aches and pains, and a disinterest in what they once found enjoyable. Learn more about regulating hormones here.

8. Sleep

Your body resets itself during sleep. If you don’t sleep consistently or have disrupted sleep, your body thinks something is wrong. It will release pro-inflammatory factors like tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 to fight against what it thinks is something invading your body. When those factors have nothing to fight, they’ll hang around and do damage to your healthy organs—aka chronic inflammation.

9. Aging

As we age, our body can’t fight off infection as easily. This means our body overcompensates with high amounts of inflammation to fight off daily toxins and stressors. Our aging body then can’t fight off the inflammation as well either, causing a vicious cycle of illness and inflammation.

10. Genes

Some people have a genetic predisposition to certain inflammatory concerns. As discussed, inflammation likes to hit you where it already hurts—like in genetic weaknesses or soft spots.

But this doesn’t mean that chronic inflammation is inevitable just because you’re getting older, it’s in your genes, or you feel stress every once in a while.

Do YOU have chronic inflammation?

Image Source: http://content.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,20040223,00.html

We have no idea how many people are suffering from chronic inflammation. It’s likely that anyone with any sort of disease or illness is dealing with some sort of inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s healing response; so, if you need healing, your body is going to send out some sort of inflammatory response. If you need healing but aren’t getting better, likely that inflammatory response has gone rogue.

If you have any of the above symptoms and/or you’re at risk for chronic inflammation with the above causes, then it’s time to consult a doctor. Your doctor can run blood tests for inflammation, like the C-reactive protein test or fibrinogen test. There are also more expensive tests that look at your cytokine levels to determine inflammation intensity.

But it’s important to note that you could have low-grade inflammation that still goes undetected. Often, chronic inflammation isn’t considered until it causes severe cellular damage that results in another disease, like Alzheimer’s or heart disease.

A good rule of thumb: always take care of yourself as if you had chronic inflammation.

How can you reduce chronic inflammation?

In most cases, chronic inflammation can be treated with lifestyle changes and healthy living. This means that whether or not you have diagnosed chronic inflammation, you can make these changes to reduce your risk and start feeling better.

So what can you do to reduce your chronic inflammation and threat of associated diseases?

1. Avoid inflammatory foods.

Most Americans eat a pro-inflammatory diet, which contributes heavily to chronic inflammation. Unhealthy meals are directly linked to stress, negative emotions, and long-term disease. Inflammatory foods include:

  • Fried foods (trans fats)
  • Soda (sugar)
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Red meat
  • Processed meat
  • Margarine
  • Processed foods (preservatives and chemicals)

Gluten is also highly inflammatory. Gluten irritates the intestinal wall and actually makes the large intestine porous and open. This can contribute to “leaky gut,” which is when substances leak out of the intestinal tract and into the bloodstream and lymph system. Yes, the toxins you’re supposed to poop out find their way back into your central system.

Try cutting gluten from your diet for 4-6 weeks. Reintroduce one gluten item for a week to see how your body reacts. If you suddenly feel anxiety, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems when you reintroduce gluten, you know that you need to cut the inflammatory-gluten altogether.

2. Eat anti-inflammatory foods.

The Mediterranean diet has proven have anti-inflammatory effects that can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and other maladies. It can also help maintain a healthy weight and fight off obesity, which is a key contributor to chronic inflammation. The Mediterranean diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, beans, nuts, herbs, and spices. You should be eating fresh fish at least three times per week, especially the omega-3 fatty fish salmon. Reduce your intake of eggs, red meat, and dairy to 1-2 times per week maximum.

Other anti-inflammatory foods include:

  • Dark leafy greens
  • Bell and hot peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Ginger
  • Olive oil
  • Berries
  • Cherries

A number of spices can also help reduce inflammation, like turmeric, ginger, cloves, curry, cinnamon, sage, and marjoram.

While heavy alcohol consumption can inflame the system, a few glasses of wine per week can actually have heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory effects. Plus, a glass of wine before bed can help you sleep—and sleep is crucial to health.

When possible, choose fresh and organic foods. This will help avoid the preservatives and chemicals found in processed foods, which can unbalance your hormones and promote inflammation.

Learn more about anti-inflammatory foods with Harvard’s “Foods That Fight Inflammation.”

3. Exercise the right amount.

Exercise is vital to alleviating insulin resistance and reducing fat, both of which are crucial to reducing chronic inflammation. Exercising can help maintain a healthy weight, which improves the immune system and the body’s ability to fight disease.

Find some of my favorite health-boosting moves here.

Interestingly, exercising too much or too little can promote inflammation. If you exercise too much, acute inflammation (from tearing muscles and overworking the body) can become chronic. So you need to balance working hard with resting hard.

4. Take magnesium.

A study in “Magnesium And The Inflammatory Response” found that magnesium can actually reduce inflammation at the cellular level. The researchers discovered that a magnesium deficiency causes an inflammatory condition, while increasing magnesium intake can decrease inflammation. Thus, supplementing with magnesium may be a “missing link” in your inflammatory-related health concerns.

Always talk to a doctor before adding magnesium or other supplements to your regimen.5. Consume more probiotics.

