30-Day Prostate Health Challenge For Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States. One in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives. And one in 100 men over age 60 will have prostate cancer by their 70th birthday.

Don’t be a statistic. Don’t put yourself at risk. Monitor your prostate health.

Although prostate cancer is common, you can reduce your risk. A healthy lifestyle can help you avoid serious diseases like prostate cancer, heart disease, and even erectile dysfunction.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, which means it’s the perfect time to regain your sexual health and wellbeing. Whether you’re one of the 3 million men living through prostate cancer or you’re looking to reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer moving forward, we’ll give you some easy steps you can take to invigorate your sexual wellness.

In honor of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, we’ve created the ultimate 30-Day Prostate Health Challenge.

These 30 tips will help you:

  •     Reduce your risk of prostate cancer
  •     Lose weight
  •     Increase your libido
  •     Revitalize your overall health
  •     Enhance your energy and vitality

We challenge you to follow these 30 tips this month and beyond, so you can look, feel, and be your healthiest self.

We recommend that you implement one tip per day. Then, you should keep these lifestyle changes up for at least 30 days. After 30 days, you start to create a habit—and healthy habits create a healthy life!

So, for example, if you stop smoking on day 15… We challenge you to keep up with it for another whole month, not just for the remaining 15 days.

We make our “30-day challenge” into a faux “60-day challenge” on purpose.

The longer you follow the challenge, the more likely these changes will “stick.” You don’t want to fall back into your old, unhealthy, low-energy lifestyle once September is over. You don’t want this to just be another “fad” that comes and goes… and you don’t want to end up with the same unhealthy habits you’ve always had.

You want to finally live the healthy, vigorous life you’ve dreamed of.

And you want these changes to actually reduce your risk of prostate cancer. And fighting cancer is, unfortunately, a lifelong fight, which means you need to make serious changes that show a true difference.

So let’s get to improving your prostate health!

Day 1 – Evaluate your risk.

All men are at risk for prostate cancer. But it doesn’t hurt to evaluate your personal risk to better understand how your lifestyle choices can reduce your predisposed threat.

The purpose of evaluating your risk is not to scare you—it’s to prepare you!

What are the risk factors for prostate cancer?

  • Age: Prostate cancer is more common after age 50, and the risk increases with every decade of life.
  • Race: African-Americans tend to have the highest risk and severity. Asian men (in Asia) tend to have the lowest risk, but their risk increases if they move to the west.
  • Genetics: Those with a father or brother with prostate cancer have a twofold increase in risk themselves.
  • Location: Risk is significantly higher in the United States than in Asia. Studies also show that men who live north of 40 degrees latitude have a higher risk of dying from prostate cancer (likely due to decreased vitamin D levels).

If you have any of these risk factors, don’t fret. The following 30 tips can help you reduce your risk of prostate cancer so you can take control of and improve your own health.

Day 2 – Visit your doctor about your prostate health.

When was the last time you got a checkup?

You should be visiting your doctor at least once a year for a physical. This ensures your doctor can catch any potential problems before they become serious.

Talk to your doctor about any risk factors for prostate cancer. If you are over 50, your doctor will likely start testing your PSA levels.

PSA (prostate-specific antigen) can help determine whether or not you are currently at risk for prostate cancer. PSA levels have been linked to the onset and aggressiveness of prostate cancer. In general, low levels mean low risk of cancer right now, but this could change. If you have high levels, your doctor will want to do a biopsy to check for cancer.

Don’t fear the doctor. They’re there to keep you healthy so you can live a long and fruitful life!

Learn more here: What Does A High PSA REALLY Mean?

Day 3 – Create a plan to reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

Now that you know your risk and have talked to your doctor, it’s time to create a “lifestyle change” plan. You want to start with clear objectives for your health, so you can create a course of action.

We’ve made this step easy for you! We’re giving you 30 tips and tricks to take back your health. So all you need to do is commit.

Today, we want you to come up with your intrinsic motivators to stick to this plan.

Why are you making this change?

Write: “I am changing my lifestyle because I want…”

For example, “I am changing my lifestyle because I want to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up.” Or, “I am changing my lifestyle because I want to accomplish more in my business.”

Have a clear objective and goal that will keep you going.

Then, create a plan of action. What do you personally need to do to stick to these lifestyle changes?

Maybe you need to put post-it notes on your mirror. Perhaps you need to create a competition with your friends or maybe you need to have your wife watching you like a hawk.

Write down what will keep you accountable, so you can focus on meeting your long-term health goals and objectives.

With health, you’ve never actually “attained” your goal, which can be frustrating, so you need a way to stay motivated even during the tough days.

Day 4 – Talk to your partner.

If you are going to make lifestyle changes, you want your family, friends, and partner onboard with you. This keeps you motivated and dedicated, while also helping to keep you accountable—even on the days, you don’t want to stick the course.

Plus, your partner is likely also concerned about your health and wellbeing. Talk to them about your risks and doctor visit, so they feel they are on this journey with you.

Health is not something you should hide, especially from those you love. They’ll appreciate that you’re taking steps to be healthier—for yourself and for them.

Read: Does My Husband Have Prostate Cancer?

Day 5 – Clean your pantry.

Now you want to do a cleanout of your pantry so you can fill it with prostate-healthy foods.

Start by getting rid of anything processed. If its expiration date is more than 6 months from the time of purchasing, get rid of it. These sorts of packaged, processed foods contain chemicals and toxins that are known to cause cancer (carcinogens).

Whole foods are the best way to keep your organs and cells healthy. They provide legitimate nutrients that your body needs to fight off disease and cancer.

You really are what you eat—so eat good stuff!

Day 6 – Focus on plants, not meat.

I don’t believe in completely cutting meat out of your diet. However, meats—especially red meats—are high in fats. A diet of unhealthy fats has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer.

Plus, a plant-based diet generally provides your body with a greater range of necessary nutrients, especially antioxidants (which fight free radical diseases that cause cancer).

So, stick to plants the majority of the time. When eating meat, choose lean cuts like poultry (chicken and turkey). Make sure your meats, especially beef, are grass-fed and organic to reduce the hormones going into your body.

Day 7 – Eat 2 cups of fruits and veggies.

You want to get at least 2 cups of fruits and veggies every day. These plants are full of vitamins and nutrients that can help reduce prostate cancer. They’re also low in calories and fat, so a plant-based diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight.

Two easy ways to make sure you’re getting your fruits and veggies:

  1. Every plate should be filled with at least 70% plants.
  2. Have at least one snack of fruits or veggies per day.

Not sure how to get more fruits and veggies in your diet?

Check out N1 Performance Health–  a personalized men’s health and performance program designed to radically upgrade your health.

Day 8 – Get your tomatoes.

All fruits and veggies are good for you, but tomatoes hold a special place in the fight against prostate cancer. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, which is a carotenoid that has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. The lycopene in tomatoes and tomato paste can help reduce the inflammation that causes cancer. Although the research still isn’t 100% proven, eating more tomatoes definitely doesn’t hurt.

Learn more: Will Lycopene Improve My Prostate Health & Fight Prostate Cancer?

Day 9 – Go for a walk.  

Physical activity is directly linked to reduced risk of cancer. In fact, frequent exercise can actually de-methylate your genes, which can help “turn off” those genes that put us at risk for cancer and tumor growth! A high BMI or weight has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer, while leaner men have a lower risk.

Walking every day helps get your body moving while also releasing stress. It can also help you shed extra pounds, increase muscle mass, and boost metabolism. Just a little bit of exercise can show major results!

Day 10 – Drink wine.  

Western Europeans have lower rates of prostate cancer because of their Mediterranean diet. This diet has major cancer-fighting properties that we can learn from.

One part of this diet is red wine. The skin of red grapes have resveratrol, which is an antioxidant that’s proven to fight against the growth of cancer. Red wine has also been linked to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Stick to one glass of red wine every day or every other day. Drinking too much can actually neutralize any beneficial effects and start to do more harm than good.

Day 11 – Cut the alcohol.  

Wait a minute… Didn’t we just say to drink wine?

Yup! But only one glass to get the necessary resveratrol. Studies show that overconsumption of alcohol may worsen your risk of cancer. Keep the consumption low to avoid hurting your genes and putting you at risk for disease.

Did you know that beer is estrogenic? That’s right, the hops in beer actually mimic estrogen in the body. This can lower your testosterone levels, which is in turn linked to increased risk of prostate cancer.

Day 12 – Eat more fish.  

Another part of the cancer-fighting Mediterranean diet is fish. Fish have omega-3 fatty acids, which are “good fats” that can keep your testosterone high while clearing out your arteries. The consumption of fish has been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

The fish with the most omega-3s are sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout, and salmon. Eating a dish with these even once a week can help slow the growth of cancer cells.

Can’t stand the fishy flavor? Fish oil supplements can help you get those necessary fatty acids as well. Flaxseed is another source of omega-3s.    

Day 13 – Avoid Dairy

Some studies have shown that men who eat a lot of dairy products have the highest risk of developing prostate cancer. Although results have been varied, there are a number of studies that tell us dairy isn’t great for our bodies.

Plus, dairy is high in calcium… and high levels of calcium may actually increase prostate cancer risk. Some studies have found that consuming a lot of calcium may increase the risk and severity of prostate cancer.

So make the commitment to avoid dairy. Swap your coffee creamer for almond milk. Try out veggie cheese in your homemade omelets. It’s easier than ever to go dairy-free at home and in restaurants.

(You can treat yourself to pizza every once in a while… but only if you make an effort to avoid milk, cheese, and other dairy products on other days.)

Day 14 – Boost your vitamin D levels.   

Avoiding dairy can help lower your risk of prostate cancer… But it can also hurt your vitamin D levels. And you need strong vitamin D in order to live a healthy life. In fact, low vitamin D has been linked to aggressive prostate cancer. There is a direct relationship: the lower the vitamin D levels, the more aggressive the prostate cancer.

The best way to get your vitamin D is sunlight. Just 10 minutes of exposure to sunlight can give you your entire vitamin D dosage for the day. After 10 minutes, make sure you put sunscreen on to prevent burns or skin damage.

Fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, and salmon also have vitamin D. Beef liver and foods fortified with vitamin D are also possible.

If you’re still not getting enough vitamin D, talk to your doctor about finding a healthy supplement that will work for you.

Day 15 – Stop smoking.   

Smoking impacts almost every area of your life. The toxins and chemicals found in cigarettes (and cigars) can do serious, irreversible damage to your organs and cells. Specifically, research shows that smokers have a more aggressive form of prostate cancer and a greater risk of recurrence.

But studies have shown that prostate cancer patients who quit smoking for more than 10 years have the same mortality risk than those who have never smoked. So you can lower your risk of cancer and other serious diseases by quitting today.

Make the commitment!

Day 16 – Drink coffee.   

Coffee has been a medical “mystery” for some time—is it or is it not good for you? 

In terms of prostate cancer, coffee might actually be a potential help. Some research has found that every three cups of coffee you drink can help reduce the risk of fatal prostate cancer by 11%. An Italian study found that three cups of coffee every day reduced prostate cancer risk by 53% compared to drinking zero to two cups daily.

Interestingly, though, how you prepare the coffee may matter. For example, in Italy, they don’t use a filter. In a Norwegian study, men who drank boiled water (without a filter) had a lower risk of prostate cancer than those who drank coffee with a filter. This is likely because cafestol and kahweol, which are coffee’s known cancer-fighting chemicals, may get trapped in the filters while the coffee is brewing. So, drink fresh, boiled coffee if you want to see the cancer-fighting effects.

However, it’s still important to note that too much coffee has its downsides too. This can lead to seizures, heart problems, migraines, adrenal fatigue, and more. These risks are amplified if you are on any medications. So talk to your doctor about how to monitor your caffeine intake while reducing your risk of prostate cancer.

Day 17 – Avoid folic acid.   

Studies have looked at the link between folate and prostate cancer. While the research is not yet conclusive, some studies believe folate plays a role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Regardless, studies show that folic acid (a man-made form of folate) increases the risk of prostate cancer.

So, while folate is important, you don’t want to supplement it with folic acid in order to get your daily dose of folate. Instead, get your folate through green vegetables, beans, and orange juice.

Day 18 – Exercise at least 3 hours weekly.  

This is everyone’s favorite tip… exercise. But working out has immense benefits that you can’t ignore. From stress reduction to improved sleep to lowered cardiovascular and respiratory disease risks, exercise really is a cure-all for a number of ailments. It has even been shown to “turn off” those genes that are predisposed to cancer, leaving you with healthier genes and lower risk.

Studies especially show that working out can reduce your risk of prostate cancer. This is likely because exercise lowers inflammation, improves immune function, and raises levels of natural antioxidants—which work together to fight against cancer.

It doesn’t really matter what exercise you do—as long as you get your heart rate up. I typically recommend high-intensity interval training (HIIT) because it helps burn fat and boost testosterone fast.

