Men’s Health: Reverse Aging with NAD+

Aging is inevitable – but there’s a whole new frontier for optimizing our health through the latest genetic science and biohacking that can help you to slow down the aging process and maybe even reverse aging with NAD+.  NAD (short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and also known as NAD+) has recently been getting a lot of attention as a cutting-edge tool to promote longevity.  

We’re taking it all the way down the cellular level here.

Properly functioning cellular metabolism is essential to health. The sum of every chemical reaction that happens inside the body, along with its molecular interactions, keeps the body in a state of balance. This is all made possible by coenzymes (“helper molecules”) and specific proteins acting as metabolic sensors that respond to conditions in the cells and body. NAD is a tiny coenzyme that plays an important role in this delicate dance. As you age, NAD+ decreases and with it goes cellular function that prevents disease and maintains vitality.

What is NAD+ and why is it important?

NAD+ is vital to cellular metabolism because it turns nutrients into cellular energy. It also activates a set of proteins called sirtuins that regulate cellular health. NAD+ creates the cellular energy that helps us to retain our youthful function, muscle strength, and physical stamina. When sirtuins were discovered they were quickly nicknamed “the longevity genes.” 

A fascinating aspect of NAD+ is its dual role in protecting against the factors that age us. This includes inflammation, DNA damage, and failing mitochondria (cell respiration). NAD+ promotes longevity by facilitating DNA repair and protecting mitochondria from early death. As a result, NAD lowers the risks for age-related brain diseases like Alzheimers or Parkinson’s and cardiovascular diseases (a leading cause of death for men). 

NAD is the building block for ALL of our systems such as the lymphatic, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It is responsible for our immune function, insulin regulation, and fatty acid oxidation. Without it, we would literally die!

Improving Health Through NAD+ Boosting Photo Credit: The Sinclair Lab

NAD+ and Aging

A NAD+ molecule isn’t consumed alone to create energy like fuel in a car. Instead, it works with proteins to carry out essential biological processes like cellular energy creation and maintaining healthy DNA. Sirtuins are some of the proteins that play a key role in these processes. They only function in the presence of NAD+ and this means that the body needs to constantly synthesize it to maintain cellular function. However, NAD levels markedly decline with age, creating an energy deficit that decreases the body’s ability to retain optimal health.

Sirtuins and NAD+ work together to help promote overall health.

For example, at age 50 a typical person may have only half the NAD+ they did in their younger years but by age 80, NAD+ levels drop to only 1-10 percent of the levels measured in youth. But recent studies have now shown that increasing NAD+ in the body can restore the body’s cellular function as though turning back time – actually slowing down the aging process. Essentially, men can reverse aging by restoring healthy levels of NAD+.

One study done on mice, showed an average 5 percent increase in their lifespan —even though supplementation did not begin until the mice were nearing the end of their natural lifespan of 24 months. That would be the equivalent of gaining nearly an additional four years of life to today’s average human expectancy of 79 years!

Another side effect of decreased NAD+ is that muscles begin to shrivel and grow weaker due to vascular aging (thinning and aging of blood vessels, reducing cellular health). Vascular aging is responsible for many disorders for men.  These may include cardiac and neurologic conditions, muscle loss, and impaired wound healing. The process can be slowed down with regular exercise, but gradually even exercise becomes less effective at holding off this weakening.  In further research findings, mice with NAD+ supplementation showed between 56 and 80 percent greater exercise capacity. This points to a reversal in vascular aging and an ability to maintain a youthful physical stamina. 

Furthermore, in two different animal models of neurodegenerative disease, increasing cellular NAD+ reduced the severity of the disorder, normalized neuromuscular function, and delayed memory loss.  Most studies started on mice, but more recently clinical studies have shown positive effects on humans. You can begin to see how crucial NAD+ is to a vital life – and how its depletion can rob you of this vitality as you age.

Reversing Aging with NAD+ Precursors

Most of the ways of increasing NAD+ do not include supplementing with NAD+ itself, but rather precursors to NAD+. There are 5 precursors to NAD+:

  • tryptophan
  • nicotinic acid (pyridine-3-carboxylic acid)
  • nicotinamide (nicotinic acid amide)
  • nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)
  • and nicotinamide riboside (NR).

We can get NAD+ in our bodies through diet.  This is done by consuming foods with NAD+ precursors in them – like fish, crimini mushrooms, and raw green vegetables. However, you can’t really eat enough of anything to significantly boost NAD+ levels. Taking a NAD+ precursor supplement can help mitigate the decline, improve cellular health, and even mitigate loss of telomeres.

NMN and NR are the most popular precursors found in the latest anti-aging supplements. However, NR (a unique member of the vitamin B3 family) has been found to be the most efficient. If you’re a wine fan, you may be familiar with another famous anti-aging compound: resveratrol. NR is 4x more bioavailable than resveratrol, quickly kicking the red-wine derivative to the curb.

It has a positive impact on Metabolism

NR doesn’t just have anti-aging effects, it has a positive impact on metabolism. Mice on high-fat diets with NR supplementation gained 60 percent less weight than they did on the same diet without NR. In addition, none of the mice on NR showed signs of diabetes. Instead, their energy levels improved. 

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an important target to extend lifespan and health span.

NAD+ Supplements

Renowned Harvard University geneticist David Sinclair is the pioneer in the supplementation business of NAD+ with Elysium Health. Although his anti-aging claims were first met with controversy because most studies had been done on mice (, the study arena has since been expanded to human trials done at the Mayo Clinic and the University of Washington.  Gaining support of researchers at the top of their field, these human studies point to the same benefits found in our small furry friends.

Dr. Sinclair has conducted a study to show the effectiveness of his supported supplement, Basis.  Previous studies had shown an increase in NAD+ over a 24 hour period. His study sought to determine whether cellular NAD+ levels could be sustained over the entire study period of eight weeks, and it did.

In a placebo-controlled trial of 120 healthy adults between the ages of 60-80, participants taking the recommended dose of Basis saw cellular NAD+ levels increase by an average of 40 percent over baseline after 30 days, sustained at this number to 60 days. Participants taking twice the recommended dose saw those levels increase by 90 percent after 30 days and 55 percent at 60 days. 

ChromaDex, another leading anti-aging company has taken the running lead in scientific support for their supplement TruNiagen. With over 100 preclinical trials, 5 published studies and 3 FDA safety reviews, the evidence surrounding NAD+ supplementation is overwhelming.

It was previously thought that NAD+ could not be given in oral form and only intravenously due to poor bioavailability and low intestinal absorption.  Newer research shows that oral forms of NAD+ supplementation do have positive effects.  NADOVIM is one of the first and earliest supplements on the market to contain actual NAD+ instead of NAD+ precursors in its formulation.

Researchers are still willing to explore the value of IV infusions of NAD+. This is a new area for further, detailed study and could potentially be an effective delivery method in some ways. Preliminary animal study evidence suggests that intravenously administered NAD+ may hold some interesting promise. Currently, there are no pre-clinical or clinical human studies, but this is a fast-moving advancement in what we are learning about the way NAD+ and NAD+ precursors are processed in tissues and across the blood-brain barrier. Stay tuned.

