What To Know About Telehealth for Erectile Dysfunction

Telehealth doctor talking with patient

Erectile dysfunction is awkward. And not just in the bedroom—it can feel uncomfortable to talk about in your doctor’s office, too.

I get that. I’m a board-certified urologist, so ED is one of the most common reasons why men come to see me. Even though I talk about it every day, I know it can still be incredibly uncomfortable for my patients.

And while there have been very few silver linings to the COVID pandemic, there has been one: people are much more willing to engage in telehealth or online doctor visits. And, interestingly, that has made men more comfortable speaking to a professional about ED. 

In this article, I want to walk you through what telehealth for erectile dysfunction looks like. I want to dispel some of the myths around it, and emphasize that an online visit with your doctor really can be an effective way to address ED. 

It’s accessible, it’s more comfortable, and it can be effective.

Can Telehealth Work for ED Therapy?

Telehealth for Erectile Dysfunction

Right off the bat: are online ED consultations an effective way to get treatment?

Yes! They certainly can be. Virtually all of the things that I would do in an in-person visit at my clinic to evaluate and diagnose ED, I can do over the phone or via Zoom. 

Several studies have even found that online telehealth platforms aimed at treating erectile dysfunction can be effective. Of course, you always want to make sure you’re having your telehealth consultation with a board-certified physician. 

Benefits of Telemedicine for ED

There are many benefits for telemedicine:

  • Access. Telehealth makes getting ED help much more accessible and less embarrassing than in-person visits. 
  • Comfort. Telehealth consultations done from the comfort of your home helps you feel more at ease and comfortable talking about ED. 
  • Convenience. You can have your doctor’s visit from anywhere on your phone or laptop!
  • Quality of doctor. I’m based in Sarasota, Florida, but telehealth allows men who want VIP-level service to see me from anywhere.
  • Less waiting. No more sitting around for 45 minutes in the waiting room—you’ll know exactly when your consultation starts, and they’re always on time!
  • Same high-quality service. According to research, telehealth patients get the same length and quality of consultation as in-person patients do.

What Can a Doctor Do for You Online?

During an online visit, doctors can order any additional testing needed to manage erectile dysfunction. They can:

  • Conduct a thorough evaluation of erectile dysfunction signs and symptoms
  • Order blood tests to evaluate your hormone levels
  • Provide prescriptions for common ED treatment options like Viagra and Cialis that can be delivered to your home. 
  • Provide information on other treatment options for ED and lifestyle changes that support sexual health
  • Offer follow-up visits to evaluate the efficacy of ED treatments

What Can’t a Doctor Do Online?

There are some cases when you will need to see your doctor in person. If you are experiencing any pain, swelling, or discomfort, an in-person consultation may be necessary so that your doctor can do a proper physical inspection. 

And, if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should seek emergency treatment:

  • Inability to urinate together with swelling and pain in the lower abdomen
  • A sudden onset of pain in the scrotum, or swelling in the testicles
  • A prolonged, painful erection that lasts more than 4 hours

Those issues require in-person emergency care. But if you’re concerned about difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, telehealth is a perfect option for you.

How To Prepare for Your Telehealth Appointment

Prepare for a telehealth appointment in the same way that you would for an in-person visit. Have a pen and paper handy to take notes if you need to. Make a list of questions that you have beforehand. And make sure you don’t have any appointments right after so that you don’t feel rushed.

Make sure your internet connection is strong and that your camera and microphone work so that we can both hear and see each other. And make sure you have a quiet, private space where you can speak freely.

How it Works: What Will My Telehealth Appointment Be Like?

What Will My Telehealth Appointment Be Like?

When I’m assessing erectile dysfunction, I’m going to ask you to tell me what you’re experiencing and about your medical history. Then I’ll ask some follow-up questions like:

  • How long have you been struggling with trouble getting an erection?
  • What have you tried so far in terms of ED treatments?
  • What are your diet, sleep, and exercise habits like?

There are many different possible causes of ED including vascular problems, low testosteronepoor diet, medications, or even high stress. I’ll ask several questions to try to determine the potential causes. 

Depending on the situation, I may recommend some blood tests so we can check your hormone levels, cardiovascular function, or other key markers. These test results can help identify certain causes of ED and can lead to more effective treatments than a one size fits all pill. 

What Are My Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options?

Once we understand the cause of your ED, we’ll be able to discuss treatment options. Treatment options for ED can include:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT Therapy)
  • Oral ED medications like sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis)
  • GAINSWave
  • The Priapus P-Shot
  • Peptide therapies
  • Stem cell Injections
  • And more. 

Remember that not all treatment options are appropriate for every person. That’s why it’s so important to understand your situation before we decide on a treatment plan—we want to choose the treatments that are most likely to work, and that don’t have unnecessary side effects.

If we choose prescription medications as the best option to treat your ED, we have the ability to discreetly and conveniently ship medications to your home, avoiding a trip to the pharmacy entirely.

How Is a Telehealth Appointment with an Erectile Dysfunction Expert Different From Mail-Order Services?

You can find many online ED clinics that offer you a quick consultation, which is usually followed by a healthcare provider writing you a prescription for viagra. Unfortunately, with those clinics, the provider is almost never an expert in urology with specialty training in erectile dysfunction

The other issue with these online clinics is that, because they make large profits selling oral medications, that’s the only solution they tend to provide. While oral medications like Viagra and Cialis certainly can be effective treatment options, they’re not appropriate for everyone. 

Sometimes ED can be a signal of more sinister medical conditions—diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and others. Quick visits with online mail-order services may not be thorough enough to catch warning signs of these more serious health conditions that require further testing.

Many of these companies are only in the business of selling you medications. They’re not necessarily providing high quality personalized healthcare. Work with a men’s health expert to  ensure you get the most effective and appropriate treatment options available.

Telehealth Can Help You Combat ED

Telehealth for ED | Gapin Institute

Erectile dysfunction is a legitimate health concern that affects millions of men in the US. We take women’s sexual and reproductive health incredibly seriously, but often ED is trivialized in the public eye.  Erectile dysfunction can take a significant toll on the mental health, drive and self-esteem of guys who struggle with it. It can also signal that something else is going on with your health. 

That’s why it’s so important to get evaluated and treated for ED. You don’t have to suffer from ED or feel marginalized as a result. 

Telehealth is a great option for busy men. It’s private, it’s comfortable, and it’s a convenient way for men to get assessed and treated quickly. Best of all, it is effective. If you need help with ED, reach out and book a call with me today. 


Badkhshan, S., Ernst, M., Maiers, T., Shapiro, M., & Chevli, K. (2020). Erectile Dysfunction in Telemedicine: The Standardized Patient Experience. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17(1), S14.

Ellimoottil, C., Skolarus, T., Gettman, M., Boxer, R., Kutikov, A., Lee, B. R., … & Morgan, T. (2016). Telemedicine in urology: state of the art. Urology, 94, 10-16.

Hsiang, W. R., Honig, S., & Leapman, M. S. (2020). Evaluation of Online Telehealth Platforms for Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. The Journal of Urology, 205(2), 330-332

Men’s Health Guide to Boost Your Metabolism

Men's Health Guide to Boost Your Metabolism | Gapin Institute

Boost Your Metabolism | Gapin Institute

Struggling with your weight?

You’re not alone. Weight loss is one of my clients’ most common men’s health challenges. Heck, I’ve struggled with it myself—that’s a big part of what motivates me to help men feel their best.

One reason why losing weight can feel so hard is that it never used to be like this. When we were younger, we didn’t need to worry about what we ate or how often we exercised. We just always used to feel… good. Extra weight just wasn’t a problem. 

But things change as you get older. The body takes longer to recover. And the weight stays on even when you exercise regularly.

One of the reasons that it’s difficult to slim down as we get older is that the metabolism starts to slow. 

This happens to most people, but you don’t have to accept it as normal. There are some things you can do to rev it back up—even in middle age. 

I’m talking specifically about your basal metabolic rate, or how quickly your body burns through the calories you consume. Most people don’t know this, but the majority of the calories we burn each day aren’t from exercise. They’re burned from your body’s normal functioning and maintenance.

Exercising is certainly an important part of any healthy lifestyle and weight loss plan. But if you can also turn up your body’s fire, it’ll make shedding the weight all that much easier. The more your body is burning at its base level, the easier it is to rid yourself of that stubborn body fat. 

Lucky for us, there are things you can do to keep your metabolic rate running at a higher gear. So here are some of my top recommendations for boosting your metabolism to slim down. 


Exercising, weight training Gapin Institute

Hands down, the most powerful way to kickstart your metabolism is exercise. It’s effective both in the short term and in the long-term. 

Physical activity like intense cardio or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) increases your body’s energy needs in the short term. To feed itself, your body burns calories faster. That exercise revs the metabolism into high gear, it stays elevated for hours after.

But with strength training, there’s actually a long-term effect as well. Weight training challenges your muscles and actually creates micro-tears in the muscle fibers. Your body then spends a bunch of energy to repair them. When it repairs the muscles, your body both increases the size of the existing muscle fibers and also builds new fibers. Together, these increase the size of the muscles.

And bigger muscles have a greater energy maintenance need. They eat through more energy, even when you’re not exercising. So the more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be. 

I’m not saying you need to be Arnold Schwarzenegger to give an extra kick to your metabolism. But including strength training in your exercise routine is absolutely critical for every guy, and it will help boost your metabolism in the long term. 

Eat a protein-rich diet

Protein rich food metabolism boosters | Gapin Institute

It turns out that eating can actually give you a short-term boost in metabolism. This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). It happens because the body needs energy—a lot, as it turns out—for digesting the food you eat.

But different nutrients lead to different kinds of boosts. 

Researchers have found that protein increases your metabolism at a much greater rate (15-30%) than either fat (0-3%) or carbs (5-10%). So higher protein foods can help you maximize that boost in metabolism from eating. 

Keep in mind that I’m not saying you should only eat protein! Remember that you need to be sure to stick to the macronutrient ratio that’s best for your body. Too much protein can actually hurt your muscle-building efforts by lowering testosterone. Instead, aim for a healthy, balanced diet that includes proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. You need to avoid saturated fats, trans fats, and refined sugars.

Research also suggests that plant-based diets create a higher TEF. I’m not saying that you need to become a vegetarian to burn fat, but most of your dinner plate should be things that came from plants—whole grains, beans, legumes, roots vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, and so on. 

Drinking cold water

Cold Water Metabolism booster | Gapin Institute

Among all its other benefits, water has been found in several studies to increase metabolism and aid in losing weight, and cold water may be especially effective. 

Cold water lowers your core body temperature. In response, your body fires up its metabolism to warm you back up. That warming increases the calories you burn.

As an added benefit, water appears to also help you lose weight and burn fat—especially when you drink water in place of sugary drinks. It also helps fill you up so that you don’t overeat or consume too many extra calories. 

Water is, of course, essential to your health in a number of ways. Helping rev up your metabolism is just one way it helps. 

(And if you get tired of  water, green tea is your metabolism’s friend!)