Day 19 – Lower your stress.    

Stress is the modern-day plague. It is directly correlated to cardiovascular disease, stroke, and even cancer. Stress has especially been linked to incidence and aggressiveness of prostate cancer. Stress can actually manipulate your genes in a way that makes you susceptible to disease; in reverse,  reducing stress can actually make you more immune to sickness.

Ways to lower stress include:

  •     Exercise (see “Day 16”)
  •     Meditation
  •     Yoga
  •     Breathing techniques
  •     Sex
  •     Spending time with family, friends
  •     Picking up a hobby
  •     Getting rid of the stressor
  •     Talking to a professional

Learn more about the impacts of stress here.

Day 20 – Get your zinc.    

Zinc is found in all of our body’s organs and fluids, but it has an especially high concentration in the prostate tissue. This has led researchers to look at the impact of zinc levels on prostate diseases and cancer. There have been conflicting results, and often they come down to the conclusion: we’re still not sure.

So, while the question is up in the air, there’s one thing that we can be sure of: we need zinc. It’s necessary for all of our organs’ functions, and low zinc can be detrimental to health. Zinc plays an especially critical role in sexual health.

But there’s something else we know: zinc supplementation could very well increase prostate cancer risk. Studies show that zinc vitamins contain chemicals that could be linked to cancer.

So you want to get your zinc, but you want to get it naturally through the foods you eat. Oysters are especially high in zinc, as are other types of seafood like crabs and lobster. You can also get zinc in poultry, red meat, beans, nuts, and whole grains.

Day 21 – Throw out your multivitamins.    

While we’re on the subject of supplementation, it’s time to get rid of those one-a-day multivitamins. Multivitamins are chock full of vitamins—or so they claim. They actually contain a lot of chemical derivatives that look like vitamins, but your body can’t fully absorb them. You end up wasting your money while potentially adding more toxins to your body.

Studies have even looked at the impact of multivitamins and prostate cancer specifically. One study found that men who took multivitamins were 32% more likely to develop advanced prostate cancer and 98% more likely to die from the disease.

While the relationship is still unclear, it’s best to avoid multivitamins. Instead, focus on getting a well-rounded diet. If you need additional supplementation, take individual organic vitamins for each need, as opposed to “catch-all” multivitamins.

Day 22 – Get your isoflavones.    

Studies show that isoflavones may play a protective role against the development of prostate cancer. This is likely because isoflavones may fight off carcinogens, especially in the tissues of the body (like the prostate tissue).

You can find isoflavone concentrations in:

  •     Tofu (soybeans)
  •     Chickpeas
  •     Lentils
  •     Alfalfa sprouts
  •     Peanuts
  •     Green tea

Green tea is especially full of antioxidants that can help fight off prostate cancer. Add a few more isoflavones to your salads or meat dishes to get those protective effects!

Check out N1 Performance Health–  a personalized men’s health and performance program designed to radically upgrade your health.

Day 23 – Focus on healthy fats.     

You can prevent prostate cancer through diet—especially if you eat a lot of healthy fats. This might be because a diet high in healthy fats helps boost testosterone production, and high testosterone levels are linked to lower risk of prostate cancer.

Focus on plant-based fats as opposed to animal fats. This gives you a strong testosterone base without increasing your risk of prostate cancer (like animal fats might).

Add these healthy fats to your diet to start seeing optimal sexual health:

  •     Olive oil
  •     Avocado
  •     Dark chocolate
  •     Eggs
  •     Fatty fish (trout, salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring)
  •     Nuts
  •     Chia seeds
  •     Coconut oil
  •     Yogurt

Day 24 – Have sex.     

Sex is one of my favorite prescriptions— not only because it’s fun, but it’s also good for you. Sex is a great form of exercise and it reduces stress while improving sleep quality. Plus, studies show that men who ejaculate more frequently have a lower risk of prostate cancer.

That’s right—sex may help protect against prostate cancer. One study found that men who ejaculated (sex and masturbation included) 21 or more times a month had a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer compared to men who only report four to seven ejaculations per month. Other studies have reiterated similar findings.

The reason for this link is unclear, but it may have to do with “emptying” the prostate of any harmful substances and chemicals. Think of ejaculation as a prostate cleanse.

So go get busy! Tell your partner it’s necessary for your health.

Day 25 – Add spices to your diet.

Researchers at the Center for Holistic Urology in NYC recently discovered that herbs and spices may be able to fight against prostate cancer. They blended together ginger, oregano, rosemary, and green tea, and they found that it actually reduced prostate-cancer cell growth by 78%.

While you can purchase these blends, you can also just add more of these prostate-happy herbs to your diet. These spices are healthy and delicious additions to your diet that can help improve your overall health:

  •     Ginger
  •     Turmeric
  •     Cayenne
  •     Garlic
  •     Saffron
  •     Black cumin
  •     Black pepper

Day 26 – Know the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer.     

The best way to prevent aggressive or fatal prostate cancer is to catch it early. Unfortunately, there often aren’t signs of prostate cancer that can instantly clue you into your health. The only real way to diagnose prostate cancer is a PSA test and biopsy with your doctor.

Nevertheless, there are some ways to keep an eye out for changes in your body that could indicate prostate cancer. Potential symptoms of prostate cancer include:

  •     Pain while urinating
  •     Difficulty stopping or starting urine stream
  •     Increase in urination frequency
  •     Diminished urinary stream
  •     A sensation of incomplete bladder emptying
  •     Blood in urine
  •     Painful ejaculation
  •     Blood in semen

If you’re frequently getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, you might want to talk to your doctor about a PSA test. Learn more about how to spot prostate cancer early here.

Day 27 – Control your genes.

Did you know that you have control over your genetic expression? Certain lifestyle choices can actually put you at risk for cancer—while others can minimize your risk!

It can often feel challenging to control our health. We have some semblance of control at work, in our relationships, and over our personality—but health often feels out of our control.

But this is proven incorrect. You can fight your genetics. You do have control over your health. Your body is yours!  

Click to learn more about the role between your genes and cancer—and what you can do about it.

Day 28 – Retire today.    

Yes, I’m telling you to retire today! But not actually…

We all have a “work to retire” or “work for the weekend” mindset. But this is actually stressing you out more, which could be increasing your risk for cancer.

Plus, studies show that retirement can actually kill us. The moment you stop working, your body starts to deteriorate, especially if you retire at a young age.

So, I’m telling you to retire today, meaning you need to find something that you’re going to love doing every day so you aren’t wishing and hoping for retirement. This might mean a new career path, a new company, or a new hobby. You want to find something that will make you passionate and excited every day—not dreading life “until” retirement.

Whatever you’ve always wanted to do when you retire—start doing it now instead. This will make you less stressed, happier, and less likely to go into “retirement” at a young age.

Stay youthful and stay vibrant…starting right now!

Day 29 – Don’t freak out (it’s treatable).     

The best thing you can do for your health is to take care of it—not worry about it. The more you obsess, the more you make it a reality. Instead, obsess about living a healthy life—not about preventing cancer.

Best yet, prostate cancer is curable, especially when detected and treated early. In fact, more than 90% of prostate cancers are detected early enough for cure. The 5-year survival rate in the U.S. is 99%. If diagnosed, you can and will survive!

That means you don’t need to freak out about a prostate cancer diagnosis. This just means you need to keep up with your lifestyle changes and visit your doctor regularly so you can keep tabs on anything going on with your health.

Day 30 – Follow the course.  

This is a lot to keep track of. You have 30 tips and tricks to help lower risk of prostate cancer and keep your health strong.

So how do you stick to it?

Most of us aren’t disciplined enough to do it alone. We keep up with something for a week or so, and then these “habits” quickly fall to the wayside (like all of our other diets and fads).

To make these lifestyle changes that will show long-term results, you need accountability.

You need someone watching to make sure you follow through on your promises.

We are that someone – the Gapin Institute for Men’s Health and Performance.

With G1 Performance Health,  we’ll give you in-depth info about how to take control of your sexual and overall health. You’ll get a genetic-based report and analysis, along with a private consultation to set you on the right track.

Don’t do it alone. Our individually tailored-coaching will give you step-by-step instructions to make these lifestyle changes stick.

Follow my course and you’ll see major results, guaranteed.

Let’s get started!

Schedule a Call


Epigenetics Series: How To Sleep For Better Health

Even one night of sleep deprivation can alter your genes. The epigenetic change of poor sleep can result in reduced immunity, poor memory, lowered cognitive processes, enhanced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and even higher risk for cancer and early death.

1 in 3 American adults doesn’t get enough sleep on a regular basis. That means nearly 70 to 80 million Americans are being subjected to reduced health and quality of life simply because they aren’t sleeping enough.

But understanding the epigenetics of sleep could help treat sleep disorders and their associated health risks.

How is sleep related to our genes? How do these epigenetic changes impact our health? And what can we do to reverse these genetic changes, sleep more, and stay healthy?

Epigenetics Recap

Let’s quickly recap the basics of epigenetics so we’re on the same page to discuss sleep genes.

Epigenetics looks at how changes in lifestyle and environmental factors can influence genetic expression.

We can’t change our genes. But certain environmental and lifestyle factors—like sleep— can activate or deactivate the expression of those genes.

DNA methylation is the most important and common epigenetic change. Methylation occurs when proteins attach to the methyl groups on the DNA bases. This attachment either “turns on” or “turns off” the expression of those genes. Think of methylation like a light switch that can flip the genetic expression one way or the other. We’ll also discuss histone acetylation below, which also plays a role in epigenetic expression.

Learn more about epigenetics here: What is Epigenetics and Why Do You Care?

The Importance Of Sleep

Sleep is critical for almost every aspect of our health. From learning and memory building to maintaining a healthy weight to reducing risk for chronic diseases, a number of studies have linked proper sleep to overall health and wellness.

The reverse is true as well. Studies have proven a correlation between lack of sleep and health problems, like metabolic disorders, heart disease, and even early death.

But the reason we need sleep for health isn’t fully understood. It could be because a lack of sleep increases cortisol (“stress hormone”) levels, which is linked to health problems. Or it could be that your cells need sleep to “reset” and regenerate. It could also be that sleep gives our body the necessary energy to use during the day.

Epigenetics is making some headway in understanding why we truly need sleep. Epigenetics suggests that sleep impacts DNA methylation, which can activate or deactivate certain cells in the body.

A lack of sleep may increase DNA methylation, which can suddenly activate the expression of risky genes, like cancer-causing tumor growth genes.

“It is becoming clear that epigenetic factors are highly integrated into networks [of clock genes and circadian gene expression],” wrote Qureshi and Mehler.

Epigenetics Control Sleep Patterns

Recent studies have proven that maternal and paternal imprinted genes control REM sleep.

One study looked at two syndromes, Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome.

Prader-Willi syndrome comes from maternal additions (and paternal deletions) on chromosome 15. It results in inactive and sleepy children who tend towards the psychotic spectrum disorder.

Angelman syndrome has paternal additions and maternal deletions on chromosome 15. This syndrome results in hyperactive children who tend towards the autism spectrum.

This says something interesting about the link between genes and these syndromes’ symptoms. The difference comes from an opposite pattern of imprinting, which is the expression of the gene of one parental copy over another (Prader-Willi favors the maternal and Angelman favors the paternal).

When the maternal is stronger with Prader-Willi, children are inactive and sleeping. When the paternal gene is stronger with Angelman, children are hyperactive and sleepless.

The gene is the same, but the expression on wakefulness and sleepiness is different.

This same study also found that these genes can even control dreams. When paternal genes were predominantly expressed, the dreamer showed more aggressive impulses. When maternal genes were expressed, the dreamer showed more pro-social behaviors.

The expressed maternal or paternal gene has a direct correlation to energy levels, sleep capacity, and even dreaming.

This proves, at the very least, that our genetic expression has a direct link to our sleep patterns.

Sleep Patterns Control Epigenetics

But the opposite is true too. Genes control our sleep, but sleep also controls how our genes are expressed.

Research has proven that sleep controls the REM cycle. In fact, nearly 15% of our total genes oscillate along the sleep-wake cycles. This means that the genetic expression is dependent upon sleep patterns. A loss of sleep that disrupts our natural circadian rhythm can actually affect 20% of the genes in our brain.

These genes are called “clock” genes. These clock genes are key components of our circadian clock. How they interact with one another is entirely dependent upon genetic expression. The clock genes control when we are awake and when we are asleep, aka our nocturnal and diurnal cycles.

Yes, whether you are a “night owl” or “morning lark” is actually a factor of your genetic expression!

Some of the core clock genes include BMAL1, CRY 1,2 and PER 1,2. You can learn more about clock genes here.

Sleep and DNA methylation 

One of the most significant studies looked at the DNA methylation after just one night of sleep deprivation. 15 healthy men stayed in the lab for two nights. They slept during one session and were kept awake the entire night for the other.