Having a healthy gut is key to a strong immune system and regulated inflammatory response. Probiotics contribute to intestinal health, which is directly linked to the body’s release of inflammatory factors. Remember that “leaky gut” stuff? Probiotics can help that. Remember that stuff about toxins and cytokines? Probiotics fight that. Probiotics are good bacteria that help regulate your body’s systems. Studies have proven that probiotics have anti-inflammatory effects that can improve intestinal and non-intestinal diseases.

Learn more about the health benefits of probiotics—and how to include them in your diet—here!

6. Manage stress.

As discussed, stress has a severe inflammatory response. If you want to reduce your body’s stress, you need to link your mind and body on a spiritual level. Try yoga, meditation, or guided visualization to help reduce your cortisol levels. Lower cortisol, lower inflammatory response.

7. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Sleep is also an important part of regulating your body. Getting to bed also helps reduce cortisol and balance out your hormones. It also works to fight against inflammation and improve the immune system. Consider sleep an essential stress and health management practice.

8. Don’t smoke.

The chemicals in cigarettes will cause inflammation and other serious diseases. It’s time to stop smoking. Right now.

Bottom line

Chronic inflammation is the number one silent killer. It can lurk in your body undetected for years, attacking your heart, brain, joints, organs, and immunity. If you’ve been feeling “off” or your doctor has told you that you have an increased risk for disease, you may be dealing with this silent, stalking killer.

But you don’t have to let it take over your life. With the right lifestyle choices and guidance from a doctor, you can be on the road to health in no time.

If you’re looking to introduce healthy practices into your life to reduce chronic inflammation and feel youthful again, schedule a consultation to learn how to personalized health advice so you can live your life to the fullest.

Ready to take the next steps?

Schedule a Call


In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE

9 Exercises To Beat ED And Have Better Sex

It’s time to get physical! If you want better “physical fun” in the bedroom, you need to improve your daily physical activity outside the bedroom as well.

Are you one of the 30 million men suffering from ED? If so, you may be feeling trapped or suffocated in your sex life. You can’t get or maintain an erection like you used to, which can hurt your confidence, your intimacy, and even your relationships. You might be feeling unfulfilled or unsatisfied. There may be a loss of intimacy between you and your partner. You may be falling into anxiety or depression, or you may have trouble getting your partner pregnant.

Many men think popping a blue pill will do the trick. In reality, these only mask the symptoms without getting to the root causes of your ED or related complications. Plus, they often have more side effects than benefits!

But thankfully, you can overcome ED in a natural and effective way… with exercise!

Why exercise for ED?

Exercise can help treat almost all causes of ED. This makes it the ideal addition to any ED treatment. I like to call this solution: “sexercise.”

ED has 8 main causes. Physical activity actually addresses each cause in some way or another.

1. Stress and anxiety

Stress and psychological problems is one of the most common causes of ED. Working out has been shown to lower stress, reduce cortisol levels, improve mood, and increase endorphins (the “happy” chemical in your brain). According to the American Psychological Association, exercise betters our body’s communication system between all of our organ processes and functions. The more sedentary we are, the less efficient our bodies are at communicating and responding to stress. In this way, exercise is crucial to both the body’s physical and mental reaction to stress.

2. Obesity

Obesity is a significant risk factor for erectile dysfunction. The only treatment that works to overcome obesity-related ED is weight loss. Exercise is crucial to any diet and weight loss plan. You need to stay active to burn calories, shed fat, build muscle, and maintain a normal body weight.

3. Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

Exercise improves heart health and improves oxygenated blood flow throughout the body. Benefits of regular exercise on cardiovascular risk factors include: increase in insulin sensitivity, increase in good cholesterol, reduction in bad cholesterol, reduction in blood pressure, and reduction in body weight. Exercising regularly is the best way to take care of your heart and blood.

4. Relationship concerns

Communication problems in your relationship can cause erectile dysfunction. But research suggests that working out together can actually improve your overall relationship by increasing your happiness, boosting romantic attraction, enhancing support, and increasing emotional bond. Exercise also helps better overall health, which makes for a healthy relationship in tandem.

5. Confidence concerns

Men suffering from ED due to “performance anxiety” often have low self-confidence or a negative view of their body. Studies have shown that exercise can enhance attractiveness and increase energy levels, where participants rate themselves as higher on positive perception of self. Those men who were working out consistently considered themselves more desirable and were thus able to perform better sexually.

6.  Sleep deprivation

A lack of sleep—with regards to both quantity and quality— has been linked to erectile dysfunction. In fact, a 2016 survey found that 65% of men who came in with sleep apnea (a sleep disorder) also had symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Working out regularly can improve your quality of sleep and help you fall asleep faster. In fact, exercise is the most effective natural cure for insomnia.

7. Hormonal imbalance

There is a link between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction, though it still calls for further exploration. Nevertheless, we know that a severe imbalance of hormones—like too much cortisol and estrogen with low testosterone—can negatively impact sexual performance. Exercise has been shown to help balance out hormone production, raise testosterone, and lower cortisol and estrogen. Basically, exercise can help put your hormones in a sex-friendly state.