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Metabolism | Gapin Institute

You might think that fasting could slow your metabolism. You’re right, it can: restricting your caloric intake tells your body you’re not getting enough food, so your body starts doing less work. That slows down your metabolism.

But intermittent fasting—restricting eating to only certain time periods—can help fire up your metabolism. It does that by giving your digestive system a break and puts that energy into other functions like building muscle.

Intermittent fasting has been found to have several benefits, including: 

  • Balancing hormone levels
  • Encouraging fat lipolysis—the breakdown of fat
  • Increased growth hormone levels, which helps grow and preserve muscle mass
  • Lowering blood glucose
  • Turning off genes related to inflammation.

When we eat, our insulin levels are elevated. And that means we tend towards fat-storing rather than fat-burning. Fasting helps our insulin drop, allowing our body to tap into our fat stores. 

How do you do intermittent fasting?

There are lots of ways of doing it. I provide some more detailed advice in my book, but some options include:

  • Create eating windows. Here, you only eat within a given window of time. For example, you might restrict your eating to only between 10 am and 6 pm. 
  • Skipped meals. Here, you would skip one meal a day. I normally recommend skipping breakfast as a great way to get started with intermittent fasting.
  • 24/48 fast. Here, you fast for a full day or two. You would only do this about once a month.

The easiest one to follow and requires the least amount of adjustment for most people is setting an eating window. If you’re new to intermittent fasting, I would recommend you start here. 

From there, you can try out a few different variations and see what works best for you.

Several of my clients have had huge success with intermittent fasting. If you usually eat well and exercise but you can’t seem to shed those stubborn few pounds, give intermittent fasting a shot.

Remember, intermittent fasting doesn’t mean you have to eat fewer calories (although most people do end up eating a little less). It just means that you restrict when you eat. 


Sleep boosts metabolism | Gapin Institute

There are a number of systemic factors that have a significant influence on our health. One of the ones that many of us underestimate is sleep. 

Getting a good night’s sleep isn’t really sexy, but it is powerful. 

And getting enough sleep actually can help you both feel and even look sexier. For one thing, sleep is when our body builds back muscles after a workout. So if you’re trying to put on lean muscle mass, you don’t want to skimp on sleep. 

Tons of research has also connected sleep to weight loss. Many people think that as we sleep our body becomes less active. But our body is actually very active when we sleep. And all that activity requires energy. So your metabolism keeps burning as you rest.

There’s also research that connects insomnia with weight gain and obesity. One reason for this relationship is that sleep helps modulate neuroendocrine function—how well your hormonal system works. A less effective endocrine system, in turn, alters glucose metabolism, which is how your blood sugar is turned into energy. 

Lack of sleep also seems to decrease insulin sensitivity, decrease leptin (which is involved in how fat gets broken down), increase concentrations of cortisol (the stress hormone), and increase hunger. Together, those things make it harder to break down fat and easier to store it. 

So if you’re trying to lose weight and you’re looking for one quick win, cleaning up your sleep hygiene might just be it. 

The takeaway: create metabolism-boosting habits

The body is a large, complex system. As a physician, I know that better than anyone. 

But sometimes we overcomplicate our health. Or, said differently, sometimes the best things we can do for our health are also the simplest. 

Each of the factors above can contribute to a faster metabolism and help you lose weight. But also note that each of these also contributes to your health in a number of other ways, too. They will help you lower your risk for chronic illnesses, and help you just feel better. 

I encourage everyone to build those habits—both for a faster metabolism and weight loss, but also just for greater overall health. 

At the same time, we need to acknowledge our individual differences. We all have different genes and a different biochemical environment. Our epigenetics also means that we’re all wired to respond differently to food and have different metabolic rates.

Of course, everyone should exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep. But some people may need an additional game plan that’s tailored directly to their particular biology. Some people may need testosterone HRT or hormone therapy; others may benefit from peptide therapies; still others might need to focus on reducing stress

So focus on the recommendations in this article to help you boost your metabolism and lose weight. But if you’re still struggling, consider finding an approach tailored to your body. 

I offer precision medicine solutions that are aimed at creating an individualized plan for you based on your genes and body chemistry. Boiler-plate health advice can be useful, but it may not be enough to help you get through your individual challenges. Get in touch with me for VIP health coaching and an individualized plan.

Schedule a consultation to take control of your testosterone!

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world-renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition, and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE


Du, S., Rajjo, T., Santosa, S., & Jensen, M. D. (2014). The thermic effect of food is reduced in older adults. Hormone and metabolic research, 46(5), 365-369.

Pesta, D. H., & Samuel, V. T. (2014). A high-protein diet for reducing body fat: mechanisms and possible caveats. Nutrition & Metabolism, 11(1), 1-8.

Shechter, A. (2017). Obstructive sleep apnea and energy balance regulation: a systematic review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 34, 59-69.

Zurlo, F., Larson, K., Bogardus, C., & Ravussin, E. (1990). Skeletal muscle metabolism is a major determinant of resting energy expenditure. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 86(5), 1423-1427.

Manage ED with Cutting-Edge Science: New Therapies for Erectile Dysfunction

ED therapies | Gapin Institute

Manage ED with Cutting Edge Science | Gapin Institute

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an old problem. It’s been around for a long time.

But treatment options are fairly new. The first effective oral ED medication—sildenafil (Viagra)—was discovered in 1989 and was only made available by 1998. Then came tadalafil (Cialis) and more recently vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn) and avanafil (Stendra). 

But our understanding of the causes of erectile dysfunction and how to treat it have grown tremendously since the discovery of sildenafil. These days, we’re able to manage ED with cutting-edge science and new technology.

Here are some of the newest therapy options for treating ED and the science behind how they work.


GAINSWave is the process associated with a revolutionary new therapy for ED called low intensity shockwave therapy.

How it works: Low-intensity shockwave therapies like GAINSWave treat ED by sending pulses of energy into the target tissue—in this case, tissue in the penis. The low-intensity shock waves induce angiogenesis, which is the creation of new blood vessels. This increases blood flow to the penis, making it easier to get an erection. 

The therapy may also help regenerate penile nerve tissues by activating key regenerative signaling pathways (PERK/ATF4).

Is GAINSWave effective? The published literature provides good evidence to suggest that it really works. 

In one meta-analysis that included data for 607 patients, researchers found a statistically significant improvement in erectile function in men who received the treatment with no reported adverse side effects.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP ( sometimes referred to as The Priapus shot or P-shot), involves injecting a concentration of platelets from your own blood into your penis.  

How it works: PRP therapy works by injecting platelet-rich plasma from your own blood directly into the penis. Blood has four components: red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. By removing the red blood cells and white blood cells, doctors can concentrate the platelets and plasma and administer it directly in the penis. 

Platelet-rich plasma contains proteins and growth factors that stimulate stem cells in the penis to promote repair, regeneration, and remodeling of the blood vessels and normal healthy tissue of the penis. After all, remember that an erection is simply increased blood flow to the penis!  The idea is that, by injecting PRP into the penis, it helps restore normal, healthy tissue function and improve blood flow. 

Is the P-shot effective? The research is ongoing but looks promising. In one recent review of several studies on PRP therapy, researchers found mostly good effectiveness with no major side effects or adverse reactions. 

Most of the research on this treatment has been through small studies with low sample sizes, so it’s certainly still in the research phase. More studies are needed so we can better understand how effective this treatment is and for which men it’s best suited.


Peptides are simply short proteins – nothing more than short chains of amino acids. But they’re amazing! 

Peptides are signaling molecules that your body recognizes for very precise functions. Peptides can be quite effective in turning back the clock on aging in a number of ways. And some peptides also appear to be helpful for treating ED. 

How it works: Two peptides that have been found to be useful for ED are Melanotan 2 and PT-141. These can be given by subcutaneous injection or by nasal spray and can immediately enhance erectile function. These peptides improve sexual performance by stimulating melanocortin receptors, which are involved in sexual desire and erectile function.

Are peptides effective? Yes! The research on Melanotan and PT-141 suggests that both can dramatically improve erectile function. In one study, Melanotan 2 caused erections in 85% of the individuals, even in the absence of sexual stimuli. 

Side effects can include yawning and nausea. 

Stem Cell Injections

Stem cell injection | Gapin Institute

Stem cells are ‘progenitor’ cells that are not yet specialized and can develop into any other cell in your body.

For ED treatment, stem cells can be used to regenerate normal healthy erectile tissue. Stem cells are harvested from your bone marrow – typically from the iliac crest (the back of your bony pelvis) – and then injected into the penis.

How does it work? Stem cells are used in a variety of therapies because they have been found to regenerate, remodel, and repair damaged tissues. It’s believed that they contribute to regeneration by secreting bioactive chemicals that boost healing. 

Are stem cell injections effective? They appear to be. One recent review that summarized 8 clinical trials in humans found that stem cell therapy could be effective for long-term improvement in erectile function. Stem cell therapy is one of the few regenerative treatments that is specifically FDA-approved for the treatment of ED.

Vacuum Therapy

Vacuum therapy is used both to create erections suitable for sexual intercourse as well as to stimulate growth and recovery of penile tissue to support healthy erectile function.

How it works: With vacuum therapy, a tube-like device is placed around the penis and connected to a manual or battery-operated pump that creates a pressure vacuum. The negative pressure brings blood into the penis and creates an erection. When used for sex, often a constriction ring is placed at the base of the penis to keep the blood in and to maintain the erection.

Is vacuum therapy effective? Yes, the research finds that the method leads to more satisfying erections. It also seems to have a positive effect on the rehabilitation of penile tissue after prostate surgery.

Intracavernosal “Trimix” Injections

Intracavernosal “Trimix” Injections | Gapin Institute

Intracavernosal injections (ICIs), sometimes just called penile injections, involve injecting medication directly into the side of the penis to stimulate an erection. While several different kinds of medication can be used, the most commonly injected medications are papaverine, phentolamine, and prostaglandin E1. When these three drugs are combined, it’s called a “trimix”. 

How it works: These medications stimulate vasodilation of blood vessels and relaxation of smooth muscles in the penis to allow increased blood flow and thus make it easier to achieve an erection. 

Like oral medications like Viagra and Cialis, penile injection therapy is a short-term treatment that helps men get an erection immediately and lasts for a few hours after injection.

Are Intracavernosal injections effective? Yes. Research has consistently suggested that injection therapy can be as effective as PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra, Cialis, Stendra, Staxyn, or Levitra. Injection therapy is a great option for men who can’t take oral medications due to specific contraindications. Always make sure to take medication under the guidance of a doctor, since overdosing with injection therapy can cause major problems! 

New ED Therapies Aren’t Always Better

New ED therapies | Gapin Institute

While the newest, cutting-edge technologies are promising for those with hard-to-treat ED, the fact is that new treatments aren’t always better. Indeed, some of the classic advice on managing ED is as pertinent as ever.

That’s because treating ED requires a comprehensive, systems-based approach. In most cases, lifestyle changes can meaningfully contribute to better sex life.

Here is the less exciting—but still effective—advice I give my VIP clients for better sexual health:

Find the Appropriate ED Treatment for You

These days, ED is almost always treatable thanks to new technology and cutting-edge treatments. But don’t assume ED drugs like Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil) are the only option for you. 