They found after just one night of sleep deprivation:

  • Complete methylation of CRY1
  • Methylation changes in two regions of PER 2
  • Reduced genetic expression of BMAL1

That means almost all of the clock genes were instantly changed in just one night.  Researchers wrote, “Our current results indicate that changes in our clock genes may be linked to such negative effects caused by sleep loss.”

The study also looked at cortisol and blood glucose levels with sleep loss. They found that one night of sleep deprivation changed the genome of fat and muscle tissue. This demonstrates a direct link to increased risk factors of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

The researchers weren’t actually surprised that sleep impacted DNA methylation. They were more surprised how abruptly this change occurred. Cedernaes said, “It was interesting that the methylation of these genes could be altered so quickly, and that it could occur for these metabolically important clock genes.”

But what’s the problem? Why do we care about these clock genes?

These clock genes determine not only our patterns of sleep but also other key impacts of health, including cognitive function, metabolic health, and immunity.

Key Epigenetic Changes Dependent Upon Sleep

  1. Sleep improves immunity

There is a direct link between sleep and the immune system. A loss of sleep reduces the ability of the body to fight infection and diseases.

One study found an increase in DNA methylation in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Increased methylation occurred primarily on the FOXP3 (Forkhead Box P3) gene. This gene is known for regulating the body’s immune response.

Methylation of this gene increased levels of two key proteins:

  • High sensitivity C reactive protein: linked to cardiovascular disease and inflammation in blood
  • Myeloid-related protein 8/14 complex: has a role in the body’s inflammatory process

Overall, researchers concluded that increased methylation levels increased the systematic inflammatory response. This chronic inflammation reduces the immune system while damaging organs and body functioning over time.

Learn more about the serious adverse health effects of chronic inflammation here.

  1. Sleep enhances memory and cognitive functioning

Memories are stored while we sleep. If we aren’t sleeping, our brain doesn’t have time to “record” these memories.

Like methylation, histone acetylation is another epigenetic mechanism. This occurs when acetyl groups are added to histones (histones help order the structure of DNA). An addition of acetyl relaxes the DNA chromatin structure, which increases the expression of that gene.

While DNA methylation “turns off” or “turns on” a specific gene, histone acetylation enhances the “on” of a gene. If DNA methylation is a light switch, acetylation is the dimmer function.

Studies have proven a link between reverse histone acetylation and brain function. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are especially implicated in learning and memory.

A lack of sleep can actually cause histone acetylation, and thus impact the brain’s ability to form memories and apply new learnings.

One study looked at rats with three days of sleep deprivation. They found that sleep loss decreased histone acetylation levels and increased HDAC2 expression.

They also found a reduction in BDNF (brain-derived neurotropic factor) promoters. These proteins are critical for the creation of neuron synapses and associated memory formation.

The sleep deprivation reduced BDNF expression, which can interfere with the process of building neurons. Without these neurons, the brain starts to slow down, especially with regards to memory formation.

That’s why a night without sleep can make you so foggy and forgetful.

The researchers then administered an HDAC inhibitor to reverse this process, which was able to restorer spatial memory function.

  1. Sleep minimizes cancer risk

Studies have shown a link between a desynchronized circadian clock and tumor development. Not getting enough sleep can alter genes that are linked to immunity and tumor growth. This leaves your body exposed to cancer progression without the immunity to fight it off.

This likely occurs due to the decrease in melatonin with lack of sleep. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness.

One study found that melatonin can actually reverse tumor growth. In reverse, a lack of melatonin enables tumor growth progression. If we don’t sleep enough, our bodies don’t release the necessary melatonin. Moreover, light at night inhibits the release of melatonin. This melatonin deficiency has been linked to global DNA methylation, which impacts genes that regulate the immune system and inflammation.  

In essence, melatonin is necessary to prevent and reduce tumor growth.

  1. Sleep impacts stress (in a cycle)

Sleeping more can actually reduce your stress. Sleep helps lower your cortisol levels and increase your other hormones, like testosterone. A reduction in the stress-hormone cortisol can help your body feel less anxious and stressed.

But the reverse is true too. You need to reduce your stress if you want to get better sleep.

DNA methylation plays an important role in our body’s response to stress. DNA methylation can “turn on” stress genes. Stress causes histone modifications in the hippocampus, which can make the brain too active to get a good night’s sleep.

And many scientists believe that stress causes insomnia.

So DNA methylation might increase stress, which causes insomnia.

Insomnia and disrupted sleep then itself can become a chronic “stressor.” This stressor causes the DNA methylation that then causes insomnia.

It becomes a negative feedback loop of sleeplessness, stress, and unhealthy DNA methylation of genetic expression. This can literally perpetuate and sustain insomnia and associated health concerns indefinitely.

But we can actually break this cycle of epigenetics… by sleeping more.

How To Sleep

Can you “bank” your sleep?

This is always the first question people ask. Is it okay if I don’t sleep during the week and I sleep a lot on the weekend?

Well, no… but maybe.

Scientists are still looking at the impact of sleep accumulation.

However, as we saw with the above study, just one night of sleep deprivation can impact DNA methylation. Chronic sleep loss may have irreversible effects on genetic expression.

But, that doesn’t mean you should start losing sleep over your lost sleep. You want quality sleep every night, but one rough night won’t kill you. It’s generally accepted that it’s better to make up lost time the following day or weekend than to consistently tire yourself out running on no sleep.

So what does a healthy sleep look like?

In all honesty, the jury is still out on the answer to this question. So I’ll give you two key tips to follow that everyone can agree on.

  1. You want to sleep in full REM cycles when possible.

One REM cycle is about 90 minutes long. This means you generally want to wake up in intervals of an hour and a half. For example, you want to set your alarm for 6 hours, 7.5 hours, or 9 hours. Waking up after 8 hours interrupts a REM cycle, which will not only leave you tired and grouchy, but it could also impact DNA methylation and epigenetic expression.

The number of hours you should shoot for each night is still up in the air. I generally recommend 7-9 hours each night depending on your own energy levels. You can sometimes get by with 6 hours depending upon your own body’s needs.

However, with regards to epigenetic expression, the number of hours seems to be less important than when you sleep. You want to follow the natural light-dark cycle of the earth—and of your body. Sleeping during the day may actually impact your chromatin remodeling and cellular metabolism.  

  1. Go to sleep when it’s dark. Wake with the sun.

Learn more about sleep and increasing your energy here.

The Bottom Line

Sleep affects our “clock genes.” These genes are linked to key health factors like the immune system, inflammation regulation, cancer progression, stress, and chronic disease.

Even one night of sleep deprivation can impact the epigenetic profile. Sleep alters the expression of our genes. This means that sleep can literally control our behavioral and physiological functions.

Further understanding of the epigenetics of sleep could help treat sleep-wake disorders as well as reduce risks of neuro-degeneration, metabolic disease, cancer, diseases, and aging.

It’s critical to sleep in appropriate circadian rhythms to improve the immune system, boost cognitive function, reduce cancer risk, and more.

Do you love learning about how you can control your genes and health?

Sign up for G1 High Performance Health now to take control of your health this week!

I look forward to seeing you there.

8 Fun Ways To Naturally Increase Your Libido

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were fun to naturally increase your libido? Guess what? It can be!

Having a low sex drive and libido can be incredibly frustrating. No matter how much you want to have sex, your body still doesn’t want to have sex. A low libido can make you feel tired, anxious, stressed, and even emasculated. You need sex for a happy and healthy life.

But you don’t have to deal with a low libido. There are a number of ways to naturally increase your libido that will have you as horny as a teenager once again! (Well, maybe not that much.)

In this article, I’m focusing specifically on the easiest and most fun lifestyle changes that will help increase your libido. The conventional method of testosterone replacement therapy can work… but it’s not the ideal first solution for most men. There are other ways to start regaining your sexual vigor without costly, time-consuming, cumbersome therapies.

But first—what’s libido?

Libido 101

“Libido” is a fancy (medical) word for sex drive. Your libido is simply your desire to have sex. If your libido is high, you’re incredibly interested in sex. If it’s low, sex isn’t a priority or it may seem like a nuisance. Libido generally relates to a consistent pattern of sexual desire. Not wanting to have sex for one week does not mean you necessarily have a low libido; not wanting sex for two months may signal a concern.

If you’ve never suffered from low libido, you might be thinking, “There are people who don’t want to have sex?” But anyone who has experienced low libido will tell you just how frustrating and challenging it is. Men with low libido still usually want to have sex in theory, but their body doesn’t have the energy or physical desire for the act.

Despite the fact that libido is linked with the mental idea of “desire,” libido is actually not solely psychological. It’s also highly physiological, biological, emotional, and even social. And it’s important to note—for yourself and your partner—that libido often isn’t even linked to sexual arousal. You can be highly aroused by your partner and still not have the physical desire to have sex. This is because libido can be caused by stress, illness, anxiety, relationship concerns, low testosterone, and other unrelated concerns.

Low libido and ED

Before we discuss the causes of low libido, let’s get one thing straight: low libido is not the same as impotence or ED. You can have low sexual desire and still be able to get an erection, and you can have high libido and not be able to get an erection. Although research has shown there is a correlation between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction, the two do not seem to be causal. You can have one without the other.

This is important to keep in mind when treating your concerns. If you have low libido, erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra won’t help raise your libido. They won’t make you want to have sex more, and they won’t influence your testosterone levels. Even worse, these ED meds can actually have unpleasant side effects that might harm your sexual and psychological health, which can potentially reduce your libido further.

The reverse is also true. If you have erectile dysfunction, boosting your libido won’t necessarily solve those concerns. You could do all of the fun activities on this list, but you still won’t be able to attain an erection with ED. In that case, you’ll want to look for natural ways to address your ED.

Causes of low libido

Where does low libido come from? You should understand the basic causes to help treat your low libido appropriately.

1. Low testosterone

If your testosterone levels are below 350 ng/dL, you are likely feeling the symptoms of “low testosterone.” Testosterone is the key hormonal driver of libido. Testosterone is that “manly” hormone that makes you want to work out, have sex, eat hamburgers, and watch football. Well, that’s not true, but testosterone is the number one driver of sexual interest. In fact, even women need an appropriate amount of manly testosterone in order to be turned on for sex. That’s actually one of the reasons men and women kiss—the male’s saliva actually transfers testosterone to the female to get her ready for sex!

If your testosterone is low, you won’t feel that natural hormonal horniness. Instead, you’ll feel lethargic, anxious, depressed, and stressed. You may notice weight gain, brain fog, and a loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy. Low testosterone can influence your entire wellbeing—including your sexual prowess. Learn more about how to naturally increase your testosterone here

2. Psychological concerns

Anxiety and depression are key contributors to low libido. Depression causes you to lose interest in all of your normal activities, including the sex you once enjoyed. Moreover, medications for anxiety and depression often have side effects that can lower testosterone and libido levels.

Stress is also a key contributor in sexual desire. Stress creates cortisol, which kills testosterone levels. Cortisol both blocks the production of testosterone and binds to free-floating T, creating significantly reduced testosterone levels. This increase in cortisol and decrease in testosterone has been shown to directly influence sexual vigor, desire, and ability.

3. Weight 

If you’re holding extra weight, you’re also holding extra estrogen and cortisol. Excess estrogen stores fat and stops the production of testosterone. This leads to lowered testosterone levels, which, in turn, leads to more weight gain. This creates a vicious cycle of low T, low libido, and overweight unhappiness. If you’ve been racking on the pounds recently, you’ve likely also been met with a lowered sex drive.

4. Age

Testosterone levels naturally decrease as you age. Hormonal imbalances become more common as the number of candles on the birthday cake increases. Although low T levels are (sort of) a natural part of life, it doesn’t mean it’s not conquerable with the right lifestyle changes.

5.  Medications

Certain medications have side effects that can lower libido and testosterone. These include:

  •      Anti-depressants (SSRIs)
  •      Antipsychotics
  •      Beta-blockers
  •      Opioids
  •      Blood pressure medications
  •      Heart disease medications
  •      Diabetic treatments (insulin)

6. Prostate cancer treatments

Prostate cancer itself often doesn’t cause low libido, but its associated treatments and concerns can. Chemo and radiation for prostate cancer infiltrate the pelvis, which can often upset T levels. Surgery for prostate cancer can damage nearby nerves, which may have an influence on libido and impotence. Moreover, prostate cancer can create anxiety and depression in many patients, which can further lead to reduced sex drive and low libido.

7. Sleep problems

Studies have shown that sleep and testosterone are directly linked. One study found that sleep deficiencies influence low libido, and another found that sleep apnea may be a cause of lowered testosterone.

8. Unhealthy living

Other causes of low libido include:

  •      Smoking
  •      Alcohol abuse
  •      Drug abuse
  •      Inactivity or sedentary lifestyle

Now that you can better pinpoint where your low libido may be coming from, let’s get into my 8 favorite ways to boost libido in just a few days!