8. Nitric oxide

It’s also important to note the link between nitric oxide and exercise. Nitric oxide (NO) is the chemical that opens up the blood vessels (vasodilation) in the penis and relaxes the muscles in the pelvis. After an erection, your nitric oxide levels will naturally decrease to signal to your body that it’s time to stop having an erection. NO basically controls your erections; you need an appropriate amount of nitric oxide in order to have and maintain an erection for any period of time.

Almost every type of exercise is proven to increase the production of nitric oxide. This is because exercise forces the blood to pump harder, so the blood vessels must dilate to handle the pumping blood; this exercised-induced vasodilation then helps produce more nitric oxide. The reverse is true as well; nitric oxide can help improve physical endurance and performance. This helps create a positive cycle to quell erectile dysfunction symptoms.

Overall, exercise increases energy, tones muscle, and burns fat. This improvement in overall health can help combat the typical causes of erectile dysfunction. Study after study has proved that physical activity is linked to sexual vigor. Not only does it improve your erectile dysfunction, but it can also improve your flexibility, endurance, and performance in the bedroom…

So what are you waiting for?

Below you’ll find the 9 easiest exercises that will improve your ED symptoms and sexual health—and you can do them today! No equipment and no experience needed.

1. Kegels

Kegels aren’t just for women. These exercises are actually one of the best ways to regain your overall sexual health since they target the pelvic muscles. The pelvic muscles contract around the testes and base of the penis during sex, contributing to the “hardness” of the erection. Kegel exercises can strengthen two key muscles: the pubococcygeus (PC), which is the muscle that stops the flow of urine, and the perineal muscles, which is the muscle that supports erectile rigidity and ejaculation. Overall, the strength of these muscles impacts erections, sexual experience, ejaculation, and bladder.

Like all of our muscles—these pelvic muscles tend to get weaker with age. This weakness means the muscles can’t contract enough to help the penis “stand up” and have an erection, thus contributing to erectile dysfunction.

But all muscles strengthen when you use them. Think of lifting: the more often you curl a dumbbell, the more your bicep grows. The same is true of the pelvic muscles. The more you use them, the stronger they’ll bebe. Kegel exercises are like lifting but for your penis. The stronger your sex muscles, the better you can control your erections and sexual endurance.

Note: This also means that the more you have sex, the stronger your pelvic muscles; the stronger your pelvic muscles, the better your erections and sexual health. So, if you have just mild ED and can still have sex, this doctor says to do it… and do it often.

So how do you use Kegels to strengthen the pelvic muscles and get back in the game?

  1. You shouldn’t stop the flow of urine while peeing. This can cause infection and bladder problems. But stopping mid-flow onvr can help you get used to the feel of these muscles.
  2. You want to try to squeeze and tighten these pelvic muscles.
  3. Try not to tighten the surrounding muscles. Focus on the PC muscles. Be aware not to tighten your abs, butt, or thigh.
  4. Start with 5-second squeezes. Squeeze for five seconds, then relax.
  5. Do 10 to 20 reps of 5-second squeezes.
  6. As you get more comfortable, increase the length of the squeezing and number of reps.
  7. Be sure to breathe as normal. Don’t hold your breath.
  8. Do a set of reps two to three times per day.

The best part about Kegels is that you can do them anywhere at any time. You can do them while on the floor, in bed, during a commercial break, or even sitting at your desk at work.

Try it right now as you read the rest of this article!

2. Aerobic Exercise

A number of studies and reviews have concluded that aerobic exercise can help improve ED by boosting blood flow. When working out, your heart is pumping faster. This “clears out” your veins from buildup and blockages caused by obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease (which all contribute to by ED).

Furthermore, research presented in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that aerobic exercise of moderate intensity for 5 to 7 sessions per week for 12 weeks increased nitric oxide levels by 32%. Remember that nitric oxide is what pushes blood flow into the penis for an erection and relaxes the penile muscles to allow for stiffness.

A 1990 study reported that aerobic exercise overall:

  • Increases levels of sexual intimacy
  • Improves sexual function
  • Creates more satisfying orgasms
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Reduces body fat
  • Improves self-image
  • Betters sleep

What kind of aerobic exercise should you be doing? Anything that gets your heart rate up! This could be running, using the elliptical, rowing, swimming, or dancing. Even good, old-fashioned walking has significant health benefits. In fact, a Harvard study found that brisk walking 30 minutes per day had a 41% reduction in the risk for erectile dysfunction. I usually recommend avoiding biking, as that can bring with it other concerns for male sexual health.

Whatever aerobic exercise you choose—get sweaty and get your heart rate up!

3. Lifting & Squats

Aerobic exercise can help burn fat and improve ED symptoms, but you shouldn’t neglect your weight training as well. If you are also suffering from symptoms of low testosterone levels, I always recommend men with low T stick to high-intensity interval training. This is because HIIT weight lifting can drastically spike your testosterone levels in the short- and long-term. This, in turn, improves workout performance, burns fat, builds muscle, and heightens the libido.

Although low testosterone and erectile dysfunction are not the same, data suggests they are linked in some way. If you have low testosterone, you won’t have interest in sex; and not having sex means your penis goes unused, which can eventually weaken the pelvic muscles and cause ED. Furthermore, low libido can often cause psychological or relationship concerns that can exacerbate erectile dysfunction. ED is just one part of the equation of men’s sexual health.