Instead, get a full evaluation to find the cause of your ED. You want to make sure that it isn’t a warning sign of more significant underlying cardiovascular disease.

As a men’s health expert with over 20 years of experience treating erectile dysfunction,I can recommend the most appropriate ED treatment option for your particular case. 

Schedule an appointment with me and get your ED treated today! 

Schedule a consultation to take control of your testosterone!

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world-renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition, and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE


Campbell, J. D., Trock, B. J., Oppenheim, A. R., Anusionwu, I., Gor, R. A., & Burnett, A. L. (2019). Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that assess the efficacy of low-intensity shockwave therapy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Therapeutic Advances in Urology, 11, 1756287219838364. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1756287219838364

Epifanova, M. V., Gvasalia, B. R., Durashov, M. A., & Artemenko, S. A. (2020). Platelet-rich plasma therapy for male sexual dysfunction: Myth or Reality?. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 8(1), 106-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sxmr.2019.02.002

Giuliano, F. (2004). Control of penile erection by the melanocortinergic system: Experimental evidence and therapeutic perspectives. Journal of Andrology, 25(5), 683-691. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1939-4640.2004.tb02842.x

He, M., & von Schwarz, E. R. (2020). Stem-cell therapy for erectile dysfunction: a review of clinical outcomes. International Journal of Impotence Research, 33, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41443-020-0279-8

ED Myths and Facts: What you need to know

ED Myths and Facts Blog | Gapin Institute

I’m a urologist. That means that I was specially trained in the management of men’s health issues, including low testosterone, prostate health, and erectile dysfunction. This is my passion. 

In my 25+ year career, I have found that among all the men’s health issues I manage, erectile dysfunction is one of the most common complaints that brings men to see me. 

It’s the bread and butter of my work. 

Unfortunately, there’s a ton of misinformation around both what causes ED and how to treat it. Sometimes, that misinformation cause guys to needlessly suffer and avoid seeking guidance and support. 

So I want to take this opportunity to dispel some of the most common erectile dysfunction myths and give you the facts. And then I’ll tell you how to get treatment.

Myth #1. “ED isn’t a real health problem.”

Fact: ED can be a sign of much more significant health problems. 

Men tend to think of sexual issues as performance issues and not necessarily true health issues. But problems with sexual function are potentially a sign of much bigger issues. 

ED is often the initial symptom of vascular disease. The blood supply to the penis is quite small, so any atherosclerosis, or plaque in your arteries, can quickly affect normal blood flow and thus cause issues with normal erectile function. 

Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of underlying diabetes, high blood pressure, or other health problems. So think of ED as a “canary in the coal mine” for other potentially serious health conditions. ED can in fact also be associated with early mortality.

I consider ED to be a wake-up call. It should prompt a full evaluation to identify undetected cardiovascular disease or other health issues that need to be addressed.  

Myth #2. Erectile dysfunction only happens in older men

Fact: Erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but it can happen at any age. 

Yes, ED is more commonly associated with older men. But younger men can absolutely experience erectile dysfunction, as well. In fact, about 25% of guys under 40 experience ED. 

In younger men, ED tends to be more often related to psychological issues or low testosterone, whereas ED in older men is more commonly associated with underlying medical issues such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Myth #3. ED is a normal part of the aging process, so I shouldn’t worry about it

Fact: No one should “settle” for ED.

older man ED blog photo | Gapin Institute

While ED may be common,  we shouldn’t see it as a “normal” part of aging. 

It can be caused by a number of underlying health issues – poor blood flow, hormone imbalance, or nerve damage. But these are issues that can be prevented by prioritizing an optimal lifestyle.  It’s a health issue. And it can be treated. 

There’s no reason you can’t enjoy an active and satisfying sex life as you age. ED may affect lots of men, but that doesn’t mean we should consider it a normal part of the aging process.

Myth #4. ED means you’re not attracted to your partner

Fact: Some people experience ED even when they are very attracted to their partner. 

Erectile dysfunction is complex and can be caused by a number of factors. In addition to medical issues such as peripheral vascular disease and low testosterone, it can also be a result of psychological issues like stress and anxiety. Even lifestyle factors and some medications you’re taking can kill your sex life

So it’s important to realize that ED is not the same as sexual desire. ED doesn’t necessarily cause low libido and vice versa.

Myth #5. ED is caused by tight underwear

Fact: There is no evidence for a connection between your underwear and sexual function. 

It’s true that there is a link between tight underwear and infertility. This is because the testicles regulate their temperature by getting closer to, or further from, the body. Tight underwear can keep the testicles to close the body, which can increase their temperatures enough to reduce sperm production. 

But infertility is a separate issue from ED. There’s currently no evidence for a link between ED and your underwear. 

Myth #6. Any difficulty getting an erection means you have ED

Fact: It’s normal to occasionally have difficulty getting an erection. 

There’s a kind of social pressure to be “ready” all the time… but that’s not always how our body works. 

Sexuality is complicated and impacted by a lot of factors. Men who are sleep deprived, particularly stressed, or just “not in the mood” may not be able to get an erection on command. That’s actually normal—it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have ED.  

ED is diagnosed when a man consistently has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection satisfactory for intercourse. 

Myth #7. ED means you have problems in your relationship

Fact: While relationship issues can impact your sexual performance, there are many other potential causes as well.

ED Myths and Facts | Gapin Institute

Most cases of ED have physiologic causes, not psychological ones.

Sure, relationship issues can cause stress, anxiety, which could lead to ED. But relationship issues are usually not the cause of most men’s ED. 

Myth #8. ED can’t be fixed

Fact: We have very effective treatment options for ED. 

It’s fairly common that men feel like their ED is hopeless and will never get better. The fact is there are many highly effective treatment options available for ED, and almost all cases of ED can be treated. And not just with Viagra!

Myth #9. The only treatment for ED is Viagra or Cialis

Fact: There are many options for treating ED. 

Viagra, Cialis, and the other oral medications completely shifted ED treatment by increasing awareness and providing an easily accessible solution. But there are many other treatment options as well. This includes vacuum device, intracavernosal injections, peptide therapy, GAINSWave, PRP (Platelet-rich plasma, or ‘P-shot’), and Testosterone or hormone replacement therapy for men with low testosterone.

It’s also important to realize that lifestyle changes can dramatically improve your sexual function. Focusing on proper nutrition, good sleep quality and duration, exercising, and effectively managing your stress are part of a systems-based approach to health that has been proven to improve erectile function.

Myth #10. ED is too embarrassing to talk about with my doctor

Fact: ED is a very common issue with men today, even in younger men, and you should feel comfortable discussing it with your doctor.

One of the biggest issues with ED and other sexual health issues is that guys don’t like talking about it.  It can be awkward. But ED doesn’t mean you’re weak. It doesn’t make you less of a man. It just means you need a little help. 

Fact: You can overcome ED

Erectile dysfunction is a real medical condition and it can be serious. If you’re struggling with ED, seek treatment.

But don’t wait for your appointment to make some lifestyle changes that we know help improve erectile function:

  • Quit smoking
  • Eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet
  • Cut out trans fats, saturated fats, and excessive sugar
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep

If you do those things, you’ll set yourself up for success.  If you need help with ED, reach out to me.  

Schedule a consultation to discuss ED treatment.

Take the next steps

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE


Fung, M. M., Bettencourt, R., & Barrett-Connor, E. (2004). Heart disease risk factors predict erectile dysfunction 25 years later: the Rancho Bernardo Study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 43(8), 1405-1411.

Shamloul, R., & Ghanem, H. (2013). Erectile dysfunction. The Lancet, 381(9861), 153-165.

Yafi, F. A., Jenkins, L., Albersen, M., Corona, G., Isidori, A. M., Goldfarb, S., … & Hellstrom, W. J. (2016). Erectile dysfunction. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 2(1), 1-20.

Capogrosso, P. M.D., Colicchia, M. M.D., Ventimiglia, E. M.D., Castagna, G. M.D., Clementi, M.C. M.D., Suardi, N. M.D., Castiglione, F. M.D., Briganti, A. M.D., Cantiello, F. M.D., Damiano, R. M.D., Montorsi, F. M.D., Salonia, A. M.D. (2013). One Patient Out of Four with Newly Diagnosed Erectile Dysfunction Is a Young Man—Worrisome Picture from the Everyday Clinical Practice. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(7), 1833-1841.

Parazzini, F., Marchini, M., Luchini, L., Tozzi, L., Mezzopane, R., Fedele, L. (1995). Tight underpants and trousers and risk of dyspermia. Internaitonal Journal of Andrology, 18(3), 137-140.

How Environmental Toxins Can Crush Your Testosterone

Environmental toxins to testosterone blog photo | Gapin Institute

Testosterone Crushing Environmental Toxins and What You Can Do About It Blog | Gapin Institute

Let me tell you about a patient of mine—Joe—a 49-year-old executive who came to me for low testosterone

He wanted testosterone replacement therapy because he was suffering. 

He’d been happily married for 10 years. But over that time, he noticed declining energy, trouble focusing at work, and fatigue. His personality and mood had changed, and he had diminished sex drive so wasn’t interested in being intimate with his partner. 

And when they were intimate, things didn’t work as they should…

Joe just wasn’t the man that he used to be. 

Eventually, his marriage failed and he struggled at work. Joe’s lack of energy and inability to focus meant that he made mistakes. He performed poorly and he actually lost his job. 

After I checked some basic labs, I found his testosterone levels were markedly lower than they should be, which explained a lot of his issues.

This is very common in men like Joe, and even guys in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. They present with the same symptoms: lack of energy, low libido, fatigue, weight gain, and inability to focus. 

It’s important to point out that the problem with low T isn’t just related to normal sex drive and performance or building muscle. Healthy testosterone levels are necessary for cognitive function and mental focus. Testosterone is needed for optimal cardiovascular health, bone density, and even longevity. It is essential for quality of life.

The consequences of low testosterone are massive. 

And it turns out that it’s not just Joe who’s experiencing it. Testosterone is decreasing at a population level. This article will explain why we’re losing our testosterone and what we—as individual guys—can do about it. 

The Problem: Population-Level Changes in Hormones and Fertility

I’m not kidding when I say that men are under attack. We are experiencing a testosterone and fertility pandemic. As I declare in my book Male 2.0, at the current rate, in twenty years the entire male population will be sterile and impotent.

A Testosterone Pandemic

We started to clearly see the problem in the 1990s.

One of the watershed studies on the subject was the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. The study looked at the hormone levels of several large cohorts of men and looked at how they changed over time. 

The study found that men had decreasing levels of testosterone as they age. That wasn’t a surprise—we already knew that testosterone tends to decrease as we get older. 

But the real finding was that testosterone levels were decreasing in age-matched cohorts, too. In other words, a 55-year-old man in 2004 had 17 percent less testosterone than a 55-year-old man in 1987. And free testosterone, which is much more significant and impactful, dropped by over 45%! 

So it’s not just age: we’re seeing testosterone in age-matched men declining. 