Naturally increase your libido

1. Have sex.

If you have a low libido but still have some desire to have sex, this is the best solution to bringing back your sex drive. Sex works wonders to address all of the causes of low libido and work to naturally increase your libido:

  •      Increases testosterone levels
  •      Boosts self-confidence
  •      Lowers stress
  •      Burns calories (sheds pounds)
  •      Helps you sleep
  •      Increases endorphins and dopamine
  •      Makes you feel 10 years younger

Sex is especially proven at boosting testosterone levels. A 1992 study found that both men and women had higher testosterone levels on nights of sexual activity than on nights of no sexual activity. Another study found that older men who have sex have higher testosterone and better health overall than those who don’t have sex.

Try having sex first thing in the morning. Testosterone levels and male libido are usually highest just after waking up. If you’re suffering from low libido, you may still be interested in having sex after waking up from a restful night’s sleep. Having sex in the morning will also put you on a good path for the rest of the day. You’ll have increased testosterone levels and lower stress that will boost your libido for the remainder of the day. Plus, you’ll walk into work with a glowing smile plastered across your face!

P.S. Don’t forget the foreplay. Foreplay before sex (or throughout the day) can help increase your (and your partner’s) libido. The more you talk about and think about having sex together, the higher your testosterone levels will rise. One study found that even the anticipation of sexual activity boosts testosterone production.

2. Sleep more.

Sex makes you sleepy, and it’s okay to revel in that rest! You need to sleep in order for your body to balance your hormones and produce testosterone. During sleep, your body also replenishes its energy, which contributes to a strong and lively libido. 

Studies have found that sleep deficiencies lead to low testosterone and diminished sex drive. Another study found that men who slept for at least 8 hours had T levels around 500-800 ng/dL, while those who slept only 4 had 200-300 ng/dL of testosterone. There is a direct correlation between hours slept and testosterone levels (and raising those testosterone levels works to naturally increase your libido).

So sleep more. How should you increase your sleep quantity and quality?

  •      Sleep in a cool, dark room.
  •      Turn off your phone and electronics 1 hour prior to sleep.
  •      Exercise and have sex. (Physical activity improves sleep quality.)
  •      Supplement with melatonin, the “sleep hormone.”
  •      Take power naps to increase your energy levels throughout the day.

3. Do something exciting with your partner.

Get your heart rate up with your partner outside of the bedroom as well. Studies show that people tend to feel more romantic and sexual after doing adrenaline-pumping experiences together. This is often deemed “misattribution of arousal,” but I like to call it “sexy fear.”

Basically, people tend to misplace the physiological response to fear as physiological sexual arousal. The two are very similar: shortness of breath, boost in blood pressure, inexplicable energy, high levels of adrenaline, etc.

This has been proven in a number of studies, like the suspension bridge study by Dutton and Aron. This study found that men who walked across a suspension bridge and were met with an attractive female researcher on the other side were more likely to call the woman after the study than those men who did not walk across the suspension bridge. Basically, the male participants attributed their fear from the suspension bridge as sexual arousal for the female on the safe side of the bridge.

Another study by Schachter and Singer found that if a person was physiologically aroused with epinephrine, they attributed that arousal to a recent memory. This demonstrates that people tend to misattribute their physiological feelings. That’s why so many heroes seem to fall in love at the end of an action-packed film, even though they know nothing about each other (well, and also because it’s Hollywood).

What does this mean for you? It simply means that if you and your partner do something exciting and heart-racing, it can help you two connect with a new form of arousal.

Get sweaty together outside of the bedroom to get your adrenaline and energy flowing—and you’ll start to redirect that energy back into the bedroom. You don’t have to jump out of a plane to see the same effects. Go for a walk, go to the gym, dance together, have a pillow fight, or watch a scary movie. If you’re short of breath and a little sweaty, you’re producing adrenaline that can raise your libido in tandem.

4. Do yoga.

Not sure what you should do together? Take a yoga class! Ancient tantric teachings used yoga as a way to heal sexual dysfunction and raise sexual energy. Yoga is a proven way to boost libido in a variety of ways. Firstly, yoga helps relieve stress. This lowers your cortisol levels—and we know that cortisol kills testosterone. This means that a stress-free yogi can have more free-floating testosterone and higher energy levels.

Yoga also helps increase self-esteem. It helps you overcome psychological and mental roadblocks that could be contributing to your low testosterone and libido. Plus, yoga can help burn calories and shed extra weight!

Yoga also increases flexibility and boosts circulation to the pelvis. Basically, yoga “enlivens” your pelvic area. It helps to align your pelvis and head along your spine, so your brain is better connected with your sexual organs. This helps wake up your penis and testes to produce more testosterone and have better blood flow. Some studies even suggest that yoga can treat premature ejaculation.

Oh, and by the way, yoga also helps enhance the female libido. Some women have even reported “orgasmic experiences” during yoga. So do yoga with your significant other as well! You’ll satisfy the #3 “do something exciting together” prescription while also boosting your sexual prowess.

5. Rub on some essential oils.

Massage each other with some libido-boosting essential oils. Sandalwood is often used in perfumes and colognes because it’s a natural aphrodisiac, known for attracting the sexual interest of anyone who smells it. It’s also used to balance and regulate hormone production. Cinnamon oil is another libido booster(use caution with this one – its a hot oil, so remember to dilute and don’t put it in sensitive areas), and it has also been considered a natural remedy for impotence because of its ability to open up the nitric oxide pathway that increases blood flow to the genitals. Other libido-happy essential oils include rose, jasmine, and ylang ylang.

Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into your deodorant or lotion to improve your hormones and increase your libido throughout the day. You can also dilute these essences in your favorite massage oil for an added boost of sexiness. Even taking a whiff of the essential oil from the bottle can get you going!

6. Eat natural aphrodisiacs.

Diet plays an important role in your hormone levels; what you put in is what you get out. Aphrodisiacs are foods that boost sexual desire and horniness. These include figs, bananas, avocados, and oysters. You’ll also want to consume more vitamin C like oranges, red peppers, and guava; these help boost circulation and increase energy levels.

My favorite aphrodisiac is dark chocolate. There’s a good reason that chocolate is often considered a symbol of desire. Dark chocolate releases phenylethylamine and serotonin, which lift mood, regulate blood sugar, and boost libido. Plus, some studies show that even thinking dark chocolate is sexy can help increase sexual desire!

You should also try adding nutmeg and clove to your foods and drinks. (I love nutmeg in my coffee or tea.) Both have been proven to enhance sexual behavior and arousal in male animals. Just a bit of warming spices and you could be on your way to the bedroom!

And don’t forget to drink water. Dehydration can cause fatigue and lower energy, which dulls your sexual desire instantly. If your body isn’t getting the water it needs, it will start to shut off extraneous processes to focus on those organ functions that are most vital. The more water you drink, the better your sexual function.

7. Take supplements.

Taking supplements may not seem like a “fun” libido booster—but it’s an easy way to start having more fun in the bedroom ASAP. With just a few choice supplements, you can get your libido up and running in no time.

Ginkgo biloba helps improve blood flow to the genitals and can actually help overcome different sorts of sexual dysfunctions. In fact, ginkgo biloba has been shown to treat sexual dysfunction and low libido as caused by antidepressants especially. So, if your low libido or ED is a result of antidepressant medication side effects, a supplementation of ginkgo biloba may be able to get you back on the right track without changing your prescription lineup. Be sure to discuss with your doctor before beginning any new supplement treatment, though.

Furthermore, tribulus is a supplement used in traditional Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac, and maca root has been shown to increase sexual desire in both the short-term and the long-term.

Talk to your doctor about adding a supplemental plan to your libido-boosting regimen!

  1. Send each other pictures.

Hey, they don’t have to be dirty pictures! A study by Helen Fisher found that when a person looks at a photo of their loved one for 30 seconds or longer, their brain begins to produce dopamine. That dopamine then boosts libido. That’s right, staring at a picture of your significant other can get you going—even if it’s a picture of them in a parka!

Take more time to look at your partner (both in person and in pictures) and you’ll be able to re-ignite new, fiery passion for one another.

Bottom Line

Low libido is a biological, psychological, and social concern. It’s not easily treated, even with conventional testosterone replacement therapies. But you can boost your libido and your energy with a few fun and easy lifestyle changes. By taking the time to focus on your health and your relationship with your partner, you can start living the life you want. You can go back to that “can’t take our hands off of each other” feeling from the start of the relationship. Your libido just needs a little push.

If you want to get your health and your libido back in shape, there’s no better time to start than NOW! Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program to get a comprehensive plan for bettering your sexual and overall wellbeing for a total body transformation.

If you’ve read this article, you want to increase your libido. Now is the time. Sign up for G1 Performance Health!

How To Conquer Metabolic Syndrome

If you’re a man with a waistline circumference over 40 inches and you’re struggling to get your weight and health under control, you may be dealing with metabolic syndrome. If you’ve visited a doctor and found elevated blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and prediabetes, you might be feeling helpless and vulnerable to your increased risk of health complications. You’re probably wondering what you can do to lower your risk and get your health back under control.

Placing the term “metabolic syndrome” on your health concerns can be validating. And if you are one of the 32% of the U.S. population with metabolic syndrome, you can find solace in understanding how metabolic syndrome works… and how you can treat it naturally and easily.

What is metabolic syndrome?

“Metabolic” refers to the biochemical processes that allow for your body’s healthy, normal functioning. This includes your metabolism, which is the process that turns your food nutrients into energy that the body uses to stay operating at optimal capacity.

Metabolic syndrome, often also called syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome, is itself not a disease. It’s the term given to a collection of conditions that together increase your risk for serious diseases, like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

General conditions of metabolic syndrome include:

  • Insulin resistance (pre-diabetes)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood sugar
  • Obesity

Together, these conditions increase your risk of clotting, such as stroke and heart attack. They also put you at severe risk for heart disease and diabetes (especially type 2).

Metabolic disease is found in 82% of diabetic patients because it’s linked to insulin resistance. If you have metabolic disease, your cells aren’t able to respond to insulin—the hormone that helps your cells use sugar as fuel and energy. In this way, you start to have more free-floating sugar in your blood. Your body starts to respond to this increase in glucose levels by churning out more insulin. Suddenly, you’re overloaded with sugar in your blood, useless insulin floating around… and your body is unregulated, unhappy, and unable to function.

Moreover, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes all have one key thing in common (aside from being horrible for your wellbeing):

They are known causes of erectile dysfunction and low testosterone.

Yes, that means that metabolic syndrome is hurting your sex life!

(Also, metabolic syndrome may cause kidney disease, sleep apnea, fatty liver syndrome, increased risk of dementia, and cognitive decline.)

This means that metabolic syndrome has a direct effect on your heart health, blood health, organ health, and sexual health—all of which are vital parts of life and wellness (especially the sexual health, if you ask me).

Metabolic syndrome negatively influences your overall health and way of life. Most likely, you are not in the physical shape you used to be, which can damage your everyday life. You may have lowered energy, be more tired, lose concentration, and feel unsatisfied with your health. You can’t play with your kids like you used to and your dog misses going on long walks in the park.

Moreover, this increased risk of serious diseases can take a toll on your emotional wellbeing. You aren’t living the healthy, fruitful life you want, and you’re constantly weighed down with the pressing thought that you are a ticking time bomb of diseases.

But you don’t need to suffer anymore.

What are the symptoms of metabolic syndrome?

Metabolic syndrome usually does not have any visible symptoms. The number one symptom is a large waist circumference, over 40 inches for men and 35 inches for women. If you are overweight or obese, your doctor will likely test your levels to see if you have metabolic syndrome.

If you have at least three of the following traits, your doctor will likely diagnose you with metabolic syndrome:

  • Waist circumference 40” or more
  • Reduced HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) lower than 40mg/dl
  • High triglyceride level above 150 mg/dl
  • Increased blood pressure above 135/85
  • Elevated fasting blood sugar over 100 mg/dl

What are the causes of metabolic syndrome?

There is really only one cause of metabolic syndrome: fat. The more fat you have stored on your body, the more likely you will have problems with your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

Those who are overweight or obese are significantly more likely to have metabolic syndrome. In fact, metabolic syndrome is found in 22% of people who are clinically overweight, 60% of those who are obese, and only 5% of those with a normal body weight. The risks of metabolic syndrome increase the faster you gain weight as well; your risk increases by 45% for every 5 pounds you gain per year.

There are a few other risk factors for metabolic syndrome, but they almost all relate back to your weight.

Age is considered a risk factor, but this is likely because most of us tend to gain weight as we age. In fact, about 40% of Americans over age 60 are affected. As you get older, it gets harder and harder to shed pounds like you used to. Your metabolism (key word here) isn’t as fast or forceful as it used to be. Gone are the days where you could down a cheeseburger and feel nothing. Now, it seems that 3-pound cheeseburger makes you gain 8 pounds on the spot.