How to Increase NAD+ Levels Naturally

Before you go out and buy a Vitamin B3 or NR supplement, remember that reversing aging requires a systems-based, holistic approach. There is no such thing as a magic anti-aging pill. NAD+ treatment in addition to other lifestyle changes and structures is what ultimately adds more years to your life. It is important to take a high quality NAD+ supplement.  Also, here are additional recommendations to ensure you increase NAD+ and its anti-aging effects.


Fasting, or reducing your calorie intake for extended periods, is an excellent method for indirectly boosting the body’s NAD+ levels. It has been shown that, fasting is effective in increasing NAD+ levels.  However, a drastic reduction in calorie intake or fasting long term can have a counterproductive effect. Consider intermittent fasting or adopting a low carb-ketogenic diet to provide similar positive results.


Exercise is one of the easiest and most cost-effective methods for boosting NAD+ levels. In a nutshell, exercise forces our body muscles to produce more mitochondria. The increased production of mitochondria results in a natural boost in NAD+ levels in the body.


Research has shown that too much direct sunlight exposure can deplete the body of NAD+ because our body uses NAD+ to repair sun damaged cells from over exposure to UV rays. Reduce exposure to strong sunlight and wear sunscreen.

Healthy Diet

Eating a well balanced whole foods diet full of NAD+ precursor rich foods is a one-way ticket to reversing aging. Be sure to add more of the following into your diet: 

  • Fish – Varieties of fish like tuna, salmon and sardines are rich sources of NAD+ for the body. Be sure to source your fish from sustainable, wild-caught sources.
  • Green Vegetables – green vegetables contain all sorts of nutrients in them which are beneficial in a variety of ways including NAD+ precursors. Of these vegetables peas and asparagus have the highest amount.
  • Whole Grains – high in Vitamin B3 which also contains RN. Remember that vegetables and grains that are cooked or processed lose their nutrition as well as the vitamin source. Therefore, it is recommended that you should also eat raw vegetables and choose whole grains (rice, quinoa, etc) over processed foods such as chips and cereals.
Reduce Alcohol Intake

Alcohol interferes with healthy cellular processes and reduces the efficacy of NAD+. In fact, alcohol consumption has been shown to directly reduce levels of NAD+ (and testosterone) in the body. 

NAD+ precursors, exercise and caloric restriction can increase NAD+ levels.
NAD+ helps you get energy out of the food you eat, it protects cells from stress, it maintains healthy sleep cycles and it helps your cells repair damaged DNA.


If you are looking for supplements that reverse aging, the NAD+ research is very promising.  It should be considered as a part of a holistic health plan for every aging male.  Without exercise and a whole foods diet, NAD+ supplementation will have minimal effects. For men who are looking to take their performance and health to the next level, NAD+ can give you that extra edge.

Upgrade to Male™ 2.0 – Schedule a Consult! 

You’ll get access to a genetic-based report and analysis, along with a private consultation that will put you on track to your ultimate health. 

With the Male 2.0 Method, I test your DNA, interpret the results, and create a customized strategy just for you. This plan is specific to YOUR individual genes and lifestyle.  It will improve every area of your life, from your health and professional productivity to your overall longevity and total wellbeing. Male 2.0 gives you the actionable tools you need right now.  It reveals what you need to customize and design your future limitless self.

Click here to learn more about the lifelong benefits of a personalized genetics consultation and epigenetic coaching program. 

Want more tips to optimize your health?  Listen to the latest podcasts. Click HERE 

I look forward to working with you to take your health goals to the next level. 

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In Male 2.0, Dr. Tracy Gapin has turned everything we once thought we knew about men’s health and performance upside down. The old model of how to be “a man” is broken. A man who works himself to death. A man who tries to NOT get sick but isn’t really healthy either. A man who takes a pill for every ill but is never really cured. That was Male 1.0. Now, imagine being THE MAN ─ owning your performance in the bedroom, the weight room, and the boardroom. Living a fully optimized life. Becoming limitless. This is Male 2.0!

Tracy Gapin, MD, FACS  is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance. 

11 Ways To Conquer Performance Anxiety TODAY

Performance anxiety is one of the biggest opponents against a healthy and happy sex life. It can become a physical and emotional obstacle that can drastically impact your quality of life—both inside and outside the bedroom.

What is performance anxiety and how can you overcome it to achieve an exciting sex life once again?

What is performance anxiety?

Performance anxiety is literally anxiety about being able to perform sexually.

It can manifest in a number of ways:

  • Premature ejaculation (PE): ejaculating before or immediately after penetration
  • Delayed ejaculation (DE): a prolonged period and/or overstimulation is necessary in order to ejaculate
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED): inability to get or maintain an erection long enough for intercourse
  • Psychological stress in and out of the bathroom
  • Low libido or lack of interest in sex
  • Obsessive negative thoughts

Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Even cheating on a partner or having multiple partners can be a sign of performance anxiety. In some cases, men may seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere if they find they are having performance anxiety with their partner. This is generally the cause of some sort of previous negative sexual experience with that particular partner, often exacerbated by a lack of communication.

Note: Experiencing one of the above instances once or twice doesn’t necessarily mean you have performance anxiety. However, as we’ll discuss below, even one instance of the above can actually make you talk yourself into having performance anxiety in the long-term!  

What happens to your body with performance anxiety?

Performance anxiety isn’t all in your head—although it usually stems from the head. Anxiety is not only an emotional or psychological problem but also a physical concern with serious associated health implications. Anxiety is part of the body’s natural fight or flight response. It’s actually a warning sign meant to help protect us from danger.

Performance anxiety can actually make you feel like you’re in a hostile situation when you’re about to sex. That’s not very sexy.

When you feel anxious or stressed, your body releases cortisol. Cortisol, the “stress hormone,” actually stops the production of testosterone. You need a high level of testosterone in order to feel sexy. Testosterone is the libido-boosting hormone in both men and women. Lowered testosterone can cause a decreased sex drive, depressed mood, weight gain, and erectile dysfunction—all of which worsen or cause performance anxiety.

Learn more about how to naturally raise your testosterone levels and reduce cortisol levels.

Moreover, anxiety can actually cause your blood pressure to rise. This can lead to hypertension and cardiovascular concerns, which inhibit blood flow throughout the body. This means that blood can’t flow to the penis for an erection. In fact, anxiety is often a major contributor and cause of erectile dysfunction because the penis literally isn’t getting the blood it needs to get hard.

These physical manifestations of stress can worsen your ability to perform sexually, causing a negative feedback cycle of performance anxiety.

Where does performance anxiety come from?

Sexual Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Performance anxiety often starts small and grows. It’s generally psychological, where you start to overthink your sexual experiences.

Did I last long enough?

Did I make my partner happy?

What did my partner think about that one thing that I did?

Was I good?

The more you ask yourself these questions, the more anxiety you’ll get. These constant thoughts can affect your ability to have enjoyable sex in the future. You’re too busy thinking about what could go wrong or your partner’s “judgment” than focusing on the fun and pleasure of the moment.