These results have been consistent across research studies, and not just in the US.

Decreased Testosterone Isn’t Only Due to Lifestyle Changes

Now, we know that lifestyle factors affect the endocrine system and testosterone levels. Poor diets, low exercise, obesity, smoking—these are all known to reduce testosterone. 

And people are increasingly obese. As a population, we’re not exercising nearly as much as we should. Could that be the reason for the decreases in Testosterone?

Those factors almost certainly have an effect, but the studies mentioned above actually accounted for these differences, and can’t explain the entire effect. So something else must be going on. 

Declining Fertility

It’s not just testosterone, either. Research has consistently found that sperm counts and fertility in men are steadily declining, at least in the Western world. 

In her book, Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Epidemiologist Dr. Shanna Swan meticulously details the research and evidence for declining fertility. Her team finds that in the past 40 years, sperm levels in Western countries have plummeted by 50%. She’s also documented changes in the sexual development of men and women. 

And the culprit? Endocrine Disruptors.

The Root Cause: Endocrine Disruptors

First, what are endocrine disruptors? They are toxins, toxicants, and chemicals in our environment that interfere with hormone activity. 

They’re everywhere. Used in food production, in food containers, plastics, in agriculture, in our personal care products, and even in our drinking water! Endocrine disruptors are literally everywhere, and it’s getting worse. Here are a few of the main ones that we know about and how they affect testosterone. 


Atrazine is a weed killer that’s used on our food crops like wheat and corn. It’s one of the most widely used herbicides in the US.

And it’s also one of the commonly detected pesticides in US drinking water.

In one well-cited study, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found that exposure to Atrazine—even at very low levels—causes masculinization and even feminization of male fish, amphibians, and reptiles. In one case, it caused the complete feminization of adult male frogs

Meaning male frogs became female frogs that actually laid eggs and reproduced! This is powerful evidence that Atrazine is a powerful endocrine disruptor and could easily contribute to hormonal abnormalities in men.

BPA (Bisphenol A)

BPA is a synthetic compound commonly used to create plastics. It’s found in a variety of consumer goods including plastic water bottles, food packaging containers, baby bottles, sports equipment, and even CDs. 

BPA turns out to be a xenoestrogen, mimicking estrogen in the body. It’s a carcinogen, having been linked to breast cancer and it appears to lead to changes in brain development among other health risks

BPA has also been shown to dramatically lower testosterone production.

While the FDA maintains that it’s safe at low levels, the problem is that we don’t really know what effect it has on our bodies or hormones. And it’s everywhere. While efforts to remove it from many products have been successful, the result may not have been better chemicals—just different ones.

Birth Control

How Environmental Toxins Can Crush Your Testosterone

Isn’t birth control just for women?

Well, yes, it is intended for women. But it turns out that the molecule in birth control pills—estradiol—doesn’t break down very easily. It’s excreted out of women’s bodies via urine, where it enters our water supply. 

And while our water treatment systems are very good at getting rid of the bacteria and other harmful things in the drinking water, they aren’t good at removing this particular endocrine disruptor. It’s detectable in the water supply in many cities. 

What effect does it have? It’s clear that it’s disrupting our hormone levels. And we know that it can have impacts on fertility that don’t just affect one generation. In one animal study, it affected fertility for up to three generations

(As an aside, never throw old prescription medications—birth control or otherwise—down the drain or in the toilet. Throw them in the trash).


Phthalates are chemicals that are used to make plastics soft and flexible. They are present in everything from perfumes and colognes to soaps, shampoos, and deodorants, vinyl flooring, and raincoats, to your garden hose to lipstick.

The problem with phthalates is that they get into the water we drink. And when they’re in skin creams or plastics, we can absorb them through our skin. 

And they have a dramatic effect on testosterone. Several research studies have found evidence that phthalate exposure can reduce testosterone and interfere with testicular function

Not good. 

What You Can Do

These are just a few of the chemicals and toxicants that we’re exposed to on a daily basis. We are literally bathing in a soup of endocrine disruption!

And it’s contributing to the testosterone pandemic we’re experiencing. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this is a public health crisis. 

So what can we do?

It’s easy to say, “Well, plastic is everywhere, so there’s nothing I can do.”

But actually, there is quite a bit you can do to minimize your exposure. There are choices you can make. And when you make the choice to minimize your risk, you’re also making the choice to give yourself a much better shot at healthy testosterone levels. 

Here are the steps everyone can take to mitigate their exposure to these environmental toxins.

Be Careful What You Eat

man eating healthy | Gapin Institute

Because endocrine disruptors are often used in pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, they are used heavily in agriculture and can make their way into your food. To avoid them, try to:

  • Eat grass-fed meats
  • Eat organic foods when possible
  • Avoid milk, if possible. If you must have milk, choose only organic. Try almond milk instead!
  • Avoid soy, which is highly processed here in the US, and loaded with phytoestrogens
  • Eliminate highly processed foods
  • Cook at home when possible so you know exactly what’s being used

Eating a clean diet doesn’t have to be complicated. Choose real foods: fruits, vegetables, and clean meats. Avoid eating highly processed foods or food with ingredients that you can’t pronounce. 

Be Careful What You Drink

Water is essential for health. But even though the US has relatively good water systems endocrine disruptors can make it into your tap water and they’re also often found in bottled water.

I recommend:

  • Avoiding plastic water bottles 
  • Opting for glass or stainless steel drinking containers
  • Getting a charcoal water filter (charcoal helps remove these chemicals)

When it comes to coffee:

  • Avoiding plastic coffee cups
  • Avoiding single-use coffees like K cups and Nespresso pods

Be Careful with Food Packaging

Avoiding environmental toxins | Gapin Institute

There’s often a ton of plastic in food packaging. 

  • Avoid buying foods wrapped or packaged in plastic
  • Avoid using plastic wrap or plastic Tupperware to store food
  • Never heat up your food in a plastic food container. Heat dramatically increases the release of chemicals from plastics into your food
  • Store food in glass or metal containers

Be Careful What You Put on Your Body

Unfortunately, endocrine-disrupting chemicals are in lots of the cosmetics and personal care items that we use. It’s hard to avoid them if you don’t know what to look for. But there are some ways to make better choices. 

I recommend three apps that I use to find products that are less hormonally risky:

To use them, just scan the barcode of the product you’re considering and it will tell you if there are any serious concerns. 

Understand Your Genes

Above are strategies that everyone can use, regardless of your own personal genetic make-up. 

But precision medicine allows us to understand how our body responds to toxicity and exposure to these chemicals. We’re able to figure out how well we detox, whether we’re at risk for inflammation, and more. 

Understanding exactly how our genes work helps to protect us at an epigenetic level.

So working with a precision medicine expert can help you understand your genetic blueprint and understand exactly what steps you can take to optimize your detoxification and overall health.

Joe Raised His Testosterone Naturally, and so Can You

Fortunately, Joe’s story ended well. 

After a thorough analysis of his lifestyle and habits, we created a personalized health plan that helped him increase his testosterone levels and optimize all of his other hormones as well, including thyroid, DHEA, Vitamin D, and melatonin.

Leveraging his genetics helped him know what to eat, what not to eat, what micronutrient support he needed, and how to upregulate his detox pathways so he could get rid of toxins more quickly. 

We reduced his exposure to endocrine disruptors, made sure that he was eating well, and got him a good water filter. We helped him choose personal care products that were toxin-free.

And we covered the basics – we focused on optimizing his sleep, managing his stress, and developing a fitness program that worked with his lifestyle..

In the end, Joe’s performance improved and he saw a huge enhancement in his quality of life.

Don’t Settle for Something That’s Not Working

Joe was in a bad place. But he got help, he put in the work, and he got better. 

I’m passionate about men’s health because I know how it ultimately affects mens’ lives. I see how often guys struggle with a poor quality of life. Whether it’s weight gain, erectile dysfunction, poor energy, fatigue, guys simply put up with problems.

And our environment contributes to these problems. 

But we can still solve them. 

If you think you might have low testosterone, book a call with me today. I can help you boost your testosterone and live a healthy, fulfilling life. 

Schedule a consultation to take control of your testosterone!

In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world-renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition, and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE



Hayes, T. B., Anderson, L. L., Beasley, V. R., De Solla, S. R., Iguchi, T., Ingraham, H., … & Willingham, E. (2011). Demasculinization and feminization of male gonads by atrazine: consistent effects across vertebrate classes. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 127(1-2), 64-73.

Hayes, T. B., Khoury, V., Narayan, A., Nazir, M., Park, A., Brown, T., … & Gallipeau, S. (2010). Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(10), 4612-4617.

Travison, T. G., Araujo, A. B., O’Donnell, A. B., Kupelian, V., & McKinlay, J. B. (2007). A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 92(1), 196-202.

Men’s Health: How BPC 157 Could Supercharge Your Body’s Healing and Health

How BPC-157 could supercharge your body's healing and health
BPC-157 helps repair tissues and helps your body recover.

I’m getting really excited about peptides.

It’s not just me: the general medical community is coming to understand—if slowly— what a small group of dedicated researchers have known for decades: peptides may be the key to aging gracefully. 

They’re promising for a few reasons. 

The first—and most important—is that they actually seem to work. Unlike many fads in the men’s health and precision medicine space, peptides are walking the talk.

The second is that they work by using your body’s own biology. Rather than introducing a harsh chemical to your system and hoping for the best, peptides are already used by your body to regulate itself. So they fit well in our body’s complex machinery.

And the third reason is that there are so many. There are thousands of peptides known to science, and only a handful have been truly and properly studied. Different peptides have very different effects. There’s a ton of promise. 

This article is about one peptide in particular that is widely used in athletics and by biohackers. It’s called “gastric pentadecapeptide body protection compound” but is more commonly known as BPC-157—“body protection compound”. 

While we’re still learning more about it, the evidence indicates it could be used to greatly boost recovery from injuries, help heal stomach ulcers, and have a number of other protective effects. 

What is BPC-157?

BPC is a peptide, which means it’s a short chain of amino acids—the substances that make up proteins. It’s a pentadecapeptide, which means that it’s made up of 15 amino acids held together by peptide bonds.

BPC is considered a “synthetic” peptide because this particular substance is created synthetically in a lab. But it was derived from a protein that is found in the human body. BPC, chemically, looks like a smaller part of that natural protein.

Peptides are often used by our bodies as chemical messengers. They help regulate a number of different functions and get the body performing at its best. 

Because they’re naturally used by our body, supplementing peptides has become an effective therapeutic technique. The peptide therapies that exist can be used for a number of beneficial uses including to boost the immune system, to help with weight loss and burning fat, and even to reduce inflammation.

What does BPC-157 do?

Well, it appears that it has a number of potential benefits, especially when it comes to helping your body heal and repair after an injury.

BPC-157 speeds up tissue repair

BPC-157 has been found to speed up the healing of lean body tissues like muscle, ligaments, and tendons.

Some of the promising studies on BPC-157 have found that they may be effective in speeding up the repair of ligaments, tendons, muscle tissue, and even the skin. 