Moreover, as men age, our testosterone levels naturally begin to decline. Low testosterone is linked to increased weight gain and loss of muscle mass. If your hormones are out of whack due to age, diet, or lack of exercise—you’ll start to gain weight and diminish your body’s natural functioning. Learn how to normalize your hormones in 5 easy steps here.

Additionally, those with diabetes and other diseases are more likely to have metabolic syndrome. This is likely because their metabolic syndrome caused their diabetes or diseases.

Smoking is another risk factor for metabolic syndrome. Although not studied, it’s highly probable that those 5% of people with average body weight who have metabolic syndrome are regular smokers.

P.S, Race is not a factor in metabolic syndrome. However, some studies suggest that Mexican-Americans have the highest prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the U.S. The reason is still unclear, though it may have to do with a fattier and heartier diet.

How do you treat metabolic syndrome?

But I have good news to share. Metabolic syndrome is completely curable. You don’t need expensive medications with harsh side effects. You don’t need surgery. And you don’t need secret medicines from secret places.

Metabolic syndrome is completely treatable with lifestyle changes.

And I know this, because I’ve been there.

I went to my doctor for a routine physical exam and found out I was 25 pounds overweight with a cholesterol of 245. When my doctor reviewed life expectancy charts based on my medical history and current health levels… I suddenly realized my own imminent mortality.

I decided to make a change in my lifestyle. In 6 months, I went for a follow-up visit to my doc. I had lost over 20 pounds and reduced my cholesterol to 195. Better yet, I was feeling the best I’d felt since my 20s!

So before you start scoffing at “lifestyle changes”… I’m living proof that it works. These changes in your sedentary lifestyle can help attack the underlying cause of metabolic disease: your weight and your hormones.

So what can you do to get rid of metabolic syndrome and lower your risk for the associated problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and *gulp* erectile dysfunction?

By the way, do you know what the second definition of metabolic is?

metabolic (adj): undergoing metamorphosis

It’s time to metamorphose and change your body RIGHT NOW to start lowering your health risks.

1. Boost your metabolism.

If you want to overcome metabolic syndrome, you want to start by boosting your metabolism. Makes sense, right? The metabolism is the natural function that uses food to create energy. The higher your metabolism, the faster you burn calories and fat storage. The slower your metabolism, the more likely you’ll store fat and calories.

Metabolism naturally declines as we age. This decline often makes us gain weight. Moreover, people who are overweight tend to have a lower metabolism generally, because the added fat stress on the body slows down the metabolic processes (hence metabolic syndrome). This causes us to gain even more weight.

It’s a vicious cycle!

It’s time to break it. Who’s with me?

Below are the ways you can boost your metabolism and lose weight—the two keys to unlocking the cure to metabolic disease.

2. Get active.

Metabolic syndrome is directly linked to an inactive lifestyle. You need to get up and move around if you want to burn calories, lose weight, and keep your body’s functioning in shape. Sitting down is proven to be horrible for your health and can lead to weight gain, bone problems, mental concerns, and more. Even just standing up during the workday has been shown to burn an extra 174 calories per day!

Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day. Even making small changes can help you reach this goal. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Bike to work instead of drive. Play with your kids outside instead of on the Xbox.

The best way to burn fat and boost your testosterone (which helps you burn fat) is HIIT. High-intensity interval training is when you perform quick bursts of high-intensity movement with longer periods of rest and slow movement.

HIIT has been shown to burn more calories and boost fat loss in the short- and long-term. One study of overweight men found that 12 weeks of HIIT reduced their fat mass by 17%.

HIIT also increases your metabolic rate, even hours after your workout has finished. In fact, one study found that just two minutes of sprint exercises elicited the same oxygen and energy consumption as 30 minutes of continuous endurance exercise. That means that HIIT can help you get stronger results for your active 30 minutes every day over traditional forms of exercise.

I recommend mixing HIIT with lifting. Lifting weights has also been shown to increase your resting metabolism by helping to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more your body burns fat. Also, the more muscle you have, the higher your testosterone levels. And increased testosterone can help you lose weight—oh, and have a stronger libido and better erections.

Lift weights with high resistance for short periods. This means lifting heavier weights for fewer reps. This will get you the benefits of both HIIT and lifting, so you’ll see fast fat loss and increased metabolism!

3. Eat well.

Cut out processed carbs and sugar. These go right to your gut and increase your waistline and risk for metabolic disease.

The best diet for metabolic disease, losing weight, and overall health is the Mediterranean diet. Studies have shown that men on the Mediterranean diet usually have a decrease in body weight and improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart disease. There are also proven links between the Mediterranean diet and a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction. This diet consists highly of fruits, veggies, fish, and whole grains. Oh, and hummus, olive oil, and wine! Yes, I said wine!

(That reminds me. Avoid beer. Beer is high in calories and low in nutrients, which will quickly cause you to gain weight. It’s also highly estrogenic. Estrogen stores fat and kills your testosterone levels. Learn more about the relationship between estrogen, testosterone, and beer here.)

You should also make sure you’re eating enough protein. Normal protein intake is necessary for weight maintenance. I’ll note here that I do not believe in an all-protein diet. You need all three macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) to be healthy. However, you also shouldn’t have an all-carb or all-fat diet, as many Americans us do.

Proteins help you burn more calories, feel more satiated after eating, and suppress your appetite to avoid overeating. This, in turn, leads to weight loss and a boost in metabolism. In fact, protein has been shown to increase resting metabolic rate by 15-30%. Protein can also help you lose fat without losing muscle, which is a common concern when on strict diets.

You should also add more spices to your diet! Spicy food contains capsaicin, which is a healthy antioxidant for the body. Some studies suggest that capsaicin in spicy foods helps to raise your metabolism and aid in weight loss efforts.

Read 13 Natural, Edible Vasodilators To Treat Your ED to find more specific foods that can help reduce your waistline and improve your sex life!

4. Sleep more.

Lack of sleep is directly linked to obesity. This is because lack of sleep lowers your metabolism, forces you to eat more, and unbalances your hormones.

First, sleep deprivation lowers your metabolism drastically. In fact, a lack of sleep may be the leading cause of today’s obesity problem among America’s stressed, overworked population. Sleep deprivation also elevates blood sugar levels and increases the body’s insulin resistance, which both lead to type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, a lack of sleep causes your body to require more food to make up for the lost energy. This means you’ll eat need to eat more calories in order to stay awake. This will up your caloric intake and cause you to gain weight. In addition, your tired body will be trying to conserve energy (aka fat) rather than burn it. So no matter how much you workout or how little you eat, your body will be holding on to its fat stores as a way to make up for the sleepless lack of energy.

So get some sleep… 

5. Manage your stress.

Stress often leads to emotional and physical disaster. Over-eating and a sedentary lifestyle caused by stress can quickly rack up the pounds. Stress can also cause a loss of sleep, as discussed above.

Stress also increases your cortisol levels, which contributes to weight gain, lowered testosterone, an anxious mental state, and increased blood pressure. Learn more about how cortisol and other hormones affect your weight and health here.

So how do you manage stress? There are a number of methods, and you need to find the one that’s best for you. Some great places to start include:

  • Talking to a professional about your stress
  • Yoga and exercise (Yup, getting active will also help manage your stress and lower cortisol levels.)
  • Meditation
  • Green tea
  • Spending more time with family and friends

6. Drink more water.

Drinking water can help boost metabolism and increase weight loss. Drinking water has been shown to increase short-term resting metabolism by 10-30% for an hour. Moreover, consuming cold water burns calories, because your body has to use energy to heat up the liquid to body temperature (water-induced thermogenesis). Plus, water can fill you up so you’ll eat less. In fact, one study found that overweight adults who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% more weight than those who didn’t.

7. Stop smoking.

Seriously. Stop. Smoking is a leading cause for metabolic syndrome, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, and cancers. If you need help quitting, talk to a professional who can help get you on the right track.

Bottom Line

Metabolic syndrome and its linked risks can be frightening. If you’ve seen your mortality flash before your eyes, it’s time to put away your fears. With the above 7 lifestyle changes, you can and WILL overcome metabolic syndrome. You’ll lose weight, reduce your insulin resistance and blood pressure, and decrease your risk of associated diseases.

And guess what? You don’t have to do it alone. I’ve been there. I’ve seen my life expectancy chart, and I’ve made the changes myself.

I did it in 6 months. And I’ve continued making changes and studying men’s wellness ever since.

Why? So that you don’t have to.

Sign up for our G1 Performance Health program and get years of expertise… today! With this genetic-based report and private consultation, you can lose weight, reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome, and be on the road to overall health and wellness.

What will YOU look like next month?

Sign up for G1 Performance Health right now, find your vitality and achieve your maximum potential.

Transform Your Body In 24 Hours With Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) has become a craze in the health and nutrition world in recent months… and I’m thrilled to see it’s finally becoming more widespread! Short-term fasting has proven beneficial for years, and IF diet-supplementation is finally getting the props it deserves.

So what is intermittent fasting? What are the benefits?

And how can you implement intermittent fasting to start seeing benefits instantly?

What is intermittent fasting?

What you put into your body isn’t the whole story. Your body responds to more than just calories. When you eat, how often you eat, and how you consume your food also plays a significant role in how your body responds to and uses your food-based nutrients. This is where the idea of intermittent fasting comes in.

Intermittent fasting is a dietary practice that limits the number of calories you consume in a daily or weekly period. While other dieting practices focus on what you eat, IF focuses on how you eat.

IF is not the same as starving yourself. Rather, it restricts your food consumption to a specific window of time. This “feeding” period ensures you still receive the proper daily nutrients your body needs for healthy functioning. Then the “fasting” period—the time in between meals—helps your body use those nutrients to reset and rejuvenate for optimal health.

There are a number of forms of intermittent fasting, which we’ll discuss below in our IF diet plans. But first… why should you even hop onboard the IF train?

What are the benefits of intermittent fasting?

1. Boosts weight loss

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to overall health. Obesity is linked to a number of serious and chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, arthritis, gout, and even cancers. Maintaining a healthy weight is also crucial to hormone regulation and a functioning endocrine system. This is especially important for men who are suffering from symptoms of low testosterone or erectile dysfunction.

Intermittent fasting can help improve your weight loss efforts in two key ways.

Firstly, your body uses food as its energy source. When fasting, your body still needs energy in order to function. When you’re not consuming energy through food, your body has to tap into its energy storage—aka your fat reserves.

Basically, your body has to burn fat in order to stay functioning while fasting. This can help you shed those extra few pounds that seem to be hanging on for dear life.

Secondly, fasting helps to limit the number of calories you consume. Your body physically can only eat so much in a period of time. This means that if you take away hours of the day where you could be consuming food, you naturally drop your caloric intake.

For example, say your body could consume 1,000 calories per meal. That’s 3,000 calories per day. If you fasted for one of those meals, you’re down to only 2,000 calories. Fast for two meals and you’re at a third of your caloric intake for that day.

This is especially useful for people who are overweight and have a tendency to eat a lot at one sitting. Cutting back on the meals you eat in one day can help you drastically cut your number of calories. Over time, your stomach will start to shrink and your body will crave fewer calories.

You’ll be eating less and burning more!

Note that too much fasting can actually have a negative effect on weight loss. Fasting too frequently or too long can actually put your body into “starvation mode.” Your body then thinks it’s starving, so it will actually hold on to your fat as a way of protection. This is why the practice is called intermittent fasting.

2. Improves workouts

Intermittent fasting can actually improve the efficacy of your workouts, which can then lead to increased weight loss and healthier functioning.

Working out in a fasted state can help build muscle during resistance training. Furthermore, eating post-workout after fasting promotes a faster absorption of nutrients. Two-for-one benefits just by fasting before a workout and eating after!

One study found that when weightlifters underwent 16 hours of fasting, their fat mass decreased significantly… but their muscle mass stayed the same. This means that fasting doesn’t “kill your muscles” as some Negative Nancies would have you believe.

Although the benefits of intermittent fasting are most pronounced for resistance training, IF also has benefits for aerobics and endurance as well. One study found that fasting can even improve training performance while running.

3. Gets rid of toxins

Intermittent fasting helps boost the body’s natural cell death process, which kills off toxic cells and promotes the rebirth of healthy ones.

This is the process of autophagy, which is when unhealthy cells devour themselves. This helps rid the body of toxicity, which can help reverse the aging process and prevent certain diseases. If this process isn’t activated, then damaged cells will hang around and harm the healthy cells. This can lead to cancers (like prostate cancer), growths, inflammation, and other diseases. Autophagy basically cleans out the bad cells, so fresh, healthy cells have room to be born.  

Intermittent fasting can initiate this autophagy process.

In fact, there have been several preliminary studies on the effects of intermittent fasting on cancer patients. A 2009 study found that fasting could help reduce the side effects from toxic chemotherapy. Patients also reported a higher quality of life post-treatment. This response is likely because fasting can help preserve lean body mass while promoting the death of toxic cells (aka those cells that are damaged by chemo).   