Thus, it’s time to get lifting! Not only will it boost your testosterone, but HIIT weight training will also get your heart pumping (like aerobic exercise). Lifting can regulate your hormones, boost your metabolism, and improve weight loss efforts—all of which are vital to erectile function.

My favorite move is the squat. Squats are one of the best exercises because they work a number of large muscle groups at once. The more you’re working, the more benefits you’re getting. Squats are resistance exercises, performed in intervals, with high intensity—the perfect combo for boosting testosterone levels. Plus, squats improve blood flow to the pelvic region. The more blood flow near the penis, the easier it is to gain an erection.


4. Yoga

Yoga is one of my favorite cures for ED and sexual health. A study of a 12-week yoga program found “significant improvement” in sexual scores for men with an average age of 40. They had improvement in: erections, desire, intercourse satisfaction, performance, confidence, ejaculatory control, partner synchronization, and orgasm.

Countless studies prove yoga has benefits relating back to a number underlying causes of ED. Overall, yoga can increase quality of life by enhancing muscular strength, improving cardiovascular function, improving sleep patterns, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and more. Relaxation is the key here; the intense relaxation that comes from yoga actually helps improve blood flow and oxygen circulation in the blood, which in turn improves organ function (like the sex organs and muscles).

Moreover, certain yoga poses boost blood flow to the penis and work those pelvic muscles. I like to think of these yoga poses as a “wake up call” to your penis, by stimulating the vessels and muscles around it.

Below you’ll find my favorite yoga poses for improved sexual health.

5. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

The “seated forward bend” is easy and comfortable, relaxing the pelvic muscles and promoting blood flow to the hips and penis. It’s also great for reducing stress in a pinch.

How to do:

  • Sit on a yoga mat or blanket with your legs in front of you.
  • Keep your upper body long and straight.
  • Lean forward from the hips, moving your chest towards your knees.
  • Lengthen your tailbone as you reach down towards your feet.
  • Reach as far as you can. Extend and grab your feet if possible. If not, go as far as you can for a comfortable stretch. You can also use a yoga strap around your feet for a deeper stretch.
  • Hold the post for 1 to 3 minutes and then release.

6. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

The “standing forward bend” or “intense forward-bending pose” helps with anxiety and stress, while also stimulating organs in the abdomen (including the sex organs). Tradition even says that this pose is so beneficial for sexual health that it can actually help with male and female infertility.

How to do:

  • Stand with your hands on your hips.
  • As you exhale, bend forward from the hips.
  • Keep your back straight as you bend forward. Lengthen the torso as you bend.
  • Keep your knees straight. A soft bend is okay for newbies.
  • Bring your fingers down towards the floor.
  • If you can’t reach your feet with your hands, cross your forearms and hold your elbows. You can swing gently.
  • Relax into the pose for 1 to 3 minutes.
  • As you inhale, focus on lengthening and straightening your spine. As you exhale, relax deeper and fuller into the stretch, letting gravity pull you down.
  • Avoid straining your neck or back. You should be able to nod your head yes and no while in the pose.

7. Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose)

The “butterfly pose” or “bound angle pose” stretches the inner thighs and groin. It opens up the hips and pelvis in a way that stimulates the prostate gland, bladder, kidneys, and abdomen.

How to do:

  • Sit upright with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend one knee at a time while you exhale, pulling your heel inward towards your pelvis.
  • Drop both knees to either side. Press the bottoms of your feet together.
  • Use your first and second fingers to grab your big toes. You can also grab your ankles with your hands.
  • As you breathe, focus on straightening your torso. Imagine someone is pulling up a string that’s attached to your spine.
  • Stay in the pose for 1 to 5 minutes.

8. Janu Sirsana (Head-To-Knee Pose)

The head-to-knee pose helps with flexibility in the lower body while also relieving stress and improving blood flow in the groin.

How to do:

  • Sit on your mat or blanket with legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend in one knee, bringing the heel towards your pelvis.
  • Rest the sole of that foot against your other thigh.
  • Release your knee towards the floor. Support with a blanket if you need to.
  • As you inhale, raise both of your hands towards the sky.
  • As you exhale, hinge from the hips and bend towards your extended foot.
  • Try to bring your chin to your knee. If you can, clasp your hand around your foot. If you can’t, bend as far as you can and hold on to your shins.
  • Stay in this position for 1 to 3 minutes.
  • Inhale and raise your arms overhead to return to sitting.
  • Repeat with the other leg folded in for balance.

9. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The “bow pose” stretches your muscles in the groin and thighs while energizing the reproductive areas. Plus, it’ll boost your flexibility—and may make an interesting sex position in the bedroom.

How to do:

  • Lay face down on your mat on your stomach. Your feet should be hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  • Bend your knees in towards your back, grabbing the front of your feet with your hands.
  • Raise your upper body and pull up on your legs at the same time. Your chest and knees should both be lifted off the floor, while your pelvis stays grounded.
  • Stay in the pose for 20 to 30 seconds. While posing, take a few deep breaths. The deeper the breath, the more it will stimulate your pelvis.
  • Exhale as you release from the pose.
  • Repeat two or three more times.

Bonus: Work out with your partner.