But these thoughts are coming from somewhere… so what can spur these anxieties?

Society’s views of sex

Consider the term “performance anxiety.” Even the wording of that is stressful!

Socially, we’ve started to think of sex as a “performance.” This puts a lot of pressure on the act. It reminds us of public speaking or playing in the Super Bowl; we feel like we’re expected to have grand performances in the bedroom.

Moreover, masculinity standards can put a lot of pressure on sex. When boys start entering “adulthood,” they’re quickly taught that having sex makes them cool. We continue to watch movies and TV where the “cool” guys get the girls and have amazing sex. This starts to condition the brain that sex equates to masculinity.

As a society, we’ve transformed sex from something intimate and pleasurable to something competitive and goal-oriented. Thus, if something “goes wrong,” we can start to feel emasculated or anxious about ourselves.


Porn adds another layer to this idea of “performance.” Pornstars are literally putting on a sexual performance. Everything has to look perfect in porn. That can make us normal folks—without special lighting and editing equipment—feel a little anxious.

Watching a lot of porn can actually even cause erectile dysfunction due to insufficient real-life sexual arousal, issues of low self-esteem and confidence, and less visual and auditory stimulation. Learn more about porn-induced erectile dysfunction here.

Past negative experience

Negative Experience Performance Anxiety
Like any sort of “trauma,” our minds can build negative associations. If something happened in a previous sexual experience, you might consciously or subconsciously take this event with you into your other experiences.

For example, you had one instance of premature ejaculation with your partner for some reason. Or you had a week where you couldn’t seem to get an erection. You might be embarrassed by your “inability to perform.” You can then start convincing yourself that you have a “problem” and that you’ll never be able to please your partner again.

This is especially exacerbated if a negative experience happens and the partners don’t communicate about it. This can cause men to start overthinking the experience, often undermining their own masculinity and confidence in tandem.

Confidence or self-esteem issues

Specific sexual instances can cause men to lose confidence in the bedroom. Other confidence or self-esteem issues can make a man feel anxious to get naked or please his partner. For example, a man may have body issues because he’s slightly overweight or he’s insecure because he has a large mole near his penis.

Again, these confidence concerns often stem from a lack of communication with the partner. More often than not, these are perceived self-esteem issues not based in reality.

Medical concerns

While performance anxiety is often psychological, these psych concerns can stem from physical problems as well. There are some unrelated medical problems that inhibit your ability to have sex. For example, a man may have diabetes, which shows a secondary symptom of erectile dysfunction.

When a man has these physical concerns, he might start thinking something is “wrong” with him—rather than thinking of his ED as a medical concern. This can then lead to negative self-talk and confidence concerns, ultimately lending itself to performance anxiety.

Desire to please

Sometimes performance anxiety can come from a positive place but have a negative impact. You might worry about pleasing your partner so much that it actually becomes debilitating. You start overthinking about how to “perform” in a way that will excite them, and you end up not having any fun or pleasure yourself. If you don’t feel that excitement yourself, your brain won’t signal your body to physically prepare to have sex. If you aren’t feeling sexy, your body won’t be able to have sex.

Negative feedback loop

All of these physical and psychological concerns can mix to create a negative feedback loop, potentially causing a man to spiral down into severe performance anxiety.

The cycle looks something like this:

  1. Something happens that causes you to feel you didn’t perform “at your peak” during a sexual experience.
  2. You start thinking about that sexual experience and wondering what happened.
  3. This overthinking begins to cause you to wonder if you have some sort of “problem.” This can make you feel emasculated and unconfident.
  4. Thinking about this “problem” causes the problem to manifest itself. You can literally talk yourself into not being able to perform.
  5. This causes further problematic sexual encounters.
  6. This causes even more anxiety, which can push your body into a physically unhealthy state of high stress, low testosterone, and high blood pressure.
  7. In turn, these concerns create a physical performance issue.
  8. So you can’t perform again because of a physical problem.
  9. And then the negative self-talk starts again.

It causes a vicious cycle of psychological and physical concerns.

This cycle can be hard to break when you’re in it.

But you can break it…

And you can start breaking it right now!


How do you overcome performance anxiety?

Stop thinking of sex as goal-oriented

Sex performance anxiety
Sex is not about putting on a performance. Sex is not even about having an orgasm. It’s about pleasure and intimacy. It’s about connecting with your partner in an intimate—and very enjoyable—way.

Try having sex without worrying about an orgasm. Tell your partner that you want to focus solely on foreplay. This can relieve some of the pressure and give you time to better explore one another. This can help overcome some mental hurdles moving forward.

Stop judging yourself.

Masculinity does not mean you are perfect at sex. Sex is an important part of life—but it’s not an important part of your identity.

If something happens, don’t start telling yourself you have a “problem.” Realize the event for what it is. Maybe you’d had too much to drink. Perhaps you were stressed from work. Maybe you have an underlying medical concern to chat with your doctor about. Stop overthinking or misplacing meaning to a sexual event.

Remind yourself how awesome you are.

Stay positive performance anxiety
There is power in positive thinking. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself you’re amazing in bed. Tell yourself that you’re a sex god. Whatever phrases work to get you excited, happy, and goofy. Just like you can talk yourself into having performance anxiety, you can talk yourself into having sexy confidence!

Moreover, think of all the sensual moments in your life. These moments can be during sexual or romantic. They should remind you of your sexual prowess and the amazing feelings you had during those exciting moments. This reminder can instantly renew your sexuality and help remind you of your abilities.

Eliminate external stressors.

Performance anxiety can stem from other anxieties and stresses as well. If you’re feeling stressed, your cortisol levels will rise, which increases blood pressure and inhibits testosterone production. You may not even feel stressed, but it could manifest itself in the bedroom and impact your sexual health.

Consider what stresses you have in your life. Find ways to manage the anxiety and environment around you. Take proactive steps to reduce stressful triggers around you.

Take time to relax.

relax performance anxiety | Gapin Institute
Sometimes you can’t avoid stress. But you can mitigate or reduce it. Take time to calm your overall body, and your sexual health will calm in tandem. Try yoga and meditation. Try mindfulness techniques. Do breathing exercises, which help regulate heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and decrease muscle tension—which all put your body in a better state for sex.

Working out is a great way to relax and release nervous energy. It also increases your testosterone levels and lowers your cortisol, which can help overcome erectile dysfunction. Exercise can also make you happier and healthier overall, so you’re less likely to fall into stressful situations like sex-related anxiety.

Check out: 9 Exercises To Beat ED And Have Better Sex

Communicate with your partner.

Communication is key to overcoming performance anxiety. No matter the cause of your anxiety, talking about it with your partner can release some of the tension. Often, your partner can help reduce some of your concerns by telling you how they view the situation. Honesty allows you to work together to manage and overcome the situation.

Plus, opening the lines of communication can allow you to try new things with your partner. For example, you might want to tell your partner that you’re feeling anxious about performing, so you want to try having sex without orgasm. There will be no expectations for you to finish because you talked about it ahead of time.