Another study concluded that “calorie restriction or fasting demonstrates a wide range of beneficial effects able to help prevent malignancies and increase the efficacy of cancer therapies.”

This research insinuates that intermittent fasting may be able to help protect the body from toxicity.

Those are three pretty consequential benefits of intermittent fasting. Lose weight, have more productive workouts, and get rid of toxins. Plus, these effects then lead to enhanced energy, mental clarity, concentration, hormonal balance, and more. Think of IF as the ultimate “reset” for your body when it’s feeling sluggish.

So how can you implement intermittent fasting in your life so you can reap these awesome rewards?

What are the types of fasting?

There are a number of fasting approaches. I recommend starting with the first approach and working your way up to the last to avoid “shocking” your body. Keep in mind that IF works differently for each person, so you’ll want to find the approach that best fits with your body’s rhythm.

1. Skipped meals

Start by skipping one meal. This will help your body fast for an extra period of time in an easy, convenient way.  

The best meal to skip is breakfast. This means you’ll have fasted for the entire nighttime and morning, which can be a fast of up to 12 hours. In fact, look at the word breakfast: it’s literally the meal that breaks your fast from a night of not eating. If you skip breakfast, you can hold off on breaking that fast just a little bit longer.

You can skip meals once a day, once every other day, or once a week. For this approach, the more frequent the fasting, the more you’ll see the effects.

2. Eating windows

This type of fast lengthens the number of hours you go without food, while still allowing for 1-2 meals during fast days. This type of intermittent fasting condenses your caloric intake to a window between 4 and 7 hours. The rest of the day (and night), you’ll be fasting. It’s most common to fast between 5pm and 11am or 6pm and 12am. This means basically skipping two meals—dinner and breakfast—and eating a heartier lunch.

3. Warrior fast

A similar fast is the “warrior” approach by Ori Hofmekler. This condenses the eating window to four hours at dinnertime, when you’re encouraged to “feast.” The rest of the day you should be fasting or only eating raw fruits and veggies.

This is my favorite type of intermittent fasting for big events (like Thanksgiving). Fast all morning, and then you can indulge in a delicious Thanksgiving dinner without too much guilt. (But this isn’t an excuse to eat 10,000 calories in mashed potatoes. Sorry!)   

4. 24/48 hour fast

These are the most common type of fasts for consistent fasters. The 24/48 hour fast is when you avoid eating food for a full day or two.

While fasting for a full day, you are usually permitted to have light liquids, raw veggies, and a small piece of protein like chicken. This usually allows for about 500-600 calories per day. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, and processed foods.

This can be a challenge for the inexperienced faster. Start with shorter periods of fasting, like 18 hours, and work your way up to a full 24 or 48 hours.

5. 5:2 fast

This is then related to the 5:2 fast, where you eat regularly for 5 days and fast for 2 days. The two fasting days can be consecutive—one 48 hour fast—or on opposite sides of the week—two 24 hour fasts. Follow the same rules as the 24/48 hour fast above.

6. Alternating fasts

An Obesity Reviews study looked at participants who alternated fasting for 24 hours and eating regularly for 24 hours. This was a consistent, consecutive alteration for 12 weeks. They found that these participants preserved more muscle mass than their dieting counterparts (those participating in a low-calorie diet). They also ate fewer calories, lost more weight, and saw improved energy.

If you’re comfortable with intermittent fasting, you can consider trying out an alternating schedule. This means that you have one day of eating as usual, followed by 24 hours of fasting. Then eating as usual, and then 24 hours of fasting.

7. Extended fasts

Some people will also do extended fasts a few times per year. These can be 3-5 days, eating less than 600 calories per day. This can be used in conjunction with other intermittent fasting approaches or on its own. However, this brings with it worries of “refeeding syndrome” for inexperienced fasters, which we’ll discuss below.

Determining the type of fast and the frequency of fasting is entirely up to you. Listen to your body. Try out different forms. When you feel the best, you’ve found your intermittent fasting schedule!

Need an intermittent fasting calculator?  Click here

What are the concerns with intermittent fasting?

Many critics of IF claim refeeding syndrome as a serious complication for fasters. Refeeding is when your body goes from 0 to 60—fasting to feeding—too quickly. Basically, it causes electrolytes and blood sugar levels to spike, which can cause serious sickness. However, refeeding syndrome is rare for any fasting length under 3 days and highly uncommon under 5 days.

Avoid any problems by just taking it slowly. If you’re new to fasting, don’t start with a 3-day cleanse. Take it slow and work up to larger fasts. Also, don’t guzzle food after an extended fast. Start with a small, healthy meal of salad and cold water fish. This will help break your fast and give your body the nutrients it needs without causing any unhealthy spikes.

Another “concern” is simply the mental roadblock that comes with not eating. When you first start fasting, your body will be begging for food. Your brain will try to trick you into thinking it’s starving… simply because it likes food! Our brains are conditioned to crave food to keep us alive.

But you can go for days without food and not harm your body. Mahatma Gandhi survived for 21 days without food. One monk even went for 36 days. You can handle 24 hours, trust me.

When you first start fasting, you’ll be thinking about food a lot. So do something to take your mind off of it. Have fun with your friends and family. Watch a movie. De-stress.

Go for a walk. In fact, walking actually helps boost the benefits of intermittent fasting, because it helps you use up additional energy to burn fat and kill toxic cells.

Enjoy the fast.

Once your body adjusts to fasting, you won’t be as hungry as you used to be. You’ll be more energized, healthy, happy, and ready to take on the world around you!

Psst… Don’t forget to drink a lot of water while you’re fasting! Water can help curb appetite and keep you energized.

The Bottom Line

Intermittent fasting is a healthy way to rejuvenate your body instantly. IF can help you lose weight, improve your workouts, and detox your cells for a better functioning brain, endocrine system, autonomic nervous system, immune system, and more. Your body will thank you.

Intermittent fasting is just one step of the Gapin Institute full-body transformation. If you want to start living your best life now, you need to sign up for our Male 90X program. I guarantee you’ll be thrilled you did!

11 Supplement Vasodilators To Ease Your ED

You’ve read my article about the 13 top vasodilators in foods to help bring back your sexual vigor. Now, it’s time to supplement those foods with additional nutrients for a double-packed punch to fight your erectile dysfunction symptoms. You need to add vasodilation supplements to your toiletry cabinet right now.

Are you struggling to overcome your erectile dysfunction? Do you feel like your ED is only worsening with the medications you’ve been prescribed?

You’re not alone. Many men with ED find that the traditional “cures” are anything but a beneficial treatment. In fact, these prescriptions can often exacerbate dysfunction in the long-term. These medications only mask the symptoms of ED without getting at the root of the problem.

So it’s time to get to the root—don’t you agree?

Vasodilators 101

Let’s first understand how erections work, so we can understand how vasodilators supplements help improve ED.

There are three key steps to getting an erection. First, sexual arousal tells the brain to send signals to the penis, preparing your little man for sex. Second, the endocrine system releases hormones that help the penis get relaxed and ready for sex. Then, blood vessels in the penis open to allow blood to flow into the penis. This blood flow into the penis causes an erection. That erectile stiffness is actually just strong blood flow in your penis!

With that in mind, there are also three key areas that can cause erectile dysfunction (aka when the penis can’t get erect) when they aren’t functioning properly: the brain, the endocrine system (hormones), and the blood vessels.

In this article, we’ll focus on the last area: the blood flow into the penis. If your brain is sending signals and your hormones are regulated, then your ED is likely due to a problem with your blood vessels. This can be due to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or other vessel disorders.

That’s where vasodilation supplements come in.

Supplements as vasodilators

Vasodilators create vasodilation. Vasodilation is the process of the blood vessels dilating or enlarging. This can occur throughout the body or in a specific area, like the penis. This opening of the vessels helps to lower blood pressure (since more blood can pass through at once), clear clogged veins, boost blood flow, and increase oxygen distribution throughout the body. Proper blood flow is necessary throughout the body to bring nutrients and oxygen to all of your organs, muscles, and tissues.

And of course, vasodilation opens up the vessels in the penis, so your mini-me can take in blood for an erection. Blood flow, as discussed earlier, is crucial to achieving an erection. Not only does blood flow create that necessary stiffness, but it also nourishes the reproductive organs, improves energy and libido, and maintains regular testosterone levels. In this way, a healthy vasodilation system is advantageous for overall sexual health.

A key chemical in your body’s natural process of vasodilation is nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide helps to dilate and relax the blood vessels throughout the body, especially in and around the penis. Thus, you’ll want to keep an eye out for nitric oxide influencers in your vasodilation supplements.

Vasodilation supplements work twofold: they trigger the production of nitric oxide and relax the blood vessels. This two-step process boosts blood flow throughout the body, especially in the penis when it’s time to get sexy.

So what supplements have the strongest vasodilation effects?

1. Quercetin

Quercetin is a natural flavonoid that fights off inflammatory-related conditions like heart disease, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, viral infections, circulation concerns, atherosclerosis, cancer, prostate infections, and prostate inflammation.

Several studies have proven quercetin’s effects on vasodilation. One found that it works as an acute vasodilator in healthy men, and another proved that it’s able to decrease blood pressure. One study also found that quercetin enhances the production of nitric oxide, thus promoting vasodilation.

Quercetin is organically found in garlic, grapes, chives, red wine, onions, and apples. It’s also one of my favorite natural vasodilation supplements because it’s safe and easy. It has incredibly potent effects in just one little ingredient. It also plays nicely with other vasodilation compounds like tannins, procanidins, catechins, and resveratrol.

2. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that helps the body naturally synthesize nitric oxide while also activating and relaxing channels in the smooth muscle of the penis. One study found that “acute administration of resveratrol elicits dose-dependent increases of FMD with greater potency than other vasoactive nutrients and that this benefit is sustained following regular consumption.” Basically, this study concluded that resveratrol can relax twisted blood vessels better than any other studied vasoactive nutrient. This proves significant circulatory benefits for blood vessels, including those vessels in the penis.

Resveratrol also helps balance your hormones, lowering estrogen and increasing testosterone. This can improve low testosterone levels, which could be contributing to your ED.

Grapes, raisins, and red wine contain high levels of reservatrol. If you’re already a red wine drinker, a moderate amount will give you a strong reserve of resveratrol. However, if you’re not already a wine drinker, you shouldn’t start drinking just to see the ED-happy vasodilation effects.

This is especially true as red wine is known to cause migraines and have negative psychological effects, both of which play a role in ED. Furthermore, too much alcohol may cause long-term erectile dysfunction in men. Avoid these alcohol-related concerns with resveratrol supplements, which are easy to find and are fairly inexpensive.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of my favorite vasodilation supplements because it has so many powerful effects on the body. You need vitamin C to stay healthy and strong, and it’s almost never a bad idea to take a little extra vitamin C to boost your immune and nervous systems. ED-related vasodilation is just one more reason to add vitamin C to your daily supplement lineup.

Vitamin C naturally boosts the body’s nitric oxide production. It also protects NO molecules from degradation; this means that nitric oxide sticks around in the body for a longer duration before expellation. Together, vitamin C produces and maintains NO for longer, stronger erections.

Vitamin C has also been studied as a testosterone booster. Higher levels of T are linked to higher sexual function, which can help ease your ED symptoms. C vitamins also lower cortisol, so testosterone can flow freely and blood vessels can chill out.

Better yet, one study even discovered that combining vitamin C and garlic (aka the quercetin from #1) increased NO levels by 200%! This combo also lead to a drop in blood pressure of systolic 27mmHg and diastolic 15mmHg—that’s better than most blood pressure medications!

Vitamin C has a cocktail of properties of natural vasodilators and erection nourishment.

4. Icariin

Icariin, found in horny goat weed, helps support the body’s production of nitric oxide levels towards improved vasodilation and blood circulation. It also functions in a similar way to Viagra by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme, which is the enzyme that tells your penis when to stop having an erection. Icariin has been proven to be as beneficial as Viagra, but icariin actually has fewer side effects and more potent long-term influences.

Numerous studies have proven the strong benefits of icariin on vasodilation. A 2007 study found that icariin increased the production of NO in blood vessels. Another study in 2013 found that icariin was able to inhibit the thickening of arteries, thus decreasing cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack. In turn, this helped improve blood flow to the penis without any clogs or blockages. Icariin also widens the vessels of the heart, which helps boost healthy blood flow right at the source.

A 2008 study found that icariin can actually stimulate the formation of blood vessels. This is important because blood vessels tend to pop with age—and with exercise, which you should be doing if you want to keep your ED at bay.

Moreover, icariin may help those with depression and bipolar disorder. Research shows icariin may improve overall mood and even help stop alcohol abuse. Oftentimes, mood disorders and substance abuse can cause and exacerbate ED.

Icariin can boost mood and increase NO vasodilation, putting you on the fast track to an ED-free life.