Getting your heart rate up together can help bring you closer to one another. Partners that work out together find that they have an improved sex life in the bedroom as well. This is likely due to improved self-confidence, regulated hormones, endorphin release, and all those great benefits from working out. But, more than that, couples that work out together connect on a physical level outside of the bedroom. This connection translates back into the bedroom nicely. This is especially true for yoga. One study found that “partner yoga may help couples who are struggling with sexual dysfunction.”

Bottom line

You can naturally overcome your erectile dysfunction and improve your sexual health… and it costs you nothing but your time and willingness! The above 9 exercises and poses will put you on a track of sexual health that will make you looking, feeling, and being the most vigorous you in years. Say goodbye to ED (and hello to exercise). 

5 Benefits Of Pomegranate For Your Sexual Health

Is pomegranate the ultimate solution to all of your “sex-drive” needs? What are the benefits of pomegranate?

What if I told you pomegranate could help all of your sexual health problems, from low testosterone and diminished libido to erectile dysfunction to even prostate cancer? This superfood is filled with antioxidants that have proven results to help both men and women have better sex lives. This fruit can increase testosterone levels, improve sperm quality, and increase sex drive and mood.

Pomegranate has three times more antioxidants than even red wine and green tea. Antioxidants are what improve blood circulation, decrease inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, and fight harmful free radicals that cause aging, illness, and cancer. Pomegranate antioxidants have even been known to help fight breast cancer.

If you’re looking to improve your sexual health, you need to add pomegranate to your daily lineup. From juice to seeds to supplement extracts, it’s easy to enhance your life with the wonders of pomegranate.

Let’s take a deep dive into the 5 benefits of pomegranates for your sexual and overall health.

1. Boosts testosterone

Testosterone is the “manly” hormone that controls your facial hair, deep voice, muscle growth, and even your sex drive. Low levels of testosterone can become a serious health problem leading to lowered energy, depression, diminished libido, weight gain, muscle loss, brain fog, and more. Women also need testosterone for their sex drive and regulation of estrogen levels.

By the way, low T means low libido… and low libido means a low desire for sex. If you have been losing your interest in sex recently, you may be suffering from low testosterone levels.

I always recommend increasing testosterone levels the natural way before resorting to costly (and often ineffective) testosterone replacement therapies. A daily intake of pomegranate is one of the easiest (and tastiest) ways to improve your testosterone.

Firstly, pomegranate is shown to block estrogen production. The Beckman Research Institute in California reported that pomegranate is rich in ellagittanins (ET). ETs convert into compounds that are used to stop your androgens from turning into estrogens. Basically, ET helps lower the production of estrogen.

This is critical to testosterone levels. Too much estrogen can interfere with libido, hurt erectile health, and damage bone strength. Plus, estrogen actually blocks testosterone production. High levels of estrogen actually further diminish T levels to create an unhealthy imbalance of hormones that are destructive to male sexual health.

A study at the Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland found that participants who were given one glass of pomegranate juice per day for two weeks had a 24% increase in testosterone on average. They also saw further results linked to improved testosterone, balanced hormones, and regulated mood:

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decline of stress levels
  • Increase in positive emotions, especially self-confidence
  • Heightened mood
  • Lowered feelings of shyness, fear, and sadness

2. Treats erectile dysfunction

It’s important to note that the Queen Margaret study found not only an increase in testosterone levels, but also an increase in positive emotions as well. Stress, anxiety, low self-confidence, and fear are all major causes of erectile dysfunction. This study demonstrated that pomegranate might be able to improve psychological concerns that could cause erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, pomegranates help address three major causes of erectile dysfunction: restricted blood flow/high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

Blood flow

You need proper blood flow in order for your penis to fill with blood and get “hard.” If you have high blood pressure, damaged arteries, or vascular problems, blood flow to the penis can be restricted, thus causing erectile dysfunction. Some studies show that pomegranate juice can reduce systolic blood pressure with “promising acute hypotensive properties.” This lowered blood pressure can help promote blood flow to the penis when it’s time for an erection.

Furthermore, a 2007 study found that drinking 100% pomegranate juice (POM Wonderful brand) actually helped manage erectile dysfunction. 50% of participants who drank the juice saw an improvement in their erections. They concluded that this was due to the high antioxidant content of pomegranates, which can stop free radicals from inhibiting blood flow to the penis.

Additionally, pomegranate is high in vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the production of nitric oxide (NO) by converting nitrites to nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is the chemical that relaxes blood vessels and flexes muscles near and in the penis. This NO process prepares your penis for an erection. A 2005 Italian study found an increase in levels of nitric oxide and a decrease in oxidant damage in all blood vessels after consumption of pomegranate juice.

Heart disease

In a similar “vein,” heart-healthy pomegranates (filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals) can open up your blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Heart disease is another cause of erectile dysfunction and lowered libido. Pomegranates can help lower cholesterol, remove arterial deposits (bad cholesterol), limit inflammation, and encourage blood flow—all lowering the risk of heart disease.

One study found that daily pomegranate seed oil for four weeks improved participants’ ratio of triglycerides to HDL, basically lowering bad deposits and raising good cholesterol. Researchers discovered that half a glass of pomegranate juice and three dates had enough antioxidants to help protect against heart attacks and strokes. A second study also showed that pomegranate juice could reduce bad cholesterol in those with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.