For example, in one study, BPC-157 consistently healed damaged ligaments in rats much quicker than if it was not present. The healing was effective, too: it preserved the function and biomechanics of the joint. In another study, BPC-157 was found to kickstart the production of collagen. Collagen helps skin look elastic, and is also essential to joint health, as well as hair and nails. In a further study, BPC sped up bone repair. 

Those results seem to hold across studies. In a 2019 review, researchers found that BPC-157 was consistently able to repair soft tissue injuries across all the research that they reviewed. They noted,

“All of the studies to date that have tested BPC 157 as a treatment therapy have demonstrated extremely positive healing effects for various injury types in a number of soft tissues.”

I should note an important caveat to this research: most of the studies that have been done on this peptide have been done on animals—usually rats. That’s normal:  animal studies are used to get a sense of what a compound does and to get a sense of its safety. That’s partly so that humans are not put at risk, but it’s also because research on animals is much less expensive to do. Then researchers move to humans so they are confident that it could work and when they are willing to invest in much more expensive research.

Since rats have a lot in common with humans, including how our muscles and lean tissues work, the research results for BPC-157 are quite promising. 

But of course, since most of the research hasn’t been conducted on humans, we need to be cautious about making too much of these findings.

BPC-157 helps heal your gut

One of the focuses of BPC-157 research is on its role in contributing to gut health. This is the focus mostly because BPC-157 was originally derived from a protein that is found in the gut. 

Research now suggests that it can have a powerful effect on protecting and healing damaged digestive tissue: it’s been found to inhibit the formation of lesions in the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. This is especially true of the oral form of BPC-157, which is especially good for the gut. 

BPC-157 route of administration

BPC-157 can be taken orally or it can be injected subcutaneously (just beneath the skin).  It appears to have the most powerful effect on gut health when taken orally, whereas subcutaneous injections are better for reducing systemic inflammation and aiding with tissue repair. BPC-157 can be injected subcutaneously in the lower abdomen, or for better effect in specific joints or muscles, can be injected near the site of concern (for example, you might inject it near the elbow if you wanted to heal an elbow injury). 

BPC-157 reduces harmful side effects of other medications

It can also help protect the gut from other chemicals.

The magic of modern medicine has given us a number of important pharmacological interventions (medications) for a wide range of diseases and medical issues. These are often essential.

But they also may have some harmful side effects. 

For example, haloperidol is a commonly used medication for treating the symptoms of some psychological illnesses like mania and schizophrenia. It’s a very useful drug, but it can also be quite rough on the body. One side effect of haloperidol is that it causes stomach lesions. Stomach lesions are also a side effect of some chemotherapy medications that are used to treat cancer.  

BPC-157 seems to be able to counteract these in many cases, preventing these lesions. That suggests it could be useful as a complementary therapy when these other medications are prescribed.

BCP-157 enhances blood flow

Doctors and scientists suspect that one of the ways BPC works to repair tissue is by increasing blood flow to injuries. After all, blood brings the body what it needs to repair itself: oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and so on. 

And BPC-157 seems to increase blood flow. There appear to be two ways that it does so. 

The first is by upregulating the expression of growth factor early growth response gene-1 (also called EGR-1). This gene is involved in increasing the amount of blood that flows to wounds.

The second way it does this is by actually increasing the number of blood vessels. The fancy medical terms are angiogenesis (the creation of arteries) and vasculogenesis (the creation of veins). BPC-157 seems to activate vascular endothelial growth factor receptors, which are involved in increasing the number of blood vessels and repairing them. 

This insight comes from in vitro studies, which means studies done on cells isolated outside of the body (imagine scientists looking under a microscope at a petri dish). So, again, we have to be careful not to make too much of these results, since we’re investigating the effects of BPC-157 outside the body.

Still, these results are exciting because they provide a possible explanation for why we consistently see BPC-157 improving the healing and repair of tissues. 

BPC-157 has anti-inflammatory properties

Some studies have found the BPC-157 is an anti-inflammatory. It was found to significantly decrease inflammation in patients with ulcerative colitis, which is a kind of bowel disease. 

Researchers were especially optimistic about the use of BPC-157 as a treatment for inflammation because it didn’t show the same kind of side effects that other commonly prescribed anti-inflammatories have. 

What’s more, BPC-157 seems to be useful in treating both acute and chronic inflammation

BPC-157 seems to be neuroprotective

plastic brain and central nervous system model
BPC may help fight against diseases of the central nervous system and brain.

If that’s not enough, BPC could be a salve for various kinds of traumatic brain injuries. Researchers found that it has neuroprotective effects: it protects somatosensory neurons, it appears to promote peripheral nerve regeneration, and it seems to slow or even reverse the course of traumatic brain injuries from progressing. 

All those effects have led researchers to conclude that BPC 157 could serve as a new soldier in the battle against disorders of the nervous system. 

What about BPC side effects?

It’s important to make it clear that the research on BPC in humans is limited. 

BPC has been found to be safe in clinical trials conducted in several countries, with no toxicity reported. Those results are consistent with the results from the animal studies conducted to date: there haven’t been any instances of toxicity reported. 

But because of the lack of research on side effects, there is still much that we don’t know. That’s why all peptides should be carefully administered under the guidance of a clinical research trial or a qualified physician. Ideally, you’ll want to ensure that you have a doctor who understands the promise and any risks associated with peptide therapy so that you can get well-informed advice. 

Peptides can be part of a systems health approach

Our bodies are complex and massively interrelated. 

How you eat, how you sleep, whether you’re stressed, and your sexual health all are influenced by, and in turn influence, each other. You need all those things to be in place to thrive. You can’t just take a peptide and suddenly feel young and energetic again. 

But peptides can be a part of a systems-based approach to health, just like hormone therapy, a weight loss program, and other forms of lifestyle medicine. BPC-157, in particular, is promising as a way to help repair injured tissues, reduce inflammation, and generally help your body heal itself. It may be a form of peptide therapy that’s appropriate for you.

Remember, always consult a qualified physician before starting a peptide regimen. Most physicians aren’t well-versed in the promising effects of peptide therapies, but some are. Look for a doctor you can trust that understands the complexity of the body and can help you optimize your health and your life. 

BPS-157 might just be a crucial part of that.

 man looking at sunset on mountain, BPC-157 peptide therapy for health
Peptide therapy could be a useful addition to your health regimen. Ask about whether it’s right for you.

Schedule a consultation to learn how peptides can help YOU.

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Download the Blueprint

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE


Cerovecki, T., Bojanic, I., Brcic, L., Radic, B., Vukoja, I., Seiwerth, S., & Sikiric, P. (2010). Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (PL 14736) improves ligament healing in the rat. Journal of orthopaedic research, 28(9), 1155-1161.

Gwyer, D., Wragg, N. M., & Wilson, S. L. (2019). Gastric pentadecapeptide body protection compound BPC 157 and its role in accelerating musculoskeletal soft tissue healing. Cell and tissue research, 377(2), 153-159.

Sikiric, P. S., Seiwerth, S., Rucman, R., Turkovic, B., Rokotov, D. S., Brcic, L., … & Sebecic, B. (2012). Effect of Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on Gastrointestinal Tract. In Filaretova L. P., &  Takeuchi, K. (Eds.), Cell/Tissue Injury and Cytoprotection/Organoprotection in the Gastrointestinal Tract (Vol. 30, pp. 191-201). Karger Publishers.

CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin: Your Key to Turn Back the Clock on Aging?

CJC-1295 and ipamorelin blog image
Active man using peptide therapy checking watch
CJC-1295 can help bring your growth hormone levels back up to help you feel young again.

We’re having a revolution in medicine and biology. We’re at the point where the medical community is starting to redefine aging. 

We used to think about growing older almost like an inevitable disease. Our approach to aging healthily was to study the complications and declines in health that come with increasing years around the sun, and then try to find treatments for those, or minimize the risk factors. That strategy is reactive and passive.

But functional and integrative physicians have sought more—and we’re finding it. 

Pioneering scientists and medical researchers are leading a shift in the understanding of aging from one focused on treating disease to one that focuses on preserving health and enhancing the body’s own capacity to heal. 

 We are learning to use principles of preventive medicine to stay healthy and well.

The body has a drive towards balance, especially at the cellular level. Harnessing what we know about cell functions allows us to prevent their breakdown, regardless of the number of candles on our birthday cake. 

That effectively means this: we can keep ourselves young.

Peptide therapy is one way that we’re starting to do that. Some forward-looking physicians and medical practitioners are now using peptides as a way to reverse the cellular clock in your body and enable it to function like it used to when you were younger. 

One of the exciting peptides in this field is CJC-1295.

What is CJC-1295?

CJC-1295 is the creative (or not!) name that scientists have assigned to a particular synthetic peptide.
“Synthetic peptide” just means that it’s a chain of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) that was created by scientists. It was made to chemically resemble a hormone that your body already makes called growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). GHRH is part of your body’s system to regulate the production and release of growth hormone (GH).

Why growth hormone matters

Growth hormone is essential. It’s involved in a ton of important bodily processes, especially those that support the creation and repair of tissue. For example, it’s involved in muscle gains after a workout, rejuvenating skin cells, repairing injured tissues, improving immune system functioning, and much more. 

Basically, when new cells are being created, growth hormone is part of that process. 

Most people produce lots of growth hormone when they’re young—it’s an important part of children’s development into adulthood. And production of growth hormone continues to be high going into young adulthood. 

Growth hormone declines with age

But—surprise—it starts to decline with age. Growth hormone levels in the blood are much lower in older adults than they are in young adults. That’s part of the reason that your body takes longer to recover as you get older: it doesn’t have the hormonal support it needs to repair and heal itself. 

Increasing growth hormone can be a powerful part of an anti-aging therapy strategy

But how can you increase GH levels? 

While it’s possible to supplement growth hormone directly, it’s not ideal. Directly supplementing GH can lead to some nasty side effects

Instead, it’s just as effective—and easier on the body—to supplement the other chemicals that regulate growth hormone.

Growth hormone secretagogues

That’s where “growth hormone secretagogues” come in. Growth hormone secretagogues make up a group of peptides that stimulate the production and secretion of growth hormone. 

That means that they stimulate the body to produce and secrete its own growth hormone. That turns out to be a lot easier on your body.

What does CJC-1295 do?

CJC-1295 is one of those growth hormone secretagogues. 

What it does is mimic your body’s naturally made growth hormone-releasing hormone. By doing that, CJC-1295 is able to bind to the same receptors that GHRH does. And so it has the same effect: it tells your body to produce more growth hormone.

What is Ipamorelin?

Ipamorelin is another growth hormone secretagogue. The end result of Ipamorelin is the same as CJC-1295: it increases the GH that’s available in your blood and that makes it to cells. 

But Ipamorelin works slightly differently from CJC-1295.

The chemistry is slightly complicated, but very briefly, Ipamorelin falls into a different category called growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs). GHRPs mimic a substance your body makes called Ghrelin, which is also involved in the regulation of growth hormone. 

Ghrelin helps turn down something called somatostatin—an inhibitor of GH. So Ghrelin basically creates the right conditions for growth hormone to be secreted.