P.S. Icariin is even being studied as an anti-cancer supplement. There is supporting evidence that icariin could be a strong herbal remedy for anti-cancer therapies, even overcoming the limitations of current therapies. One study even reported that icariin had a direct response on halting tumor cell invasion and migration.

5. Niacin

Niacin, aka vitamin B3, is an essential nutrient for gene expression, hormone synthesis, heart function, and energy production. It also plays a key role in maintaining nitric oxide levels and balancing good versus bad cholesterol. Niacin can acutely lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack in many individuals. One study even suggested that niacin, which is necessary for proper heart function, had a long-term benefit on lowering mortality rate.

Niacin is a strong vasodilation supplement that I highly recommend you add into your diet. Red meat has high levels of niacin… so yes, I’m telling you to eat red meat!

6. Grape seed extract (GSE)

Grape seed extract is a vasodilation supplement that will get your penis ready for sex in no time. It activates nitric oxide synthesis so strongly that one study even found a 138% increase in NO levels. Research also shows that GSE decreases blood pressure and lower heart rate levels.

GSE also supports healthy testosterone levels. It blocks the enzyme aromatase, which is what converts testosterone into estrogen. Too much aromatase causes estrogen dominance that can kill your sex drive and lead to low testosterone symptoms. GSE not only boosts blood flow into the penis, it also makes sure that your testosterone-related sex drive is strong and kicking.

7. Pycnogenol

Pycnogenol is a vasodilation supplement made from maritime pine bark extract. It has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic effects. It also enhances blood flow and improves vasodilation throughout the body.

I’m including pycnogenol on this list because it’s a strong and healthy vasodilator. However, you can get the same polyphenol effects at a cheaper price with grape seed extract.

8. L-citrulline and l-arginine

L-citrulline and l-arginine are amino acids that the body uses for a number of healthy functions. The kidneys convert l-citrulline into l-arginine, which then transforms into nitric oxide. A supplementation of l-arginine has been shown to improve oxidative stress for healthy blood flow, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Research suggests that l-citrulline supplementation is more efficient than l-arginine supplementation for the production of nitric oxide, creatinine, and other arginine-derived metabolites. L-citrulline actually converts into a higher concentration of NO than supplementing with l-arginine alone.

9. Ginseng

Panax ginseng, or Korean red ginseng, has a number of benefits for male sexual health. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as an aphrodisiac and to treat sexual dysfunctions.

You’ll hear a lot of talk about ginseng… and for a good reason! A summary review of studies concluded that ginseng stimulates NO production, improves blood circulation, and enhances vasomotor tone.

If you’re looking for a vasodilation supplement that will not only work for vasodilation but also treat other causes of your ED, ginseng is a strong choice.

10. Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) is found in the mitochondria of our cells and it’s used to produce energy that our body needs to perform certain functions. Like some of the other vasodilators mentioned, the body naturally produces COQ10, but it’s not always enough to keep up with our cells’ needs. Low levels of COQ10 are linked to Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, male infertility, and low testosterone. COQ10 also regulates NO breakdown, meaning that it helps NO last longer in the body.

A meta-analysis of studies showed that COQ10 provides a significant improvement in endothelial function (the function of blood vessels vasodilating and vasoconstricting). Moreover, COQ10 has been proven to have positive effects on cardiovascular diseases as well as improving oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.

11. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s work like anti-inflammatory drugs and help lower the risk of heart disease, blood clot formation, and stroke. They also help increase NO levels and blood circulation for happier blood vessels.

A study found that the supplementation of omega-3s:

  • reduced arterial stiffness and endothelial dysfunction
  • minimized systemic inflammation
  • impacted arterial wall remodeling
  • reduced cardiovascular risk

Another study found that fish oils lower blood pressure and improve vasodilation. They discovered that omega-3s allow potassium ions to flow, which helps the smooth muscles relax (like the smooth muscles in the penis need to relax in order to have an erection).

Omega-3s are found naturally in cold-water fish like salmon. The Western diet typically doesn’t include enough of these fish, so it’s often recommended to take additional omega-3 supplements to reap the full benefits.

Bottom Line

These 11 supplements are natural, organic ways to add vasodilators, nitric oxide, and erection-healthy blood flow back into your life. Pair these supplements with vasodilating food and healthy living practices, and you’ll treat your ED in no time!

Best yet, you can buy all of these supplements at your local health food store. Talk to a doctor before adding any supplements to your regimen; your doc will help choose the one that will work best for your needs.

Vasodilation is just the tip of the iceberg…

Want more advice on overcoming your ED? Grab The Male 90X Consult, transform your body, and reach your maximum potential today!


11 Ways To Increase Your Energy After Age 50

Are you ready to feel ultimate vitality? Are you ready to increase energy and become a productive, lively, youthful man once again?

As age starts to rise, everything else seems to decrease (except for maybe the number on the scale). Energy drops, testosterone levels decline, muscle mass is lost, metabolism slows, and even sexual drive lowers. In fact, these health issues are all related in a vicious cycle of sluggish living.

For example, low testosterone is linked to chronic fatigue, weight gain, muscle loss, and diminished libido. The reverse is also true as well’ a low level of energy can create low T levels, a bigger belly, and a decreased interest in living vigorously. When one part of health starts to decline with age, often the others do as well.

Energy is at the core of wellness. If you feel more energetic and vivacious, you’re more likely to make the necessary changes to get the rest of your health back in shape.

But how can you boost your vitality after age 50, when energy levels start to naturally and rapidly decline?

1. Sleep more

It sounds obvious, but inadequate sleep is the number one cause for low energy and low hormone production (like testosterone). With age, insomnia and restless nights become more common. This is especially true as other age-related health issues pop up, like arthritis pain or urinary incontinence from poor prostate health. These pains and symptoms can keep us up all night, forcing us to watch the sunrise despite our baggy eyes.

You should try to sleep six to seven hours per night. If you have trouble falling asleep, try one of the following options:

  • Magnesium pills (a natural insomniac)
  • Meditation and relaxation
  • No electronics 30 minutes prior to bed
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol after 2pm
  • Ensure your sleeping environment is dark and cool

Napping has also been shown to boost brainpower and prevent energy burnout. This is especially true if you find your nights aren’t restful.

Furthermore, a study by the University of Chicago found that “obtaining adequate sleep may enhance the beneficial effects of a diet. Not getting enough sleep could defeat the desired effects.” Not sleeping enough can limit fat loss and make you gain weight. Your body needs more energy to stay awake, so you have to eat more to make up for it. Long periods of poor sleep will also put your body into a state of shock, which could cause it to preserve fat cells in order to protect itself.

2. Lose weight, get lean

Excess belly fat can foster the production of estrogen, and more floating estrogen causes a decline in testosterone, libido, and energy levels. Estrogen can also make you gain weight, pushing you into an endless cycle of fat-estrogen-fat.

In addition, muscle mass starts to decline after age 30. Lean muscle keeps testosterone and metabolism high.

Losing weight and instead gaining muscle has been shown to decrease estrogen and increase testosterone. More testosterone means higher libido and more energy.

The best way to quickly lose weight, gain muscle, and boost your T levels is with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or PRIME (Peak Repetition Intervals at Maximum Effort). This uses repeated intervals of high-intensity followed by periods of rest to burn more calories and grow your muscles quickly.

3. Reduce alcohol intake

Alcohol can reduce testosterone production by inhibiting your body’s natural metabolic processes. Beer is especially estrogenic, which reduces T levels and can cause weight gain (aka the beer belly). This weight gain in turn reduces testosterone, which causes even more weight gain—the same cycle we saw above.

Reducing your alcohol intake will cut the number of calories contributing to your belly, and it will also help lower the amount of estrogen your body produces. If you’re going out for a social drink with friends, stick to vodka, which has the least effect on testosterone levels.

4. Eat healthy fats

Healthy fats support strong testosterone and energy levels (and they have a lot of other healthy benefits as well). These fats are monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids, and they can be found primarily in avocados, nuts, olive oil, and coconut oil.

They can also be found in certain types of fish and green leafy vegetables. Healthy fat nuts like almonds are another great healthy-fat snack!

Supplement your diet with at least two servings of healthy fats each day. This can help you maintain a healthy weight while also bringing your energy up.

Healthy fats can be high in calories, though, so it’s important to not overdo it. Instead, balance healthy fats with proteins to best increase muscle and shed pounds—and boost your overall energy levels.

5. Have berries as a snack

Your body produces energy directly from food fuel. Keep your energy up throughout the day with occasional healthy snacks. Berries are an ideal snack because they deliciously quench sweet cravings and they’re high in anthocyanins, which power-up energy and weight loss. A handful of blueberries is packed with energy, antioxidants, and hormone-regulating goodness!

If you don’t like berries, try high-fibrous veggies like broccoli, artichokes, or black beans. Some studies have found that a diet in high-fiber causes less fatigue than low-fiber diets. This is likely because fiber can help regulate the gut and detox the colon, removing pollutants that slow down the body.

6. Try intermittent fasting

Abstain from food for 24 hours a few times per week. An alternative approach to intermittent fasting is to fast for 16 hours and limit yourself to 3 meals over the remaining 8 hours. If a workout is planned, it should be just prior to your first meal of the day.  This process helps your body reset, and it will confuse your body into shedding extra pounds and detoxing energy-killing toxins. It can also boost your testosterone levels, regulate hormones, and reduce inflammation. While scientific evidence of intermittent fasting varies, overall it seems to help with regulating the body’s natural processes.

Fasting can initially make you feel tired and irritable, but this generally only lasts in the short-term. After you’ve finished fasting, you’ll likely feel more energized and “clean.” This can help put you on a good track of living a healthy, energy-filled lifestyle.

Please note that fasting (and bingeing) should not be used for extreme weight loss or health goals. It should only be used occasionally as a detox. You should also not fast from all food—your body still needs fuel! Instead, stick to small meals of steamed vegetables, green vegetables, fresh fruits, and brown rice. During the fast, drink only water and avoid sugar, salt, and processed foods.

7. Get in the sun

Sun exposure has been shown to increase mood and energy, and it may even help with anxiety and depression. Sunlight can help increase the production of serotonin, otherwise known as the “happy chemical.” It also regulates the nocturnal melatonin production, so individuals fall asleep and stay asleep easier (see number 1 on this list). Additionally, the vitamin D in sunlight is crucial for immune health, bone density, and hormone regulation.

8. Drink more water

Water is needed to keep your body running at its peak. Dehydration can cause poor physical and cognitive performance, diminished GI and kidney function, poor heart function, headaches, and even delirium.

Water and energy are directly and complexly linked. If you don’t drink enough water, your energy levels will diminish—as will other functions in your body.

Drink at least 8 cups of water per day. This will feed your blood and organs with the necessary oxygen to keep them running properly. If your body is working efficiently, you’ll feel more energetic and healthy overall.

9. Stop using fragranced cosmetics

Shaving creams, soaps, body lotions, deodorants, and even laundry detergents can all have chemicals that rapidly and drastically decline T levels. If “fragrance” is an ingredient on the bottle, this means that the product is filled with chemicals that could be linked to allergic reactions, carcinogens, and hormone disruption (like stopping testosterone production). Even non-fragranced products that have certain chemicals could decline testosterone and unbalance hormones.

Additionally, these toxins can make you even more tired. The chemicals seep into the pores of your skin and get into your bloodstream, making you feel sluggish and fatigued. This is especially true after age 50, when your body is not as capable of fighting off toxins on its own.

Use natural products instead. Look for fragrance-free or naturally scented products to stay fresh and clean while also keeping your energy and testosterone high.

10. Let the guys roam free

Your testicles like to be free. Confining them in tight briefs can cause them to hamper testosterone production. This tight confinement against your body also raises the temperature of testicles. Testicles prefer to be cold; so if they’re warm against your body, it can actually lower testosterone production further.

Because it also likes the freeing feeling of the cold, you should also treat your little man to a cold shower or ice bath once per week. This “treatment” will help reduce inflammation, boost the human growth hormone levels, and support testosterone production.

Cold water has also been shown to increase energy levels; a cold shower in the morning gets you ready to take on the day! Plus, cold water has a ton of other benefits for your health, like pain management and improved immunity.

11. Have sex

This is always my favorite recommendation. Get in bed! Having sex releases endorphins and serotonin, which make you happier, less anxious, and more energized. Sex also helps burn calories and increase oxygenation, which helps to shed those extra pounds and regain your vigor. Plus, if you have sex before bedtime, it can help you have a more restful sleep—and we know sleep is good for energy.

If you’re struggling to get in the mood, you may have low testosterone levels. (See how it’s all linked?) Visit a doctor to check your T levels while you use the above 12 ways to naturally boost T and energy!

Bottom Line

Energy and testosterone levels are intricately linked after age 50. Low T means low energy, and low energy often means falling T levels. But there are natural ways to healthily regain the youth and vitality inside you!