Being overweight can cause erectile dysfunction, lowered testosterone, imbalanced hormones, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Pomegranates also have been shown to help fight obesity by curbing hunger pains and improving satiation levels.

A 2016 study at Queen Margaret found that those participants who took a daily supplement of pomegranate had less desire to eat, were less hungry, and felt more satiated while eating than the placebo group. Researchers hypothesized that this was because of the fruit’s polyphenols (a specific type of antioxidant), which can act as an appetite suppressant.

Plus, pomegranates can help improve exercise performance, helping you lose weight and gain muscle at a faster rate. Pomegranate has a high amount of nitrates, which enhance blood flow throughout the body. This improved blood flow to the muscles can improve exercise performance, efficiency, and endurance. The better you workout, the more your body can burn off that extra flab. Regulated, healthy weight can reduce ED symptoms—and make you more energetic, happy, and productive!

3. Lowers risk of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer affects 11.6% of men at some point in their lives. What seems to be an inevitable disease is actually preventable—and maybe even with a delicious fruit like pomegranate! Recent research suggests, “pomegranate is likely to be valuable for treatment of some forms of human prostate cell life.”

One study looked at the reason why pomegranates may have this effect on prostate cancer. Data suggests that pomegranate extract down-regulates HR which sensitizes cells to DSBs, growth inhibition, and apoptosis.” Basically, pomegranate polyphenols help your cells kill themselves. “Apoptosis” is your body’s natural process where unhealthy cells self-destruct before spreading their “disease” to other cells. When damaged cells don’t self-destruct, they begin to breed and grow into tumors and cancers. Pomegranate extract helps keep this natural process of apoptosis functioning, so cancerous and damaged cells will continue to die off at an appropriate rate.

4. Improves sperm quality

A Turkish study found that rats that drank pomegranate juice had significant increases in healthy sperm. Generally, “healthy” sperm refers to the quantity, movement, structure, and fertility of the sperm. Healthy sperm is more likely to fertilize an egg and create a healthy embryo. If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, it’s time to start glugging the pomegranate juice.

Turkish researchers also found an increased amount of natural antioxidants in sperm and blood, further demonstrating that pomegranate extract helps to send nutrients directly into the bloodstream to fight against damaging oxidation.

5. Other benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate also has a number of health benefits that will make your overall wellness significantly better. For example, pomegranate’s ability to fight oxidative stress and minimize inflammation has been shown to fight rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and swelling. It has also been shown to aid brain health, improve memory, and fight off signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

As we age, our body’s natural processes start to slow down. If you want to stay functioning with optimal health, you need to take care of your sexual, physical, emotional, and mental wellness in tandem. Pomegranates have proven benefits in all of these wellness facets.

How to consume

There are a number of ways to get your daily dose of pomegranate. Pomegranate juice and pomegranate supplements are a popular way to get a shot of healthy goodness.

But be careful. Steer clear of most store-bought pomegranate juice, which tends to be filled with sugar—and sugar can actually make your sexual health worse. If you’re going to buy store-bought, stick to all-natural 100% juice like POM Wonderful.

I like making pomegranate juice right at home, so I can control the taste and consistency myself. Here’s how:

  • Cut open a fresh, organic pomegranate.
  • Scoop out the seeds and place in a bowl filled with water.
  • The seeds will sink to the bottom, and their white goopy membrane will float to the top.
  • Strain the water, which will clean the seeds and remove the membrane.
  • Place the seeds in a blender and blend to a pulp.
  • Strain the seed mixture into a pulp.
  • Add water and agave sweetener to taste.
  • Eat the rest of the pomegranate or use in your cooking!

And don’t neglect pomegranate seeds! They burst in your mouth for a hydrating and sweet snack. If you have a midnight sweet tooth like me, pomegranate seeds are a deliciously healthy way to curb those cravings.

Bottom line

Get back to the sex life you want with boosted T, high libido, diminished erectile dysfunction, lowered risk of prostate cancer, improved sperm quality, higher energy, regulated weight, improved memory, fewer aches and pains, and so much more… all with pomegranates!

Adding pomegranates to your morning routine or midnight snack is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to boost your sexual health and wellness. In fact, you’ll start seeing most of the benefits of pomegranates in as little as four weeks.

What else can you do to upgrade your health? 

Well, you can flip the page on your calendar.

And you can renew your vitality and vigor with a Male 2.0 Consult! Sign up to start living your best life in now!


Tracy Gapin, MD FACS is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.drtracygapin.com

7 Testosterone Boosting Myths No One Will Tell You About

If you’re one of the 25% of U.S. men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone-or one of the millions of men following testosterone boosting myths-you’ve probably tried anything and everything to raise your testosterone levels. But nothing seems to be working.

If you suffer from low testosterone, you may be experiencing:

  • Low libido and sex drive
  • Low sperm count
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle loss
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Diminished mood
  • Insomnia
  • Brain fog
  • Loss of vitality
  • Erectile dysfunction

Are you sick and tired of these symptoms making you sick and tired?

Of course, you are! So you visit your doctor, who prescribes some testosterone replacement therapy or medications or pumps or doodads… and yet you still feel the same crappy way.