Get a little kinky.

Get Kinky, Performance Anxiety | Gapin Institute
Now that you’ve opened the lines of communication, try new things. If you don’t have erectile dysfunction and can still ejaculate in other situations, it likely means you’re in some sort of anxiety-ridden “rut” with your partner. Share your fantasies or try out new moves.

Breaking a routine with new experiences can help overcome anxiety. You’re not “repeating patterns” so there is less pressure.

And remember- if you tried something new and it didn’t work, that’s okay! At least you tried it. You’ll have less stress moving forward with other experiences.

I recommend trying tantric sex. Tantric sex focuses on breathing and mindfulness rather than on the actual physical act of sex. In fact, it’s not uncommon for men and women to orgasm without penetration! This is a great way to get intimate with your partner without worrying about the “performance” aspect.

P.S. Practice makes perfect. The more you have sex, the more confident you’ll be in your abilities.

Avoid drugs and alcohol.

Drugs and alcohol can actually worsen anxiety and lower sexual desire and arousal. Moreover, drugs and alcohol actually unbalance your hormones, which can lower libido and make it harder to obtain an erection.

Reduce your porn watching.

Porn sets unrealistic expectations about sex, which can lead to severe anxiety and performance concerns. It can even cause erectile dysfunction in high doses.

Remember: Porn is edited. You can’t compare yourself to the special effects used in porn filmmaking.

Seek professional help.

Talking to a sex therapist is a discreet and effective way to help you understand where your performance anxiety stems from. They will look at your relationship and sexual history to get at the root of your sexual stressors.

It is not embarrassing to seek professional help. You deserve to have an exciting and vivacious sex life, and a professional will help get you to that point.

You can find quality sex therapists through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.

Change your lifestyle.

Performance anxiety and general anxiety often stems from lifestyle. Diet, exercise, supplements, and health choices all impact your stress levels inside and outside the bedroom.

If you want to overcome anxiety, you need to change your lifestyle.

You can kiss performance anxiety goodbye…

And say hello to the best sex of your life!

5 Benefits Of Pomegranate For Your Sexual Health

Is pomegranate the ultimate solution to all of your “sex-drive” needs? What are the benefits of pomegranate?

What if I told you pomegranate could help all of your sexual health problems, from low testosterone and diminished libido to erectile dysfunction to even prostate cancer? This superfood is filled with antioxidants that have proven results to help both men and women have better sex lives. This fruit can increase testosterone levels, improve sperm quality, and increase sex drive and mood.

Pomegranate has three times more antioxidants than even red wine and green tea. Antioxidants are what improve blood circulation, decrease inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, and fight harmful free radicals that cause aging, illness, and cancer. Pomegranate antioxidants have even been known to help fight breast cancer.

If you’re looking to improve your sexual health, you need to add pomegranate to your daily lineup. From juice to seeds to supplement extracts, it’s easy to enhance your life with the wonders of pomegranate.

Let’s take a deep dive into the 5 benefits of pomegranates for your sexual and overall health.

1. Boosts testosterone

Testosterone is the “manly” hormone that controls your facial hair, deep voice, muscle growth, and even your sex drive. Low levels of testosterone can become a serious health problem leading to lowered energy, depression, diminished libido, weight gain, muscle loss, brain fog, and more. Women also need testosterone for their sex drive and regulation of estrogen levels.

By the way, low T means low libido… and low libido means a low desire for sex. If you have been losing your interest in sex recently, you may be suffering from low testosterone levels.

I always recommend increasing testosterone levels the natural way before resorting to costly (and often ineffective) testosterone replacement therapies. A daily intake of pomegranate is one of the easiest (and tastiest) ways to improve your testosterone.

Firstly, pomegranate is shown to block estrogen production. The Beckman Research Institute in California reported that pomegranate is rich in ellagittanins (ET). ETs convert into compounds that are used to stop your androgens from turning into estrogens. Basically, ET helps lower the production of estrogen.

This is critical to testosterone levels. Too much estrogen can interfere with libido, hurt erectile health, and damage bone strength. Plus, estrogen actually blocks testosterone production. High levels of estrogen actually further diminish T levels to create an unhealthy imbalance of hormones that are destructive to male sexual health.

A study at the Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland found that participants who were given one glass of pomegranate juice per day for two weeks had a 24% increase in testosterone on average. They also saw further results linked to improved testosterone, balanced hormones, and regulated mood:

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Decline of stress levels
  • Increase in positive emotions, especially self-confidence
  • Heightened mood
  • Lowered feelings of shyness, fear, and sadness

2. Treats erectile dysfunction

It’s important to note that the Queen Margaret study found not only an increase in testosterone levels, but also an increase in positive emotions as well. Stress, anxiety, low self-confidence, and fear are all major causes of erectile dysfunction. This study demonstrated that pomegranate might be able to improve psychological concerns that could cause erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, pomegranates help address three major causes of erectile dysfunction: restricted blood flow/high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

Blood flow

You need proper blood flow in order for your penis to fill with blood and get “hard.” If you have high blood pressure, damaged arteries, or vascular problems, blood flow to the penis can be restricted, thus causing erectile dysfunction. Some studies show that pomegranate juice can reduce systolic blood pressure with “promising acute hypotensive properties.” This lowered blood pressure can help promote blood flow to the penis when it’s time for an erection.

Furthermore, a 2007 study found that drinking 100% pomegranate juice (POM Wonderful brand) actually helped manage erectile dysfunction. 50% of participants who drank the juice saw an improvement in their erections. They concluded that this was due to the high antioxidant content of pomegranates, which can stop free radicals from inhibiting blood flow to the penis.

Additionally, pomegranate is high in vitamin C. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the production of nitric oxide (NO) by converting nitrites to nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is the chemical that relaxes blood vessels and flexes muscles near and in the penis. This NO process prepares your penis for an erection. A 2005 Italian study found an increase in levels of nitric oxide and a decrease in oxidant damage in all blood vessels after consumption of pomegranate juice.

Heart disease

In a similar “vein,” heart-healthy pomegranates (filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals) can open up your blood vessels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Heart disease is another cause of erectile dysfunction and lowered libido. Pomegranates can help lower cholesterol, remove arterial deposits (bad cholesterol), limit inflammation, and encourage blood flow—all lowering the risk of heart disease.

One study found that daily pomegranate seed oil for four weeks improved participants’ ratio of triglycerides to HDL, basically lowering bad deposits and raising good cholesterol. Researchers discovered that half a glass of pomegranate juice and three dates had enough antioxidants to help protect against heart attacks and strokes. A second study also showed that pomegranate juice could reduce bad cholesterol in those with type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.


Being overweight can cause erectile dysfunction, lowered testosterone, imbalanced hormones, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Pomegranates also have been shown to help fight obesity by curbing hunger pains and improving satiation levels.

A 2016 study at Queen Margaret found that those participants who took a daily supplement of pomegranate had less desire to eat, were less hungry, and felt more satiated while eating than the placebo group. Researchers hypothesized that this was because of the fruit’s polyphenols (a specific type of antioxidant), which can act as an appetite suppressant.