What does Ipamorelin do?

Ipamorelin mimics Ghrelin. Because it looks the same to your body as Ghrelin, it has the same effect of turning down somatostatin and encouraging your body to secrete more GH.

CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin have complementary effects

GHRHs, like CJC-1295, and GHRPs, like Ipamorelin, work together. 

CJC-1295 tells your body to produce more GH. Then, Ipamorelin creates an environment where GH can easily be secreted. 

Together, CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin pack a one-two punch for upping your GH levels and supporting your body to create new tissue.

What are the potential benefits of Ipamorelin and CJC-1295?

Great, so CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin can work together to increase the amount of growth hormone in your blood. We know that they both really do increase GH, and this helps your cells get what they need to function properly, repair themselves, and create new, healthy cells. 

But what does that actually mean for you?

What are the potential health benefits that you would actually notice?

First, I should make it clear that the research is still being done. We don’t yet thoroughly understand all of the effects of either Ipamorelin or CJC-1295. The results look promising, but we still need to do more to gain a comprehensive understanding. 

Still, based on the existing research, there are several potential benefits to your health that you’ll be able to notice.

Faster muscle growth

Man lifting weights support of elevated GH levels
Faster muscle growth is possible with CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin

Higher levels of growth hormone in the blood make it easier for your body to synthesize proteins and muscle fibers. That means CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin support muscle building: they make it easier for you to gain muscle mass.

Indeed, several studies have found that higher GH levels in the blood lead to significant muscle gains and greater strength. That’s part of the reason that CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin are so popular in bodybuilding communities. 

Fat burning

Another benefit of the higher GH levels that come from growth hormone secretagogues is that they tend to spur on higher metabolism. The bigger the metabolism “fire,” the more fat gets burned

Of course, neither CJC-1295 nor any other peptide is a magic weight-loss solution. It takes some effort to lose weight: you have to exercise, eat a reasonably healthy diet, and more. But helping your cells get what they need to actually burn the fat can certainly help.

Younger-looking skin

You already know that age takes a toll on the skin. What’s happening is that the collagen in the skin is breaking down, and is not being replaced. That makes the skin less elastic and thinner. And that leads to wrinkles. 

The formation and maintenance of collagen rely on growth hormone. And it turns out that increasing the amount of growth hormone that’s available in the blood makes it easier for the body to replace collagen. The result is younger-looking skin.

Improved sleep

Couple sleeping better with the aid of CJC-1295
Quality sleep affects many aspects of your life.

Sleep and growth hormone are linked. 

Much of your body’s growth hormone is secreted while you sleep. That makes sense since sleep is when your body does the most repair of tissue. If you think your muscles grow in the gym, you’re wrong: the gym may initiate the growth, but that growth happens when you sleep.

But it turns out that it goes the other way, too: CJC-1295 appears to improve sleep as well. And better sleep means better health and general bodily functioning.

Are there side effects of CJC-1295?

Again, it’s important to stress that we’re still in the early days of understanding exactly what effects peptides can have on the body. In general, they appear to be safe—partly because rather than adding new substances or chemicals, our bodies already use peptides to communicate. So they’re typically well-tolerated. 

The studies that do exist on CJC-1295 suggest that it’s generally safe, well-tolerated, and has minimal side effects.

Still, some side effects have been noted. These include:

  • dizziness
  • headache
  • nausea
  • flu-like symptoms
  • hives
  • increased heart rate
  • flushing
  • hyperactivity
  • redness and tenderness at injection site
  • difficulty swallowing

Possible adverse effects are the reason that all peptide therapies should be conducted under the supervision of a qualified physician. A doctor that specializes in lifestyle medicine can help you ensure that any peptide doses are safe, appropriate for your particular biochemistry, and help you minimize unintended side effects.

Man running with the help of peptide therapy
Unlock your potential by adding peptides to your health regime.

Peptide Therapy can be powerful

As far as we’ve come in modern medicine, we’ve still got a long way to go. 

The medical community is really just now beginning to see the vast potential of peptide therapies in preserving health and regular functioning as we get older. 

But the promise is there.

CJC-1295 is just one of a number of peptides that—under the proper medical guidance—could be a useful addition to your personalized medicine and health regime.


As more studies reveal their health benefits beyond weight loss, the known benefits of peptides are worth acknowledging.  Peptides and peptide therapy are cutting-edge tools. You can use them to optimize your health, slow the aging process, and reduce inflammation. Learning new ways to target and use peptides, polypeptides and proteins helps you move away from disease and towards better health. 

If you’re interested in radically upgrading your health, you’ll want to keep a close eye on the power of peptides and consider adding these therapies to your regimen. After all, when it comes to living a better life for a longer span of time, we’re looking at brand new ways to do just that – and the sky’s the limit. 

The best place to start if you want a hormonal optimization or peptide program is by seeing a physician first.  Have a doctor draw your blood and evaluate whether you are a candidate for therapy.

Gapin Institute  is currently accepting new clients and offers a comprehensive evaluation, blood test and state-of-the-art screening. If you are tired of being tired… or you have tried everything to lose that unwanted weight but nothing seems to be working, our Peptide therapy might be the piece to the puzzle that you are missing. Call us today to schedule your consultation. (941) 444-1441.

You’ll get access to a genetic-based report and analysis, along with a private consultation that will put you on track to your ultimate health. 

With the Male 2.0 Method, I test your DNA, interpret the results, and create a customized strategy just for you. This plan is specific to YOUR individual genes and lifestyle.  It will improve every area of your life, from your health and professional productivity to your overall longevity and total wellbeing. Male 2.0 gives you the actionable tools you need right now.  It reveals what you need to customize and design your future limitless self.

Schedule a consultation to learn how peptides can help YOU.

Ready to take the next steps?

Schedule a Call

In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE


Bartke, A. (2019). Growth hormone and aging: updated review. The World Journal of Men’s Health, 37(1), 19-30.

Florini, J. R. (1987). Hormonal control of muscle growth. Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 10(7), 577-598.

Raun, K, Hansen, B., Johansen, N., Thogersen, H, Madsen, K, Ankersen, M, & Andersen, P. (1998). Ipamorelin, the first selective growth hormone secretagogue. European Journal of Endocrinology. 139 (5): 552–561.

Seeds, W. (2020). Peptide protocols, volume 1. Seeds scientific performance research.

Teichman, S. L., Neale, A., Lawrence, B., Gagnon, C., Castaigne, J. P., & Frohman, L. A. (2006). Prolonged stimulation of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I secretion by CJC-1295, a long-acting analog of GH-releasing hormone, in healthy adults. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91(3), 799-805.

Inflammation Makes You Gain Weight. Peptide Therapy Can Help You Lose Weight.

Weight loss is one of the most common health concerns among my clients.

Men struggle with weight loss even though they do all the right things: they go to the gym regularly, they eat a clean diet, they take what they think are the right supplements… but something just isn’t right. 

Losing weight seems like it should be easy if you’ve straightened out your diet and exercise… So, why is it so hard to lose that stubborn fat?

First off, the body is complex.There are a ton of factors beyond diet and exercise that matter for losing weight. Of course, sleep is really important, your hormones and testosterone matter, and stress plays a huge factor. Your microbiome and gut health almost certainly play a role, too. 

And, of course, your genes matter. Not just your actual genetic makeup, but also epigeneticswhich genes are turned on or off at a given time. 

In order to understand weight loss, and men’s health in general, we have to think about the body as a sophisticated system. If you want to lose weight, get more energy, and feel younger, there’s a constellation of factors that matter.

And here’s a big one that people often miss: inflammation. 

In this article, I want to explain the connection between your body’s inflammatory response and the difficulty you may have shedding those extra pounds. And then I’ll tell you how you can address your inflammation with targeted peptides to help you finally lose weight. 

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body’s general immune response. There are two main types that we’re concerned with:

  • Acute inflammation is a localized response. It’s what you get when you sprain your ankle and it swells up, gets red, and gets warm. Or when you get an infected cut. Acute inflammation is your body sending in the “good guys” to repair tissue or get rid of toxins. 
  • Chronic inflammation is a longer term, generalized response. It happens when your body’s own white blood cells stick around longer than they need to and start attacking your own body. It’s a deep-rooted, systemic problem. 

Chronic inflammation can have serious health consequences, including increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, Alzheimer’s, prostate disorders, and more.

But in addition to all those severe health issues, inflammation can also just affect how we feel day to day. It could be what’s sapping your energy and making you feel lethargic.

And, most central to this article, chronic inflammation can make it hard for you to lose weight. 

What are the signs and symptoms of chronic inflammation?

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation? It can be difficult to know, but some of the symptoms include:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Heartburn, nausea, gas, and other gut problems
  • Fatigue and chronic feelings of being tired
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Prostate problems
  • Stress
  • Mental fog or emotional instability
  • High cholesterol or blood pressure
  • Pains or weakness in the muscles that don’t have a clear cause

Chronic inflammation often simply looks like a general feeling of being unwell without a clear cause. 

What causes inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is caused by the regular suspects that are related to poor health: a poor diet that’s high in sugars, saturated fats, and trans fats; obesity; stress; and smoking. It can also be caused by periodontal disease, an imbalance of hormones, and inadequate sleep. 

How does inflammation contribute to weight gain?

Inflammation and weight gain go together. 

First, the research suggests that fatty tissue can trigger inflammation. One study found that adipose tissue actually stimulates your body to release inflammatory mediators like interleukin 6 and tumor necrosis factor α. Other research has suggested that overeating can lead to inflammation. So being overweight can contribute to inflammation.

But it works the other way, too: inflammation can cause you to gain weight—and keep it. One way inflammation does that is by changing how we absorb and use the food we eat. Inflammation can actually affect our gut health: it can influence the bacteria that make up our microbiome and even affect how nutrients and energy are extracted from the food we eat. 

For another thing, inflammation may cause us to feel more hungry and to choose to eat foods that are worse for us. And to make matters worse, it also may be one cause of insulin resistance, which makes it more difficult to turn blood glucose into energy.

So being overweight can contribute to chronic inflammation. And inflammation contributes to weight gain. It can turn into a vicious cycle. 

The good news is that you can reverse it: losing weight helps reduce inflammation… and reducing inflammation will help you lose weight. 

How to reduce inflammation

Adopting a generally healthy lifestyle can help reduce inflammation. That means eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet; avoiding processed foods, sugary, and fried foods; exercising enough; managing your stress; sleeping enough; and quitting smoking. Those are the basics. 

But even after doing all those things, you may find that you need a bit of a boost to lower your inflammation. 

That’s where the strategic use of peptide therapies comes in. 

Peptides can help disrupt chronic inflammation and help you lose weight

The scientific and medical community is only really just becoming aware of how important peptides can be in helping people age well.

Peptides are small chains of amino acids—like proteins, but shorter. 

What do peptides do? Well, there are now thousands of different peptides known to scientists, and there’s a huge variety in the effect that they have. But they often work as chemical signals, helping our body to regulate itself. 