That’s because most therapies for testosterone don’t get to the root of the issue. They raise T-levels in the short-term without attacking the underlying root cause.

So maybe you’ve even decided to make lifestyle changes to address these root-cause concerns. That’s the first step towards overall health and increased testosterone.

But months later and you’re still not seeing results.


Because there are a number of testosterone boosting myths floating around out in the “world wide web” that just don’t work.

I’m here to debunk those myths to ensure that every lifestyle choice you make is optimizing your health with increased testosterone, regulated hormone levels, and a vibrant sex life!

So what are these testosterone boosting myths? And what can you do instead to exponentially boost your testosterone levels for real?

Myth 1: “Working out boosts your testosterone.”

No, working out doesn’t boost your testosterone. This is a common testosterone boosting myth. Working out the right way boosts your testosterone. Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to raising your testosterone levels.

Endurance exercise, like running and cycling, may actually reduce your free-floating testosterone levels. A number of studies have shown that prolonged endurance training can interrupt hormone production and damage the male reproductive system—aka lower testosterone.

Moreover, low testosterone generally means increased estrogen; increased estrogen can lead to low bone density and osteoporosis. This means that men with low testosterone are more susceptible to injuries during endurance exercise. It becomes a double whammy of problematic low T!

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be working out. In fact, you need physical exercise in order to lose weight and boost your testosterone. Instead, focus your exercise efforts on HIIT, lifting weights, and yoga.

High-intensity interval training has been shown to have a higher testosterone response than steady endurance exercise. It also burns more calories and boosts fat loss in both the short- and long-term. One study of overweight men found that 12 weeks of HIIT reduced their fat mass by 17%. Losing weight thus helps to increase the level of free-floating testosterone, regulate hormones, and reduce the risks of metabolic syndrome.

Combining HIIT with weightlifting has been shown to help burn fat at a higher rate. Lifting weights helps to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your testosterone levels. Plus, body muscle helps your body use up more energy and burn more fat. You’ll burn fat at a faster rate, helping to quench weight-related low T.

Yoga has also been studied as a strong testosterone booster. Yoga can help lower stress and anxiety, which in turn lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol kills testosterone production and destabilizes hormones. Yoga is able to minimize cortisol to improve T levels and overall reproductive health. Yoga has also been shown to boost libido, improve erection quality, improve orgasms, stimulate genital blood flow, and enhance sexual pleasure. It’s time for downward dog if you ask me!

Myth 2: Eating fats hurts your testosterone levels.

Having fat on your body can lower your T levels, but eating fats will now lower your testosterone. In fact, you need fats in your diet because testosterone is fat-soluble. If you cut out fats, your free-floating testosterone has no where to run… so your T lowers in tandem.

In fact, low-fat diets are proven to kill your T. One study found that a diet with less than 40% fat drastically decreased testosterone levels. Another study found that increasing the percentage of calories from fat from 20% to 40% increased testosterone levels drastically. This study also found that a low-fat, high-fiber diet reduced testosterone by 12%. Moreover, fats are necessary to regulate the endocrine (hormone) system, including the production of testosterone.

Plus, eating fats can actually help you burn body fat. Research found that participants eating a low-fat diet only burned 18.8% of their energy from fat, while the high-fat diet group burned 41% of their energy from fat. Furthermore, the high-fat group had 13% higher testosterone levels.

Nevertheless, eating a diet too rich in fats can make you gain weight. And being overweight or obese will lower your testosterone levels. In this way, you’ll want to eat healthy fats like omega 3s (fish), avocados, and coconut oil. You should also evenly balance all three of your macronutrients: carbs, fats, and protein. 

Myth 3: Eating carbs hurts your testosterone levels.

In the same vein, people tend to demonize carbs. Nope, this is another testosterone boosting myth. In reality, carbs are absolutely necessary for hormone production. Sure, processed carbs are bad for you, but they give all carbs an unnecessarily bad rep. Whole-wheat products and grains are vital to ensure your body stays healthy and functioning.
A study by the University of North Carolina found that participants on a low-carb diet had reduced testosterone and raised cortisol (which kills the production of T). On the other hand, a Life Sciences Journal Study found that men on a high-carb diet for 10 days had higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol.

In this way, scientists have concluded that carbs help keep cortisol levels low. Cortisol not only stops the production of testosterone but also binds to free-floating testosterone for a double whammy of low T. Carbs can help fight off these T-killing effects of cortisol. If you want to boost your testosterone, stick to a moderate amount of whole-wheat, full-grain carbs.

Myth 4: Soy will increase testosterone levels.

Soy is commonly considered a healthy protein alternative to “fatty” meats. Not in the testosterone boosting myth busters house! Soy can be found in a number of protein powders, as people assume soy can help build muscle. The real reason “soy protein isolate” is used in so many protein powders? It’s cheap and easy to come by.

Researchers have found that soy can actually lower testosterone and raise cortisol. This is likely because soy is highly estrogenic, so much so that one study even found male subjects had enlarged breast and nipple discharge when eating high amounts of soy. This is obviously not what any guy wants who is trying to raise their testosterone levels. Perhaps they will have better luck with a testosterone booster taken as a dietary supplement.