Plus, pomegranates can help improve exercise performance, helping you lose weight and gain muscle at a faster rate. Pomegranate has a high amount of nitrates, which enhance blood flow throughout the body. This improved blood flow to the muscles can improve exercise performance, efficiency, and endurance. The better you workout, the more your body can burn off that extra flab. Regulated, healthy weight can reduce ED symptoms—and make you more energetic, happy, and productive!

3. Lowers risk of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer affects 11.6% of men at some point in their lives. What seems to be an inevitable disease is actually preventable—and maybe even with a delicious fruit like pomegranate! Recent research suggests, “pomegranate is likely to be valuable for treatment of some forms of human prostate cell life.”

One study looked at the reason why pomegranates may have this effect on prostate cancer. Data suggests that pomegranate extract down-regulates HR which sensitizes cells to DSBs, growth inhibition, and apoptosis.” Basically, pomegranate polyphenols help your cells kill themselves. “Apoptosis” is your body’s natural process where unhealthy cells self-destruct before spreading their “disease” to other cells. When damaged cells don’t self-destruct, they begin to breed and grow into tumors and cancers. Pomegranate extract helps keep this natural process of apoptosis functioning, so cancerous and damaged cells will continue to die off at an appropriate rate.

4. Improves sperm quality

A Turkish study found that rats that drank pomegranate juice had significant increases in healthy sperm. Generally, “healthy” sperm refers to the quantity, movement, structure, and fertility of the sperm. Healthy sperm is more likely to fertilize an egg and create a healthy embryo. If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, it’s time to start glugging the pomegranate juice.

Turkish researchers also found an increased amount of natural antioxidants in sperm and blood, further demonstrating that pomegranate extract helps to send nutrients directly into the bloodstream to fight against damaging oxidation.

5. Other benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate also has a number of health benefits that will make your overall wellness significantly better. For example, pomegranate’s ability to fight oxidative stress and minimize inflammation has been shown to fight rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, and swelling. It has also been shown to aid brain health, improve memory, and fight off signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

As we age, our body’s natural processes start to slow down. If you want to stay functioning with optimal health, you need to take care of your sexual, physical, emotional, and mental wellness in tandem. Pomegranates have proven benefits in all of these wellness facets.

How to consume

There are a number of ways to get your daily dose of pomegranate. Pomegranate juice and pomegranate supplements are a popular way to get a shot of healthy goodness.

But be careful. Steer clear of most store-bought pomegranate juice, which tends to be filled with sugar—and sugar can actually make your sexual health worse. If you’re going to buy store-bought, stick to all-natural 100% juice like POM Wonderful.

I like making pomegranate juice right at home, so I can control the taste and consistency myself. Here’s how:

  • Cut open a fresh, organic pomegranate.
  • Scoop out the seeds and place in a bowl filled with water.
  • The seeds will sink to the bottom, and their white goopy membrane will float to the top.
  • Strain the water, which will clean the seeds and remove the membrane.
  • Place the seeds in a blender and blend to a pulp.
  • Strain the seed mixture into a pulp.
  • Add water and agave sweetener to taste.
  • Eat the rest of the pomegranate or use in your cooking!

And don’t neglect pomegranate seeds! They burst in your mouth for a hydrating and sweet snack. If you have a midnight sweet tooth like me, pomegranate seeds are a deliciously healthy way to curb those cravings.

Bottom line

Get back to the sex life you want with boosted T, high libido, diminished erectile dysfunction, lowered risk of prostate cancer, improved sperm quality, higher energy, regulated weight, improved memory, fewer aches and pains, and so much more… all with pomegranates!

Adding pomegranates to your morning routine or midnight snack is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to boost your sexual health and wellness. In fact, you’ll start seeing most of the benefits of pomegranates in as little as four weeks.

What else can you do to upgrade your health? 

Well, you can flip the page on your calendar.

And you can renew your vitality and vigor with a Male 2.0 Consult! Sign up to start living your best life in now!


Tracy Gapin, MD FACS is a board-certified Urologist, Men’s Health Expert, Author, and Professional Speaker. Using state-of-the-art biometric monitoring, nutrition and lifestyle intervention, Dr. Gapin coaches Fortune 500 executives and evolutionary leaders of business, sports medicine, and high performance. He specializes in cutting-edge precision medicine with an emphasis on epigenetics, providing men with a personalized path to optimizing health & performance.

8 Fun Ways To Naturally Increase Your Libido

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were fun to naturally increase your libido? Guess what? It can be!

Having a low sex drive and libido can be incredibly frustrating. No matter how much you want to have sex, your body still doesn’t want to have sex. A low libido can make you feel tired, anxious, stressed, and even emasculated. You need sex for a happy and healthy life.

But you don’t have to deal with a low libido. There are a number of ways to naturally increase your libido that will have you as horny as a teenager once again! (Well, maybe not that much.)

In this article, I’m focusing specifically on the easiest and most fun lifestyle changes that will help increase your libido. The conventional method of testosterone replacement therapy can work… but it’s not the ideal first solution for most men. There are other ways to start regaining your sexual vigor without costly, time-consuming, cumbersome therapies.

But first—what’s libido?

Libido 101

“Libido” is a fancy (medical) word for sex drive. Your libido is simply your desire to have sex. If your libido is high, you’re incredibly interested in sex. If it’s low, sex isn’t a priority or it may seem like a nuisance. Libido generally relates to a consistent pattern of sexual desire. Not wanting to have sex for one week does not mean you necessarily have a low libido; not wanting sex for two months may signal a concern.

If you’ve never suffered from low libido, you might be thinking, “There are people who don’t want to have sex?” But anyone who has experienced low libido will tell you just how frustrating and challenging it is. Men with low libido still usually want to have sex in theory, but their body doesn’t have the energy or physical desire for the act.

Despite the fact that libido is linked with the mental idea of “desire,” libido is actually not solely psychological. It’s also highly physiological, biological, emotional, and even social. And it’s important to note—for yourself and your partner—that libido often isn’t even linked to sexual arousal. You can be highly aroused by your partner and still not have the physical desire to have sex. This is because libido can be caused by stress, illness, anxiety, relationship concerns, low testosterone, and other unrelated concerns.

Low libido and ED

Before we discuss the causes of low libido, let’s get one thing straight: low libido is not the same as impotence or ED. You can have low sexual desire and still be able to get an erection, and you can have high libido and not be able to get an erection. Although research has shown there is a correlation between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction, the two do not seem to be causal. You can have one without the other.

This is important to keep in mind when treating your concerns. If you have low libido, erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra won’t help raise your libido. They won’t make you want to have sex more, and they won’t influence your testosterone levels. Even worse, these ED meds can actually have unpleasant side effects that might harm your sexual and psychological health, which can potentially reduce your libido further.

The reverse is also true. If you have erectile dysfunction, boosting your libido won’t necessarily solve those concerns. You could do all of the fun activities on this list, but you still won’t be able to attain an erection with ED. In that case, you’ll want to look for natural ways to address your ED.