For instance, some boost your immune system; others, like BPC-157, help your body repair tissues; others, like tesamorelin, stimulate growth hormone and help you put on muscle; and yet others, like amlexanox, can reduce inflammation and help burn fat. 

If peptides are made naturally, how does peptide therapy help?

Our body naturally makes peptides, but production of these essential chemical regulators tend to decrease with age. That’s one of the reasons that our body stops functioning properly as we get older.

Peptide therapies and supplements help restore key peptides back to the level you had in your early 20s. And they can bring back the benefits of a younger body: faster healing, faster metabolism, and improved weight loss, among others. 

Amlexanox and weight loss

Amlexanox is one peptide that plays a role in reducing inflammation. That’s why it’s one of the best peptides for weight loss and fat loss

Amlexanox has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Traditionally, it’s actually been used to treat stomach ulcers because it reduces healing time and pain. It works in several ways, including by inhibiting the release of histamine and leukotrienes.

But it also has been found to promote weight loss. 

Some research has found that Amlexanox inhibits the TBK1 enzyme, which may enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. It also seems to inhibit IKK-ε, which is an inflammatory mediator. By inhibiting it, Amlexanox improves the metabolism of glucose and improves energy. 

Finally—and this brings us back to epigenetics—Amlexanox seems to “turn off” the expression of “fat genes”

While the research on Amlexanox is still in its infancy, the existing literature does suggest that Amlexanox can have some powerful effects: fighting weight loss and reducing inflammation so you feel your best.

Amlexanox plus TTA give fat a one-two punch

When Amlexanox is used to combat weight gain, it’s usually combined with Tetradecylthioacetic Acid, or TTA. 

TTA is a fatty acid that’s given as a nutritional supplement. When you hear “fatty acid”, you might think that’s a bad thing. But don’t worry—it doesn’t get used by the body for fuel. Instead, it actually helps regulate how the body stores fat.

TTA helps decrease hunger and upregulate metabolism of fat. That means it helps you burn through fat quicker. 

Together, Amlexanox and TTA are an effective fat-fighting duo. 

The men’s health takeaway: Target inflammation to lose weight

The body works together in one big system. That’s why it’s not enough for many people to use a simple equation like, “calories in, calories out”. If it were, weight-loss diets would work and it would be easier to slim down.

To really lose weight and feel healthy, you need a systems approach.

It turns out that a very significant contributor to gaining weight from fat is inflammation. That means that if you’re trying to lose weight, you want to do what you can to minimize inflammation. Some things you can do yourself, like eating well and getting enough sleep. 


But you might also want to power-up your own efforts with a tailor-made plan from an expert in peptide therapies. A personalized medicine plan that includes the strategic use of peptides like Amlexanox may be exactly what you need to get your body working at its best.  

Schedule a consultation to learn how  peptides can help you lose weight. 

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE

What is Nrf2? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the Secret to Aging Well

What is Nrf2? Healthy man photo | Gapin Institute


Feel like you’re just not operating at the level you used to?

People tell us that that happens with age—that our bodies start to break down.

But the most recent science is actually calling into question the inevitability of the symptoms of aging. New research in microbiology, chemistry, and genomics is showing us that those uncomfortable symptoms of aging might not be locked in.

This is where “biohacking” comes from: it’s the idea that you can give your body exactly what it needs to properly repair and rejuvenate itself. The result? Optimized health and performance.

Nrf2 is one of the most exciting discoveries in this area and holds some real promise as an anti-aging agent and as a support for your long-term health. In this article, I’ll explain what it is, what it does, and why it matters for your aging. 

What is Nrf2?

Nrf2, short for “nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2”, is a protein that is found in your cells. It is a type of protein called a “transcription factor”, which means that it is involved in gene expression—activating and deactivating parts of a genetic sequence. 

Which genes does Nrf2 affect? It regulates the expression of antioxidant proteins and enzymes, increasing their production to help your body fight off molecules that attack your cells. 

Nrf2 has been found to be an important part of your body’s system of regulating metabolism, inflammation, and immune responses

What’s special about Nrf2?

 Nrf2 is a big deal because it could be the key to aging gracefully and healthily.

When you’re young, your body is good at balancing all the needs of your body at the cellular level. But as you age, these important chemical signallers decline. You begin to produce less of the substances that you need to properly regulate your body.

That means that there are fewer of the peptides, proteins, hormones, and enzymes that help your body repair and rejuvenate. Things start to break down.

The result is that your body gets slower at repairing itself. That’s why you feel tired more often, your body takes longer to recover from exercise, and your skin begins to see signs of aging. You might also notice issues with your sleep or even erectile dysfunction

Oxidative stress contributes to symptoms of aging

At the cellular level, what’s happening is that free radicals are constantly bombarding your cells. The damage caused by these attacks causes your cells to go into a state called oxidative stress, and stop functioning properly. 

When you’re young, your body can easily fight free radicals back. But as you get older, your body can’t do this as effectively. That’s when symptoms of aging start getting worse.

Antioxidants fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress

You’ve probably heard of the health benefits of antioxidants. Some foods are high in antioxidants and that’s why health professionals sometimes encourage you to include them in your diet. 

Antioxidants  help neutralize free radicals and minimize the damage that they cause. That helps reduce the symptoms of aging. 

But antioxidants aren’t very efficient. One antioxidant molecule neutralizes only one free radical. With more and more free radicals, we need more and more antioxidants. At some point, the antioxidants can’t keep up. 

What does Nrf2 do?

Nrf2 provides a powerful solution to overcome free radicals. It’s known as the “master regulator” of our body’s antioxidant response.

When Nrf2 is activated, it enters the nucleus and turns on several hundred genes, known collectively as “survival genes.” This, in turn, initiates the production of several of your body’s own powerful enzymes that fight free radicals. These enzymes include catalase, glutathione, and superoxide dismutase (SOD)

These enzymes are much more effective than antioxidants at getting rid of free radicals—they can neutralize over 1 million free radicals a second. What that means is that your body can clean itself out quickly and fewer of your cells get into a state of oxidative stress. 

Ultimately, that means you feel fewer symptoms of aging: better energy, better sleep, and even a better sex life

How do I get Nrf2?

Great, Nrf2 can support my health. How do I get it?

You actually don’t need to get Nrf2—it’s already right there in your cells. It comes pre-installed.

The problem is that it’s not activated. It’s a bit like an engine: it just sits in your cells not doing anything until it’s turned on. That’s what Nrf2 activation therapies do: they get into your cells to turn on Nrf2 so that it can enter the nucleus and work its magic. 

Some foods have been shown to activate Nrf2 and the Nrf2 pathway. These have been supported by studies in nutrigenomics—the study of how food influences gene expression and cellular function. 

Some Nrf2-activating foods include:

  • Dark chocolate 

  • Legumes, like lentils, beans, and peas

  • Vegetables, especially dark leafy greens like spinach and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and bok choy

  • Spices, especially ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, and yellow mustard

  • Herbs, like oregano

  • Red wine

  • Tea, especially green and white teas

What about Nrf2 supplements? Do they work?

In addition to activating Nrf2 through the diet, there are now supplements that activate Nrf2 and significantly reduce oxidative stress. 

These have been extremely well-researched by the scientific community and some of the supplements have very strong evidence supporting their use. 

Protandim®, for example, is a supplement designed to activate Nrf2. There have been numerous studies that demonstrate that it improves your body’s antioxidant response capacity. Peer-reviewed, human clinical studies show that it reduces cellular stress in humans by an average of 40 percent in 30 days. Research even suggests that it could be effective in preventing age-related diseases like:

The takeaway for your health: Nrf2 activators could help you feel younger. A men’s health secret.

We often think that there isn’t much we can do about the declines in our bodies that come with age. But science is showing us that that’s not necessarily the case. 

There actually may be ways that we can give our body what it needs to better regulate, repair, and rejuvenate itself.

Nrf2 appears to be one of those ways. Activating the Nrf2 pathway could be a relatively simple—but powerful—way to help you feel younger again. 

It might be as easy as making good diet choices or taking a supplement. 

Schedule a consultation to learn how to personalized health advice so you can live your life to the fullest. 

Ready to take the next steps?

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In Male 2.0™, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death.  Unfortunately, a man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either.  And a man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist,  world renowned Men’s Health & Performance Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. www.GapinInstitute.com

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Houghton, C. A., Fassett, R. G., & Coombes, J. S. (2016). Sulforaphane and other nutrigenomic Nrf2 activators: can the clinician’s expectation be matched by the reality?. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/7857186

Hybertson, B. M., Gao, B., Bose, S. K., & McCord, J. M. (2011). Oxidative stress in health and disease: the therapeutic potential of Nrf2 activation. Molecular Aspects of Medicine, 32(4-6), 234-246.

Lim, J. L., der Pol, V., Susanne, M. A., Baron, W., McCord, J. M., De Vries, H. E., & Van Horssen, J. (2016). Protandim protects oligodendrocytes against an oxidative insult. Antioxidants, 5(3), 30. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox5030030

Top Health Tests Every Man Needs in 2021

TOP health tests every man needs in 2021 | Gapin institute
men's health tests Gapin Institute

With medical advice constantly changing, it can be a real challenge to keep track of all the tests you should be getting. And you can’t always rely on your primary physician because they tend to only run rudimentary screenings like cholesterol and glucose. 

If you want to optimize your health in the coming year and regain your vitality, you’ll need to move beyond the basics. To help men safeguard their health, we’ve gathered a list of ten cutting-edge health tests every man should consider getting in 2021.

1. DNA

Top Health Tests Every Man Needs in 2021

Health is no longer a one-size-fits-all field. In order to improve your health, your energy, and your longevity, you need to take an individualized, systems-based approach. That means taking a peak at your body’s own blueprint and the best way to do that is through DNA testing.

DNA testing is conducted via a mouth swab, hair sample, or blood test. According to the National Institutes of Health, genetic testing can be used to predict your risk of developing up to 2,000 hereditary diseases and conditions.[1] Such testing enables people to detect hereditary diseases well ahead of the curve, before symptoms have even begun to develop.

When most people think about their genes, they think about factors that are beyond their control, but that is simply not the case. According to the concept of epigenetics, lifestyle factors can dramatically alter how your genes are expressed. Think of it like this—if your genes are the notes of a song, your lifestyle factors are the musicians who emphasize certain notes over others. Just like the same song can sound different when another musician does a cover, the expression of your genes can be significantly altered depending on your diet, health habits, and activity level.

The key thing to remember is that no two people are identical and so no two health plans should be identical either. Only DNA testing will allow you to follow a comprehensive, data-driven health plan (including nutritional guidance) designed for your specific needs. 

2. Epigenetic (Biologic) Age

They say age is just a number, and to some extent that is true. We’ve all heard stories of people in their 60’s and 70’s running marathons, swimming oceans, or hiking mountains. On the other hand, we’ve also heard of people who “prematurely aged” themselves because of bad habits like smoking, drinking, poor diet, poor sleep or a sedentary lifestyle. Clearly, when it comes to both types of people, the age on their driver’s license doesn’t tell the whole story.