Moreover, men who eat a lot of soy were found to have high levels of equol in their bloodstream. Equol is an anti-androgen that shuts down hormone production, making the manufacture of testosterone impossible. This soy-related diminishment of hormone production can also lead to infertility and low sperm count.

Steer clear of soy if you’re working on boosting your testosterone levels. Watch out for “soy protein isolate” in your protein powders. Be aware of the soy content in your sushi platters.

If you’re lactose intolerant and use soy as an alternative, try almond milk or cashew milk instead. These nut milks are lower in calories and higher in testosterone-boosting goodness. 

Myth 5: Drinking alcohol gives you a “man’s” boost.

The image of sipping a cold beer or scotch seems “manly,” and so many people naturally associate alcohol with testosterone. However, booze actually lowers your testosterone levels, reduces fertility, and promotes weight gain. One study found that alcohol, even in the short-term, can severely suppress the synthesis of testosterone. Some studies even show that two drinks per day can cause these testosterone-minimalizing effects. Alcohol has also been linked to erectile dysfunction, depression, and anxiety—all of which are related to low T.

Plus, alcohol makes you gain weight. Drinking your calories without any nutritious value is a sure-fire way to quickly increase the number on the scale. And the higher the number on the scale, the lower your testosterone.

Alcohol also influences the liver. The liver is responsible for metabolizing testosterone and ridding the body of excess estrogen. While you’re drinking, the liver has to instead work to metabolize the alcohol rather than rid the body of estrogen. Estrogen then builds up in the body, which suppresses T production and stores more fat.

Beer is especially a testosterone killer. The hops in beer are highly estrogenic, so much so that beer is being studied as a treatment for hot flashes in menopausal women. The estrogenic properties in beer slow down testosterone production and pack on the pounds towards a double whammy of low T.

Alcohol of any type is the enemy of your testosterone by stopping testosterone production, increasing estrogen, raising cortisol, damaging the liver, and increasing fat storage. The more you drink, the lower your testosterone.

It’s okay to drink in moderation, though. Have one glass per day or keep your drinking to once per week.

Myth 6: ED medications help with boosting testosterone.

The relationship between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction is complex and not fully understood. But we know that treating ED doesn’t solve low testosterone, and raising testosterone doesn’t necessarily treat ED. Although the two are linked, they’re not interdependent. A man could have low testosterone and diminished libido but still have the ability to have an erection. Another man may be incredibly horny with a high sex drive, but he can’t seem to have an erection when the time comes. ED and low T both affect sex, but they’re not the same.

In this way, erectile dysfunction medications are not a solution for low T.

Moreover, ED medications could actually affect your testosterone levels in some way. Because ED medications like Viagra and Cialis only mask the symptoms of an underlying problem, they can actually create more psychological concerns. These can influence your brain’s ability to send signals to the endocrine system to make testosterone.

If you have erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor to see if you have low testosterone as well. The two are not the same, but they can often be treated with similar lifestyle changes.

Myth 7: Masturbation boosts your testosterone.

Some men have the belief that the more you masturbate, the higher your testosterone levels. The thought process goes that every time you get aroused, your testosterone levels go up. So masturbating and getting aroused often is good for T levels… right? Negative, this is another one of those crazy testosterone boosting myths.

Well, that’s not exactly how it works. While it’s true that arousal boosts testosterone in the short-term, masturbating too often can create hormonal imbalances and erectile dysfunction. Frequent masturbation over-stimulates the levels of dopamine (which is the hormone that triggers sexual pleasure).

If dopamine is released too often, your body stops responding to it. This means that when you masturbate, you won’t feel the same sort of satisfaction that you do in the past. This not only destabilizes your hormones and forces testosterone to take a back seat… it also creates a masturbation addiction.

You’re constantly looking for that sexual pleasure, but you can’t achieve it because your brain has become desensitized to the related dopamine.

Moreover, multiple ejaculations increase the level of estrogen in the body. The more you ejaculate, the lower your androgen receptor activity (aka lower free-floating testosterone). Higher estrogen and lower testosterone can throw your body out of whack for days. If this happens often, like with a masturbation addiction, this imbalance can severely damage your T levels long-term.

Still, some studies suggest that a short-term sexual abstinence of 7 days can result in a 145% spike in testosterone. Nevertheless, too much abstinence can lower your testosterone.

So what’s the solution? Have sex. Find a partner, though some prefer the use of a sex doll, and revel in that intimacy. Unlike masturbation, sex is proven to increase testosterone levels because of the sexual arousal and personal intimacy needed for the act. Older men who have sex have higher testosterone levels than those who don’t, and a study of couples found they had higher T levels on nights where they had sex over nights they didn’t.

Having sex 1-2 times a day will keep your testosterone strong and your health and wellness vivacious. Doctor’s orders!

Bottom Line

Don’t believe everything you read or hear about testosterone. It is possible to boost your testosterone with natural and healthy lifestyle changes. But those changes shouldn’t necessarily include endurance exercise, depriving yourself of fats and carbs, eating too much soy, over-drinking, and over-stimulating your mini-me.

If you want to increase your testosterone levels with healthy lifestyle changes, learn more with my article 13 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally. Ready to take the ultimate step? Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program, a genetic-based report and private consultation that will get you started on a total body transformation.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for G1 Performance Health now!