Causes of low libido

Where does low libido come from? You should understand the basic causes to help treat your low libido appropriately.

1. Low testosterone

If your testosterone levels are below 350 ng/dL, you are likely feeling the symptoms of “low testosterone.” Testosterone is the key hormonal driver of libido. Testosterone is that “manly” hormone that makes you want to work out, have sex, eat hamburgers, and watch football. Well, that’s not true, but testosterone is the number one driver of sexual interest. In fact, even women need an appropriate amount of manly testosterone in order to be turned on for sex. That’s actually one of the reasons men and women kiss—the male’s saliva actually transfers testosterone to the female to get her ready for sex!

If your testosterone is low, you won’t feel that natural hormonal horniness. Instead, you’ll feel lethargic, anxious, depressed, and stressed. You may notice weight gain, brain fog, and a loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy. Low testosterone can influence your entire wellbeing—including your sexual prowess. Learn more about how to naturally increase your testosterone here

2. Psychological concerns

Anxiety and depression are key contributors to low libido. Depression causes you to lose interest in all of your normal activities, including the sex you once enjoyed. Moreover, medications for anxiety and depression often have side effects that can lower testosterone and libido levels.

Stress is also a key contributor in sexual desire. Stress creates cortisol, which kills testosterone levels. Cortisol both blocks the production of testosterone and binds to free-floating T, creating significantly reduced testosterone levels. This increase in cortisol and decrease in testosterone has been shown to directly influence sexual vigor, desire, and ability.

3. Weight 

If you’re holding extra weight, you’re also holding extra estrogen and cortisol. Excess estrogen stores fat and stops the production of testosterone. This leads to lowered testosterone levels, which, in turn, leads to more weight gain. This creates a vicious cycle of low T, low libido, and overweight unhappiness. If you’ve been racking on the pounds recently, you’ve likely also been met with a lowered sex drive.

4. Age

Testosterone levels naturally decrease as you age. Hormonal imbalances become more common as the number of candles on the birthday cake increases. Although low T levels are (sort of) a natural part of life, it doesn’t mean it’s not conquerable with the right lifestyle changes.

5.  Medications

Certain medications have side effects that can lower libido and testosterone. These include:

  •      Anti-depressants (SSRIs)
  •      Antipsychotics
  •      Beta-blockers
  •      Opioids
  •      Blood pressure medications
  •      Heart disease medications
  •      Diabetic treatments (insulin)

6. Prostate cancer treatments

Prostate cancer itself often doesn’t cause low libido, but its associated treatments and concerns can. Chemo and radiation for prostate cancer infiltrate the pelvis, which can often upset T levels. Surgery for prostate cancer can damage nearby nerves, which may have an influence on libido and impotence. Moreover, prostate cancer can create anxiety and depression in many patients, which can further lead to reduced sex drive and low libido.

7. Sleep problems

Studies have shown that sleep and testosterone are directly linked. One study found that sleep deficiencies influence low libido, and another found that sleep apnea may be a cause of lowered testosterone.

8. Unhealthy living

Other causes of low libido include:

  •      Smoking
  •      Alcohol abuse
  •      Drug abuse
  •      Inactivity or sedentary lifestyle

Now that you can better pinpoint where your low libido may be coming from, let’s get into my 8 favorite ways to boost libido in just a few days!

Naturally increase your libido

1. Have sex.

If you have a low libido but still have some desire to have sex, this is the best solution to bringing back your sex drive. Sex works wonders to address all of the causes of low libido and work to naturally increase your libido:

  •      Increases testosterone levels
  •      Boosts self-confidence
  •      Lowers stress
  •      Burns calories (sheds pounds)
  •      Helps you sleep
  •      Increases endorphins and dopamine
  •      Makes you feel 10 years younger

Sex is especially proven at boosting testosterone levels. A 1992 study found that both men and women had higher testosterone levels on nights of sexual activity than on nights of no sexual activity. Another study found that older men who have sex have higher testosterone and better health overall than those who don’t have sex.

Try having sex first thing in the morning. Testosterone levels and male libido are usually highest just after waking up. If you’re suffering from low libido, you may still be interested in having sex after waking up from a restful night’s sleep. Having sex in the morning will also put you on a good path for the rest of the day. You’ll have increased testosterone levels and lower stress that will boost your libido for the remainder of the day. Plus, you’ll walk into work with a glowing smile plastered across your face!

P.S. Don’t forget the foreplay. Foreplay before sex (or throughout the day) can help increase your (and your partner’s) libido. The more you talk about and think about having sex together, the higher your testosterone levels will rise. One study found that even the anticipation of sexual activity boosts testosterone production.

2. Sleep more.

Sex makes you sleepy, and it’s okay to revel in that rest! You need to sleep in order for your body to balance your hormones and produce testosterone. During sleep, your body also replenishes its energy, which contributes to a strong and lively libido. 

Studies have found that sleep deficiencies lead to low testosterone and diminished sex drive. Another study found that men who slept for at least 8 hours had T levels around 500-800 ng/dL, while those who slept only 4 had 200-300 ng/dL of testosterone. There is a direct correlation between hours slept and testosterone levels (and raising those testosterone levels works to naturally increase your libido).

So sleep more. How should you increase your sleep quantity and quality?

  •      Sleep in a cool, dark room.
  •      Turn off your phone and electronics 1 hour prior to sleep.
  •      Exercise and have sex. (Physical activity improves sleep quality.)
  •      Supplement with melatonin, the “sleep hormone.”
  •      Take power naps to increase your energy levels throughout the day.

3. Do something exciting with your partner.

Get your heart rate up with your partner outside of the bedroom as well. Studies show that people tend to feel more romantic and sexual after doing adrenaline-pumping experiences together. This is often deemed “misattribution of arousal,” but I like to call it “sexy fear.”

Basically, people tend to misplace the physiological response to fear as physiological sexual arousal. The two are very similar: shortness of breath, boost in blood pressure, inexplicable energy, high levels of adrenaline, etc.

This has been proven in a number of studies, like the suspension bridge study by Dutton and Aron. This study found that men who walked across a suspension bridge and were met with an attractive female researcher on the other side were more likely to call the woman after the study than those men who did not walk across the suspension bridge. Basically, the male participants attributed their fear from the suspension bridge as sexual arousal for the female on the safe side of the bridge.

Another study by Schachter and Singer found that if a person was physiologically aroused with epinephrine, they attributed that arousal to a recent memory. This demonstrates that people tend to misattribute their physiological feelings. That’s why so many heroes seem to fall in love at the end of an action-packed film, even though they know nothing about each other (well, and also because it’s Hollywood).

What does this mean for you? It simply means that if you and your partner do something exciting and heart-racing, it can help you two connect with a new form of arousal.

Get sweaty together outside of the bedroom to get your adrenaline and energy flowing—and you’ll start to redirect that energy back into the bedroom. You don’t have to jump out of a plane to see the same effects. Go for a walk, go to the gym, dance together, have a pillow fight, or watch a scary movie. If you’re short of breath and a little sweaty, you’re producing adrenaline that can raise your libido in tandem.