What if you could take a test that told you where you stood age-wise in terms of your biology, not your chronology? Turns out, there is such a test.

Calculating someone’s biological age relies on that concept of epigenetics we just discussed. Your genes are turned on or off through the process of DNA methylation. Methylation simple means your DNA has been chemically modified—it doesn’t change your DNA sequence but it does alter how your genes are expressed. There are specific areas of your DNA sequence (or genome) that tend to show increased methylation with age and others that show decreased methylation. You can therefore detect someone’s biological (or epigenetic) age by testing the amount of methylation occurring at these thousands of sites across their genome. The result gives you a good idea of how old your body feels rather than how old it actually is.

Once you know your biological age, you will be better able to predict your susceptibility to certain diseases. In fact, a recent study found that, for some diseases, biological age is a better measure of a person’s health than chronological age.[2] Amongst a group of 70 year olds, the study found that those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease had a significantly lower biological age score. And another study conducted over the course of 20 years found that people with a higher biological age were more likely to die.[3]

3. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)

In recent years, beloved morning news anchor Al Roker revealed that he had recently been diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer for men and although prostate exams can help catch the cancer early, an even better approach is a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA). 

PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland. Elevated PSA levels in the blood serve as an early warning signal of prostate cancer. In fact, it was a PSA test that enabled doctors to catch Al Roker’s cancer early, before it had time to produce symptoms.[4] For this reason, in 2018 the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended that all men over the age of 55 should discuss PSA testing with their doctor.[5]

4. Thyroid Hormones

Your thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that does a lot of heavy lifting. Located near the bottom of your throat, the thyroid helps your body regulate many of its vital processes, including metabolism, heart rate, temperature and mood.

The thyroid accomplishes this job by producing two major hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). If your thyroid isn’t producing enough of these hormones, you have hypothyroidism. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, and depression. On the other hand, if your thyroid is producing too much of these hormones, you have hyperthyroidism. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include tremors, poor sleep, weight loss, and anxiety.

Although thyroid disorders are common, they often go undiagnosed. According to the American Thyroid Association, an estimated 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid disorder.[6] Unfortunately, 60% are unaware they have a thyroid issue, or have been incorrectly diagnosed with another health condition that mimics hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

Most conventional doctors screen for thyroid issues via a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test. But a more accurate diagnosis is achieved when the test also measures Free T3 and Free T4. If you are suffering from symptoms of fatigue, unexplained weight gain/loss, and high anxiety or depression, it is time to get your thyroid hormones tested.

If a test does reveal you have a thyroid issue, treatment is fairly straightforward. Thyroid disorders are typically managed through a combination of medication, hormone replacement therapy and lifestyle changes, including the avoidance of caffeine, improved diet, and stress reduction.

Testosterone | Gapin Institute

5. Free Testosterone

Over the last three decades, low testosterone has become a global pandemic. Experts now estimate that 1 in 4 men over the age of 30 is low in this vital hormone.[7] 

Although low testosterone is associated with low sex drive and erectile dysfunction, it also produces a number of other health issues, including weight gain (especially around the midsection), loss of muscle mass, loss of bone mass, hair loss, fatigue, irritability, and poor mental focus.

Testosterone is assessed via a blood test. Once secreted, testosterone travels in your blood in two forms. The first type either binds with albumin (a type of blood protein) or molecules known as sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). The second type—called “free testosterone”—doesn’t bind to anything and remains bioavailable for your body’s use. 

Uninformed doctors often make the mistake of measuring total testosterone, but it is pretty worthless. What you want is a measure of “free testosterone.” Free testosterone is the bioavailable form of testosterone, meaning this test lets you know how much testosterone is currently available in your bloodstream. 

Conventional labs define the lower limit of “normal” testosterone to be anywhere from 250 to 350 ng/dL. But when it comes to testosterone, there is a VERY wide gap between normal and optimal levels. For this reason, many men who have testosterone levels that are low but still within the “normal” range would greatly benefit from testosterone treatment. 

If you are diagnosed with low testosterone, there are a variety of treatment plans available. These include hormone replacement therapy, identifying underlying health issues that may be causing the low testosterone, and lifestyle changes. Before starting any testosterone treatment, read this article to identify important questions you should discuss with your doctor.

vitamin d gapin institute

6. Vitamin D Level

Nearly every cell in your body uses vitamin D, making it a key factor in optimal health. Often called the “sunshine vitamin,” in truth it isn’t a vitamin at all. It’s actually a steroid hormone that either comes from your diet or is produced when your bare skin is exposed to ultraviolet B sunlight. 

It is estimated that a whopping 42% of Americans have a vitamin D deficiency! And this rate is even higher among African Americans and Latinos, those over the age of 65, and those who suffer from chronic health conditions like obesity, celiac disease, and chronic kidney or liver disease.[8]

In men, low levels of vitamin D are associated with a whole host of health issues, including erectile dysfunction, an enlarged prostate, weight gain, heart disease, bone weakness, low energy, and mood swings.[#] The good news is that if a vitamin D deficiency is detected, it is easily treated with diet and/or supplements (with a safe upper limit of 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily).[9]

7. Folate (Vitamin B9)

Vitamin B9, also called folate or folic acid, is another vital nutrient. B9 helps with cell division and growth and is necessary for the methylation process described earlier. As a result, it is essential for detoxification, hormone balance, the function of nerve cells and male/female fertility. 

Fatigue is the dominant symptom of too little B9. Pregnant women are highly susceptible to a B9 deficiency, but so too are people who suffer from digestive disorders like Celiac or Crohn’s disease, or those who have had gastrointestinal surgery.

Note that the terms “folate” and “folic acid” are often used interchangeably, but there are important differences. Folate is the natural, water-soluble version of B9, whereas folic acid is the manmade version.[11] Because the synthetic version is more shelf-stable, folic acid is often used in fortifying processed foods like cereals and breads. For most people, consuming folate and folic acid have the same effect. However, an estimated 15% of Caucasians and 25% of Latinos have a MTHFR gene mutation that prevents them from converting folic acid into usable folate.[12] 

If a blood test reveals you are low in vitamin B9, there are two routes of treatment. First is diet—when you think of folate, think foliage. Folate-rich foods include dark leafy greens like spinach, collard greens, and bok choy. Organ meats, especially the liver, is another good food source. 

The second option is a supplement, but because of the potential MTHFR gene mutation, it is best to use the most bioavailable form of folate, which is MTHF (or L-methylfolate). Your doctor will provide a recommended dose based on your tests results.

8. Advanced Lipid Panel

Chances are you’ve probably had your cholesterol checked by your primary physician at some point. If so, they likely ran a “standard lipid panel”—a fasting blood test that assesses your levels of HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. However, more and more evidence now points to the importance of getting an “advanced lipid panel” to gain a deeper understanding of your cardiovascular risks.

Cholesterol refers to a yellow, waxy fat that travels through your bloodstream in tiny, protein-covered particles called lipoproteins. The high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are known as “good cholesterol” because they remove cholesterol from your arteries and dump it into your liver to be excreted. The low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are known as “bad cholesterol” because they deliver cholesterol to your arteries which can result in artery-clogging plaque. When too much plaque builds up in your arteries, you are at a greater risk for heart attacks and strokes.

An advanced lipid panel goes beyond the basics in two ways. First, it doesn’t just assess the amount of each cholesterol but also the lipid particle count and size. Think of lipoprotein particles as little taxis that shuttle fat through your arterial highway. A standard test would tell you how many fat passengers are in those taxis, but an advanced test also examines how many taxis there are and how big they are. This information is helpful because some people do not have a lot of overall LDL cholesterol, but they do have a lot of little lipid particles, with each particle carrying a small amount of cholesterol.[13] Consider this—you don’t need several big buses full of fat to cause a traffic jam, you can also get one with a bunch of half-filled taxis. Having a greater number of small lipid particles makes it easier for the cholesterol to attach to the arterial walls and form plaque, but a standard lipid panel would miss this red flag. 

Second, an advanced lipid panel typically includes an assessment of your apolipoprotein B (ApoB). The ApoB test assesses the concentration of sticky lipoproteins in your blood. The greater lipoprotein concentration you have, the more “sticky” your cholesterol is prone to be, which increases the risk of plaque development. As you might already suspect, ApoB tends to mirror the lipid particle count test mentioned above, but many experts believe ApoB is a better predictor of cardiovascular risk that particle count/size. It is also the case that each test is a better predictor for certain types of people. For these reasons, it’s a good idea to have both your particle count/size and ApoB tested, especially if heart disease runs in your family.

9. Inflammation Markers

Over the past two decades, the health field has made substantial progress in the understanding of inflammation and its link to disease. Although short-term, acute inflammation that occurs because of an infection or injury is a good thing, chronic, low-grade inflammation underlies an exhaustive list of health threats, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, dementia, arthritis, cancer and diabetes, just to name a few.[14]

Two critical blood tests are used to assess low-grade inflammation: hsCRP and homocysteine.

CRP stands for C-reactive protein. This protein, which is made by the liver, increases in the blood whenever there is bodily inflammation. Although you can test for CRP, a more powerful approach is to conduct a high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) test. The hsCRP test assesses inflammation specifically in the blood vessels and coronary arteries. This test is useful for identifying those prone to cardiovascular disease and also to help identify flare-ups in people with chronic inflammatory diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

According to the American Heart Association, your risk of developing heart disease is related to your hsCRP as follows:

  • Low risk: hsCRP lower than 1.0 mg/L
  • Average risk: hsCRP between 1.0 mg/L and 3.0 mg/L
  • High risk: hsCRP than 3.0 mg/L

Homocysteine is another useful marker for inflammation. Homocysteine is an amino acid, which means it is a chemical your body uses to make protein. In a healthy individual, vitamins B12, B6 and folate are used to break down homocysteine and transform it into more useful chemicals. 

When this process works correctly, there should be little residual homocysteine left in your blood. But if a blood test reveals high levels of homocysteine remaining, it is an indication that something is wrong. It could just mean you have a deficiency in B12, B6 and/or folate. Or it might be a hint that you have that MTHFR gene mutation discussed earlier which is why you are low in folate. But it could also mean you are at a higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, or Alzheimer’s disease. There are no clear symptoms associated with high homocysteine, which is why getting it tested is so crucial.

Although both hsCRP and homocysteine are inflammatory markers, they are not related. If your blood work suggests you are high in either of these, you should consult a cardiologist who may suggest more tests and possibly medication. You should also consider adopting lifestyle factors known to reduce inflammation. These include eating an anti-inflammatory diet (like Paleo), losing weight, increasing exercise, improving your sleep, and quitting smoking. For more tips on how to reduce inflammation and slow the aging process, check out this article.

The Bottom Line

The men’s health tests I’ve discussed here are critical health indicators, and yet most conventional doctors fail to routinely screen them. To get these tests, you will need to either actively request that your doctor run them or seek out a functional medicine doctor who is more knowledgeable about these indicators. We offer all these tests with our clients at the Gapin Institute and most within our G1 Performance Health program. The bright side is that all of these tests have fairly straightforward solutions. But in order to know what to do, you need to be armed with the right information.