Want to regain your vigor now? Check out The Male 90X Consult to revive energy, boost health, and give you the tools to be the best man possible!

13 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms like diminished sex drive, low energy, difficulty losing weight or erectile problems, it’s time to consider some ways you can increase testosterone naturally.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is widely known for its “manly” effects on boosting competitiveness and desire for power, but it plays a much bigger role in the body than that. It’s crucial to the health of male sexuality and reproduction by increasing libido, sperm count, and sexual pleasure.

Testosterone even improves the sex drive in females—it’s the ultimate libido-boosting hormone! But testosterone has a significant role in overall health and well being as well. It affects muscle mass, hair growth, bone density, and red blood cell development.

Normal levels are critical for normal cognitive function, mood stability, exercise endurance and energy. A low testosterone level can be associated with a variety of symptoms, including decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, weight gain, reduced lean muscle mass, difficulty with concentration, poor memory, diminished cognitive function, arthritis, and an increased risk of heart disease.

You can have your T level tested by your doctor if you have any of these symptoms to determine if they may be a result of lowered testosterone levels.

Why increase testosterone naturally?

Since testosterone (T) plays such an important role in your sexual health and overall well-being, you want to ensure you’re doing everything you can to naturally maximize your testosterone level.

There are hundreds of products, supplements, and beverages on the market claiming to boost testosterone and improve sex drive. Many (most) of these products don’t work, and studies show that many of these supplements can actually have long-term, negative side effects including liver and kidney damage, hormone imbalances, loss in bone density, and more.

What you consume to help your health shouldn’t harm it. So I’ve created a list of 13 easy, dependable, natural ways to increase testosterone and boost your sexual health and overall vitality.

1. Exercise.

The first thing that often comes to mind when most people think of increasing testosterone is exercise. They think of huge, muscular men lifting 400lb dumbbells at the gym. And this isn’t entirely wrong.

Studies show that high-intensity exercise boosts testosterone both in the short- and long-term. Short intervals of high-intensity training prove to be more beneficial in producing natural testosterone than prolonged exercise, aerobics, or running.

Strength training can have this high-intensity interval effect on testosterone if it’s intense enough. The way to do this is to increase the weight being lifted, and lower the number of reps. Push yourself harder, for a shorter period of time.

Also, focus on exercises that work a large number of muscles at once to further increase the intensity.

Who knew deadlifts and squats were actually natural ways to increase testosterone? Push yourself as hard as you can for 30 seconds, and then rest (without slowing down your heart rate). Even 20 minutes a day of high-intensity interval training will boost your testosterone and start to build healthy, lean muscle.

Interval training exercise can also help you lose weight, which further increases testosterone levels, according to the Endocrine Society.

2. Eat good fats.

The idea of a Ron Swanson “manly” burger may have some truth behind it. Healthy fats are a natural way to increase testosterone quickly and effectively.

However, not all fat is good fat. Studies suggest that saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) are the best predictor of testosterone escalations, while poly-unsaturated fatty acids can actually lower testosterone.

A study by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that men who ate more than 100g of fat per day for 2 weeks had significantly higher levels of free testosterone. This is because fats reduce globulin, the hormone that binds to, and reduces T.

Ask your doctor about finding the right mix of fats in your diet.

Here are some natural ways to increase testosterone by consuming healthy, delicious fats:


Grass-fed beef is the number one source of testosterone-boosting protein with just the right amount of healthy fats. Make sure the beef is organic, because pesticides and insecticides can lower your testosterone.


Eggs are considered the perfect protein because they have all vitamins and amino acids for human needs (except vitamin C). They have mostly SFA and MUFA, and the yolk contains high levels of cholesterol, which is a precursor to testosterone creation.


One of the most comprehensive, natural ways to increase testosterone is consuming coconuts or coconut oil. Coconut is a saturated fat that generates healthy cholesterol while reducing body fat, boosting metabolic rate, and improving cognitive abilities—all of which can help ease symptoms of low testosterone.

Olive oil and argan oil

Cooking with and adding extra virgin olive oil to your food are natural ways to increase testosterone. Olive oil is an anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants, but it also contains elevated levels of oleuropein, a testosterone-loving bitter.

One study found that Moroccan men who added olive oil to their diets saw an increase in testosterone levels by 17%. This study also substituted Argan oil for olive oil, and the testosterone levels increased by about 20%.

Add either—or both—to your daily consumption for a quick (and tasty) boost of testosterone.

3. Consume zinc.

Supplementing your diet with zinc for as little as six weeks can have marked improvement in testosterone levels. Because zinc is a metal, concentrated supplements can have severe side effects on the body. Instead, opt for natural ways to increase testosterone by consuming zinc-rich foods:

  • Raw milk
  • Raw cheese
  • Beans
  • Kefir from raw milk
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Cashews
  • Wild Salmon
  • Yogurt
  • Oysters

Oysters are so rich in zinc they can actually boost your testosterone in minutes. No wonder oysters are a sultry (and salty) aphrodisiac!

4. Increase your vitamin D level.

Vitamin D is crucial for the development of the sperm cell and maintenance of high sperm count and quality. A lot of men who suffer from low testosterone symptoms discover that they are deficient in vitamin D as well.

The best way to get vitamin D is by getting some sun (make sure to use sunscreen so you’re not at risk for skin cancer, though). Yes, I am saying that going for a swim, playing basketball, and taking a vacation are amazingly natural ways to increase testosterone.

If it’s cold or you have a tendency to burn, though, there are other natural ways to increase testosterone with vitamin D, like consuming fatty fish (salmon, trout, tuna, and mackerel), fortified milk or juice, and egg yolks (back to those healthy fats).

5. Reduce stress.

When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol. A University of Texas Austin study found that cortisol blocks the production of testosterone. This can lead to long-term, low T levels, putting the body in a vicious cycle of stress and diminished testosterone.

Lower your cortisol by managing stress through relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation. Make time to have fun with your family and friends, and find the relaxing methods that work for you.

Consuming garlic can help lower cortisol, because it contains the stress-relieving allicin, which allows the body to effectively continue producing testosterone. Pure pomegranate juice can also lower cortisol levels and enhance testosterone by 24% on average.

6. Consume probiotics.

Probiotics are good bacteria that your gut needs to function properly, leading to digestive health and overall well-being. Recent studies have shown that probiotics may increase testosterone levels, testicular size and weight, and even prevent age-related testicular shrinkage. The reason for this may be that probiotic microbes convert stress-related cortisol into testosterone derivatives, as found by Phillip Hylemon at Virginia Commonwealth University. Fermented foods tend to have probiotics, like yogurt, sauerkraut, and blue cheese. A blue-cheese burger sounds good right about now.

7. Eat more ginger and onion.

Ginger and onion may be the hidden gems of these natural ways to increase testosterone. Ginger improves nitric oxide count and blood flow, which puts your body in the “mood.” In a University of Tikrik study, consuming ginger raised testosterone by 17%. Another study found that adding onion juice to rodent feed increased testosterone levels by almost 200%. There aren’t any studies of the effects of onions on human hormones, but with such significant effects in rodents, it’s worth adding to your diet.

8. Limit sugar intake.

Not feeling sexy after a big slice of cake? That may be more than just your belly talking. Sugar leads to higher insulin, and insulin leads to lower testosterone. The more you cut high-sugar items out of your diet, the higher your testosterone will be.

9. Limit alcohol intake.

Alcohol has been found to have a negative effect on testosterone levels as well as raising estrogen and cortisol levels. Drinking alcohol stimulates the transformation of testosterone into estrogen, which can further lower your bone density and libido. If you tend to drink heavily, this may be a hidden cause of your diminished sex drive. The hops in beer are highly estrogenic—so much so that it is being studied as a treatment for menopausal women. Limiting sugar and alcohol are natural ways to increase testosterone by making simple lifestyle changes that will also improve your overall health and quality of life.

10. Caffeinate.

Although a highly debated fact, one cup of coffee a day has been proven to have health benefits. As far as raising testosterone levels, coffee stimulates the nervous system by boosting cAMP levels, which leads to increased testosterone production. One of the most deliciously natural ways to increase testosterone is to drink a cup of coffee before you workout. Caffeine brings your exercise routine up a notch, so you get better effects from your high-intensity interval training—for the same amount of work!

11. Try intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting has been found to have a profound impact on testosterone levels in non-obese men. There are a number of approaches to intermittent fasting, but all include fasting for 24 hours or less as a sort of ‘metabolic reset”. I’ll detail the physiologic effects about this in another article, but for now, consider skipping breakfast as a fairly simple approach to intermittent fasting and a quick way to boost your T level.

12. Sleep.

Sleep gives your body time to produce testosterone and other hormones. A lack of sleep, on the other hand, produces cortisol—the arch nemesis of testosterone. There is a direct correlation between hours slept and testosterone changes, so get to bed!

13. Have sex.

Now that you’re in bed… Sex can help increase testosterone naturally!

Testosterone gives you a higher sex drive, but the reverse is true too. A higher sex drive also helps to boost your testosterone. Sex is one of the best natural ways to increase testosterone, with so many other added benefits:

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased immunity
  • Reduced stress and pain
  • Increased blood circulation
  • Better sleep
  • Improved fitness

So, if you boost your testosterone levels and sex drive, your vibrant sex life will, in turn, boost your testosterone, relieve stress, and reduce symptoms of low testosterone.

It’s a win-win-win cycle of natural ways to increase testosterone!

Natural and smart nutrition and lifestyle adjustments can drastically raise your testosterone levels and optimize your sexual health. With these 13 natural ways to increase testosterone, you are sure to find healthy solutions that enhance your sexual drive and enrich your well-being.

Want to take control of your testosterone FAST?

Sign up for a G1 Performance Health consult to regain your life, vitality, and vigor right now!

Can We Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk Through Lifestyle Change?

Cancer prevention is an important aspect of our daily lives. For men, the most prevalent cancer diagnosed is prostate cancer. Finding ways to prevent or reduce one’s risk of developing prostate cancer is a high priority.


The evidence is mounting that inflammation and oxidation play key roles in the development of prostate cancer. Research suggests that regular exercise may be one of the best natural antioxidants.

Exercise causes many changes in the body that help reduce circulating levels of reactive oxygen inflammation. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology evaluated the effects of exercise in prostate cancer patients. Men with at least 3 hours per week of vigorous activity had 49% reduced overall mortality and 61% reduced prostate cancer mortality compared. This was compared to men with less than 1 hour per week of vigorous activity.

A recent Swedish study supported these findings, concluding that both aerobic exercise and resistance training clearly improve overall and prostate cancer-specific survival.


A 2004 study from the NIH initially suggested frequent sexual activity might reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.

This was further supported by a recent review of 32,000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study who were followed for 18 years. Prostate cancer risk was 20% lower in men with more frequent sexual activity. According to the study lead author, Jennifer Rider, “Safe sexual activity could be good for prostate health.”

Medications – Proscar and Avodart

Proscar and Avodart are prescriptions that are used to “shrink” the prostate by lowering the number of male sex hormones. The drugs block the enzyme that changes testosterone into dihydrotestosterone(DHT), a much more potent hormone.

Higher than normal levels of DHT may also play a part in developing prostate cancer.

The Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT) studied whether finasteride (Proscar) reduced the incidence of prostate cancer. The trial found fewer prostate cancers in the men who took finasteride compared with the men who did not. However, the men who took finasteride and developed prostate cancer had more aggressive tumors. The number of deaths from prostate cancer was the same in both groups.

The Reduction by Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer Events Trial (REDUCE) studied whether the drug dutasteride (Avodart) reduced the risk of prostate cancer. This study again showed there were fewer prostate cancers in men who took dutasteride compared with the men who did not. Overall, the number of aggressive prostate cancers were not significantly reduced.


There has been tremendous interest in the effects cholesterol-reducing medications have on the development of prostate cancer. There have been at least 18 trials to date, several of which have found a reduced risk of cancer recurrence after both surgery and radiation therapy. This suggests that statins may slow the progression of prostate cancer.

Research is ongoing to determine if statins may actually reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.


Metformin is a prescription medication used primarily to manage diabetes. It is also known to have a protective effect on the progression of prostate cancer. A recent study of nearly 4,000 diabetic men found that those taking metformin, when diagnosed with prostate cancer, were less likely to die from cancer or other causes compared to men using other diabetes drugs.

Prior research focused on whether metformin might reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer has been negative. More studies are currently underway.


There has been extensive research looking at the relative effect of aspirin on the incidence of prostate cancer. While many of the studies demonstrated a protective effect, others did not. The jury is still out on aspirin.

Regardless of one’s diet or lifestyle, knowledge is one of the best ways to reduce prostate cancer risk. By staying informed on the latest research regarding prostate cancer prevention, men can make small changes that can lead to big improvements. Start today by signing up for a Male 90 X consult, a genetic-based report and private consultation that will give you the insight you need to achieve your maximum potential!