4. Do yoga.

Not sure what you should do together? Take a yoga class! Ancient tantric teachings used yoga as a way to heal sexual dysfunction and raise sexual energy. Yoga is a proven way to boost libido in a variety of ways. Firstly, yoga helps relieve stress. This lowers your cortisol levels—and we know that cortisol kills testosterone. This means that a stress-free yogi can have more free-floating testosterone and higher energy levels.

Yoga also helps increase self-esteem. It helps you overcome psychological and mental roadblocks that could be contributing to your low testosterone and libido. Plus, yoga can help burn calories and shed extra weight!

Yoga also increases flexibility and boosts circulation to the pelvis. Basically, yoga “enlivens” your pelvic area. It helps to align your pelvis and head along your spine, so your brain is better connected with your sexual organs. This helps wake up your penis and testes to produce more testosterone and have better blood flow. Some studies even suggest that yoga can treat premature ejaculation.

Oh, and by the way, yoga also helps enhance the female libido. Some women have even reported “orgasmic experiences” during yoga. So do yoga with your significant other as well! You’ll satisfy the #3 “do something exciting together” prescription while also boosting your sexual prowess.

5. Rub on some essential oils.

Massage each other with some libido-boosting essential oils. Sandalwood is often used in perfumes and colognes because it’s a natural aphrodisiac, known for attracting the sexual interest of anyone who smells it. It’s also used to balance and regulate hormone production. Cinnamon oil is another libido booster(use caution with this one – its a hot oil, so remember to dilute and don’t put it in sensitive areas), and it has also been considered a natural remedy for impotence because of its ability to open up the nitric oxide pathway that increases blood flow to the genitals. Other libido-happy essential oils include rose, jasmine, and ylang ylang.

Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into your deodorant or lotion to improve your hormones and increase your libido throughout the day. You can also dilute these essences in your favorite massage oil for an added boost of sexiness. Even taking a whiff of the essential oil from the bottle can get you going!

6. Eat natural aphrodisiacs.

Diet plays an important role in your hormone levels; what you put in is what you get out. Aphrodisiacs are foods that boost sexual desire and horniness. These include figs, bananas, avocados, and oysters. You’ll also want to consume more vitamin C like oranges, red peppers, and guava; these help boost circulation and increase energy levels.

My favorite aphrodisiac is dark chocolate. There’s a good reason that chocolate is often considered a symbol of desire. Dark chocolate releases phenylethylamine and serotonin, which lift mood, regulate blood sugar, and boost libido. Plus, some studies show that even thinking dark chocolate is sexy can help increase sexual desire!

You should also try adding nutmeg and clove to your foods and drinks. (I love nutmeg in my coffee or tea.) Both have been proven to enhance sexual behavior and arousal in male animals. Just a bit of warming spices and you could be on your way to the bedroom!

And don’t forget to drink water. Dehydration can cause fatigue and lower energy, which dulls your sexual desire instantly. If your body isn’t getting the water it needs, it will start to shut off extraneous processes to focus on those organ functions that are most vital. The more water you drink, the better your sexual function.

7. Take supplements.

Taking supplements may not seem like a “fun” libido booster—but it’s an easy way to start having more fun in the bedroom ASAP. With just a few choice supplements, you can get your libido up and running in no time.

Ginkgo biloba helps improve blood flow to the genitals and can actually help overcome different sorts of sexual dysfunctions. In fact, ginkgo biloba has been shown to treat sexual dysfunction and low libido as caused by antidepressants especially. So, if your low libido or ED is a result of antidepressant medication side effects, a supplementation of ginkgo biloba may be able to get you back on the right track without changing your prescription lineup. Be sure to discuss with your doctor before beginning any new supplement treatment, though.

Furthermore, tribulus is a supplement used in traditional Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac, and maca root has been shown to increase sexual desire in both the short-term and the long-term.

Talk to your doctor about adding a supplemental plan to your libido-boosting regimen!

  1. Send each other pictures.

Hey, they don’t have to be dirty pictures! A study by Helen Fisher found that when a person looks at a photo of their loved one for 30 seconds or longer, their brain begins to produce dopamine. That dopamine then boosts libido. That’s right, staring at a picture of your significant other can get you going—even if it’s a picture of them in a parka!

Take more time to look at your partner (both in person and in pictures) and you’ll be able to re-ignite new, fiery passion for one another.

Bottom Line

Low libido is a biological, psychological, and social concern. It’s not easily treated, even with conventional testosterone replacement therapies. But you can boost your libido and your energy with a few fun and easy lifestyle changes. By taking the time to focus on your health and your relationship with your partner, you can start living the life you want. You can go back to that “can’t take our hands off of each other” feeling from the start of the relationship. Your libido just needs a little push.

If you want to get your health and your libido back in shape, there’s no better time to start than NOW! Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program to get a comprehensive plan for bettering your sexual and overall wellbeing for a total body transformation.

If you’ve read this article, you want to increase your libido. Now is the time. Sign up for G1 Performance Health!

How Fenugreek Benefits Your Testosterone Levels

Fenugreek is the unsung hero of anti-inflammation and sexual drive. Scientists have discovered significant fenugreek benefits with regards to testosterone levels and libido.

With new, promising findings, this little legume may be the missing link in our journey towards improved male sexual health.

What is fenugreek?

You may have seen fenugreek seeds or powder in botanical supplements, but it is only recently growing in popularity.

Fenugreek has been studied for its traditional health benefits, but it is only in recent years that it has been linked to testosterone levels as well.

Native from southern Europe to Western Asia, it has a strong history as a medicinal and culinary herb. Throughout the Mediterranean, fenugreek was a staple in ancient physician’s toolkits.

Have gas? Here’s some fenugreek.

Have a wound? Here’s a fenugreek tonic.

Backed up? Fenugreek is a bulk laxative.

The ancient Greeks and Romans even used it for cattle fodder, giving it the Latin name foenum graecum meaning “Greek hay.”

Fenugreek was also one of the first methods of creating yellow dyes in ancient societies. It is also a primary ingredient in Indian curries, contributing to their unique flavor.

It seems there wasn’t anything this little herb couldn’t do in ancient societies! So what about today?
Fenugreek benefits are primarily anti-inflammatory both internally and externally.

From minimizing ulcers, tuberculosis, and arthritis to reducing dandruff, gout, and muscle pains, it is one of the safest, natural solutions to problems that otherwise only have chemical or prescription drug medications.

There is such an endless list of fenugreek benefits for the body that we don’t have time to discuss them all here!

Fenugreek sexual health benefits

Aside from all of its anti-inflammatory magic, it has also been shown to raise testosterone levels, increase male libido, lengthen erection endurance, and improve reproductive function.

Fenugreek has these abilities because it both directly targets masculine sexuality while also working to lower body fat, increase lean muscle, and regulate blood sugar—all of which contribute to higher T levels

1. Raises testosterone levels

Testosterone is the crux of male sex drive and sexual health. Low testosterone means a low libido, low reproductive function, and sometimes even erectile dysfunction. Thus, higher T levels means a better sex life. Many studies show that fenugreek can stimulate testosterone production and increase T levels for two main reasons.

2. Stimulates sex hormones

Fenugreek seed extract contains a compound called “fenuside,” which is a type of glucoside. Glucosides are known to fuel androgens (aka male sex hormones). Thus, fenugreek helps excite the production of these male hormones in the testes.

One study recommends fenugreek seed extract at 600 mg per day as a primary option for hypogonadal men (men whose testes are not producing enough of the T hormone).

It is also interesting to note that fenugreek was historically used to enhance female beauty and sexuality. It has also been used to boost lactation in breast-feeding mothers. Thus, fenugreek boosts all sex hormones, acting as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.

3. Lowers insulin levels

Several studies show that fenugreek regulates insulin levels and manages type 2 diabetes.

Insulin actually influences testosterone production, acting as a barrier to sex hormone construction. One study by the Institute of Clinical Medicine in Bologna, Italy found that insulin levels played a significant factor in effective testosterone production.

Thus, lower insulin levels means higher T levels. In this way, fenugreek’s insulin regulating powers opens up the doorway for increased testosterone production in response.

4. Boosts libido

Higher testosterone levels means a higher libido. However, fenugreek has also been proven to have a more immediate effect on libido apart from simply its T-raising powers.

One study by Phytotherapy Research found that fenugreek extract not only helped maintain healthy T levels, but it also played a significant role in sexual arousal, energy, and even stamina and endurance.

The men given a daily dose of fenugreek self-reported much higher arousal than those given the placebo. This included how often they thought about sex, how often they were sexually aroused, how often they had sex, and how often they had an orgasm.

The participants and the researchers both concluded this increased libido was a direct result of the fenugreek extract.

5. Decreases body fat

Low testosterone is linked to obesity in a bi-directional relationship.

Being overweight can actually lower your testosterone levels, likely due to increased sugar in the bloodstream. In the opposite way, having low testosterone levels can play a major factor in creating a soft belly (since testosterone helps in the production of lean muscle).

Thus, men can often get stuck in an unhealthy cycle of being overweight and maintaining low testosterone levels. However, it’s not always that easy to break the cycle.

It can feel like your body is working against you because your T levels are already so low. Fenugreek is the boost that you need.

Not only does fenugreek raise your T levels as mentioned above, but it can also help kickstart weight loss. One study found that fenugreek seeds can inhibit fat accumulation while improving metabolism, enhancing insulin sensitivity, and increasing antioxidant defense—all of which can help your body combat the buildup of unwanted pounds.

Fenugreek also can decrease your appetite and support digestion. Paired with its blood sugar regulation properties, it ensures that your body is absorbing nutrition and burning off sugar (which turns into fat).

6. Increases lean muscle

In the same vein, increasing your lean muscle will also increase T levels—and vice versa. The more lean muscle you have, the more T you will produce; the higher T levels you have, the more lean muscle you’ll get.

It’s a beautiful cycle! But again, it’s not an easy cycle to enter into. That’s where fenugreek comes in.

A study by the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that creatine and fenugreek extract together showed significant increases in lean mass in overall body composition.

It also showed that the combination increased bench and leg press strength, which can help men create that necessary lean muscle.

Another study by the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor found that fenugreek had a significant impact on body composition when combined with a stringent resistance-training program. This means that fenugreek alone will not increase your lean muscle, but it can act as a booster to help your workouts be more productive and effective.

How do you consume fenugreek?

Uncooked fenugreek seeds are bitter and not very enjoyable. When cooked, though, the bitterness mellows into sweetness. They’re so sweet, in fact, that seed extract is often used in imitation flavorings like vanilla, butterscotch, rum, and maple syrup.

The seeds can even be roasted and used as a coffee or tea substitute due to its rich flavor. As mentioned earlier, fenugreek is also a main ingredient in Indian curries and chutneys.

Fenugreek is a natural source of soluble fiber, so it is often used as thickening agents in cereal bars, yogurts, and nutritional beverages. When crushed into a powder, it can be mixed into seasonings, juices, oatmeal, milkshakes, soups, smoothies, and other foods to increase their nutrition and sweetness.

Some fortified baked goods like bread, pizza, and muffins use fenugreek fiber powder in the dough as well. Here are a few of my favorite recipes with the highest fenugreek benefits to boost your testosterone levels.

1. Wet seeds snack

Soak a cup of fenugreek seeds in a container of water overnight. In the morning, filter out the seeds from the water. You can then chew on these wet, soaked seeds throughout the day whenever you’re feeling hungry. They will help curb your appetite and deliver quick spurts of nutrition.

2. All-purpose seed powder

Heat or roast fenugreek seeds in a pan. They should release a nice aroma. Then crush the warm seeds into a fine powder. They’re not easy to crush, so a mortar and pestle is often the best solution. If you don’t have this available, use a grinder and add a little bit of water.

This powder can be mixed into curries, seasonings, and other spices. You’ll be getting your fenugreek without even realizing it! I like to mix my fenugreek powder into my smoothies for an added flavor palette and nourishing boost.

3. Morning digestive tea

Take your fenugreek seed powder and mix it with water to make a thin paste. Add the paste to a pan of boiling water. Then, add your favorite tea-flavors like cinnamon, ginger, or even chai!

Cover the lid of the pan and let the tea simmer for 5 minutes. This will create a sweet tea that is perfect for weight loss and blood sugar regulation, especially when taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Generally, you’ll get the most fenugreek benefits with 500-600mg of extract per day. You can also find fenugreek in certain testosterone supplements, Learn more about fenugreek extract as an ingredient.

What are the possible side effects?

Although several studies have demonstrated the benefits and safety of fenugreek, a few studies found that fenugreek did not have an effect on T levels and sexual libido.

A possible reason for this is that isolating sexual drive variables is fairly difficult. Once men enter the healthy, T boosting cycle, they are more likely to workout, have a higher sex drive, and continue to produce more testosterone. This upward slope causes them to naturally make other healthy life changes, so it’s difficult to determine where exactly these positive benefits are coming from.

In this way, fenugreek is not a 100% true method, but it certainly seems to have some effect on helping men enter into this positive sexual circle.

As with all herbs and medicines, there are a few side effects to be aware of. Because it is so fibrous, it can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea. It may also thin blood or cause excessive bleeding and bruising for those taking blood thinners or anticoagulants. You can see other possible risks of fenugreek here.

Bottom Line

Fenugreek is a natural addition to your diet or supplements that can help increase testosterone production. It naturally influences T levels through its ability to regulate blood sugar and encourage a healthy weight.

Fenugreek benefits male libido as well by increasing sex hormone production and suppressing T-blocking insulin.

Fenugreek won’t solve low T on its own, but it’s a helpful and healthy addition to other lifestyle changes to help you enter into the cycle of healthy testosterone production. If you want to make a total body transformation and achieve your maximum potential today sign up for a Male 90X Consult. This genetic-based report and private consultation will give you the tools you need to live the life you’ve always dreamed.